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    1、22. style 样式;款式23. project 项目;工程24. website 网站25. list 列表;名单26. nearly 几乎;差不多27. ruler 统治者28. boil 煮沸29. remain 保持不变;剩余30. national 国家的;民族的31. fridge 冰箱32. low 低的;矮的33. earthquae 地震34. instrument 器械;仪器35. sour 酸的36. customer 顾客词汇拓展1. glass(n.) glasses (pl.)眼镜2. leaf(n.) leaves (pl.)叶;叶子3. produce(v.

    2、) product (n.)产品; production (n.)生产;制造;出产4. wide(adj.) widely (adv.)广泛地;普遍地5. France(n.) French (n. & adj.)法国人,法语;法国的,法国人的,法语的6. German(n. & adj.) Germany (n.)德国7. postman(n.) postmen (pl.)邮递员8. nation(n.) national (adj.)国家的; international (adj.)国际的9. live(v.) alive (adj.)活着的;在世的 lively (adj.)生机勃勃的;

    3、(色彩)鲜艳的10. complete(v. & adj.) completely (adv.)完全地;完整地11. please(v.) pleased (adj.)高兴的 pleasure (n.)高兴;愉快12. day(n.) daily (adj.)每日的;日常的13. rule(v.) ruler (n.)统治者;支配者14. smell(v. & n.) smelled/smelt (过去式) smelled/smelt (过去分词)发出气味;闻到15. translate(v.) translation (n.)翻译 translator (n.)翻译员16. sudden(a

    4、dj.) suddenly (adv.)突然(地)17. music(n.) musical (adj.)音乐的;有音乐天赋的 musician (n.)音乐家18. custom(n.) customer (n.)顾客;客户19. Canada(n.) Canadian (adj.)加拿大的;加拿大人的20. hero(n.) heroes (pl.)英雄;男主角21. ring(v.) rang (过去式) rung (过去分词)(使)发出钟声或铃声;打电话中考词组短语词 组1. be nown for. 以闻名2. no matter无论3. by accident偶然;意外地4. ta

    5、e place发生5. without doubt毫无疑问6. all of a sudden突然7. by mistae错误地8. divide.into.把分成9. loo up to钦佩10. be made of/from. 由制成11. be famous for. 因著名12. be piced by hand由手工采摘13. be sent for processing被送去加工14. be made in在某地制造15. avoid doing. 避免做16. be good at maing everyday things擅长制造日用品17. be painted with.

    6、 绘有18. be turned into objects of beauty被转变成美丽的物品19. in trouble处于麻烦中20. be cut with scissors用剪刀剪21. be carefully shaped by hand被小心翼翼地用手工加工成形22. be fired at a very high heat被高温烧制23. at midnight在午夜24. in our daily lives在我们的日常生活中25. over an open fire在篝火上26. fall into the water掉进水里27. a few thousand year

    7、s later几千年之后28. during the 6th and 7th centuries在第6和第7世纪期间29. in less than 100 years在不到100年的时间里30. spread the popularity of tea to. 把茶普及到31. be sold at a low price低价销售32. translate.into. 把翻译成33. be enjoyed by sb. for fun and eercise被某人作为娱乐和锻炼而喜欢34. on a hard floor在坚硬的地板上35. stop.from. 阻止做36. come up

    8、 with the idea想出这个主意中考句型回顾书面表达素材1. 物品的材质、产地和用途等The shirts are made of cotton. 这些衬衫是棉质的。He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.他发现了一件有趣的事,在当地的商店里,很多的商品是中国制造的。It is used for scooping really cold ice-cream.它被用舀相当冷的冰淇淋。2. 发明Potato chips were invented by mista

    9、e . 炸薯条是无意中被发明的。The ipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson in 1893. 拉链是由Whitcomb Judson在1893年发明的。3. 文化风俗 Its said that a Chinese ruler called/named Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drin. 据说一个名叫神农的中国统治者是第一个发现茶这种饮料的。 According to Chinese history, sy lanterns were first used by huge ongming.

    10、根据中国的历史,孔明灯首先是被诸葛孔明使用的。They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes .他们被看作是幸福和美好祝福的光明的象征。 Even though many people now now about tea culture, the Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.尽管现在很多人了解茶文化,但中国人无疑是最懂茶性的人。 For eample , Ani and Hanghou are widel

    11、y nown for their tea.例如,安溪和杭州都是因它们的茶而广为人知。语法精萃 As far as I now , tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains.据我所知,茶树被种在山的周围。Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.每个中国不同的区域都有它特殊的传统艺术形式。During the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbo

    12、ls of wishes for good luc and a happy new year.春节期间,它们(剪纸)被贴在窗户、门以及墙上,象征好运、新年快乐。情景交际They are made of bamboo and covered with paper. 它们是由竹子制造的,并用纸覆盖着。(一般现在时的被动语态)But at that time, it wasnt used widely. 但是在那时它没有被广泛地使用。(一般过去时的被动语态)课堂突破中考重点单词与短语一、produce的用法【例句展示】1. The plant produced a terrible smell.这株

    13、植物散发出难闻的气味。2. The factory produces mobile phones.这家工厂生产手机。【精讲辨析】由例句1、2可知,produce是及物动词,意为“生产;产生”。它有名词形式product,意为“产品”。【活学活用】根据汉语意思翻译句子。1. 那家工厂每个月生产多少玩具?How many toys_ in that factory every month?2. 这混合物散发出令人愉快的气味。The miture_ a pleasant smell.二、no matter的用法1. No matter what you may buy, you might thin

    14、 those products were made in those countries.无论你买什么,你可能会认为那些产品是在那些国家制造的。2. No matter what you say, I wont believe you.无论你说什么,我都不会相信你。3. No matter who you are, you must obey the rules.无论你是谁,都必须遵守规则。4. No matter where you go, you should remember your home.=Wherever you go, you should remember your hom

    15、e.无论你去哪儿,你都应该记得你的家。1. no matter意为“无论;不论”。与what, who, when, where, which, how等疑问词连用,引导让步状语从句。状语从句的位置可放在主句前或主句后。在这样的让步状语从句中,常用一般现在时代替一般将时,用一般过去时代替过去将时。2. 引导让步状语从句时,“no matter+疑问词”结构相当于“疑问词+ever”。如:no matter how=however no matter what=whateverno matter when=wheneverno matter where=wherever用适当的词填空。1. Yo

    16、u can go to Singapore_you liespring, summer, autumn or winter.2. My dog always follows me_ I go.三、postman的用法1. The postman brings letters and postcards to peoples homes.邮递员把信和明信片带到人们的家里。2. The postman has brought a parcel for you.邮递员给你带了一个包裹。1. postman是可数名词,意为“邮递员”,其复数形式为postmen。2. 以-man结尾的名词,变复数形式时

    17、把-man变为-men的词还有:woman(女人)womenpoliceman(男警察)policemenpolicewoman(女警察)policewomenFrenchman(法国人)FrenchmenEnglishman(英国人)Englishmenbusinessman(商人)businessmen3. 以-man结尾,其复数形式在-man后加-s的词有:human(人;人类)humansGerman(德国人)Germans用所给词的适当形式填空。1. They want to be_(postman) when they grow up.2._(German) are from Ge

    18、rmany.四、divide的用法1. He divided the cae among the children. 他把这个蛋糕分给了孩子们。2. Lets divide ourselves into several groups.让我们分成几个小组吧。3. The students in our class are divided into eight groups.我们班的学生被分成了8个小组。divide是及物动词,意为“分开;分割”。divide.into.与separate.into.同义,意为“把分成”,此短语可用于被动语态,即be divided into,意为“被分为”。用适

    19、当的短语填空。A year has four seasons and it_ twelve different star signs.中考重点句型一、It is believed that. 人们认为1. It is believed that tea was brought to orea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.人们认为在第6世纪和第7世纪期间,茶被带到了韩国和日本。2. It is believed that it is well worth seeing. 人们认为它是很值得看的。3. It is said that the

    20、y have won the game. 据说他们赢得了那场比赛。【归纳提高】It is believed that.相当于People believe that.,意为“人们认为”,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。类似的句型还有:It is said that.据说;It is reported that.据报道;It is nown that.众所周知;It is supposed/thought that.人们认为。It_ (report) that the hae(雾霾) in Beijing caused many problems last wee.二、sth.

    21、 be used for doing. 某物被用做Its used for scooping really cold ice-cream.它是被用舀相当冷的冰淇淋的。1. be used for doing sth. 表示“被用做某事”,可与be used to do sth. 进行转换。2. be used还可与介词by连用,表示“被使用”,介词by后接动作的执行者。Bies are used by most people in China.自行车在中国被大部分人所使用。3. be used还可与as连用,表示“作为被使用”,as表示主语的性质。English is used as the

    22、first language in England.英语在英国被作为第一语言使用。1. 灯泡被用在黑暗中照明。Light bulbs_ in the dar.2. 竹子能被用造纸。Bamboo(竹子) can_ mae paper.三、am/is/are+done被1. This nife is made of wood and metal.这把刀是由木头和金属制造的。2. Bananas are produced in Hainan. 香蕉在海南种植。3. I am taen care of by my uncle. 我由我的叔叔照顾。一般现在时的被动语态的构成:在一般现在时态的句子中,被动

    23、语态由“be(am, is, are)+及物动词的过去分词”构成。be动词随人称、数的变化而改变。1. This ind of bie_(mae) in Suhou.2._ tea plants_(grow) in Hanghou?3. Now computers_(use) all over the world.四、was/were+done过去被1. The des was made by my father.这张桌子是我爸爸做的。2. They were invented by Julie Thompson.它们是由朱莉汤普森发明的。一般过去时的被动语态的构成:was/were+及物动词

    24、的过去分词。用所给词或短语的适当形式填空。1. Frog, Mo Yans latest novel, please!Sorry, it_ (sell out) just now. But we will have it soon.2. On June 11th, 2013, Shenhou-10 carrying three astronauts_ (send up) into space from the space center in Jiuquan. All the Chinese people are proud of its successful launch.3. Do you

    25、now when the first train_(produce) in China?4. Have you heard about that car accident near the school?Yes, lucily, no one_ (hurt).中考词语辨析一、invent与discover1. I thin the calculator was invented before the computer.我认为计算器是在计算机之前被发明的。2. Tea was discovered by Shen Nong.茶是由神农发现的。【辨异突破】invent是及物动词,意为“发明(前所未

    26、有的东西)”,名词形式有:invention发明物;inventor发明家。与discover的区别在于:invent指经过认识和实践创造出前所未有的事物;discover意为“发现”,指发现原已经存在的事物(只是以前人们没有发现)。Who discovered America?谁发现了美洲?1. 这种电池供电的拖鞋是由两个人发明的。The battery-operated slippers_two people.2. 后他发现他儿子其实很聪明。Later he_that his son was very clever in fact.3. 他总能发明新游戏逗孩子们开心。He can alwa

    27、ys_ new games to cheer ids up.二、be made of与be made from1. Paper is made from wood.纸是由木头制造的。2. The des is made of wood.这桌子是由木头做的。be made作为被动语态的结构,它有多个词组搭配,且意义都不相同。be made of意为“由制成”,材料是很明显看得出的;be made from也意为“由制成”,但其材料不能从表面看出。还有be made in意为“在(地方)制造”;be made up of意为“由组成”;be made into意为“被做成”;be made by则是“由制造”之意。用适当的介词填空。1. Our class is made_ 20 girls and 22 boys.2. The bags made_ plastic are bad for our environment. Dont use them anymore.3. This ind of wa


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