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    1、小升初英语真题附答案收藏版小升初英语试卷1、找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. weather ( ) 2. A. bread B. meat C. apple D. butter ( ) 3. A. cupboard B. desk C. window D. chair ( ) 4. A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy D. snowy ( ) 5. A. the B. near C. behind D. on 二、词汇。(5分) 根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。 1.

    2、 - Thank you very much! - With p _. 2. W_ comes after Tuesday. 3. What do you have for b_. 4. This is Peters e_ life. 5. F_ is the second month of a year. 三、选词填空。(5分)用at, on, to, like, for, in front of, from填空。 1. Whats the weather _ in Shanghai? 2. A storm is coming _ South China Sea. 3. Heres the

    3、weather report _ tomorrow. 4. Mr. Smith has many pigs _ his farm. 5. Father is cleaning his car _ the house. 6. I get up _ six oclock in the morning. 7. We are eating dinner _ the table. 8. Its raining. We can watch TV _ home. 9. What can I do _ you? 10. Its five _ twelve in the morning. 四、用所给单词的适当形

    4、式填空。(10分) 1. Linda can swim very fast. She is a good _ (swim). 2. Its late. We cant play any _ (long). 3. Mary is much _ (good) today. 4. That is a new boy. _ (He)name is Jack. 5. - Heres your book. - _(Thank) a lot. 6. Today is the _ (nine)of June. 7. I _(have) a shower at this time yesterday. 8. S

    5、an was in the _ (sit) room just now. 9. Lucy writes _ (carefully) than Lily. 10. My father _ (read)a newspaper last night. 五、选出与画线部分意义相近的词组或句子。(10分) ( ) 1. Excuse me. Wheres Shanghai Zoo? A. How far is B. How can I get to C. Where can I go to ( ) 2. Which apple do you want? A. do you like B. would y

    6、ou want C. would you like ( ) 3. You can go to Zhongshan Park on foot. A. walk to Zhongshan Park B. go to Zhongshan Park by foot C. go to Zhongshan Park by walk ( ) 4. Rose and Jane are in the same class. A. classmates B. schoolmates C. deskmates ( ) 5. The girl in white is Jane. A. has a white dres

    7、s B. with a white dress C. wearing a white dress ( ) 6. Its ten five. A. ten to five B. ten past five C. five past ten ( ) 7. Where are you from? A. are you coming B. do you come from C. do you from ( ) 8. - Im hungry. Can I eat some bread? - Certainly. A. Thats great. B. Sure. C. Yes, I can. ( ) 9.

    8、 The boys of our school like to play football. A. like playing B. to like play C. like play ( ) 10. They had a good time at the party last Sunday. A. had many time B. enjoyed themselves C. had many friends with them 六、选择填空。(12分) ( ) 1. My sister can _ well. Shes a good _. A. singing; singer B. sing;

    9、 singer C. sing; singing ( ) 2. _ chase the ducks! A. Cant B. dont C. Dont ( ) 3. _, the music is nice! A. Look B. Listen C. Hear ( ) 4. What do sheep like? A. They like corn. B. They like grass. C. It likes grass. ( ) 5. - Are you _? - Yes, we are. A. postman B. postmen C. the postman ( ) 6. It was

    10、 _ egg. Now it is a caterpillar. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 7. - Would you like some milk? - _. A. Yes, I like. B. No, I dont C. No, thanks ( ) 8. - Excuse me, wheres Red Flag School? A. by B. taking C. take ( ) 9. Its late. Lets _. A. go to home B. go home C. go to the home ( ) 10. - Whose desk is this?

    11、 - Its _. A. Tims and Jims B. Tim and Jims C. Tim and Jim ( ) 11. We played _ at nine oclock in a music lesson. A. drum B. drums C. the drum ( ) 12. We cant eat _ drink in class. A. and B. but C. or 七、根据要求改写句子。(8分) 1. John has lunch at school every day. (对画线部分提问) _ 2. Lingling gets up at six oclock.

    12、 (现在进行时) _ 3. I like the small apple. (否定句) _ 4. That tall man is Mr White. (对画线部分提问) _ 5. What time do you go to school? (一般过去时) _ 6. Its warm in spring and cool in autumn in Shanghai. (对画线部分提问) _ 7. I read English every day. (对画线部分提问) _ 8. Mr Black can speak very good Chinese. (对画线部分提问) _ 八、阅读理解。(

    13、15分) A.阅读短文后做出判断,符合短文意思用T表示,不符合用F表示。(5分) What Am I? I was born (出生)in a small river. When I was young, the river was my home. I did not know my father or mother, but I had many, many brothers and sisters. I swam and played with them. At that time I did not look like my father or mother. I had no leg

    14、s, but I had a long tail(尾巴).So I looked like a fish. Then my tail became shorter and shorter(变得越来越越短). And now I have four legs and a very short tail. I know Im going to have no tail at all soon(不久). Im going to be like my father and mother. Then Im going to jump out of the water. Im going to live

    15、on the land(陆地)and in the water too. Im going to eat a lot of insects(昆虫)- a lot of bad insects. What an I?( ) 1. The river was my home when I was born.( ) 2. I had no father or mother, but I had many brothers and sisters.( ) 3. I was a fish when I was young.( ) 4. Im going to look like my father an

    16、d mother.( ) 5. Im an insect. B.根据短文内容,回答问题。(10分) The Crow (乌鸦)and the Fox A crow is sitting in a big tree. She has a big piece of meat in her mouth. My babies will have a nice breakfast, she thinks. An old fox is looking for (寻找)his breakfast. He sees the crow and the meat. How can I get that piece

    17、 of meat? he thinks. Good morning, Mrs Crow, says the fox very sweetly. How are you?, But the crow doesnt say a word. You are very nice babies, Mrs Crow, says the fox very sweetly. How are they? May I see them? Still(仍然), the crow doesnt say a word. You are very beautiful, Mrs Crow. And you have a b

    18、eautiful voice(声音)too, says the fox very, very sweetly. Will you sing a song for me? Mrs Crow thinks, How nice Mr Fox is! I must sing him a song. So she opens her mouth, Caw! Caw! (乌鸦的叫声) Down drops (掉下)the meat into the foxs mouth.Questions: 1. What does the crow have in her mouth? _ 2. What is the

    19、 old fox looking for? _ 3. The fox says Good morning to the crow. Does the crow say anything? _ 4. Why does the crow open her mouth? _ 5. Who gets the meat at last(最后)? _ 九、读短文,用五个英语句子将短文写完。(5分) Today is Childrens Day. Its sunny. The pupils are having an English evening on the playground.2、小升初英语模拟测试

    20、题(八)答案一、D C A B A二、1. pleasure 2. Wednesday 3. breakfast 4 .everyday 5. February三、1. like 2. from 3. for 4. on 5. in front of 6. at 7. at 8. at 9. for 10. to四、1. swimmer 2. longer 3. better 4. His 5. Thanks 6. ninth 7. had 8. sitting 9. more carefully 10. read五、B C A A C C B B A B 六、B C B B B B C C

    21、B B C C 七、1. What does John do at school every day?2. Lingling is getting up now.3. I dont like the small apple.4. Which man is Mr White?5. What time did you go to school?6. Whats the weather like in Shanghai?7. How often do you read English?8. How can Mr Black speak Chinese?八、A: T F F T FB: 1. A pi

    22、ece of meat. 2. Breakfast. 3. No, she doesnt 4. Because she wants to sing a song for the fox. 5. The fox.小升初英语模拟试题及答案 找出划线部分发音不同的单词 (5%)1.( )A. look B. cool C. school D. zoo2.( )A. mine B. with C. knife D. behind3.( )A. teacher B great C clean D please4.( )A. pear B. hair C. here D. wear5.( )A. what

    23、 B. which C. white D. whose二、词型转换(10%)1. country (复数) _ 2. far (比较级)_3. open (现在分词)_ 4. quick (副词)_5. sea(同音词) _ 6. we(形容词性物主代词)_7. one (序数词) _ 8. hear (同音词) _9 sun(形容词)_ 10. ran(原形)_三.选择填空(10%)( ) 1. After school we usually play _ soccer for half _ hour on _ sports ground.A. /; an; the B. the; a; the C. /; a; / D. the; an; a( ) 2. Is she a bus driver? _. She is a postwoman.A. No, she isnt B. Yes, she is C. No, she is D. Yes, she isnt( ) 3. Can you help my child _ his science _ Tuesday mornings?A. in; in B. with; on C. for; at D. with; at( ) 4. Is this your shoe? Yes, it is, but where is _


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