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    学年高中英语外研版选修七教学案Module 2.docx

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    学年高中英语外研版选修七教学案Module 2.docx

    1、学年高中英语外研版选修七教学案Module 2Section_Other_Parts_of_the_Module原文呈现读文清障Afterschool ActivitiesIn America, the development of social skills is considered as important as the development of intellectual skills. To help students develop these social skills, schools offer a large number of afterschool activitie

    2、s, in other words, activities that take place outside classroom lessons. When deciding which students to accept, employers and colleges look for students who have skills in several areas. Exam grades are very important, but so are the afterschool activities. By taking part inthese activities, studen

    3、ts show their special talents, their ability to lead, and their ability to get on with others.afterschool/ftskul/adj.校外的,课外的activity/ktIvti/n.活动social skills社交能力consider/knsId/v.认为动词不定式短语to help . 作目的状语。develop/dIvelp/v.发展;培养a number of大量的in other words换句话说that引导的定语从句修饰activities。When deciding是“连词现在

    4、分词”结构。whichn.to do作deciding的宾语。who 引导定语从句,修饰students。此为倒装句,其构成是“sobe/do/have主语”。by doing .表方式。take part in参加talent n才能ability/bIlti/n.能力;本领;技能get on/along with与相处;某事进展课外活动第1段译文在美国,社交能力的培养被看作和智力技能的培养同等重要。为了帮助学生发展这些社交技能,学校安排大量的课外活动,换句话说就是在教室里上完课后进行的活动。当决定接纳哪些学生时,老板和大学都寻找那些在多个领域有技能的学生。分数固然重要,课外活动也不容忽视。

    5、通过参加这些活动,学生们展示自己的特殊才能、领导能力和与他人的相处的能力。Competitive sports, for example, baseball, are probably the most popular of all the afterschool activities. This is because, for many American parents, it is important that their children , particularly boys, learn how to compete successfully. Young people are en

    6、couraged to take part in team sports such as football and basketball, since these games teach you to have the “winning spirit” . For some students and their parents, high school sport is considered more important than academic achievements.During the long summer holidays, it is a custom for American

    7、 children to spend several weeks at summer camps. There are thousands of camps, and they can be found all over the country. What these camps offer is an opportunity to take part in many different kinds of outdoor activities, for example, horse riding and water skiing. Older teenagers are more likely

    8、 to get summer jobs or go camping with a group of friends. Many go backpacking in the mountains of the petitive sports 竞技体育运动This is because .这是因为,because引导表语从句。it is important that . 是重要的,that引导主语从句。particularly adv.尤其(in particular)learn how to do学会怎样做compete v竞争;对抗encourage v鼓励encourage sb. to do

    9、 sth.鼓励某人做某事teach sb. to do教某人做since these games .是原因状语从句。academic adj.学术的it is a custom for sb. to do .对某人来说,做是一种习惯。all over the country整个国家offer v提供an opportunity to do做的机会outdoor/atd/adj.户外的;用于户外的water skiing滑水运动,水橇运动be likely to do .有可能做第23段译文竞技体育运动,比如棒球,可能是所有课外活动中最受欢迎的。这是因为,对许多美国父母来说,他们的孩子,尤其是男

    10、孩,学习如何成功地竞争是很重要的。年轻人被鼓励参与团队性的体育运动,比如足球和篮球,因为这些运动教你拥有“胜利精神”。对一些学生和他们的父母来说,高中体育运动比学业成绩更重要。在漫长的暑假期间,在夏令营度过几个星期已成为美国孩子的习惯。有数千个营地,在全国的各个地方都能找到。这些野营提供的是参加各种不同的户外活动的机会,例如骑马和滑水运动。年龄稍大的青少年更有可能找到暑期工作或者和一帮朋友去野营。许多人到西部山区背包旅行。Step 1True (T) or False (F). (Passage on P25)1The schooldays are the happiest time for

    11、the author._F_2The author slept in the dormitory with five lovely boys together in the “big school”_T_3One of the regulations of the school is that every student must be punctual for classes._T_4All the boys of the school must attend morning assembly every weekday._F_5The writers parents wrote to hi

    12、m once a week._F_Step 2Fill in the chart with the information in the passage.(Passage on P27)1.CheerleaderA member of a team that dances and does 2.gymnastics before and during competitive games to encourage crowds to cheer their sports teams.The history of 3.cheerleadingIn the 1920s5.Pompoms began

    13、to play an important part in cheerleading.4.By_the1950sMost American high schools had cheerleading 6.squads.In 1978The National Cheerleading Championships were shown on television. Universities began offering 7.courses in cheerleading.How do Americans feel about cheerleading?Many Americans 8.see_it

    14、as rather a stupid activity. Cheerleaders need a lot of training to do the dance and gym 9.routines. Cheerleading is so important in America 10.that several movies have been made about it.一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.keenadj.渴望的;热切的;热心的2.issuen. 问题3.afterschooladj. 校外的,课外的4.outdooradj. 户外的;用于户外的5.recit

    15、ev. 背诵,朗诵6.wornadj. (物品)陈旧的,损坏的7.punctualadj. 准时的,守时的8.weekdayn. 工作日,周日9.upsetv. 使(某人)心烦意乱,使心情不好10.certificaten. (毕业)文凭,成绩合格证书11.scholarshipn. 奖学金12.coursen. 课程.拓展词汇1.attractv吸引attraction n吸引;吸引力;有吸引力的人或物attractive adj.有吸引力的,引起注意的2.considerv认为;考虑consideration n体谅;考虑considerate adj.关切的;体贴的considerabl

    16、e adj.相当多的;值得考虑的considering prep.考虑到;鉴于3.developv发展;培养development n发展;进步developing adj.发展中的developed adj.发达的4.traditionn传统traditional adj.传统的5.woollenadj.羊毛制的;毛料的wool n羊毛6.innocentadj.天真无邪的;阅世不深的innocence n清白;无罪7.decorationn装饰物decorate v装饰decorative adj.装饰性的8.cheerv欢呼;喝彩;加油cheerful adj.欢快的9.activity

    17、n活动act v行动active adj.积极的,活跃的10.abilityn能力;本领;技能able adj.有能力的disability n残疾,无能力1. keen adj.渴望的;热切的;热心的联想anxious adj.焦急的ager adj. 渴望的,热切的2.outdoor adj.户外的;用于户外的反义indoor adj. 室内的联想outdoors adv.户外地3.worn adj.(物品)陈旧的,损坏的联想worn out磨破,疲乏4.certificate n(毕业)文凭,成绩合格证书搭配graduation certificate 毕业证书5. scholarshi

    18、p n奖学金词块apply for a scholarship 申请奖学金award a scholarship 授予奖学金win a scholarship 获得奖学金联想ship后缀名词知多少relationship 关系friendship 友谊scholarship 奖学金 hardship 困境membership 会员资格6.develop v发展;培养串记Compared with developed nations, developing countries are confronted with more pressure and challenges.7.tradition

    19、 n传统联想聚焦tion后缀名词determination决定;决心association 联系;社团celebration 庆祝;庆祝会civilization 文明consideration 考虑;关心expectation 预料;期望adaptation 适应admiration 钦佩;赞赏二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.as far as Im concerned 就我而言2in my view 我认为;在我看来3be considered as 被看作,被认为是4be likely to 有可能5go camping 去野营6look forward to 盼望7to on

    20、es great disappointment 令某人非常失望的是8play an important part in . 在方面起重要作用9in other words 换句话说10take part in 参加;参与1.the development of social skills社交能力的培养2the development of intellectual skills 智力技能的培养3afterschool activities 课外活动4exam grades 考试成绩5show their special talents 表现出他们的特长6learn how to compete

    21、 successfully 学会如何成功地竞争7have the winning spirit 有赢的精神8academic achievements 学业成绩9get on with others 与其他人相处10school regulations 学校规则三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Exam grades are very important, but so are the afterschool activities. 分数固然重要,课外活动也不容忽视。“sobe动词/助动词/情态动词主语”表示前者情况也同样适用于后者。Mary likes Chinese.So_does_To

    22、m. 玛丽喜欢汉语,汤姆也喜欢。2.It took me years to understand the greater mystery of algebra, geometry . 我用了几年的时间才弄明白代数、几何学的伟大奥秘It takes sb. some time to do sth.“做某事花了某人多长时间”。It_took_them_three_years_to_build the road. 修建这条路花了他们三年的时间。3.It was not until the 1920s that pompoms began to play an important part in ch

    23、eerleading. 直到20世纪20年代,彩线球才在拉拉队队员的表演中发挥重要作用。It is/was not until . that .为强调句型的变式,强调了时间状语not until 1920s。It_was_not_until_I_told_her_that she knew anything about it. 直到我告诉她,她才知道这件事。1(教材P19)Which club would attract students who enjoy music?哪一个俱乐部会吸引热爱音乐的学生? attract v. 吸引;招引 (1)attract ones attention 吸

    24、引某人的注意attract sb. to sb./sth. 引起某人对某人/某物的注意(2)attractive adj. 吸引人的be attractive to . 对有吸引力(3)attraction n. 吸引;吸引人的事物;吸引力a tourist attraction 旅游胜地I was doubly attracted to the house, by its size and its location.我喜欢这房子有两方面的原因,大小合适而且位置也好。China is attractive to tourists for its beautiful scenery and hi

    25、storic sites.中国的风景名胜和历史古迹对旅游者很有吸引力。Could you recommend some tourist attractions (attract) here?你能推荐一些本地的风景区吗?2(教材P20)For keen photographers only.只面向热爱摄影的人。 keen adj. 渴望的;热切的;热心的;着迷的be keen on (doing) sth. 对做某事着迷,热衷于做某事be keen to do sth. 渴望做某事be keen that . 渴望We are keen that our school get involved

    26、too.我们盼着自己学校也参与其中。To tell the truth, Im rather keen on science fictions.说实话,我对科幻小说颇有兴趣。Most foreigners are keen to_have (have) a look at the Great wall.多数外国人都想去看一看长城。名师点津表示“渴望”的短语集合be eager for sth./to do sth. 渴望(做)某事be thirsty for . 渴望long/hope/wish for . 渴望得到3(教材P22)As far as Im concerned .就我而言as/

    27、so far as . be concerned 就而言as/so far as I know 据我所知as/so far as I can remember/see 据我所记/依我看As far as I am concerned, Im not against your plan.就我而言,我并不反对你的计划。As_far_as_I_know,_we will have a test next Monday.据我所知,我们下星期一要进行一次考试。As_far_as_I_can_remember,_this is the third time weve met.据我所记,这是我们第三次会面了

    28、。4(教材P22)in my view (in my opinion)我认为;在我看来(此处的view意为“观点,看法,见解,意见”)in view 在看得见的地方;被考虑,被注意in view of 鉴于,考虑到on view 展出point of view 观点come into view 出现在眼前Keep your study aims constantly in view.要时刻牢记自己在学习上的奋斗目标。In_view_of the weather, the event will now be held indoors.考虑到天气的缘故,这项赛事将在室内进行。As the dark

    29、 clouds disappeared, the moon gradually came_into_view.随着乌云的消失,月亮逐渐显露出来了。5(教材P23)In America, the development of social skills is considered as important as the development of intellectual skills.在美国,社交能力的培养被看作和智力技能的培养同等重要。 consider v. (1)认为,把看作consider . as/to be . 把当作/看作consider itn./adj.to do sth./that从句 认为(做)某事是We consider him as/to be the best man for the job.我们认为他是做这项工作的最佳人选。I consider it a good habit to get up early.我认为早起是个好习惯。(2)考虑,斟酌considerI wonder if you have considered how to get there.我想知道你是否考虑好如何到那儿了。Ann is considering going (go) to London with Susan.安正在考虑与苏珊同去伦敦。名师点津“把看作”的短


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