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    高中英语 名词性从句专项练习.docx

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    高中英语 名词性从句专项练习.docx

    1、高中英语 名词性从句专项练习名词性从句专项练习1.Can you tell me _ the railway station?A. how I can get to B. how can I get to C. where I can get to D. where can I get to2. The old gentleman never fails to help _ is in need of his help. A. whom B. who C. whoever D. whomever3. No one can be sure _ in a million years.A. what

    2、 man will look like B. what will man look likeC. man will look like what D. what look man will like4. He seemed different from _ he used to be . A. that B. which C. what D. who5. The question he asked was _ the electrical equipment should be stored. A. what B. which C. where D. because6. Does Helen

    3、live on this street? Yes. This is _ she lives. A. which B. where C. who D. that7. Give it to _ you think can do the job well. A. who B. whoever C. whomever D. whatever8. The question is _ he will come back in time. A. if B. whether C. that D. when9. _ is for him to decide.A. When leaving B. When sha

    4、ll we leave C. When we leave D. That when we will leave10. It _ that space is limitless. A. believes B. was believed C. believed D. is believed11. The reason Einstein lest his homeland was _.A. because Hitler killed the Jews B. that Hitler killed the JewsC. for the fact that Hitler killed the Jews D

    5、. since Hitler killed the Jews12. he is satisfied with _ his son did. A. all what B. that C. all that D. which13. Do _ right and respect the opinions of others.A. what you believe is B. that you believe is C. which you believe D. whatever that you believe14. He made a tour to _ was once a palace. A.

    6、 where B. that C. what D. which15. _ is power is a famous saying known to all.A. What knowledge B. How knowledge1C. Where knowledge D. That knowledge16. Do you really believe there is life in outer space? So far there is no proof _ life from other planets does exist. A. which B. how C. what D. that

    7、17. His suggestion _ to watch the football match excited every one of us .A. that we go B. which we should go C. that we would go D. when we should go18. What the doctors really doubt is _ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. A. when B. how C. whether D. why19. The reason _ nothing

    8、on earth is motionless is _ the earth is constant motion. A. why, that B. that, why C. of, that D. that, because20. It added to our difficulties _ he didnt come. A. that B. when C. since D. because 21. The order came _ the soldiers _ the small village the next morning.A. that, had to leave B. /, mus

    9、t leave C. that , should leave D. when, should leave 22. Father made a promise _ I passed the exam , he would buy me a bicycle. A. that B. if C. whether D. that if 23. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. _ I get wet through. A. Its the reason B. Thats why C. theres why D. Its how24. Go and get

    10、 your coat. Its _ you left it . A. there B. where C. there where D. where there 25. These photographs will show you _ .A. what does our village look like B. what our village looks likeC. how does our village look like D. how our village looks like26. People have heard what the president has said; th

    11、ey are waiting to see _ he will do. A. how B. what C. when D. that27. I remember _ this used to be a quiet village. A. when B. how C. where D. what28. I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full. A. it B. that C. these D. then29. The police found that the house _ and a lot of things _.A. has br

    12、oken into; has been stolen B. had broken into; had been stolenC. has been broken into; stolen D. had been broken into; stolen30. _ we cant get seems better than _ we have.A. What, what B. What, that C. That, that D. That, what 31. The mother didnt know _ to blame for the broken glass as it happened

    13、while she was out. A. who B. when C. how D. what 32.The other day, my brother drove his care down the street at _ I thought was a dangerous speed.A. as B. which C. what D. that33. Prof. Lees book will show you _ can be used in other fields.A. that you have observed B. how that you have observed C. t

    14、hat how you have observed D. how what you have observed34. _ David says sounds right to Helen. Thats why she has made up her mind to leave with him _ happens.A. Whatever, whatever B. No matter what, whateverC. No matter what, no matter what D. Whatever, however35. Many people thought little of me, b

    15、ut I did what _.A. I though I was right B. I thought is was rightC. I thought was right D. I was thought right 36. I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full. A. it B. that C. these D. them37. Mr. Mike didnt understand _ made his wife so upset this morning.A. what was it B. why it was this C.

    16、how that was D. what it was that38. _ made the school proud was _ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.A. What, because B. What, thatC. That, what D. That, because39. The expert insisted that silkworms were first raised by a woman in _ is now he Bei Province. A. which

    17、B. that C. where D. what40. That warmhearted woman often helps _ is in trouble. A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever41. _ man first made use of electricity is not exactly known. A. When B. If C. That D. What42. Its suggested that we _ do our homework first. A. must B. have to C. should D. will43. _

    18、 the coach was content with was _ his team won the match. A. What, which B. That, that C. What, that D. That, what44. Mary wrote an article on _ the team had failed to win the game. A. why B. what C. who D. that45. _ she couldnt understand was _ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lesson

    19、s.A. What, why B. That, what C. What, because D. Why , that46. _ you can go to college this year depends on _ you are studying hard now. A. That, that B. Whether, whether C. If, if D. Whether, if 47. We saw a film yesterday afternoon, _ we had supper in a nearby restaurant. A. when B. which C. befor

    20、e it D. after which48. A modern university has been set up in _ used to be a deserted land. A. which B. that C. what D. where49. On the third floor there are two rooms, _ is used as a meeting-room.A. one of them B. the larger of whichC. and a larger of them D. the largest one of which50. This depend

    21、s on _ hell come or not . A. that B. whether C. why D. if 52. Its a shame _ you cant come to the party. A. that B. when C. whether D. if 53. My mother asked _ with me.A. what was the wrong B. what was the matterC. what the matter was D. what matter was54. She was never satisfied with _ she had achie

    22、ved. A. that B. which C. what D. whether 55. _ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural difference from one aspect. A. What B. That C. This D. Which56. Your article is all right _ it is too long. A. except for B. except when C. except that D. except 57. _ is no doubt _ Betty

    23、can win the first prize in the speech contest. A. It , whether B. There, that C. it, that D. There, whether58.( NMET 2002 )Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just _ worries the public.A. why B. which C. that D. what59. ( NMET 2002 ) I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. I

    24、s that _ you had a few days off? A. why B. when C. what D. where60. ( NMET 2002 ) The news came _ the British Queen Mother celebrated her 101st birthday in good health, _ isnt surprising, because she lives an easy life and lets the best medical care.A. that, which B. which, which C. that, that D. wh

    25、en, as 61. ( NMET 2002 ) The thought _ Lao Gao would open a Sichuan restaurant in Los Ageles surprised his wife. A. that B. what C. whether D. if 62. ( NMET 2003 ) Your ability has never been in doubt- the question is _ you are prepared to work hard. A. that B. if C. how D. whether63. ( NMET 2002 )

    26、Our dream has come true at last 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. A. whether B. when C. that D. where 64. ( NMET 2002 ) Mr. Mike didnt understand _ made his wife so upset this morning.A. what was it B. why it was this C. how that was D. what it was that 65. ( NMET 2004 ) It was with great

    27、joy _ he received the news _ his lost son would soon return home. A. because, that B. that, that C. because, which D. that, /66. ( NMET 2002 ) The reason _ he didnt come was _ he had to take care of his sick mother. A. why, that B. why, which C. which ,why D. that, for 67. ( NMET 2004 ) You are sayi

    28、ng that everyone should be equal, and this is _ I disagree. A. why B. where C. what D. how68. Along with the letter was his promise _ he would visit me this coming Christmas. A. which B. that C. what D. whether69. After several years, he changed a lot and looked different from _ he used to be. A. th

    29、at B. whom C. what D. who70. Information has been put forward _ more muddle school graduates will be admitted into universities. A. while B. that C. when D. as 71. He always works hard even if he knows the fact _ he is not in good health. A. which B. that C. why D. while 72. * The reason _ being lat

    30、e for the meeting was _ his little son fell ill this morning. A. for, that B. why, that C. for, because D. why, because73.He asked _for the violin.A. did I play how much B. I paid how muchC. how much did I pay D. how much I paid74.Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see_.A. who is he B. who he is C. who is it D. wh


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