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    版初中英语语法15 状语和状语从句.docx

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    版初中英语语法15 状语和状语从句.docx

    1、版初中英语语法15 状语和状语从句 第15章 状语从句I. 状语1. 状语除了在基本句型(主语+不及物动词vi.+状语)和(主语+vt.+宾语sth./sb.+状语)结构中卫句子的主要成分外,在句子中均是一种修饰成分,可以修饰动词,或整个句子。2. 状语通常由副词、介词不定式和分词等表示,形容词和名词词组有时也可作状语。当用一个句子作状语时,这个句子即为状语从句。3. 如果句子同时又几个状语修饰,方式状语在前,其次是地点状语,时间状语放在最后。专项训练1. 从方框内选出单词,用其适当形式填空,没词限用一次。far hard real serious complete good slow exc

    2、ite ordinary import1. He is _ a good student.2. The girl runs _ in her class.3. Several workers were _ injured in the accident.4. The tiger could _ breathe with the snake around.5. _, of course, we could telephone first.6. She behaves _ in her class.7. My brother travels _ than I.8. In the north of

    3、the country, it is _ freezing.9. When we heard our football team won the match, we all jumped _.10. Most _, the teacher should make the meaning of the article clear to the students.【答案】1. really 2. the most slowly 3. seriously 4. hardly 5. Ordinarily 6. best 7. farther 8. completely 9. excitedly 10.

    4、 importantly. 按要求改写句子,每空限填一词。1. My father gets up at six every morning. (对划线部分提问)_ _does your father get up every morning?2. Heilongjiang is located in the north of China. (对划线部分提问)_ is Heilongjiang _?3. You may keep the magazine for two more days. (对划线部分提问)_ _ may I keep the magazine.4. The car tur

    5、ned right. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the car turn?5. The postage for the parcel cost seventy yuan.(对划线部分提问)_ _ did the postage for the parcel cost?6. They organize the film festivals once a year. (对划线部分提问)_ _ do they organize the film festival?7. I weigh 56 kilos. (对划线部分提问)_ _ do you weigh?8. After the holiday,

    6、we returned fresh and strong.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you return after the holiday?9. They ran all the way to catch the last bus. (对划线部分提问)_ _ they run all the way?10. Carbon dioxide is produced by burning fuels. (对划线部分提问)_ _ carbon dioxide produced?【答案】1. What time 2. Where, located 3. How long 4. Where, did 5

    7、. How much 6. How often 7. How much 8. How did 9. Why did 10. How isII. 时间状语和时间状语从句1. 时间状语通常由副词、介词短语和分词表示,也用状语从句表示。2. 时间状语从句可由连词when,as,while,before,after,until,till,since,as soon as,by the time等引导。叙述两件事情同时进行时,多用while表示。表示事态及状况的变化和进展时,则用as表示。3. 状语从句的时态必须与主句保持一致,如果带有时间状语从句的复合句的主句为一般将来时,时间状语从句用一般现在时。专

    8、项训练2. 用所给动词的适当时态填空。1. Please call me as soon as he_ (finish) his work.2. I_ (not understand) the problem until the teacher explained it.3. Mike_ (write) a report when I telephoned him yesterday.4. We_ (be) good friends since we met at school.5. When she comes next time, I_ (tell) her everything.6. B

    9、efore the film began, all the tickets _(sell) out7. As soon as he got home, he _(drink) a glass of cold water.8. The shop assistant was arguing with the customer when I _(go) into the food section.9. The criminal_(capture)when he tried to escape from the city.10. By the time he graduated from colleg

    10、e, he_ (become) a Party member.【答案】1. finishes 2. didnt understand 3. was writing 4. has been 5. will tell 6. were sold ( had been sold) 7. drank 8. went 9. was captured 10. had become. 按要求改写句子,每空限填一词。1. He came here two minutes late. (对划线部分提问)_ _ did he come here?2. My mother returned home a moment

    11、 ago.(保持句意不变) My mother returned home _ _.3. Dr Bethune stayed in the hospital after the work was over. (保持原句意思) Dr Bethune didnt _ the hospital _ the work was over.4. The students go home after school. (保持原句意思)The students go home after _ _.5. We got tired after we walked a long way. (保持原句意思)We got

    12、 tired _ _ a long way.6. Jane didnt go to bed until eleven o clock. (保持原句意思)Jane didnt go to bed until _ _ eleven oclock.7. Water turns into steam when the temperature gets to 1000C . (保持原句意思)Water _ turn into steam _ the temperature gets 1000C.8. Alice began to play the piano when she was four.(保持句

    13、意不变)Alice began to play the piano _ _ _ of four.9. As a girl, she could swim across the Huangpu River._ she was a girl, she _ _ _ swim across the Huangpu River.10. When she was going home, a lovely cat caught his eye._ _ _ home,he _ a lovely cat.【答案】1. How late 2. just now 3. leave, until 4. is over

    14、 5. after walking 6. it was 7. doesnt, until 8. at the age 9. when, was able to 10. On his way, saw ( noticed )III. 地点状语和地点状语从句1. 地点状语通常由副词和介词短语表示,也用状语从句表示。2. 地点状语从句通常由连词where引导。IV. 方式状语和方式状语从句1. 方式状语通常由副词和介词短语表示,有时用名词词组表示,也用状语从句表示。2. 方式状语从句通常由连词as,as if,as though引导。专项训练3按要求改写句子,每空限填一词。1. We put a d

    15、esk on the platform.(对划线部分提问) _ _ you put a desk?2. The fire spread quickly through the forest.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the fire spread quickly?3. Her sweater was knitted by hand.(对划线部分提问)_ _ her sweater knitted?4. When there is a typhoon , the wind blows fiercely._ _ the wind blow when there is a typhoon?5. Wh

    16、ere there is plenty of sun and rain, the fields are green.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the fields are green?6. Its cheap and convenient to take the underground. (保持原句意思)Its cheap and convenient to go _ _.7. Miss Li likes to use electricity cook. (保持原句意思)Miss Li likes to cook _ _.8. Please do exactly as your teacher

    17、 has told you.(保持原句意思)Please do exactly _ what your teacher has told you.9. The family lived happily. (保持原句意思)The family lived _.10. With those words, he stood up and went away.(保持原句意思)_ _ words, he _ and _.【答案】1. Where did 2. Where did 3. How was 4. How does5. Where are 6.by underground 7.with elec

    18、tricity 8.according to9.in happiness 10.after he said, rose, leftV. 目的状语和目的状语从句1. 目的状语通常由介词短语和不定式表示,也用状语从句表示。2. 目的状语从句通常由连词so,in order that引导。专项训练41. Were working hard to make our country stronger and richer. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you working hard?2. The soldiers fought bravely for the country. (对划线部分提问)_ di

    19、d the soldiers fight bravely _?3. She has bought the book to follow the TV lessons. (对划线部分提问)_ has she bought the book to _?4. We use electricity to run machines in factories. (保持原句意思)We use electricity _ _ machines in factories.5. He worked all night so that he could finish the job in time. (保持原句意思

    20、)He worked all night _ _ to finish the job in time. 6. People must stop cutting down trees in order to protect the environment.(保持原句意思)People must stop cutting down trees _ _to protect the environment.7. People mustnt kill animals so as to keep the balance of nature.(保持原句意思)People mustnt kill animal

    21、s _ _ to keep the balance of nature.People mustnt kill animals _ _ they can keep the balance of nature.8. The travellers were hurrying. The would not miss the train. (合并为一句) The travellers were hurrying _ _ they _ miss the train.9. Some businesses refuse to buy products from the rain forest. They ma

    22、y not destroy it.(合并为一句)Some businesses refuse to buy products from the rain forest _ _destroy it.10. Jack renewed all his books. He could use them for another two weeks.(合并为一句)Jack renewed all his books_ _ that he could use them for another two weeks.【答案】1. Why are 2. What, for 3. What, do 4. for r

    23、unning5. in order(so as) 6. so as 7. in order, so that 8. so that, wouldntVi. 结果状语和结果状语从句专项训练5按要求改句子,每空限填一词。1. There are many postcards. I dont know which to choose. (合并为一句)There are _ many postcards_ I dont know which to choose.2. The sportsman is so strong that he ma may control his sailing-boat o

    24、n the sea. (保持原句意思)The sportsman is so strong _ _ control his sailing-boat on the sea.3. She got so little money that she could not spend it.(保持原句意思)She got _ little money_ spend it.4. It is so cold in winter that people can hardly stand outside. (保持原句意思)It is too cold in winter _ _ to stand outside

    25、. 5. The girl is clever enough to memorize all these new words quickly.(保持原句意思)The girl is _ clever _ she can memorize all these new words quickly.6. The child is too young to understand danger. (保持原句意思)The child is so young that _ _understand danger.7. The stone is too heavy for him to carry. (保持原句

    26、意思)The stone is _ heavy that he cant carry _ .8. The gate was so narrow for the car to pass.(保持原句意思)The gate wasnt _ _ for the car to pass.9. She is so nice a girl that the teacher often praises her. (保持原句意思)She is _ a nice girl that she_often by the teacher. 10. It was so dark that we could see not

    27、hing. (保持原句意思)It wasnt _ _ for _ to see _. 【答案】1.so, that 2.enough to 3.too, to 4.for people5.so, that 6.he(she) cannot 7.so, it 8.wide enough9.such, is, praised 10.light enough, us, anythingVII. 原因状语和原因状语从句1. 原因状语通常由介词短语、动词不定式和分词表示,也用状语从句表示。2. 原因状语从句通常由连词because,as,since,now that等引导。期中because语势最强,as次之,since又次之。专项训练6按要求改句子,每空限填一词。1. As I had a cold, I was absent from school. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you absent from school?2. I didnt go out for a walk because it was wet. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you go out for a walk?3. Li Ping has a bad cold. He has to stay in bed and dri


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