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    1、东北大学软件学院计算机组成原理期末考试复习题库东北大学软件学院计算机组成原理期末考试复习题库第一章问题 1The computer has experienced 4 generations, which are ( ).A. Transistors, SMI, Laser device, Optical mediumB. Vacuum Tubes, Transistors, SSI/MSI circuit, Laser deviceC. Vacuum Tubes, Digital tube, SSI/MSI circuit, Laser deviceD. Vacuum Tubes, Tran

    2、sistors, SSI/MSI circuit, LSI/VLSI circuit问题 2The components of CPU do not include ( ).A. Arithmetic unit B. memory C. register D. controller问题 3CPU can process information of external memory directly.A.对 B.错问题 4MFLOPS is a performance index for express the speed of processing the floating point num

    3、ber.A.对 B.错问题 5Although computer science and technology have changed tremendously both in hardware and in software, the basic model for computers has remained essentially the same, which was presented by ( ).A. Einstein B. Von Neumann C. Edison D. Newton问题 6In 8-bits micro-computer system, multiplic

    4、ation and division are realized by ( ).A. dedicated chips B. firmware C. software D. hardware问题 7Software is equivalent to hardware in logic function.A.对 B.错问题 8Resources management of computer software and hardware is the duty of ( ).A. Operating System B. Language process programC. Database Manage

    5、ment System D. Application program问题 9The reason of binary representation for information in a computer is it can easily process the information.A.对 B.错问题 10The basic feature of Von Neumann computer is ( ).A. access memory by address and execute instruction in sequenceB. access memory by contentC. M

    6、ultiple Instruction Stream Single Data Stream (MISD)D. operate stack问题 11Data and instructions are stored in ( ) when the program is running.A. memory B. disk C. datapath D. operating system问题 12The operating system is appeared in ( ).A. the 4th generation computers B. the 2nd generation computersC.

    7、 the 3rd generation computers D. the 1st generation computers问题 13The so called “PC” belongs to ( ).A. Medium computers B. Mainframes C. Micro-computers D. Mini-computers问题 14Computer hardware consists of calculator, memory, controller and I/O devices.A.对 B.错问题 15( ) is not belonged to system progra

    8、m.A. Database system B. Operating system C. Compiler program D. the above all问题 16The vast majority of computer systems used today are constructed on ( ) computer model.A. intelligent B. Von Neumann C. parallel D. real time processing问题 17The use of ( ) signified the development of micro-computer.A.

    9、 software B. disk C. Microprocessor D. OS问题 18The use of microprocessor signified the development of micro-computer.A.对 B.错问题 19The reason why the binary system of representation is widely adopted in computer is ( ).A. computing speed fast B. convenience for information processingC. saving component

    10、s D. the restriction of the nature of physical devices问题 20A full computer should consists of ( ).A. host and Peripheral B. calculator, memory and controllerC. host and program D. hardware and software system问题 21Host consists of CPU and I/O devices.A.对 B.错问题 22In a computer based on the von Neumann

    11、 model, instructions and data are all stored in memory, and CPU distinguish them according their address. A.对 B.错问题 23System software is purchased, and applied software is edit by ourselves.A.对 B.错问题 24Which of the following languages can be implemented directly and edited by Mnemonic(助记符): Assembly

    12、 language; machine language; High-level language; Operating system primitives; Regular languageA. , B. , C. , D. ,问题 25In computer terminology, CPU consists of calculator and controller.A.对 B.错选择题答案:1-5.DBBAB 6-10.CAABA 11-15.ACCAA 16-20.BCADD 21-25.BABBA第二章问题 1If X 2s complement = 0.1101010,then Xs

    13、ign-magnitude = ( )A. 0.0010110 B. 1.0010110 C. 1.0010101 D. 0.1101010问题 2( ) is used to represent address in computer.A. 1s complement B. unsigned number C. 2s complement D. sign magnitude问题 3Numbers X1, X2 are integer, and 【X1】2s compl = 10011011,【X2】 2s compl = 00011011, then their true value of

    14、decimal form are _ and _。问题 4The sign-magnitude representation of 0 is unique.A.对 B.错问题 5Plus two 2s complement numbers that adopt 1 sign bit, overflow must occur when ( ).A. carry signal is generated from the sign bitB. XOR operation for carry signal generated from the sign bit and carry signal gen

    15、erated from the highest numerical bit is 0C. XOR operation for carry signal generated from the sign bit and carry signal generated from the highest numerical bit is 1D. XOR operation for carry signal generated from the sign bit and carry signal generated from the highest numerical bit is 1问题 6The ra

    16、nge of representation for a 1s complement number system of 64 bits (including the sign bit) is ( ).A. 0|N|263 1 B. 0|N|262 1 C. 0|N|264 1 D. 0|N|263问题 7Fixed point number can be classified into pure decimal(纯小数) and pure integer(纯整数).A.对 B.错问题 8In fixed point calculator, whether adopted double sign

    17、bit or single sign bit, it must has ( ), which is often implemented by ( ).A. Decoding circuit, NAND gate B. encoding circuit, NOR gateC. overflow detection circuit, XOR gate D. shift circuit, AND-OR gate问题 9Arithmetic shift 2s complement of a positive, sign bit remains unchanged, and the blank bit

    18、fills in 0. Arithmetic left shift 2s complement of a negative, sign bit remains unchanged, and the low bit fills _. Arithmetic right shift 2s complement of a negative, sign bit remains unchanged, and the high bit fills_, and truncat low bit.问题 10Let the word length is 8, the fixed point integer with

    19、 2s complement representation of -1 is _.问题 11In fixed point operation, it will be overflow when the result exceeds the represent range of the computer.A.对 B.错问题 12For a 8-bit 2s complement representation integer number, its minimal value is_, its maximal value is_.问题 13A fixed point number is compo

    20、sed of sign bit and numerical part.A.对 B.错问题 14The range of representation for a 2s complement number system of 16 bits (including the sign bit) is ( ).A. -215 + (215 -1) B. - (215 1) + (215 1) C. -215 + 215 D. - (215 +1) + 215 问题 158-4-2-1 BCD code of a number is 0111 1000 1001, then its true value

    21、 is_.问题 16The addition/subtraction algorithm for sign magnitude representation is rather simple.A.对 B.错问题 17Which of the following numbers is odd parity?A. 010110011 B. 001000111 C. 110100111 D. 110100111问题 18The number represented in the computer sometimes will be overflow, the fundamental reason i

    22、s the limited computer word length.A.对 B.错问题 19For fixed point binary calculator, subtraction is implemented through ( ).A. 2s complement binary subtractor B. 2s complement binary adderC. sign magnitude decimal adder D. sign magnitude binary subtractor问题 20In 2s complement addition/subtraction, usin

    23、g 2 sign bits for overflow detection, when the 2 sign bits S1S2 equals 10, it means that ( ).A. result is positive, with no overflow B. result is negative, with no overflowC. result is overflow D. result is underflow问题 21The 2s complement representation of -127 is 10000000.A.对 B.错问题 22The minimal nu

    24、mber of the following numbers is ( ).A. (100101)2 B. (100010)BCD C. (50)8 D. (625)16问题 232s complement representation of 0 equals to 1s complement representation of -1.A.对 B.错问题 24If X2s complement = 1.1101010,then Xsign-magnitude = ()A. 1.0010101 B. 1.0010110 C. 0.0010110 D. 0.1101010问题 25For sign

    25、magnitude representation, 1s complement representation, 2s complement representation,_ and_has 2 representations of 0.问题 26The use of 2s complement operation is adopted to simplify the design of computer.A.对 B.错问题 27Fixed point calculator is used for ( ).A. fixed point operation B. floating point op

    26、erationC. fixed point operation and floating point operation D. decimal addition问题 28When -1x0, xsign-magnitude = ()A. 1-x B. (2-2-n)-|x| C. 2+x D. x问题 29The maximal number of the following numbers is ( ).A. (227)8B. (96)16C. (10010101)2D. (143)5问题 308-4-2-1 code is binary number.A.对 B.错问题 31A decim

    27、al number is 137.5, then its octal form is _, its hexadecimal form is_.问题 32For a 8-bit 1s complement representation integer number, its minimal value is_, its maximal value is_.问题 33The ()representation of 0 is unique.A. sign magnitude and 1s complementB. 1s complementC. 2s complementD. sign magnit

    28、ude问题 34The range of representation for a unsigned binary number system of 16bits is_.问题 35Given 【x1】 2s compl =11001100, 【x2 】sign mag =1.0110, the decimal value of x1 and x2 are_ and _.答案:1-2.DB 3. -101 27 4-8.BCAAC 9. 0 1 10.1000000011.A 12. -128 127 13-14.BA 15.789 16-20.BAABC21-24.BBBB 25. sign

    29、 magnitude representation 1s complement representation26-30.AAAAB 31. 211.4 89.8 32. -127 127 33.C34. 065535 35. -52 -0.375第五章问题 1Calculator has many components, but data bus is the key part.A.对 B.错问题 2In an adder, the carry generate variable (G) of bit i is ( ).A. XiYiB. XiYiCiC. XiYiCiD. XiYi问题 3T

    30、he carry look-ahead circuit chip 74182 realizes the carry logic between groups in parallel.A.对 B.错问题 4The subtraction algorithm of fixed point binary is realized by ( ).A. subtraction for sign magnitude representationB. addition for binary code decimalC. addition for 2s complement representationD. subtraction for 2s complement representation问题 5The main function of ALU is ( ).A. arithmetic operat


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