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    1、买方背景:北京世纪通进出口公司(以下简称世纪通公司)系综合性进出口公司,其母公司系大型的跨国企业集团,在国内外市场均有一定的信誉。该公司与农牧业联系较多,为农牧业进口的精制饲料量较大。尤其乳猪饲养的乳清粉,世纪通公司从欧洲采购较多,国内的用户对其采购的乳清粉质量反映很好。该项业务也成了该公司的一项重要的长线业务。产 品:乳清粉分食品与饲料两类。食品级的乳清粉主要用作冰激凌的原料。其酸度、细菌、灰份等指标要求很严格。饲料级的乳清粉,主要作为饲养乳猪的精饲料。为了加工需要,从其包装运输要求上必须使其保持粉状。客户关系:买方世纪通公司与卖方荷兰飞利饲料公司系先从第三者处知道对方的经营实力、彼此互有敬


    3、任后,认为是货物质量问题,并就此问题向卖方交涉。买方谈判目标:买方要依照国际惯例,就合同违约向出口方索取合理赔偿。在第一批货已接收且信用证已承兑的情况下,要处理好乳清粉结块的质量损失问题,争取换货或降价收进。由于夏季雨水多,结块现象会加重,应争取尽快结束谈判。卖方谈判目标:卖方在确认质量与责任的前提下,适当降价或以换货的方式给予进口方补偿。由于中国北方夏季雨水亦多,结块现象会加重,应尽快结束谈判,确保第二个合同的继续履行。谈判地点、时间: 中国北京,某年8月。要求模拟:谈判组织(人员调配及分工安排),谈判方案的准备,谈判主持及展开。Negotiation on the Claim due to

    4、 Whey Powder Quality ProblemThe sellers background: Holland Filly Feedstuff Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Filly”) is a professional feedstuff manufacturer that produces extractive feedstuff and addictive at large scale and takes up a remarkable market share in the domestic market and the Eur

    5、opean market. The Asian market is one of its target markets. Several years ago, it established office in Beijing, which actively contacts the agents and end users in China. For years, due to the continuous efforts of this office, it has taken up a certain market share with its extractive feedstuff a

    6、nd addictive. The whey powder business with Beijing Shijitong Import and Export Co., Ltd was one of the most achievements in its market exploration in China. For this issue, its office in Beijing and head office in Holland pay much attention to. The buyers background:Beijing Shijitong Import and Exp

    7、ort Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Shijitong”) is a comprehensive import and export company whose parent company is a large multinational and that enjoys high reputation in the markets at home and abroad. It mainly contacts the sectors of agriculture and animal husbandry and imports a great a

    8、mount of extractive feedstuff. Especially, it imports much whey powder for breeding of porkets from Europe. The domestic users have a positive feedback on the whey powder for breeding of porkets it imports. This business has become one of its long-term businesses. Product:Whey powder is classified i

    9、nto food and feedstuff. The former one is mainly used for the raw material for ice cream so the requirements are strict with its acidity, bacteria and grey etc; the latter one is mainly used as the feedstuff for the breeding of porkets. For processing purpose, it must keep in powder during packing a

    10、nd transportation. Customer relation:Shijitong and Filly know mutual operation strength from the third party and show respect and credit to each other. Afterward, with the office of Filly in Beijing, the first business between them was done. Although it was the first business, the scale was large, w

    11、ithin one month, they signed two feedstuff class whey powder contracts with total quantity up to 400t and total amount up to USD180,000. This indicated that both parties desired to have large business in the Chinese market. Claim cause:In June, the buyer and the seller signed two contracts with the

    12、total quantity up to 400t and the buyer opened two letters of credit that month. According to the terms and conditions of the letters of credit, the seller should delivery first batch of goods, i.e. 200t whey powder before July 15 from Rotterdam Port, while the second batch of goods, i.e. 200t whey

    13、powder before August 31. In fact, the first batch with amount up to USD90,000 reached Tianjin Port in the mid of August, and the buyer obtained the related bills after accepting to pay the goods money, and transacted delivery pickup procedures; however, when opening the containers, the buyer found s

    14、ome of the goods had been agglomerated. The buyer immediately contacted the forwarder; after excluding the possibility of water penetration into the ship and the responsibility of the insurance company, the buyer deemed that this was the quality problem and contacted they seller for such issue. Nego

    15、tiation target:The buyer should lodge a claim to the contract violator for reasonable compensation in conformity with the usual international practice. The seller must argue on reasonable ground to reduce the compensation pressure, but the follow-on contract must be fulfilled well. Negotiation place

    16、 and time: Beijing China; August, Simulation requirements:Complete negotiation organization (personnel arrangement and staffing), prepare negotiation scheme and hold and have negotiation.案例解析这是一场有关贸易合同纠纷的索赔谈判。乳清是乳制品企业利用牛奶生产干酪时所得的一种天然副产品,它是液态的,将乳清直接烘干后就得到了乳清粉。乳清粉能提供大量的乳糖,在仔猪消化道内发酵可产生大量的乳酸,帮助消化,抑制细菌的生


    18、明这些都需要很多时间。这笔进出口贸易合同一共400吨分两次交货,信用证是同一次开的,第一批200吨货物的损失怎么处理,关系到第二批货物能否顺利交接,合同能否履行到底,这个关联性谈判双方要注意到。这次谈判要有一个满意的结果,前期准备必须充分,特别是了解贸易惯例、结算、索赔等国际贸易知识,作为进口方世纪通公司,应该在谈判中拿出第一批乳清粉结块的证据,比如照片、检验数据等,而且应该算一笔账。当初结块的乳清粉降价一半都没有卖完,因此货值应该低于50% 以下,按照货值的60%,也就是要求对方补偿9万元的损失是合理的索赔,具体数字同学们不必苛求一致,但就是要做一个损失的明细帐,以使自己在谈判中处于一个主动




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