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    1、大学英语A4必考阅读理解及翻译#精选1Romantic love is one of the most enticing topics around. Just about every movie, TV show, and country-music song contains some element of romance. For many, romantic relationships are by far the most important in their lives.浪漫的爱情是最迷人的一个话题。几乎所有的电影,电视节目,音乐和乡村音乐歌曲包含一些爱情元素。对许多人来说,浪漫关

    2、系是迄今为止在他们的生活中最重要的。 As a society, we long for intimacy. We grow up believing that if we just meet the right person we will be happy. This message is popularized by modern media. It is perhaps one of the most destructive messages around. Quentin Crisp says: The consuming desire of most human beings is

    3、 to deliberately plant their whole life in the hands of some other person. I would describe this method of searching for happiness as immature .作为一个社会,我们长期的亲密。我们相信如果我们“仅仅满足人的权利”,我们会很高兴的。这个消息是由现代媒体推广。这也许是最具破坏性的消息。昆廷说:“脆的大多数人的消费欲望是故意的种植他们的整个生活在另一个人的手。我会形容这种方法寻找幸福是不成熟的” When we feel unhappy it is natur

    4、al to start searching for the cause of our distress. There is nothing wrong with this, but it becomes a problem when we start searching outside of ourselves. We are taught that 当我们不开心的时候很自然地开始寻找我们的痛苦的原因。这没有错,但它成为一个问题,当我们开始搜索以外的自己。我们都知道if we are happily coupled we wont have problems. It is therefore

    5、natural to blame our partner for our aloneness. The consequences of this belief are enormously self-destructive.如果我们是快乐的“耦合”我们不会有问题。责怪我们的“孤独的伙伴是很自然的。”这一信念的后果是巨大的自我毁灭。 Romantic love is exciting, but what happens when the romance wears off? Experts estimate that romantic sexual attractions last only 1

    6、8 months to two years. Using love or sex as a drug will only prevent us from reaching maturity. We do need excitement and stimulation and joy and intimacy. But in mature love we are concerned with our loved ones joy and fulfillment. The satisfaction comes not from our own immediate gratification, bu

    7、t from the joy of giving to the other person, and watching them grow and thrive.浪漫的爱情是令人兴奋的,但是当爱情消失?专家估计,浪漫的性吸引力,最后只有18个月到两年。用爱和性作为药物只会阻止我们达到成熟。我们需要兴奋和刺激、欢乐和亲密。但在成熟的爱,我们关心的是我们所爱的人的快乐和满足感。满足不是来自我们自己的即时满足,但给人的快乐,看着他们成长。 If you are single, the best thing you can do to prepare for a life-long loving rel

    8、ationship is to work on getting your own needs met. The first thing to do is to start identifying what they are. For instance: you long for affection and need a hug. Have you thought of asking a friend to hug you? You will be amazed what will happen if you start asking people directly to meet your n

    9、eeds. 如果你是单身,你可以准备一个终身的爱的关系的最好的事情就是做你所需要的。要做的第一件事是开始确定它们是什么。例如:你长的感情和需要一个拥抱。你问一个朋友拥抱你的想法吗?你会惊讶,如果你开始问人们直接去满足你的需求会发生什么。You will get some negative responses, but for the most part you will find that people are happy to help you.你会得到一些消极的反应,但大部分你会发现人们很乐意帮助你。 Many of us were taught our needs are wrong.

    10、Our needs are not wrong. We get into difficulty when we try to meet our needs in indirect ways. It is not that we shouldnt enjoy the excitement of a new relationship or love interest; we get into difficulty when we think we will get all our needs met from this one magical person.我们中的许多人被教导我们的需要是错的。我

    11、们需要的是没有错的。我们遇到困难时,我们尽量满足我们的需要,以间接的方式。这并不是说我们不应该享受新的关系或爱的兴趣的兴奋;我们遇到困难时,我们认为我们会得到所有满足我们的需要从这一“神奇”的人。1. What does Quentin Crisp think of the popular search for happiness?_A_ 1。昆廷脆认为幸福的热门搜索什么?_A The search is not sensible. 一搜索是不明智的。B The media should be responsible for the search. B媒体应负责搜索。C You can sur

    12、ely find happiness without the help of some other person. C 你一定能找到幸福,没有其他人的帮助。D It is advisable to make such a search together with some other person.D应该与其他人一起做这样的搜索。2. When one is unhappy, he tends to _D_. 2。当一个不幸的是,他往往_。A make himself happily coupled with another 一让他跟另一个快乐的耦合B search for the cause

    13、 of his distress inside himself B中寻找自己的窘迫的原因C search for the cause of his distress with his partner C寻找他痛苦的原因与他的合作伙伴D think its his beloved one that causes his problems D 认为自己心爱的人,使他的问题3. Which of the following statements is NOT true about romantic love?_A_ 3。下列哪项不是浪漫的爱情真的吗?_A Romantic love lasts fo

    14、r a lifetime. 一浪漫的爱情是一辈子的。B Romantic love does not equal mature love. B浪漫的爱情并不等于成熟的爱。C Romantic love is exciting but it can wear off. 【C】浪漫爱情是令人兴奋但它可能磨损。D Many people regard romantic love as the most important part in their lives.【D】许多人认为浪漫的爱情是最重要的部分,在他们的生活中。4. To prepare for a life-long loving rela

    15、tionship, one should identify his own needs first and _C_. 4。准备一个终身的爱的关系,应确定自己的需要和_第一。A avoid longing for too much intimacy 一避免渴望太亲密B meet some of his needs in indirect ways B符合以间接的方式,他的一些需要C ask a friend to help him find a romantic lover 【C】请朋友帮他找一个浪漫的情人D not get all his needs met from his partner

    16、aloneD没有得到他所有的需求单从他的伙伴5. What is the main idea of the passage?_B_ 5。这篇文章的中心思想是什么?_A There is always an unequal give-and-take in mature love. 一总是有一个不平等的给予和接受爱。B We shouldnt expect romantic love to meet all our needs. b 我们不该期待浪漫的爱情来满足我们的需求。C Its a wrong belief that we should enjoy the excitement of a

    17、new relationship. C 这是一个错误的信念,我们应该享受一段新感情的兴奋。D It is natural to derive satisfaction from watching ones loved ones grow and thrive.【D】自然是要看你所爱的人的成长和发展中得到满足。Passage 2Born black in a land where white people were powerful and respected, born female in a land where decisions were masculine (男子的), I had b

    18、een afraid of the life of poverty and despair. In the prime of my youth, whenever I thought about growing old, I always carried a profound belief that I wouldnt live past the age of 28. Tears would fill my eyes and bathe my face when I thought of dying before my son became an adolescent.出世在一地的白人的强大的

    19、和受尊敬的黑人,出世在一地的决定是男性化的女性(男子的),我一直害怕贫困和绝望的生活。在我的青春,每当我想到变老,我总是带着这一信念我不会活过28岁。眼泪溢满了我的眼眶,洗我的脸时,我想在我的儿子成为一个青少年死亡。 I was thirty-six before I realized I had lived years beyond my deadline and needed to revise my thinking about an early death. I would live to see my son an adult and myself at the half-centu

    20、ry mark. With that realization life turned sweeter. Old acquaintances became friendships, and new acquaintances showed themselves more interesting. I did not live in undue absorption in the bygone loves burdened with disappointments and betrayals. I found new loves were coming.我三十六岁之前,我意识到我已经超出我的期限和

    21、需要来改变我对早期死亡的思考。我会活着看到我的儿子长大成人,我在半个世纪的标记。实现了与生活的甜蜜。老熟人了友谊,和新朋友显示自己更有趣。我没有活在过去的过度吸收爱背负着失望和背叛。我找到新的爱来了。 I decided I would consent to living to an old age. White strands of hair would emerge near my temple (太阳穴). I would speak more slowly, choosing my words just like an elder stateswoman. My clothes wou

    22、ld gradually become more distinguished-looking: gray suits and elegant dresses. And while I would refuse to wear old ladies comforts, I would give away the three-inch-high heels that had given me the advantage of being taller than nearly everyone else in the world. And I would choose good shoes with

    23、 medium heels. I would keep company with other old women who would be equally prettily dressed, and I would always have an elegant, well-dressed man holding my arm.我决定我会同意生活。头发白股将出现在我的殿(太阳穴)。我会说得更慢一些,选择我的话就像一个年长的政治家。我的衣服会逐渐变得更加气宇轩昂的:灰色西装和优雅的礼服。而我会拒绝穿老女人的安慰,我会把三英寸高的高跟鞋,给了我是几乎比世界上其他人高的优势。我会选择好的鞋中鞋。我会和

    24、其他人一样打扮得漂漂亮亮的老女人作伴,我总是有一个优雅,穿着得体的男人牵着我的手。 Those were my plans. But at sixty my body which had never displayed a mind of its own, turned uncontrollable, stubborn and disloyal. My face became wrinkled, the skin on my thighs turned lumpy (粗糙的) and my waist thickened. I began to be overwhelmed with doub

    25、t and pessimism.这些是我的计划。但在六十我的身体从来没有显示出自己的心,把不可控的,顽固的不忠。我的脸变得皱巴巴的,在我大腿上的皮肤变成块状(粗糙的)和我的腰粗。我开始被怀疑和悲观。 But now, as I walk slowly nearer to my seventieth year, my optimism has returned. My appetites have also returned. True, I cant eat fried chicken with potato salad and then head for bed. I eat smaller

    26、 portions earlier and try to take a short walk. A smooth Scotch whisky still causes me to smile, and a decent wine is received with gratitude. What I have learned so far about aging, despite the old bones and the wrinkles of ones once-silken skin, is this: do it. By all means, do it.但现在,我慢慢地靠近我第七十年,

    27、我的乐观主义的回归。我的胃口也恢复了。真的,我不能吃炸八块鸡土豆沙拉,然后睡觉。我吃小份的早期尝试散步。一个光滑的苏格兰威士忌仍然使我的笑容,和一个体面的葡萄酒感谢着领受。我学会了到目前为止老化有什么,尽管老骨头和一个曾经皮肤细嫩,皱纹是这样的:这样做。通过一切手段,去做。6. The narrator believed she wouldnt live past the age of 28 because _D_. 6。作者认为她不会活过28岁因为_。A her parents did not live past that age 一她父母没有过去的时代B she could not liv

    28、e long without her son B她活不长久没有儿子C her husband was white and treated her badly at home C 是白色的,她的丈夫对她不好,在家里D the prospect of leading a life of poverty and without respect rendered her hopelessD导致贫困的生活并没有使她无望的尊重7. Deciding she would live to an old age, the narrator planned her future life in a way tha

    29、t she would _C_. 7。决定她将长寿,叙述者计划自己的未来生活的一种方式,她会_。A speak more slowly and wear old ladies comforts 一说的更慢和磨损的老女人的安慰B speak like an elder stateswoman and dress herself elegantly B说话像个大政治家和打扮优雅C make friends with other elegantly dressed men and women C结交其他衣冠楚楚的男人和女人D wear shoes with high heels to give he

    30、r the advantage of being taller 【D】穿高跟鞋给她是高的优势 8. Which word can be used to describe the narrators attitude toward life when she reached sixty?_D_ 8。哪个词可以用来描述叙述者的生活态度,当她达到六十?_A Resentful. 一怨恨。B Optimistic. B乐观。C Pessimistic. C悲观。D Grateful. D感激。 9. Which of the following statements is true about the

    31、 narrator?_D_ 9。下列哪个陈述是关于叙述者真的吗?_A As she grew older, she found life more difficult. 一当她长大了,她发现生活更难。B Only when she turned 70 did she find life sweet. B只有当她70岁时,她发现生活是甜蜜的。C As she grew old, she spent more time thinking about her bygone loves. C当她老了以后,她花了更多的时间对她逝去的爱的思考。D At different stages of her life, she had different understandings of aging. 【D】在她人生的不同阶段,她已经老化的不同理解。 10. By describing her life experiences, what does the author intend to tell us?_C_ 10。通过描述她的生活经历,打算告诉我们作者是什么?_A Black women should earn more power and resp


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