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    1、英语高考阅读备战欧亨利小说经典解析2020英语高考阅读备战:欧亨利小说经典解析(生词解析)版本一:英汉对照+生词注释The Furnished RoomRestless, shifting, fugacious【1】as time itself is a certain vast bulk of the population of the red brick district of the lower West Side. Homeless, they have a hundred homes. They flit from furnished room to furnished room,

    2、transients【2】forever transients in abode, transients in heart and mind. They sing Home, Sweet Home in ragtime; they carry their lares et penates in a bandbox; their vine is entwined about a picture hat; a rubber plant is their fig tree.带家具的房间下西区有一片红砖楼,住在楼里的一大帮房客像时间一样永不停步,来去匆匆。他们处处无家,处处为家,从这间带家具的房间搬到

    3、那间带家具的房间,永远只是过客不但住所无定,而且心绪、思想无定。他们把家,幸福的家这支歌唱得乱七八糟;他们的家神是搁在纸盒里提来提去的;他们没有葡萄藤,只是帽子上绕着装饰带,也没有无花果树,只有盆景。Hence the houses of this district, having had a thousand dwellers, should have a thousand tales to tell, mostly dull ones, no doubt; but it would be strange if there could not be found a ghost or two

    4、in the wake of【3】all these vagrant【4】guests.所以这一带房子里住过的房客上千,有得说的事也该上千。当然,大多数索然无味。不过,如果说这帮匆匆过客连一两件奇闻也没有,那又不可思议。One evening after dark a young man prowled【5】among these crumbling【6】red mansions【7】, ringing their bells. At the twelfth he rested his lean hand-baggage upon the step and wiped the dust fro

    5、m his hatband and forehead. The bell sounded faint and far away in some remote, hollow depths.一天天黑以后,一位年轻人在这片破败的红砖房中转着,按着门铃。来到第十二栋后,他把寒酸的手提包放在台阶上,掸去帽带上的灰,又揩揩额头。铃声很轻,是在隔得远远的、空荡荡的纵深处响。To the door of this, the twelfth house whose bell he had rung, came a housekeeper who made him think of an unwholesome

    6、, surfeited【8】worm that had eaten its nut to a hollow shell and now sought to fill the vacancy【9】with edible【10】lodgers【11】.这一家(就是他按了铃的第十二家)的女房东来开了门,他一见不由想起了一条害虫,蛀光了果仁,已经吃饱了撑着,可还巴望有什么可吃的进到空果壳里来。He asked if there was a room to let【12】.他问有没有空房间。Come in, said the housekeeper. Her voice came from her th

    7、roat; her throat seemed lined with fur. I have the third floor back, vacant since a week back. Should you wish to look at it?“进来吧,”女房东说。她的声音是从喉管里发出的,而且喉管上似乎长了层苔,“三楼有一间,还刚空了一星期,你去看看吧。”The young man followed her up the stairs. A faint light from no particular source mitigated【13】the shadows of the hal

    8、ls. They trod noiselessly upon a stair carpet that its own loom would have forsworn. It seemed to have become vegetable; to have degenerated in that rank, sunless air to lush lichen or spreading moss that grew in patches to the staircase and was viscid under the foot like organic【14】matter. At each

    9、turn of the stairs were vacant niches in the wall. Perhaps plants had once been set within them. If so they had died in that foul and tainted air. It may be that statues of the saints had stood there, but it was not difficult to conceive that imps and devils【15】had dragged them forth in the darkness

    10、 and down to the unholy depths of some furnished pit below.年轻人跟她上了楼。不知从什么地方发出的微光照着黑乎乎的过道。两人的脚踩在楼梯的地毯上没一点声音,恐怕原来织出这块地毯的织机也认不出这块地毯了。它已面目全非,在有股臭味、不见阳光的空气中腐烂,变成青苔地衣似的东西,在楼梯上一块块扎了根,踩上去还粘脚,像是踩着了什么黏性强的有机物。在楼梯每个拐弯处的墙上都有壁龛,只是空着。也许壁龛里原摆过什么花草,然而禁不住又脏又臭的空气熏。还有一种可能是摆过什么神像,但不难想象,大小魔鬼趁屋子里黑,把它们拖进了罪恶的深渊,让它们呆在堆放家具的地窖

    11、里了。This is the room, said the housekeeper, from her furry throat. Its a nice room. It aint often vacant. I had some most elegant people in it last summer no trouble at all, and paid in advance to the minute. The waters at the end of the hall. Sprowls and Mooney kept it three months. They done a vaud

    12、eville sketch【16】. Miss Bretta Sprowls you may have heard of her Oh, that was just the stage names right there over the dresser is where the marriage certificate hung, framed. The gas is here, and you see there is plenty of closet room. Its a room everybody likes. It never stays idle long.“就是这一间,”女房

    13、东长了层苔的喉咙说,“房间挺好,并不常空着,夏天还住过几位贵客。都是痛快人,到时就预付房租。水在走廊那头。斯普罗尔斯与穆尼住过三个月。他们是演杂耍的。那位布雷特斯普罗尔斯小姐你总该听说过她吧?哦:对,那是她的艺名。她把结婚证配了个镜框,就挂在梳妆台上方。气灯在这里。你看,壁柜多大。这间房人人喜欢,从没有久空过。”Do you have many theatrical people rooming here? asked the young man.“当演员的人常到你这儿来住?”年轻人问。They comes and goes. A good proportion of my lodgers i

    14、s connected with the theatres. Yes, sir, this is the theatrical district. Actor people never stays long anywhere. I get my share. Yes, they comes and they goes.“常来常往。上这儿的房客有一大批与剧场有关系。先生,你不知道,这一带就是剧院区。当演员的人从来就不在哪个地方久住。上我这儿的当然有。他们有来的,有去的,就这样。”He engaged the room, paying for a week in advance. He was t

    15、ired, he said, and would take possession at once. He counted out the money. The room had been made ready, she said, even to towels and water. As the housekeeper moved away he put, for the thousandth time, the question that he carried at the end of his tongue.他租下了房间,预付一个星期租金。他说已经累了,想马上休息。钱如数交清。女房东告诉他

    16、,房间里什么都是现成的,连毛巾和水都已准备好。她正要转身走,年轻人问了一个问题。这个问题他已经问过一千遍了。A young girl Miss Vashner Miss Eloise Vashner do you remember such a one among your lodgers? She would be singing on the stage, most likely. A fair girl, of medium height and slender, with reddish, gold hair and a dark mole near her left eyebrow.

    17、“你是不是记得房客里有个年轻姑娘?叫瓦什纳小姐,全名是埃勒威兹瓦什纳。她很可能在登台演唱。是个漂亮姑娘,中等个子,身材苗条,头发深金黄色,左眼皮附近有颗黑痣。”No, I dont remember the name. Them stage people has names they change as often as their rooms. They comes and they goes. No, I dont call that one to mind.“这个名字我想不起来。他们当演员的今天住这间房明天住那间房,也今天叫这个名字明天叫那个名字。他们来的来,去的去。你说的名字我当真想不

    18、起来。”No. Always no. Five months of ceaseless interrogation【17】and the inevitable【18】negative. So much time spent by day in questioning managers, agents, schools and choruses; by night among the audiences of theatres from all-star casts down to music halls so low that he dreaded to find what he most h

    19、oped for. He who had loved her best had tried to find her. He was sure that since her disappearance from home this great, water-girt city held her somewhere, but it was like a monstrous quicksand, shifting its particles constantly, with no foundation, its upper granules of to-day buried to-morrow in

    20、 ooze【19】and slime【20】.白问,每次都白问,他不厌其烦地问了五个月,得到的回答都是不知道。白天花大气力找剧场经理、中介人、学校、歌舞团打听;夜晚在观众中转,从全是明星登台的大剧院直跑到下三流的音乐厅,连最怕在那儿找到朝思暮想的人的场所都不放过。他真心爱她,在千方百计找她。他相信,自离家出走后,她一定还在这座被水环抱的大城市的某个地方,只不过这座城市像一大片永无安稳之日的流沙,其中的沙粒不停地翻动,今天浮在表面的,明天又埋进泥土里。The furnished room received its latest guest with a first glow of pseudo-

    21、hospitality, a hectic【21】, haggard【22】, perfunctory【23】welcome like the specious smile of a demirep. The sophistical comfort came in reflected gleams from the decayed furniture, the raggcd brocade upholstery【24】of a couch and two chairs, a footwide cheap pier glass between the two windows, from one

    22、or two gilt picture frames and a brass bedstead in a corner.起初带家具的房间对它的新客来了一番假热情,那是一种看来激动、热烈,其实却虚应事故的欢迎,就像娼妓虚情假意的笑。旧家具还有反光;一张床、两把椅上蒙着破织锦;两扇窗之间有一面一尺宽的廉价穿衣镜;墙角里搁着一两个描金画框,一副铜床架等等,这使他或多或少觉得还不坏。The guest reclined, inert, upon a chair, while the room, confused in speech as though it were an apartment in B

    23、abel, tried to discourse to him of its diverse tenantry.客人有气无力地往椅上一靠。顿时,他像进了通天塔,只听见操各种不同语言的人抢着告诉他这儿住过什么房客,简直乱成一团。A polychromatic【25】rug like some brilliant-flowered rectangular, tropical islet lay surrounded by a billowy sea of soiled matting. Upon the gay-papered wall were those pictures that pursu

    24、e the homeless one from house to house The Huguenot Lovers, The First Quarrel, The Wedding Breakfast, Psyche at the Fountain. The mantels chastely severe outline was ingloriously veiled behind some pert【26】drapery【27】drawn rakishly【28】askew【29】like the sashes of the Amazonian ballet. Upon it was som

    25、e desolate flotsam【30】cast aside by the rooms marooned when a lucky sail had borne them to a fresh port a trifling vase or two, pictures of actresses, a medicine bottle, some stray cards out of a deck.邋里邋遢的的地席上铺着一方颜色杂七杂八的毯子,好似波涛汹涌的海洋中露出一个鲜花怒放的方形小岛。墙上糊着花花绿绿的墙纸,贴着无家无室的人在哪间客房都能看到的画,有法国信新教的情侣、首次口角、新婚早餐和

    26、赛克在泉边。壁炉前歪吊着块本来还成样子的布,就像歌剧中亚马逊人身上随便缠着根宽带子。壁炉朴实而庄严的轮廓被盖住了。壁炉上放着些乱七八糟的东西,有一两只不值钱的花瓶,几张女演员像,一只药瓶,几张零星纸牌,都是以前的房客留下的。那些人原先也落难到这荒岛,后来遇到别的船相救,人到新的港口登了岸,乱七八糟的东西就还留在荒岛上。One by one, as the characters of a cryptograph become explicit, the little signs left by the furnished rooms procession of guests developed

    27、a significance. The threadbare space in the rug in front of the dresser told that lovely woman had marched in the throng. Tiny finger prints on the wall spoke of little prisoners trying to feel their way to sun and air. A splattered【31】stain, raying like the shadow of a bursting bomb, witnessed wher

    28、e a hurled【32】glass or bottle had splintered with its contents against the wall. Across the pier glass had been scrawled【33】with a diamond in staggering letters the name Marie. It seemed that the succession of dwellers in the furnished room had turned in fury perhaps tempted beyond forbearance【34】by

    29、 its garish【35】coldness and wreaked【36】upon it their passions. The furniture was chipped and bruised; the couch, distorted by bursting springs, seemed a horrible monster that had been slain during the stress of some grotesque convulsion. Some more potent upheaval【37】had cloven【38】a great slice from

    30、the marble mantel. Each plank in the floor owned its particular cant and shriek as from a separate and individual agony. It seemed incredible that all this malice and injury had been wrought upon the room by those who had called it for a time their home; and yet it may have been the cheated home ins

    31、tinct surviving blindly, the resentful rage at false household gods that had kindled their wrath. A hut that is our own we can sweep and adorn and cherish.渐渐地,原先的房客留下的小物件让他看出了名堂,就像份密电码的字让他一个个破译了一样。梳妆台前的毯子上有一块地方磨光了毛,这说明许多漂亮女人在那儿踩过。墙上留着小手指印,那是小囚徒摸出来的,他们想见到阳光,呼吸新鲜空气。还留着一大块污渍,成放射形,像炸弹开花,显然是有人把一杯或者一瓶什么东西

    32、往墙上一甩甩出来的。穿衣镜让人用金刚石横着歪歪扭扭刻了个名字:玛丽。看来,以往的房客一个个都有股子火气(也许是受不住这儿的过分冷漠发了火),一怒之下便把房间当出气筒。家具已被弄得遍体鳞伤。床上的弹簧东一个西一个冒了出来,整个床便不成样子,活像只死于恶性痉挛的大怪物。壁炉上的大理石不知由于出了什么大乱子,被敲掉了一大块。地板上的每块木板各有各的伤痛,因为各自受过各自的冤屈。那些房客暂住这房间时都暂以这房间为家,却又产生这么多怨气,进行这么多破坏,真难以想象。但也许正由于他们需要家的天性没有真正泯灭却又不得满足,由于他们对冒牌家切齿痛恨,一腔怒火才烧了起来。只要真是自己家,哪怕一间茅棚,我们都会打扫、装饰、爱惜。The young tenant in the chair allowed these thoughts to file, softshod, through his mind, while there drifted into the room furnished sounds and furnished scents. He heard in one room a tittering【39】a


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