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    1、高考之动词及动词短语词义辨析2012高考之动词及动词短语词义辨析(全国卷)27. Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can almost every word her teacher says. A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together(全国卷)35. If she doesnt want to go, nothing you can say will her.A. persuade B. promise C. invite D. support(全国卷2) We _

    2、to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day. A. set about B. set up C. set out D. set down(江苏卷)26. OK, Ive had enough of it. I give up. You cant _your responsibilities. A. run off with B. run up against C. run out of D. run away from(浙江卷)12. According to scientists, our mental

    3、 abilities begin to _ from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22. A. differ B. shrink C. fail D. decline (浙江卷)15. Armed with the information you have gathered , you can _ preparing your business plan. A. set out B. set about C.set off D. set up (福建卷)29.You had better _some time every

    4、day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic. A. set aside B. take up C. put away D. give out(安徽卷)28. The athletes years of hard training when she finally won the Olympic gold medal. A. went on B. got through C. paid of f D. ended up (天津卷)13. Parents and children should communicate more to

    5、 _the gap between them so that they can understand each other better. A. open B. narrow C. widen D. leave(辽宁卷)26. Rod loves clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again. A. taking apart B. giving away C. making up D. turning off(陕西卷)19. He had to pause from time to time to wipe the s

    6、weat from his forehead, because the air-conditioning system _. A. broke in B. broke up C. broke out D. broke down(江西卷)24Ive_ the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school. Acome into Bgone into Cgot into Drun into(江西卷)30We were all agreed that the cottage would _a perfect hol

    7、iday home for the family. Amake Bturn Ctake Dhave(湖北卷)21. Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to _ our schools campaign “Help the Needy”, which was started by our former headmaster three years ago. A. sponsor B. launch C. organize D. plan(湖北卷)22. Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot

    8、 of suggestions and comments on my paper and _ every page of my draft. A. approved B. quoted C. polished D. folded(湖北卷)23. Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to _ his courage. A. hold up B. keep up C. set up D. take up(湖北卷)24. Im so glad youve come here to _ this matter in person. A. lead t

    9、o B. see to C. turn to D. refer to(四川卷)20. Its surprising that your brother _ Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there very long. A. picked up B. looked up C. put up D. made up 51. Did you enjoy the book? Yes, it was so interesting that I wouldnt _ it. A. get rid of B. break away from C. keep away fro

    10、m D. tear myself away from 52. It took years of planning and saving, and their seagoing vacation _ at last. A. turned out B. came true C. turned up D. came up53. Are you ready to leave? Almost. Ill be ready to go just as soon as I _ my work. A. get through B. give up C. carry out D. set about54. Mr

    11、Green was obviously _ by her words and glared at her for a few seconds. A. put out B. worn out C. brought down D. pointed to 55. “Mummy, there is a woman at the door insisting on selling us some cocks. Will you please come and _ her?” said Sally. A. play with B. care for C. deal with D. call on56. H

    12、ow I wish I could _ my ideas in simple and wonderful English when chatting on the Internet! A. set off B. set out C. set over D. set up57. After playing for a while, the children were made to _ all the toys they had taken out. A. put off B. put away C. put down D. put up58. How did it _ that all the

    13、 flowers died? I had forgotten to water them. A. come about B. come back C. come down D. come to59. It took them a long time to _ the disappointment of losing the match. A. get down B. get over C. get through D. get in 60. _ my way. Im in a hurry. A. Get back from B. Get off C. Get out of D. Get awa

    14、y61. Under good treatment, Linda is beginning to _ and will soon recover. A. pick up B. wake up C. grow up D. show up62. If you have no idea how to pronounce the word correctly, you may _ the dictionary. A. refer to B. deal with C. bring about D. look up63. When he realized the police had seen him,

    15、the thief _ the exit as quickly as possible. A. made off B. made for C. made out D. made up64. Jack, _ the traffic as you cross the road. I will, mum. A. look after B. take care of C. see about D. get down to 65. Im _ too much weight, doctor. I think you ought to go on a diet. A. getting on B. putti

    16、ng on C. carrying on D. living on66. If you go on doing that kind of foolish thing, you will _ in prison. A. bring up B. end up C. show up D. take up67. The boss _ 40 from my salary without any good reason, which made me very angry. A. brought down B. cut off C. kept back D. held up68. Look at this

    17、mobile phone. Its a new type. It looks nice. Can I _ it _ and see whether it works well? A. try; out B. work; out C. carry; out D. turn; out69. Not getting that job was a big disappointment. Dont worry. Something better will _. A. come along B. take on C. go by D. fall behind70. How is Dennis gettin

    18、g along with his work? Well, he can always _ a new idea for increasing sales. A. come up with B. come about C. get away with D. get up 71. The number of people killed on the highways during holidays _ hunderds. A. runs at B. runs into C. knocks off D. knocks into72. Have you finished your homework y

    19、et? Not yet, I _ to do it just a few minutes ago. A. got down B. set out C. set about D. got on73. Why not go to the International Womens Forum this evening? Thats great. Ill _ you at 6:00 sharp. A. call up B. call for C. call on D. call away74. To everybodys surprise, the fashionable young lady _ t

    20、o be a thief. A. found out B. proved out C. put out D. turned out75. The nurse treated the naughty boy very kindly, but her patience _ at last. A. gave out B. used up C. got away D. set off76. Your brother is very careful and honest. I agree. What he has just done _ itself. A. speaks of B. thinks of

    21、 C. speaks for D. thinks for77. The government has done everything it can to _ farm prices at their present level. A. keep up B. take up C. stay up D. bring up78. I applied for the job, but they _ me because I didnt know English. A. turned down B. turned over C. turned off D. turned around79. Sam lo

    22、oks unhappy. Yes. He always _ our success. A. cheers B. envies C. admires D. stops80. I would like everyone to hand in their homework tomorrow. Are you going to _ it or is this just for practice? A. level B. grade C. judge D. divide81. You were _ at the meeting, but to our disappointment, you didnt

    23、turn up. A. hoped B. wanted C. invited D. expected 82. She was trying to make a final statement, but people kept _ her speech by shouting. A. taking out B. putting off C. giving up D. getting along83. The teacher told the boys to _ all the waste paper lying about after the picnic and burn it. A. get

    24、 B. take C. bring D. collect84. Bob, quickly get this film _. I want to know if this camera works well. A. washed B. developed C. printed D. shown85. Can you _ for dinner, or must you go? A. leave B. stay C. go D. get86. One must learn to _ all his knowledge with the whole scientific world. A. spare

    25、 B. give C. share D. devote87. I cant _ whats happened to the fish. They were fresh last night. A. carry out B. figure out C. pick out D. put out88. The cost of the hotel room doesnt usually _ that of breakfast. A. hold B. contain C. share D. include89. On the long journey, Tom _ a most interesting

    26、guide. We all had a good time. A. practised B. behaved C. proved D. conducted90. If Michael keeps practising football, he _ to be a famous player. A. promises B. wants C. hopes D. wishes91. In Disneyland every year, some 800,000 plants are replaced because Disney refuses to _ signs asking his “guest

    27、s” not to step on them. A. send up B. set up C. put up D. show off92. The open university was started in order to help those who _ having a university education when they were young. A. stopped B. failed C. passed D. missed93. The cooker is _ a terrible smell. I dont know what to do. A. letting out

    28、B. giving off C. using up D. running up94. Since the operation, the player has taken more exercise to _ his strength. A. rise B. improve C. increase D. raise95. The storm slowly died down with the golden waves _ the shore in peace. A. striking B. hitting C. beating D. knocking 96. What do you think

    29、of the conference? As far as I am concerned, that conference _ successfully last night. A. went in B. went down C. went off D. went up97. I have never seen he was so angry. He just let his anger _. A. carry him out B. carry him through C. carry him away D. carry him forward98. I couldnt find my wallet for ages, but then one day it _ in a jacket pocket. A. got up B. turned up C. came up D. found out99. Would you _ to come and have something with me? Yes, Id like to. A. notice B. mind C. care D. pay100. He was so kind that he was a


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