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    2、/1.5型液气分离器主要由底座、立柱支腿、分离器总成、配套管汇、1/2(025Mpa)压力表和A42Y-40安全阀等组成。液气分离器结构示意图 1进浆管2.分离罐3.支腿总成4.固定管 5.减压罐6.底座 7.安全阀五、技术参数5.1工作介质: 含气钻井液(含硫化氢100ppm)5.2最高工作压力: 1.5MPa5.3设计温度: 1005.4容积: 6.06m35.5液体最大日处理量: 8000m3/d5.6气体最大日处理量: 147000m3/d5.7外形尺寸(长宽高): 240024007285mm5.8重量: 5880Kg(不包括管汇重量)六、安装说明6.1液气分离器应固定在专用的底座或


    4、使用,严禁超压使用。安全阀应定期校验,每年至少一次。8.3液气分离器挡板应每口井检查一次,损坏时应及时更换。8.4严禁对分离器总成施焊。8.5当并联使用时,排液管和排气管要单设,切忌共用。九、安装简图Contents1. General Description62. Principle63. Features64. Structure65. Specifications76. Installation77. Operation88. Maintenance and Cautions 89. Photos8Manual for YQF-8000/1.5 Liquid-gas Separator

    5、1. General Description YQF-8000/1.5 liquid-gas separator is a special kind of equipment for primary degasification from gas-bearing drilling fluid in the process of drilling. 2. PrincipleThe gas-bearing drilling fluid from throttling manifold flows into decompression tank through incoming-stream man

    6、ifold of separator, then enters the separating tank through output pipe; The gas-bearing drilling fluid dashes on a series of baffles, it makes the bubbles in drilling fluid break up. And when the drilling fluid flows through the surface of baffles, it becomes turbulence to enable the gas separate f

    7、rom it. The bubbles are kept on the surface of baffles and inflate and break up.3. FeaturesYQF-8000/1.5 liquid-gas separator has following advantages: adjustable support height, easy installation and maintenance, little spare parts, reliable performance, high quality and cheap.4. StructureYQF-8000/1

    8、.5 liquid-gas separator mainly consists of base, stand type adjustable supporting, separator assembly, accessory pipe manifold, 1/2(025Mpa) pressure meter and A42Y-40 safety valve.Skeleton layout for Liquid-gas Separator 1.inlet pipe 2.separating tank 3.outrigger assembly 4.fixed tube 5. decompressi

    9、on tank 6. base 7. safety valve5. Specifications5.1 Working medium:gas-bearing drilling fluid(Content of H2S100ppm)5.2 Maximum working pressure: 1.5Mpa5.3 Designed temperature:5.4 Volume: 6.06 m35.5 Max. fluid processing capacity per day:8000 m3/d5.6 Max. gas processing capacity per day:147000 m3/d5

    10、.7 Overall dimensions:7285(mm) (LWH)5.8 Weight: 5880kg(not including weight of pipe manifold)6. Installation 6.1 Install and fix separator on the special base or hard and horizontal ground. To keep it stable, tighten it by ropes whose ends are inserted into ground.6.2 In order to reduce the friction

    11、al resistance the min. internal diameter of exhaust manifold should be no less than 200mm.6.3 Fixation is necessary while install pipe manifold. Connection of pipes should strictly accord with the installation drawings. 7. Operation 7.1 Operate and manage the separator according to Safely operating

    12、instruction of pressure container.7.2 Observe the pressure indication of the pressure meter when the separator works. When the pressure in the separating tank is higher than 1.55Mpa, the safety valve will open automatically to discharge air and decompress.7.3 Every time after the separator is used,

    13、close the valve between incoming-stream pipe and throttling manifold, and open the drain valve to let the rest mud out.8.Maintenance and Cautions8.1 Open the screw plug for sand discharge in the manifold side to remove sand when the mud discharge manifold is blocked.8.2 The separator assembly is pre

    14、ssure container, so it must be used in designed working pressure and surroundings. Overpressure work is forbidden. The safety valve should be checked at least once a year.8.3 The baffle should be checked after a well has been completed. Replace it if there is something wrong.8.4 Welding on the separator assembly is forbidden.8.5 The exhaust pipe and liquid discharge pipe should be arranged separately when the separator is paralleled. Uniting the pipes is forbidden.9.Photos


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