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    1、九年级中考模拟英语试题IV听力测试部分(共三节,满分25分)第一节听下面5个问题. 每个问题后有三个答语. 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项. 听完每个问题后, 你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一个小题. 每个问题仅读一遍.()1. A. My classmate. B. Friendly. C. Sixteen years old. ()2. A. Very dirty. B. A note. C. Its brown. ()3. A. Its fast. B. At 8:00 am. C. Its crowded.()4. A. Its heavy. B. Too big. C

    2、. The one on the bed. ()5. A. Im nodding. B. A lot of hair. C. Better, thanks. 第二节听下面7段对话. 每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项. 听完每段对话后, 你都有5秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题. 每段对话仅读一遍.()6. What is Kates mother? A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. A patient.()7. Where is the man? A. In the cinema. B. On the farm. C. At a

    3、store.()8. What was the weather like this morning? A. Sunny. B. Foggy. C. Rainy. ()9. Where are the two speakers? A. In a library. B. In a book shop. C. In a post office. ()10. What will the speakers do? A. Have a talk. B. Have a walk. C. Have a look. ()11. What does the man prefer? A. Reading novel

    4、s. B. Watching movies. C. Making himself relaxed. ()12. Whats the womans suggestion? A. Sending an email. B. Taking new photos. C. Making a telephone call. 第三节听下面4段对话或独白. 每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项. 听每段对话和独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出10秒钟的作答时间, 每段对话或独白听两遍.()13. How much did the ma

    5、n win in the contest? A. 15 dollars. B. 500 dollars. C. 1,500 dollars. ()14. How did the man feel after winning the prize? A. Happy. B. Funny. C. Crazy. ()15. What is the man doing now? A. Giving the money to charity. B. Having a Talent Contest. C. Fetching the money. 听下面一段对话, 回答16至18题.()16. When di

    6、d the woman get home last night? A. About twelve. B. About half past ten. C. About half past twelve. ()17. Where did the woman go last night? A. To a concert. B. To a wild party. C. To a birthday party. ()18. Why did the woman come back late? A. The concert ended until midnight. B. She went to a Pop

    7、 Music Concert. C. She went to her friends home. 听下面一段对话, 回答19至22题.()19. What is the man doing in front of the restaurant? A. Ordering a table. B. Asking for help. C. Traveling around. ()20. When is the man leaving for New York? A. Five minutes later. B. After an hour. C. The next morning. ()21. Wha

    8、t is the man looking for? A. A restaurant. B. A hotel. C. A bank. ()22. How will the man get to Queen Street? A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot. 听下面一段材料, 回答23至25题.()23. Whats the speaker mainly talking about? A. The history of blood donation. B. The purpose of blood donation. C. A general introductio

    9、n of blood donation. ()24. From whom can a hospital usually get the blood to save lives? A. Doctors. B. Patients. C. Healthy people. ()25. How long will it take your body to make enough blood if you give blood? A. Several minutes. B. Only one day. C. About a week. 二、选择题()26. Well travel to different

    10、 places in this summer vacation. Enjoy your trip! . A. Me, too B. Yes, Id love to C. The same to you D. Very well, thank you()27. Toms a taxi driver, he really wants to be a singer. A. or B. and C. so D. but()28. Do you know if Jack will drive to New York this weekend? Jack? Never! He driving so far

    11、. A. has hated B. will hate C. hated D. hates()29. A nice shirt! A present? Yes, it is. My aunt it to me for my last birthday. A. was sending B. had sent C. will send D. sent()30. Is Mr. Smith in the office? No, He to the library. A. goes B. had gone C. has gone D. would go()31.What would I do, doct

    12、or? Please keep of your eyes open. Look at the chart to check your eyesight. A. another B. both C. either D. neither()32. Oh you sound just like an Englishman. , I still have trouble expressing myself. A. Yes, youre right B. Well, not quite like that C. I dont mind D. Youre welcome()33. Wed better i

    13、nvite Tom and Kate to the party tonight. Yes, ? Ill give them a call right now. A. why B. why not C. what for D. how()34.Did Tom speak to you this morning? No, he me, but he didnt notice me. A. passed B. saw C. knocked D. greeted()35.Mum, I failed in the exam again. Dont lose your heart, But you mus

    14、t be about your study. A. happy B. serious C. interested D. popular()36.Do you know the lyrics of this song? No, not at all. I can only remember the first few of the song. A. words B. music C. notes D. beat()37.She didnt believe such things much. But they were really important. A. mattered B. came C

    15、. meant D. cost()38.Hows your trip to Paris? It was interesting but expensive. We all our money in one week. A. went off B. went out C. went through D. went up()39.May I put my bike here? No, you . You should put it over there. A. couldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. wont()40.What did the man ask you just

    16、 now? He asked me . A. whether could I help him B. who has been to Beijing C. whats wrong with the bike D. how he could get to the zoo三、完形填空 Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column(专栏). She had been a school teacher before she retired, but she needed to keep 41 .

    17、She was even willing to work without pay. She then offered her 42 with a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people. Every day she 43 other old folks like her. By talking with them, she recognized two things. Old people had abilities that were not 44 . But old people also had som

    18、e 45 . She found a new purpose for herself then.Through the years, she 46 to write stories about people for national magazines. There was now a new 47 : old people like herself. She began to write a newspaper column called Sixty Plus, which was about getting old. She writes about the problems of old

    19、 people, especially their problems with being 48 .Anna Douglas uses her thinking ability to see the truth behind a problem. She understands 49 problems begin. For example, one of her 50 said that his grandchildren 51 the houses as soon as he came to visit. Mrs Douglas 52 some ways for him to underst

    20、and his grandchildren.Its important to know 53 about your grandchildrens world, says Mrs Douglas. That means questioning and listening, and 54 is not what old people do best. Say good things to them and about them, she continues. Never try to scold your grandchildren or other young people. Never 55

    21、your opinion. Dont tell them what they should do. Commonly, they have been taught they should have respect for old people. The old should respect them as well. ()41. A. free B. rich C. powerful D. busy()42. A. service B. money C. students D. books()43. A. watched B. met C. comforted D. answered()44.

    22、 A. studied B. agreed C. gave D. used()45. A. mistakes B. problems C. questions D. characters()46. A. had B. started C. stopped D. used()47. A. subject B. life C. way D. plan()48. A. unknown B. refused C. misunderstood D. hurt()49. A. that B. when C. why D. whether()50. A. visitors B. readers C. lis

    23、teners D. friends()51. A. got B. entered C. left D. passed()52. A. invented B. chose C. suggested D. imagined()53. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing()54. A. listening B. speaking C. pleasing D. advising()55. A. speak out B. give up C. get back D. stick to四、阅读理解2019-2020年九年级中考模拟英语试题(I

    24、V)Tangos Tangos are fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance.Place: Citys gymDate: July 1August 25Price: ¥60Time: 7: 30 pm9: 30pmTel: 686-5028Live Pop MusicEnjoy the music from Wang Lin, a famous pop singer.Place: The music hallDate: July 20July 22Price: ¥200¥250 Time: 8: 00pm10: 0

    25、0pmShows at the Museum of Chinese HistoryMuseum of Chinese History has over 1,000 pieces on display here. Come and see the whole of Chinese history!Place: The Museum of Chinese HistoryDate: July 1August 31Price: ¥50 (half for students)Time: Monday to Friday: 8:30 am5: 30 pm; Weekends: 9: 00 am8: 00

    26、pm.Tel: 537-1518()56. If Mary is interested in dancing and she wants to learn it, she can call . A. 537-1518 B. 488-6888 C. 231-2899 D. 686-5028()57. You can enjoy Wang Lins music at in the music hall. A. 9:00 pm on July 20 B. 9:00 pm on July 19 C. 7:30 pm every day D. 9:30 pm on July 23()58.You can

    27、 learn at Citys gym. A. American jazz B. pop songs C. Chinese history D. tangos()59. There are big shows on history at . A. the music hall B. the Museum of Chinese History C. Citys gym D. the Museum of American History()60. If you are going to the museum with your parents on Friday, how much should

    28、you all pay for it? A. ¥70 B. ¥100 C. ¥125 D. ¥200BHealthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruit and vegetables, and cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt and sugar. Healthy eating will help you get the right balance of nutrients. It will help you

    29、feel at your best and have plenty of energy. Healthy eating is one of the best things you can do to prevent many health problems. Healthy eating is not a diet. It means making changes which you can live with and enjoy for the rest of your life. Diets are temporary (暂时的), because if you eat too littl

    30、e when you diet, you may eat more after you stop dieting. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is good. And if you match that with much physical activity, you are more likely to get your weight down. What can you do to make healthy eating a habit? First, think about your reasons for healthy eating. Do yo

    31、u want to improve your health? Do you want to feel better? Are you trying to set an example to other people? Next, think about some small changes that you can make. Pick ones that you can keep doing. Set an easy goal you can reach, like having a piece of fruit each day. Set a long-term goal too, such as havin


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