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    1、1第一册110单元单词anguish n.(尤指心理上的)极度的痛苦She cried out for anguish at parting.beloved adj.为所深爱的;亲爱的; 敬爱的She is Toms beloved wife.breathing n.呼吸His breathing is regular.confront vt.勇敢地面对, 正视A soldier has to confront danger.迎面遇到, 遭遇The difficulties that confront us seem insuperable.使对质, 使当面对证They confronted

    2、the prisoner with his accusers.conspicuously adv.显著地,超群地conspicuous adj.显眼的, 明显的He was conspicuous among his colleagues.evil adj.邪恶的, 坏的He is an evil man with evil ideas, and leads an evil life.讨厌的, 使人不舒服的What an evil smell!n.邪恶, 罪恶, 祸害Love of money is the root of all evil.graceful adj.优美的, 文雅的The t

    3、all graceful form of a woman appeared at the top of the stairs.得体的, 礼貌而周到的Her apology was so graceful that we forgave her.haven n.港口; 安全地方The library is a haven of peace and quiet.Hoarse adj.(指声音)粗哑的, 嘶哑的He asked me a question in a hoarse voice.Kneel vi.跪Noten.笔记, 摘记He takesmakes notes in class.短信,

    4、短笺She sent him a note of thanks.注意I took a careful note of where I had left the bag, so as to be sure to find it on my return.通牒, 函件He presented a note to the British Government.评注, 注释There ought to be a note on this obsolete word.暗示, 含义The book ended on an optimistic note.纸币Here is a 5 dollars note

    5、 for you.vt.记录A villager had noted the number of the truck. 注意Please note my words. I noted a change come over his face.part n.一部分; 局部A whole consists of parts, the parts constitute the whole.零件She carried some machine parts from this city to that one.角色Do the actors all know their parts yet?vt. & v

    6、i.(使)分裂成几部分, 断裂The cable suddenly parted.缆索 (使)分离开The couple parted amicably.porch n.门廊There are thousands of pages of advertising on our porch.rest n.休息, 睡眠You need enough rest.静止(状态)The rolling ball came to rest at the foot of the hill.支持物This wall will do as a rest for your camera.剩余(部分), 余下的人物Sh

    7、e lived the rest of her life in Vienna.vt. & vi.(使)休息We stopped to rest the horses. (使)倚靠支撑vi.停止, 不再谈论The matter cannot rest here.rosebush n.玫瑰丛They were all wearing red rosettes.shudder vt. & vi.战栗, 发抖I shuddered at the sight of the dead body. (机器、车辆等)突然震动, 颤动He slammed on the brakes and the car sh

    8、uddered to a halt.n.颤动, 打颤, 战栗The news sent a shudder through the audience.消息使听众激动得直发抖。summon vt.传唤; 召集The general summoned all his officers.bring back 带回(某人或某物); 还回(某物)On your way home from your aunts, will you bring some coffee back?回忆回顾, 回想起(往事)Seeing you brought back many fond memories.使(某人)恢复(某

    9、状态)We must bring him back to health.give in 屈服; 投降; 让步The defenders were outnumbered and had to give in.交; 上交; 递交; 呈送All papers should be given in before 12 oclock.hand in hand 手拉手; 密切合作They are dancing hand in hand.lock away 把锁起来She locked her memories of him away in her heart.well up v.涌出,涌现adjust

    10、 vt. & vi.(改变以)适应; 调整; 校正The man adjusted very precisely.那个人调得很准。attic n.阁楼Ive got boxes of old clothes in the attic.awfully adv.恶劣地;令人嫌恶地;令人畏惧地;令人敬畏地;很,非常Awfully hot, isnt it?You look awfully pale, are you all right?And then he was awfully decent about giving me this job.calculate vt. & vi.计算, 估计Ha

    11、ve you calculated the result? I calculated that the trip would take two days.打算, 旨在This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives.code n.法典, 法规,;密码, 电码;代号, 编码Whats the code for Tianjin?vt.将译成电码Have you coded the material for the computer?county n.郡, 县The county voted the mea

    12、sure down.crinkly adj.起皱的,绉褶多的,卷缩的dial n.钟(表)面; 标度盘; 拨号盘My watch has a luminous dial so I can see it in the dark.vt. & vi.打电话, 拨电话号码Do you often dial home?dispute vt. & vi.辩论; 争论Some husbands and wives are always disputing.Lets dispute the decision.fraction n.小部分, 一点儿The cost is only a fraction of h

    13、is salary.数分数head n.头部;领导, 首脑;前端Write your address at the head of this page. (牛、羊等)头数He has twenty head of cattle on the farm.头脑, 智力vt.居之首; His name heads the list.主管He will head a firm.带领; The delegation was headed by our Foreign Minister.vi.朝行进; 长出头You are heading north.insert vt.插入, 嵌入inspector n

    14、.检查员,督查An inspector checked the standard of work.检阅官;警察巡官an inspector of prisons loftily adv.高,崇高地,傲慢地mechanical adj.机械的, 力学的She bought a mechanical dog for her sister. 机械似的; 呆板的He looks very mechanical.nonchalant adj.漠不关心的,无动于衷的He appeared nonchalant in court even when the judge ordered him to pay

    15、1000.nonchalantly adv.漠不关心地,无动于衷地punch vt.用拳猛击He punched the man on the head.打孔The boy punched holes in the paper so it would fit in his notebook.n.猛击, 拳打The boxer gave his opponent a punch on the nose.冲床, 穿孔机This kind of punch is easily operated.力量He made a speech with plenty of punch.scornful adj.

    16、鄙视的;轻蔑的He opened the door with a scornful look on his face.scornfully adv.鄙视地;轻蔑地scornfulness n.鄙视screen n.屏风, 帘, 纱窗The picture on this screen is a good artistic work.掩护物They hid behind the screen of bushes.屏幕You can see him on the TV screen quite often.你可以经常从电视屏幕上见到他。银幕; 荧光屏She first appeared on th

    17、e screen ten years ago.vt.遮蔽, 掩护A floppy hat screened her face.放映(电影), 播放(电视节目)The film has been screened in the cinema.审查, 甄选Unsuitable candidates were screened out.筛选掉了slot n.(机器或工具上的)狭缝, 狭槽Put a coin in the slot.非正(在表册、系统等中所占的)位置, 职位, 空位There arent any slots available until next month.vt.把放入狭长开口中

    18、; 把纳入其中, 使有位置Can you slot her into a job in the sales department?superior adj.(级别、地位)较高的; (品质、程度)优良的, 较好的Youre a very superior young woman.上等的, 优秀的The test showed he was the superior player.有优越感的, 高傲的She affected a superior air.样子n.上级, 长官, 上司John was his direct superior.较好的人事物, 优胜者As a violin player

    19、, he has no superior.telebook n.电视剧剧情说明书tuck n.(衣服的)褶, 裥;折叠;美容手术;(尤指小学生吃的)糕点、糖果等食品vt.塞进He tucked his shirt into his trousers. 翻折whistle vt. & vi.吹口哨Who whistled just now?vi.鸣笛The train whistled and steamed off. 空指望Im not prepared to use any firms money to pay this man; let him whistle for his money!

    20、n.哨子, 汽笛The referee blew a whistle at the end of the game. 口哨声, 汽笛声We heard the whistle of a train.in no time 马上, 立即send for 召唤, 派人去叫; 派人去取Leave this house now, or I will send for the police.你现在就离开这房子, 否则我叫警察了。They sent for him to build the house.他们派人叫他去建房子。Mother sent my brother for the luggage.妈妈派

    21、哥哥去取行李。申请; 订购I have sent for a dozen copies of the book.aisle n.过道, 通道An aisle ran the length of the house. 过道的长度等于房子的长度bar vt.闩(门等)Be sure to bar all the doors before you leave. 阻止, 阻拦, 封锁n.酒吧间, 售酒的(饮食)柜台There are several bars in the hotel. 条, 块;(门、窗等的)闩, 栅栏bellman n.敲钟人,传达员,更夫bet n.打赌;赌金, 赌注vt. &

    22、vi.打赌Some people are fond of betting. 肯定, 确信I bet you cant do this puzzle.cherish vt.珍爱, 珍视, 爱护The old lady tenderly cherished her dog. 怀有, 抱有compliment n.赞美(话), 恭维(话);向送礼以表示敬意vt.表扬; 恭维elevator n.电梯, 升降机The elevator broke down and we had to walk up the tenth floor.enormous adj.巨大的, 极大的, 庞大的genuinely

    23、 adv.真地;真正地She seems genuinely fond of the children.真诚地;诚实地Frank was a genuinely friendly sort.真诚友善的那一类人。gracious adj.有礼貌的, 仁慈的, 和蔼的, 亲切的She was a very gracious lady.She was gracious enough to show us round her home.富裕的, 舒适的, 华美的All this gracious living isnt for me; I prefer the simple life.image n.

    24、形象, 概念;镜像, 影像, 图像She looked at her image in the mirror.印象I have this image of you as always being cheerful and optimistic.酷似的人物, 翻版She was the spitting image of her mother.比喻, 引喻, 明喻The writer used the image of corn silk to describe the girls hair.外形, 外表, 模样insignificant adj.无价值的, 无意义的, 无用的The rate

    25、has fallen by an insignificant amountirritation n.激怒;恼怒;生气;令人恼火的事I felt a sudden irritation against Darren. 疼痛处;疼痛感lipstick n.口红, 唇膏Taking out her lipstick, she began to paint her lips.magic n. 魔法, 法术; 巫术They believe that it was all done by magic. 魔术, 戏法The conjurors magic delighted the children.魔术师

    26、的戏法逗乐了孩子们。 魔力, 魅力You could feel the magic of Shakespeares poetry.adj.魔法的, 法术的It is really a magic palace! 很好的, 奇异的Their latest record is really magic.mood n.心情, 情绪You must change your mood. 语气motorist n.汽车驾驶员He managed to flag down a passing motorist.他挥手招呼一位过路的司机把车停下来panache n.神气十足,炫耀自负She dresses w

    27、ith great panache.她穿著十分浮华。priceless adj.无价的, 贵重的, 无法估价的The findings could be priceless. 极荒唐而有趣的punctuality n.严守时间He gave the child a lecture on the importance of punctuality. 正确;规矩recipe n.烹饪法; 食谱;方法; 秘诀; 诀窍This, I think, is the proper recipe for remaining young.一个很好的办法。routine n.例行公事, 惯例, 惯常的程序The

    28、security men changed their usual routine and collected the money at a different time.adj.例行的; 常规的Its just a routine medical examination, nothing to get worried about.spouse n.配偶, 夫或妻Her spouse will come to see her on Sunday.stylish adj.有风度的, 有气派的, 有格调的Hes a stylish dresser.terrific adj.极大的, 非常的Darre

    29、n drove at a terrific speed. 极好的,了不起的, 非常棒的, 非常漂亮的 The game was terrific. 可怕的, 恐怖的, 骇人的wave n.波, 波浪, 波涛The waves are high.挥手, 招手He saluted his friends with a wave of the hand.他挥手向他的朋友致意。vi.飘扬, 摇摆, 起伏The grass waved in the wind.vt. & vi.挥动示意, 挥手(打招呼、问候等)He waved until they were out of sight.vt.挥手表示Sh

    30、e waved a farewell.melt away 融化The snow soon melted away when the sun came out.逐渐消失They melted the nations resources away. (使)着迷神魂颠倒The story melted away her soul.pull out (火车)驶出,The train pulled out exactly on time.(船)划出 The boat pulled out into midstream. 船划到了中游。 从某处离开When all passengers were on b

    31、oard, the train pulled out of the station.从某处开出A lorry pulled out from a side street.一辆卡车退出The invading troops are pulling out of the occupied area under international supervision.拔出He pulled out the pistol and aimed at the enemy officer.手枪非正(从疾病、不愉快的心境等中)恢复Shes been very depressed recently, but Im sure shell soon pull out of it.(使)离开Before the company went bankrupt, he pulled out.他在公司破产前辞职了。


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