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    1、中考英语非谓语及情态动词单选题专题训练非谓语16年一模:1. As it gets cooler, you had better _ a coat over your sweater. A. wearing B. wear C. to wear D. wears【正确答案】B【题目解析】had better do sth.最好做某事2.In order to finish the task in time, John kept _ for four hours without rest. A. work B. to work C. works D. working【正确答案】D【题目解析】ke

    2、ep doing sth. 保持(一直)做某事3. Stop_ about the haze(雾霾). Just think about what we can do to improve it. A. complainB. to complainC. complainingD.complained【正确答案】C【题目解析】stop doing sth. 停止做某事4. Reading provides me with fun and it also enables me _the world around me. A. understand B. understood C. to under

    3、stand D. understanding【正确答案】C【题目解析】enable sb. to do sth.使某人能够做某事5.You had better _well prepared for the winter camp before setting out.A.to get B.gettingC.gotD.get【正确答案】D【题目解析】had better do sth.最好做某事6. Tony is an engineer to look after the environment. Today he has a new project _.A. doB. to doC. do

    4、ingD. does【正确答案】B【题目解析】have sth to do有某事要做7. Im sorry to have kept you _ so long. The traffic was too bad.A. waitingB. to waitC. waitD. waited【正确答案】A【题目解析】keep sb doing 让某人一直做某事8. Our monitor has made up his mind _a basketball match after the final exam.A) organizingB) organizeC) organizedD) to orga

    5、nize【正确答案】 D【题目解析】词组make up ones mind to do下定决心做某事9. In order to act in the film “Black Swan”, Natalie Portman practiced _ for a long time.A) danceB) dancedC) dancingD) to dance【正确答案】 C【题目解析】固定搭配Practice doing10. A bridge built in Longview for squirrels(松鼠) enables them _the busy road safely. A) cro

    6、ss B) crossing C) to cross D)crossed 【正确答案】 C【题目解析】enable sb to do 使某人能够做某事11. Mrs. Lin advised the students _ with friends online and said it was a waste of time.A) to stop to chat B) to stop chatting C) stop to chat D) stopping to chat 【正确答案】 B【题目解析】advise sb to do,stop to do停止一件事做另一件Stop doing停止正

    7、在做的12. One of the basic ways of improving your memory is_.A. use the link method B. to use the link method C. used the link method D. uses the link method【正确答案】B【题目解析】be 动词后加to do 不能直接使用动词形式13. Look, it is going to rain. Youd better _ the windows when you leave the house.A. close B. to close C. clos

    8、ing D not to close【正确答案】A【题目解析】had better后接动词原形14. Most countries dont know _ with the world financial crisis.(金融危机)A. what to do B. where to do C. how to do D. when to do【正确答案】A【题目解析】做什么去应对经济危机, to do what with the world financial crisis.15. I finally finished _ the text. Homework of this kind is a

    9、 waste of time.A. copy B. to copy C. copied D. copying【正确答案】D【题目解析】固定搭配 finish doing sth.14. Lets just imagine _ on Mars in the near future. Isnt it amazing?A) to live B) lives C) living D) lives【正确答案】 C【题目解析】固定搭配imagine doing15. The young man refused _ stealing the valuable necklaces from the safe.

    10、A) admits B) to admit C) admitting D) admitted【正确答案】 B【题目解析】refuse to do16. Youd better _ ask old granny for help because her memory is getting poorer now.A. not B. doesnt C. nor to D. to not【正确答案】A【题目解析】had better的否定形式,had better not17. Sam denied _ computer games for hours in the net bar yesterday

    11、 afternoon.A. to play B. playing C. play D. played【正确答案】B【题目解析】固定搭配 deny doing sth.18. Try your best to enjoy _ English every day if it is possible.A. speakB. to speakC. speakingD. spoke【正确答案】C【题目解析】enjoy+doing 19. The joke was so funny that it made Jenny _ again and again.A. laughB. to laughC. laug

    12、hedD. laughing【正确答案】A【题目解析】make sb do 的用法。让某人做某事20. -Would you mind _ my pet dog? I will be away for about a week. -Of course not.A)look after B)will look after C)to look after D)looking after【正确答案】D【题目解析】mind doing sth.介意做某事21. I dont mind _back home. I feel like some fresh air.A walk B walking C t

    13、o walk D to walking【正确答案】B【题目解析】mind doing sth.介意做某事22. The police required the traveler _for his luggage.A check B to check C checking D checked【正确答案】B【题目解析】require sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事16年二模:23. The doctor has worked in the operation room all night withoutany rest. A) take B) takes C) to take D) t

    14、aking【正确答案】D【题目解析】without doing24. To escape the noise, Jacob would ratherout of the city centre. A).live B) living C) to live D) lived【正确答案】A【题目解析】would rather do 宁愿做某事25. With the invention of computer, many teenagers would rather _ computer games than _ other things.A) to play. to do. B) to play.

    15、do C) play.to do D)play.do【正确答案】D would rather do than do比起做某事更愿意做26. He still denied _ anything about the robbery though he was questioned many times.A) know B) knew C) to know D) knowing【正确答案】D deny doing sth否认做某事27.Jack is considering _ his flat into a big house at the moment.A. to change B. chan

    16、ged C. change D. changing 【正确答案】D【题目解析】consider doing 考虑做某事28.His parents encouraged little Jerry _ to play the violin at a young age.A. to learn B. learn C. learnedD. learning【正确答案】A【题目解析】encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事29. Micheals mother never makes him _ his room. He does it by himself.A)cleanB)cle

    17、ansC)to cleanD)cleaning【正确答案】A make sb do sth 让某人做某事30. To improve our spoken English,we practised _ again and again.A)pronounceB)pronouncedC)to pronounceD)pronouncing【正确答案】D practice doing sth 练习做某事31. They hopea new underground railway line in the area in the near future.A) buildB) to build C) bui

    18、lding D) will build【参考答案】 B【考查内容】 非谓语【难度等级】 基础【思路解析】 希望做某事:hope to do sth.32. If you keep on practicing _, you will be a very good swimmer one day. A) to swim B) swimming C) swim D) swum【参考答案】 B【考查内容】 非谓语【难度等级】 基础【思路解析】 练习做某事:practice doing sth.33. The new App allows us to use voice to create notes

    19、instead of all the words.A.to type B.driving C.has driven D. drives【参考答案】 B【考查内容】 非谓语【难度等级】 基础【思路解析】 介词后面加动词ing,故选driving34. The heavy rain made the tourists at the hotel all day with nothing to do. A) to stay B) staying C) stayed D) stay 【正确答案】D make sb do sth 使某人做某事35. The two young man denied _ t

    20、he valuable painting from the safe.A) to steal B) stole C) stealing D) steal【正确答案】C deny doing sth否认做某事36. Doctors warned peoplestay outdoors for a long time in foggy weather.A)not B)dont C)to not D) not to正确答案 D解析 warn sb not to do警告某人不要做某事37.Would you like _ the sunshine on the beach with me?A) en

    21、joyB) enjoyingC) to enjoyD) enjoyed正确答案 C解析 would like to do 想要38.Peter keeps _ us hes going to be a famous artist before hes 40.A) tellB) tellingC) to tellD) told正确答案 B解析 keep + doing sth.39.Amy and Kitty became good friends soon and promised _to each other often.A) wrote B) writing C) write D) to

    22、write【正确答案】D【题目解析】考查动词不定式的用法。Promise后面跟动词不定式做宾语。40. Each student is asked to give a report when he/she finishes _ a novel.A) read B) reads C) to read D) reading【正确答案】D【题目解析】finish doing sth.41. The lady is going to have an important meeting _ in Beijing in two weekstime.A) attend B) to attend C)atte

    23、nds D) attending【正确答案】B【题目解析】have a meeting to attend 有一个会议要开,表示还未进行的动作,用不定式42. Some businesses refuse_products from the rain forests so as not to destroy them. A) buy B) buying C) to buy D) to buying正确答案 C解析 refuse to do 拒绝做某事43. He kept_to start the car and the battery got flatter and flatter. A)

    24、try B) trying C) to try D) to trying 正确答案 B解析 keep doing17年一模:44. Its hard to imagine in a place where there are no computers or mobile phones.A) lived B) to live C) live D) living 【正确答案】D【题目解析】imagine doing sth45. The price of housing in Shanghai is so high that many people cant afford a flat.A) bu

    25、ying B) to buy C) bought D) buy【正确答案】B【题目解析】 cant afford to do sth. 承担不起做某事46. In the end, Mr.Jones admitted _his own vase. A) steal B)to steal C)stolen D) stealing【正确答案】D【题目解析】固定搭配 admit doing sth 承认做某事47. The policeman has warned the driver_after drinking some wine. A) not drive B)not to drive C)d

    26、ont drive D) not driving【正确答案】B【题目解析】固定搭配 warn sb not to do sth 警告某人不要做某事48. Bob is not good at sports, so his parents often make himlots of exercises.A) doB) to do C) doingD) did【正确答案】A【题目解析】固定搭配,make sb do49.Susan said she didnt mind for an hour to get a seat in her favorite restaurant.A) to waitB

    27、) waiting C) waitedD) would wait【正确答案】B【题目解析】固定搭配,mind doing50. On Double 12 this year, people didnt mind in the long line to get a discount.A.wait B.to wait C.waited D.waitingKeys:D解析:mind doing sth 固定搭配 介意作某事51. Linda and her cousin decided at that restaurant as there were so many people in the qu

    28、eue.A.not eating B.not to eat C.not eat D.to not eatKeys: B解析:decide(not) to do sth 决定做(不做)某事52. The story of “Fishing with birds” lets us_a lot about the traditional Chinese skillsA) know B)knew C) to know D) knowing【正确答案】A【题目解析】let/make/have sb do sth53. People are looking forward to _ big changes

    29、 in this area in the near future.A)see B)saw C)seeing D)seen【正确答案】C【题目解析】look forward to doing54.The caring father seems _ everything about his children.A) knowB) knowingC) to knowD) to knowing【正确答案】C【题目解析】seem to do sth为固定搭配55.More and more people enjoy _ a peaceful life in the countryside instead

    30、of in big cities.A) liveB) livingC) to liveD) to living【正确答案】B【题目解析】enjoy doing sth.56. The story of “Fishing with birds” lets us_a lot about the traditional Chinese skillsA)win B)will win C)won D) would won【正确答案】A【题目解析】let sb do sth57. A good way to get prepared for an exam is _ full use of your time.A)made B)makes C)make D)to make【正确答案】D【题目解析】动词不定式做表语58. In


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