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    1、Lesson 1whats“NC”?Lesson 2Structure of the AutomobileLesson 3ClothingLesson 4Industry in Yantai,Unit 10Manufacturing制造业,Whats“NC”?,”NC“是什么?,2,Words单词,systemn.系统 systematicVSsystemic systematicallyVSsystemicallyrepresentv.象征;代表 representativen./adj.representationn.,Lesson 1,Words单词,numericaladj.数字的;数

    2、字上的 numericnumerousautomaticadj.自动的 automatically automotiveautomobile,Lesson 1,Task 1:Vocabulary Practice,self acting,self movinga u t o m a t i cto e a symbol or can example of r e p r e s e n tshown by a number or numbersn u m e r i c a lgroup of thingss y s t e m,Lesson 1,Task 2:Complete the dia

    3、logue,Wang Yang:Li Tao:Wang Yang:Li Tao:Wang Yang:Li Tao:Wang Yang:Li Tao:,Whats the meaning of“NC”?NC is numerical Control,a new technology.Do you know the NC system?Yes,it is automatic.It is operated by some instructions.Do you understand the instructions?No,but I know every sign represents a cert

    4、ain meaing.Whats your job?My job is to keep the machines in good condition.,Lesson 1,Task 3:Match the names,Whats the difference among lathes,milling machines and drilling machine?,Lesson 1,Structure of the Automobile,汽车的构造,8,Words单词,automobilen.汽车enginen.引擎;发动机maintainv.维护;保养 maintenancebrakev.刹车,L

    5、esson 2,The Braking System制动系统The Chassis底盘The Steering System方向系统The Suspension System悬架系统The Lubrication System润滑系统The Engine发动机,Lesson 2,Task 2:Discuss and Match,Lesson 2,Engine System发动机系统,gasoline engine汽油发动机diesel engine柴油发动机4-stroke engine四冲程发动机water-cooled 水冷的air-cooled风冷的single-cylinder eng

    6、ine单缸发动机multi-cylinder engine多缸发动机inline 直列式V-tyleV型排列式horizontally opposed水平对置式,Lesson 2,intake valve进气门exhaust valve排气门cylinder气缸spark plug火花塞piston活塞displacement排量oil pan油底壳fan风扇fuel/oil filter燃油/机油滤清器air cleaner空气滤清器,Chassis底盘,manual transmission手动变速器automatic transmission自动变速器transmission shaft

    7、传动轴reducer减速器differential差速器AWD-All Wheel Drive全时四驱vehicle axle车桥shock absorber减震器clutch离合器tire轮胎wheel hub轮毂,Lesson 2,independent suspension独立悬架dependent suspension非独立悬架steering wheel方向盘drum brake鼓式制动器disc brake盘式制动器ABS-Anti-lock Braking Systems车轮防抱死制动系统EBD-Electronic Brakeforce Distribution制动力电子分配系

    8、统service braking system行车制动系统parking braking system驻车制动系统,Vehicle Body车身,vehicle frame车架door panel车门板door armrest车门扶手door handle车门把手door lock车门锁window lifter车窗升降机door mirror后视镜seat座椅sun visor遮阳板sun roof天窗door hinge门铰链,Lesson 2,bumper保险杠fender叶子板trunk lid行李箱盖engine lid发动机舱盖lamp车灯bulb灯泡fog lamps雾灯clea

    9、rance lamps示廓灯reversing light倒车灯emergency flashers紧急警示灯windshield挡风玻璃,Electrical Parts and Others 电气设备及其他,A/C空调car audio汽车音响burglar alarm防盗器wiper雨刷fuse保险丝motor马达horn喇叭alternator发电机switch开关buzzer蜂鸣器reverse sensor倒车雷达,Lesson 2,lighting controller车灯控制器antenna天线mud guard挡泥板spoiler扰流板seat belt安全带speaker扬

    10、声器navigation system导航系统air bag气囊shift lever排挡杆parking brake lever这车制动器控制杆,1.How many major components of the automobile are mentioned in the passgae?2.Why is the engine the heart of the automobile?,Lesson 2,Task 3:Passive Voice,1.语法形式上一致:主语为单数,谓语即用相应的单数形式;主语为复数,谓语则用相应的复数形式。注:时间,金钱,距离等整体作为主语时,谓语用单数形式

    11、。例:20 students are in the classroom.Lucy and I are good friends.One of the flowers is different from others.Three miles is too far to walk.5 million dollars is a great deal of money.10 years is a long time to wait.,Lesson 2,Task 4:Subject-verb Agreement 主谓一致,2.意义上一致:主语形式与意义可能不同,要根据意义确定谓语的单复数。例:The c

    12、rowed were shouting.The news was so exciting.People are coming soon.,Lesson 2,Task 4:Subject-verb Agreement 主谓一致,3.就近原则:如主语为用or,either.or,neigther.nor,not only.but also等连接的并列主语,谓语动词的单复数形式,取决于最靠近他的词语;There be 句型中对be后的名词适用就近原则 例:Either his students or Mr.Wang knows this news.Nether you nor the Smiths

    13、like staying at home.There is a desk,2 chairs and 3 books in the room.,Lesson 2,Task 4:Subject-verb Agreement 主谓一致,4.就前原则:主语为用as well as,rather than,no less than,together/along with 等连接的两个主语时,谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致。例:The girl as well as the boys has learned a lot from this.The mother with a baby in her arms

    14、 goes into the office.,Lesson 2,Task 4:Subject-verb Agreement 主谓一致,Lesson 2,Task 5:Fill in the form 完成表格,Clothing,服 装,22,Words单词,situationn.形势,情况functionn.功能,作用functionaladj.起作用的,功能良好的centuryn.世纪,百年decaden.年代,十年millenniumn.千禧,千年appearv.出现disappearv.消失appearancen.外貌,Lesson 3,Task 1:Vocabulary Practic

    15、e,any period of 100 yearsc e n t u r yto com einto sight,to be seena p p e a rthe secial job that a person or a thing performsf u n c t i o nset of circumstances or state of affairs,esp.at a certain times i t u a t i o n,Lesson 3,Task 2:Match the words with pictures,coat外套cloak披风jacket夹克shirt衬衣T-shi

    16、rtT恤blouse女衬衫vest汗衫sweater运动衫;卫衣shorts短裤dress连衣裙,Lesson 3,pants裤子suit男外衣(西装)nightshirt男式晚礼服swallowtail燕尾服tuxedo晚礼服frock coat礼服上衣jeans牛仔裤rompers连体背带裤tight pants紧身裤skirt裙子underwear内衣cheongsam旗袍,Task 3:Read and answer the questions,How many kinds of clothes are mentioned in the first paragraph?What do

    17、w hope about Chinese dress?,Lesson 3,Task 3:Read and answer the questions,Lesson 3,frock coat,Task 3:Read and answer the questions,Lesson 3,frock coat,Task 3:Read and answer the questions,Lesson 3,swallowtail coat,Task 3:Read and answer the questions,Lesson 3,swallowtail coat,Task 3:Read and answer

    18、the questions,Lesson 3,tuxedo,Task 3:Read and answer the questions,Lesson 3,tuxedo,Task 3:Read and answer the questions,Lesson 3,qipao(cheongsam),Task 3:Read and answer the questions,Lesson 3,qipao(cheongsam),Task 5:Language in Use,automatic(adj.)automatically(adv.)expect(v.)expectation(n.)electricity(n.)electrical(adj.)efficiency(n.)efficient(adj.)comfort(n.)comfortable(adj.)industry(n.)industrial(adj.)decide(v.)decisive(adj.),Lesson 3,Task 5:Language in Use,Lesson 3,Industry in Yantai,烟 台 工 业,37,Lesson 4,


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