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    1、酒店工作常用英语句子短语情景对话口语大全 Unit 13 Dealing with problem New words and expressions She put away her clothes in the dresser. 他把衣服收好放在衣柜里。 The plastic and laundry list are contained in your dresser right the second drawer. 塑料袋和洗衣表格在您梳妆台右边的第二个抽屉里。 I think I ought to call a repairman to go to your room to fix

    2、them and get someone to clean the room. 我想我应该叫个维修工去您房间修好它,然后再派个人去清洁房间。 New words and expressions Im glad to be at your service. 愿意为您效劳。 Im afraid youll have to pay for the damage. 恐怕您得为损坏赔偿。 Just lean on me and Ill help you to bed. 靠着我,我帮您到床上去。 Let me pinch your nose to stop the bleeding. 让我把您鼻子捏住止血

    3、。 New words and expressions Please dont blow your nose. Otherwise itll bleed again. 别碰你的鼻子,否则又流血了。 New words and expressions smoke detector 烟感器;烟雾探测器 smoke alarm Your smoke detector is flashing, sir. 您房间的烟感器在闪,先生。 smoke detector detect the presence of smoke. 烟尘探测器可探测是否存在烟雾。 security alarm system 安全警

    4、报系统 The detector is very sensitive. So if you smoke next time, please open the window. 烟感器很敏感,所以下次如果您吸烟,请打开窗户。 Special Terms in Maintenance 工程维修部 Maintenance Dept. Engineering & Maintenance Dept. 总工程师 chief engineer 副总工程师 asst. chief 值班工程师 我对此表示抱歉,我会通知维修部的经理,他会立即处理此事。 Im sorry for that. Ill tell the

    5、 manager of the maintenance department. Hell see to it at once. 我的职责就是确保每个房间及饭店的每个角落都不断水。 Its my duty in the hotel to ensure proper water supply to all rooms and other part of the hotel. 由于正在修水管,从上午8点到下午3点暂停供水。 Since the water pipes are being repaired, cold water is not available from 8 a.m. to 3 p.

    6、m. Passage 2 Housekeeping Department 任何饭店经营中,客房部都是基础的部门之一。 The housekeeping department is one of the basic departments in any hotel operation. 客房部负责清洁客房,使他们看起来整洁、配备齐全并且舒适。 The housekeeping department is responsible for cleaning guest rooms and making them looks tidy, well-appointed and comfortable.

    7、Useful terms and sentences The housekeeping department is headed by the executive housekeeper and its staff includes housemaids, housemen, floor clerks, linen room attendants, and the like. 客房部由客房总监带领,员工包括客房部女服务员、男服务员、楼层服务员和布草房员工等。 Linen room 布草房 In addition to keeping the rooms clean and in good or

    8、der, the housemaid or chambermaid must keep a daily record of each room. 客房部服务员除了要保持客房情节有序外,还必须做好每间房的客房日志。 Useful terms and sentences Production sheet 生产指示单,生产订单 The production sheet tell the housemaid whether the room needs makeup or servicing because of recent use. 生产订单告诉客房部服务员,根据最近使用情况客房是否需要整理或者维

    9、护。 The production sheet also tells the housemaid which room should be generally cleaned and which bathroom should be scrubbed. 生产订单还告诉客房服务员哪间房需要一般清洁,哪间卫生间需要擦洗。 Useful terms and sentences If the room doesnt need a complete makeup, then the housemaid does a pickup. 如果客房不需要彻底清理,客房服务员就会做个简单整理。 The house

    10、maids usually clean the checkout rooms first, unless there is a special early makeup request. 如果没有特殊的请即清扫的要求,客房部服务员通常先清扫已结客房。 Useful terms and sentences The rooms with early makeup requests should be serviced promptly because guests might need them for a business meeting. 请即清扫要求的客房应该立即服务,因为客人可能用客房做商

    11、务会议用。 If the housemaid finds something wrong with the room or something is damaged, she is instructed to call the supervisor who, in turn, should tell the front desk that the room is out of order. 如果客房服务员发现客房有问题或者物品损坏,她会按指示告诉主管,值班主管会通知前台客房发生故障。 Useful terms and sentences The hotel laundry and valet

    12、service are also parts of the housekeeping departments domain. 饭店洗衣服务也是客房部的工作范围。 The staff must provide quick and efficient service for guests who need their clothes washed, dry cleaned or pressed. 客房部员工必须提供快速有效的服务给那些需要水洗、干洗和熨烫衣服的客人。 Useful terms and sentences Vacancy report 空置报告;空房报告 The housekeepi

    13、ng department also fills requests for additional accommodations for guests, such as extra bedding and rollaway beds. 客房部还要为客人提供额外住宿要求的服务,比如额外的被褥和滚动式折叠床等。 Another responsibility of the staff is to take special care of the master keys. This is very important for security seasons. 客房部员工的另一个职责是特别注意万能钥匙,

    14、因为安全的原因它尤其重要。 The Responsibilities of Housekeeping Staff Executive housekeeper: In charge of housekeeping Dept. in a large hotel. 客房总监或叫客房部经理,在大酒店负责客房部。 Supervisor: A head of housemaids or chambermaids or room keepers. 主管,是客房部服务员的总管。 The Responsibilities of Housekeeping Staff Housemaid/ chambermaid:

    15、 Who takes care of the housework in the guest room, such as making or changing beds, dusting furniture, sweeping or cleaning floors and carpets, washing the bathroom, replacing towels and washcloths, etc. 客房部服务员,负责客房部的家务劳动,比如换床单、家具抹尘、清洁地板和地毯、清洁卫生间、更换毛巾和浴巾等。 The Responsibilities of Housekeeping Staff

    16、 Floor clerk: Works at the public area of certain floor, supplies information and answers guests questions, and supplies the rooms with the items guests need. 楼层服务员,在某一楼层的公共区域工作,回答宾客问讯并提供信息,提供宾客需要的物品。 Linen room attendant: Works in the laundry and valet room. 布草房员工,在洗衣房工作。 The Responsibilities of Ho

    17、usekeeping Staff Houseboy: Does heavy housekeeping chores, especially in the public areas of the hotel, such as washing window, shampooing carpets, removing and cleaning draperies, and many other tasks that might be considered beyond the physical capacities of women. 客房部男服务员,做比较繁重的客房部杂活,尤其在饭店的公共区域,比

    18、如清洗窗户、地毯、帷幔等很多被认为超出女人能力的重活。 The Responsibilities of Housekeeping Staff To a certain extent, many of their jobs are performed out of sight of the guests. 在某种程度上,他们很多工作都是在客人的视线之外完成的。 “back of house” services 客房无人服务 But they make it possible for guests to feel the heart-felt warmth and live in a comfor

    19、table temporary home. 但是他们让宾客感到由衷的温暖,住在一个舒适的临时的家里。 Unit14 Reservation vacant room 空房 vacant seat 空座 ; 空位 Room availability 可用房;空房= vacant room Western cuisine 西餐 Im sorry to say that we dont have a vacant table at the moment. 很抱歉现在我们没有空位。 Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。 Sorry to have kept

    20、 you waiting. We can seat your party now, would you please step this way, please? 抱歉让您久等了,您现在可以就坐,这边来好吗? Take your seats. Heres the menu. The waiter will come in a few minutes to take your order. 请坐,这是菜单,服务员会在几分钟后为您点单。 Useful sentences Id like to book a table for six. 我想订张六人台。 Were going to eat orde

    21、r some specialties. 我们想试试特色菜。 Were looking forward to seeing you. 我们期待您的光临。 Im sorry to say that we dont have a vacant table at the moment. 很抱歉现在我们没有空位。 Useful sentences Would you please have a seat in the waiting room for a few minutes? One table over there is almost ready. 您可以在那边的待餐间休息一会吗?那边的一张餐台马

    22、上就好了。 Sorry to have kept you waiting, ladies and gentlemen. We can seat your party now. 很抱歉让您久等了,现在可以让您就坐了。 Here is the menu. Ill return in a few minutes to take your order. 这是菜单,几分钟后我会过来为您点餐。 Useful sentences and phrases A moment, please, Ill check the room availability. 稍等,我核实一下可用房情况。 Function roo

    23、m 多功能厅 Video player 视频播放器 Slide projector 幻灯片放映机 The room rental is charged on a half-day basis and theres a charge for the equipment. 会议室的租金是半天起价,而且所配备的设备也要收取费用。 Useful sentences A banner is also preferred in the lecture room and a poster in the lobby. 最好会议室有个横幅,大堂放个通知。 The function rooms can be pa

    24、rtitioned according to the needs of the guests. 我们根据宾客的需要划分会议室。 Would you please sign here for confirmation? 请在这签字确认好吗? Passage 2 Banquet Reservation Banquet reservationist 宴会预订员 His or her responsibilities includes answering questions about reservations, booking and assigning tables or private room

    25、s for guests who request a table or a room in the hotel. 他/她的职责包括回答关于预订的问题,为在饭店需要餐桌或包间的客人进行预订、分配。 He/ she takes reservations, cancellations and revisions. 他/她处理预定、预定取消和预定修改。 Passage 2 Banquet Reservation For a large-scale or an important banquet reservation, however, a face to face talk is suggested

    26、. 然而,对于大型的或者重要的宴会预定,建议面对面的谈一下。 When a guest comes to make reservation in person, hell be able to give detailed instructions with regards to the set-up of the banquet venue, table set-up, food and beverage standard, and the like. 当客人亲自来预订的时候,他能在宴会场地、桌面布置、餐饮标准等方面进行具体的指导。 Lantern Festival What do we do

    27、 during the lantern festival? We watch the lanterns, eat the rice dumplings and guess the lantern riddles. What does Tangyuan symbolize in Chinese? Tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with “TUANYUAN”, meaning reunion. Traditional Chinese Festivals 春节 Spring Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival

    28、清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day 劳动节 International Labor Day 端午节 The Dragon Boat Festival 中元节(鬼节) Dead Spirits Festival Hungry Ghost Festival 中秋节 The Moon Festival Mid-Autumn Day 国庆节 The National Day Translation 我想为TED先生订一张靠窗的6人台,晚上6:30用餐。 Id like to order a table for six beside the window for Mr. Ted. The tim

    29、e is at 6:30 afternoon. 这张桌子已经预定,那张桌子怎么样? The table was ordered already, how about the table over there? 餐厅现在客满,请稍后约20分钟好吗? Were fully booked up now. Will you care for waiting for about 20 minutes? Translation 对不起,让您久等了。 Sorry to have kept you waiting. 为了让客人满意,我们愿意竭尽全力。 Wed like to try our best to s

    30、atisfy our guests. 先生想几点来就餐? What time would you like your table, sir? 为您预订晚上8点不吸烟区域的两人餐台,请问您的姓名? Ill reserve a table for two in the non-smoking area at 8:00, sir. May I know your name, please? Translation 我们期待您今晚大驾光临,谢谢您打电话来。 We look forward to having you with us tonight. Thank you for calling us. 我们已经接受很多预定了,虽然我不能保证什么,但请相信我们一定会尽力,希望您能理解。 We have already received many bookings and though I cant guarantee anything, please be assured that well try our best. I hope youll understand. Unit 15 Breakfast we serve ham, sausage and bacon. 我们供应火腿、香肠、熏肉。 Hot pot


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