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    1、上海牛津英语1AM3教案1A Module 3 Places and activities知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观知识技能1 In the classroomGrammar & expressionNumbers: one- sixCountable nouns(plural)Wh- question: How many?Listening Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation. Hear specific information in response to simple instr

    2、uctions. Understand the key patternSpeaking Use numerals to describe things Ask questions to find out quantity 创设情景,通过故事,编对话,用文中提供的句型,让学生学会如何购物。在学生初步掌握的基础上,培养他们独立用所学语言完成简单任务的能力。 通过问答的形式来了解事物的多少。 让学生大胆的说出自己的喜好,增强他们的自信心。Vocabularyone two three four five sixUnit 2 In the fruit shopGrammar & expressionA

    3、pples, please.Here you are.Thank you.Countable nouns(plural)Wh- question: How many? Listening Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation Understand the key pattern Respond to simple instructionsSpeaking Pronounce the key words correctly Use formulaic expressions to request s

    4、omething Use formulaic expressions to reply to requests Use formulaic expressions to express thanks 通过各种游戏或者儿歌的创编来巩固单词。 在教师的指导下,改编一些儿歌与对话,达到语用的效果。 在编对话、模仿购物场景的过程中,提供给学生与伙伴交流的机会,让他们学会合作学习Vocabularyapple pear peach orangeUnit 3 In the restaurantGrammar & expressionCan I help you?May I have , please?He

    5、re you are.Thank you.Modal verb may: May I have , please?Listening Identify formulaix wapressions to greet customers Understand the key pattern Hear specific information in reponse to simple questionsSpeaking Pronounce the key words correctly Use formulaic expressions to request something Use formul

    6、aic expressions to greet customers. 创造条件,帮助学生用所学语言进行对话练习。 在学习了书本内容的基础上,通过一些听力练习来巩固所学的知识。 在学习如何向别人表达自己所需时,培养学生有礼貌的好习惯Vocabularyhamburger pizza cake pie1AModule 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 In the classroomI. Unit 1教学内容Using numerals to count from one to sixe.g. one two three four five sixUsing numer

    7、als to show quantitye.g. three pencilsAsking wh-questions to find out quantitye.g. How many:II. 学情分析大部分一年级的学生对于英语数字one到six并不陌生,在幼儿园的时候都有所接触,所以在数字学习方面还是比较容易掌握的。 就是在用数字描述事物多少的时候,名词的复数是个难点。III. 教学目标知识与技能1. 能够从one数到six。2. 能够用数字去描述事物的多少。3. 能够用How many?的句型来针对事物的多少进行提问。并且会回答。方法与过程1. 通过pair work、听听说说、游戏等进行单

    8、词操练与巩固。2. 结合学生的能力,用一些学过的儿歌结合新知创编新的儿歌,易于学生接受,降低难度,提高学生学习兴趣。情感态度、价值观1. 通过数字的学习,激发学生热爱数学。2. 在编对话、询问对方的过程中,提供给学生与伙伴交流的机会,让他们学会合作学习。IV. 重点、难点分析重点:1. 在学习数字时,要让学生注意分辨four与five。2. 能够用数字表述事物多少时要注意名词的单复数。3. 能够用how many 句型提问时,后面跟的名词单复数问题。难点:能够用数字表述事物多少时要注意名词的单复数。PeriodCore contentsgExtensionMaterialsGrammar an

    9、dexpressionsVocabulary1One bookThree pencilsFive rulersone two three four five sixSB:pp.26 and 27WB:pp.26and 27,Parts A andB2How many?seven eight nine tenSB:pp28 and 29WB:pp.27、28and29, Parts C,B,D,and TaskPeriod 1.Unit 1 Period 教学内容Using numerals to count from one to sixe.g. one two three four five

    10、 sixUsing numerals to show quantitye.g. three pencils. 学情分析大部分一年级的学生对于英语数字one到six并不陌生,在幼儿园的时候都有所接触,所以在数字学习方面还是比较容易掌握的。 就是在用数字描述事物多少的时候,名词的复数是个难点。. 教学目标知识与技能1.能够从one数到six。2.能够用数字去描述事物的多少。. 重点、难点分析重点:1.在学习数字时,要让学生注意分辨four与five。2.能够用数字表述事物多少时要注意名词的单复数。V 教学准备 Oxford English book ,exercise book, multimed

    11、ia,tapeProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeMediaI. Pre-task preparationWarming up:Listen to a song : ten little paper rabbits欣赏一首关于数字的歌曲。让学生对数字有一个初步的感知。P2 P3P4P5P6P7P8II. While-task procedureNew words:one two three four five sixGame1Game2Learn how to say 1-6.Clap and count.Clap hands in the groups.One m

    12、ake an order, the others clap hands.Ask the students to say and act according to the instructions.e.g.T: Show me one.Ss: (show the finger) One.边拍手,边学习,调动学生学习的热情。用小组游戏的形式来巩固数字学习,提高学生学习兴趣。用另一个小游戏继续巩固数字学习,也同时训练学生听力。 III. Post-taskactivity1.chant2.Count things.3.GameAsk the students to repeat this chant

    13、.One, one, one pencil.Two, two, two rulers.Three, three, three pens.Four, four, four rubbers.Five, five, five books.Six, six, six bags.Show common classroom items to the students and ask them to tell how many there are as quickly as possible.e.g.T: Look at the pencils.Ss: Four./ Four pencils.Ask the

    14、 students to count in pairs common classroom items.e.g.S1: One, two, three, four, four pencils.S2: One, two, two rulers.用一首chant来总结数字1到6,并且为下一步教学做铺垫。让学生数数教室里的东西,掌握用数字来描述数量,并且要强调名词的单复数。让学生进行同桌操练,一起数数身边的东西。IV. Assignment:1.Listen to the tape.2.Complete Workbook P26-P271. Read the words and sentences.2

    15、. Ask the students to do Part A listen and tick and Part B Listen and write.通过读读,写写,来巩固所学的单词与句型。Board-Writing M3U1 In the classroom1 one 4 four2 two 5 five3 three 6 six教学反思Period 2.Unit 1 Period 2教学内容Asking wh-questions to find out quantitye.g. How many:. 学情分析因为在第一课时学生已经熟练掌握了用数字来表述事物的多少,所以在这个基础上再进行h

    16、ow many?句型的问答,学生比较容易掌握。. 教学目标知识与技能能够用How many?的句型来针对事物的多少进行提问。并且会回答。3. 。. 重点、难点分析重点:能够用how many 句型提问时,后面跟的名词单复数问题。V 教学准备 Oxford English book ,exercise book, multimedia,tapeProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeMediaI. Pre-task preparationWarming up:Game Review the chante.g.One, two, two pens.Ask all the s

    17、tudents to stand up and walk around the classroom. Say a number ,for example, three. Students should make a group of three and stand hand in hand as quickly as possible. The students who are not part of a group of this number are the losers.利用上节课学习的儿歌来复习数字。也为新课授课做准备。用一个游戏的形式再一次巩固数字,让学生在课的一开始就有一种轻松愉悦

    18、的心情进入课堂。P1P3, P4P5P6II. While-task procedureNew sentence:How many?Read Game1T: Give me two books.S1: Here you are.T: Guess, how many books now?S2: Six.:Listen and read P28 on students books.Play a guessing game.How many?让学生猜猜老师手中有几支铅笔来带出句型how many?读准每个单词,能正确模仿老师的发音,集体念,个别念,交替进行。在游戏中完成学习任务。猜一猜的游戏调动了每

    19、个孩子的积极性, 体现出学生的学习主动性。 III. Post-taskactivity1.chant1. Let the students learn this chant.e.g.How many, how many, how many rulers?Three, three, three, three rulers.How many, how many, how many pencils?Two, two, two, two pencils.2. Encourage some students to make this chant by themselves.用朗朗上口的儿歌形式来总结今

    20、天的新句型。并且鼓励有能力的学生进行儿歌的改编。IV. Assignment:1.Listen to the tape.2. Count the things in your pencil case.3. Read the Look and say on P284. Count the things in your pencil case with your desk mates.e.g.S1: How many?S2: Two.Board-Writing M3U1 In the classroomHow manys?教学反思Period 3.Unit 1 Period 3教学内容Review

    21、 number one-sixAsking wh-questions to find out quantity e.g. How many:. 学情分析因为在第一、二课时学生已经掌握了用数字来表述事物的多少,以及在这个基础上再进行how many?句型的问答,本课时主要用于复习旧知。. 教学目标知识与技能能够用How many?的句型来针对事物的多少进行提问。并且会回答。让学生初步了解名词的单复数形式。. 重点、难点分析重点:能够用how many 句型提问时,后面跟的名词单复数问题。V 教学准备 Oxford English book ,exercise book, multimedia,t

    22、apeProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeMediaI. Pre-task preparationWarming up:Game Song: Ten little Indians Review the chante.g.One, two, two pens.Make rhymes:T: _, _, I can write. I can write _ and _.Who wants to choose 2 numbers and make a rhyme?(把学生选的数字写在黑板上。)歌曲演唱,让学生尽快融入英语学习的氛围,复习数字1-6,通过歌曲,让学生对7-10

    23、也有一定的感知。利用上节课学习的儿歌来复习数字。用儿歌的形式再一次巩固数字,让学生在编儿歌时,有一种成功的体验。P1P3, P4P5P6II. While-task procedureHow many?One book.Two books.Read T: Give me two books.S1: Here you are.T: Guess, how many books now?S2: Six.one book two booksthree booksQuick responseEg. four books / one book:Listen and read P26-29 on stude

    24、nts books.让学生猜猜老师手中有几支铅笔来带出句型how many?让学生了解名词的单复数形式的变化让学生看着物品的数量,快速作答。读准每个单词,能正确模仿老师的发音,集体念,个别念,交替进行。 III. Post-taskactivityGame1. Please guess how many behind me?Put some pencils, rubbers and rulers into the pencil-box.How many?2 Let the students to ask how many3 Draw something on someones back. An

    25、d ask how many(do pairs work)4 Please find your friend and make a dialogue.-How many?-Give me a , please.-Here your are.-Thank you.通过游戏形式,不断巩固新句型.让学生在小组活动中体验英语的交际性。让学生自由组对话,激发学生操练句子的兴趣。 IV. Assignment:1.Listen to the tape.2. Count the things in your pencil case.5. Read Page 26-296. Count the things

    26、in your pencil case with your desk mates.Board-Writing M3U1 In the classroomHow manys?One book.Two books.教学反思1AModule 3 Places and activitiesUnit 2 In the fruit shop.Unit 2教学内容Using nouns to identify fruite.g. apple, pear, peach, orangeUsing formulaic expressions to request somethinge.g. Apples, ple

    27、ase.Using formulaic expressions to reply to requestse.g. Here you are.Using formulaic expressions to express thankse.g. Thank you. 学情分析四个有关水果的单词对于学生们来说比较容易掌握,特别是apple和orange学生们在电视或者幼儿园时都已经接触得非常多了。那么针对pear与peach这两个形近的单词要让学生注意辨析。本课的购物用语是在前一个unit上增加了一个新的句型,所以对于学生来说难度并不大。. 教学目标知识与技能1. 能够用英语表达水果。2. 能够在购物

    28、时知道如何像营业员表达所需的东西。3. 能够使用一些简单的购物用语。方法与过程1. 通过pair work、听听说说、游戏等进行单词操练与巩固。2. 结合学生的能力,用一些学过的儿歌结合新知创编新的儿歌,易于学生接受,降低难度,提高学生学习兴趣。3. 通过给予学生不同的语言环境,让他们编对话,让他们把语言灵活得运用与不同的场景。情感态度、价值观1. 通过对水果的描述,让学生表达自己喜爱的水果,培养学生表达自我的能力。2. 在编对话、模仿购物场景的过程中,提供给学生与伙伴交流的机会,让他们学会合作学习。. 重点、难点分析重点:1. 在学习水果时,要注意分辨两个形近的单词pear和peach。2.

    29、 要注意单词peach的复数变化。3. 能够知道如何向营业员表达所需的东西。难点: 单词peach的复数变化。PeriodCore contentsgExtensionMaterialsGrammar andexpressionsVocabulary1How many?apple pear peach orangeBanana lemonSB:pp.30 、33and 52WB:pp.30and 31,Parts A、B and C2, please.How many?Here you are.Thank you.SB:pp31 and 32WB:pp.32and33, Part D, and TaskPeriod 1.Unit 2 Period1 教学内容Using nouns to identify fruite.g. apple, pear, peach, orange. 学情分析四个有关水果的


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