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    1、四年级下册英语快乐阅读四年级快乐英语阅读训练题Unit1 一、选择填空( ) 1. Sam likes _ at school. A. Art B. Maths C. Music( ) 2. Bobby likes to _ to school.A. run B. ride C. walk( ) 3. Julia wants to draw circles, but they look like _ A. eggs B. potatoes C. tomatoes( ) 4. Mum gives a _ to help Julia. A. a new pencil B. a piece of g

    2、reen paper C. a rubber ( ) 5. Julia wants to draw _, but they look like tomatoes. A. flowers B. houses C. trees二、根据课文内容,判断正( T )误( F )。( ) 1. Father gives Julia a pencil sharpener to help her. ( ) 2. Julia can draw a perfect picture at last. ( ) 3. Julia wants to draw houses, but they look like bott

    3、les of ketchup. (一瓶瓶番茄酱)( ) 4. Sam likes cereal(谷物) for breakfast. ( ) 5. Julia wishes she can draw well. 三、根据课文故事发展顺序,给下列句子排序 A. Father and Mother help her.B. Julia draws her cat on a clean piece of paper. Her picture is perfect. .C. Julia wishes she can draw well. . D. Julia cant draw circles or h

    4、ouses. Her pictures are awful. She doesnt like her drawings.E. Julia draws a frowning face with her left hand. F. Julia wants to give up. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Unit 2一、为什么爸爸说Floppy 是a bad dog? 读一读,把Floppy做的坏事圈出来。 二、这个星期,Floppy 分别做了哪些事,读一读,连线。 1. Monday a. bark a lot2. Tuesday b. go in the mud 3. W

    5、ednesday c. pull the washing down4. Thursday d. go on the concrete5. Friday e. push the Lego over三、根据课文内容,判断正( T )误( F )。( ) 1. Floppy is a bad dog.( ) 2. We dont like Floppy. ( ) 3. The kettle is on fire. Floppy tries to let us know. ( ) 4. Floppy takes one of Dads slippers to the kitchen this Frid

    6、ay. ( ) 5. Floppy barks a lot on Friday night. ( ) 6. Mum takes Floppy to the park, Floppy pushes my Lego over. Unit 3一、选择填空( ) 1. Whos Sams e-friend? _A. Bobby B. Tina C. Linda ( ) 2. The dog shows off his bone. Here “show off ”means_A. 丢下 B. 拾到 C.炫耀 ( ) 3. What does the dog get in the end( 最后)? A.

    7、 one bone B. two bones C. Nothing ( ) 4. What do you think of the dog? A. Hes silly B. Hes clever C. Hes greedy(贪婪的 ). ( ) 5. “Be happy with what you have.”means(意思是)_.A. 积极争取想要的东西 B. 拥有了才能快乐 C. 知足常乐 二、根据课文内容,判断正( T )误( F )。( ) 1. The dog is in the park. ( ) 2. The dog sees his reflection in the riv

    8、er. ( ) 3. The dog meets the other (另一个) dog on his way home.( )4. “The dog learns his lesson.” means (意思是) “狗得到了教训”.( ) 5. The dog sees a hamburger when he walks in the woods.三、根据课文故事发展顺序,给下列句子排序 A. The dog sees his reflection in the river. B. One day, a dog sees a big bone when he walks in the woo

    9、ds. C. The dog learns his lesson. D. The dog jumps at his reflection in the river. E. On his way home, he meets an owl. F. The dog finds nothing in the river. G. The dog barks at his reflection in the river. H. The dog shows off his bone. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Unit 4一、选择填空( ) 1. “才艺展示”的英文短语

    10、是“_”。A. hand puppet B. talent show C. sing rock ( ) 2. Jack and Bob meet a _in the forest.A. tiger B. lion C. bear ( ) 3. Bob is _. A. silly愚蠢的 B. selfish 自私的 C. smart聪明的 ( ) 4. “Never trust the friend who leaves you in danger.” means(意思是) A. 绝对不要相信那个帮助你的朋友。B. 千万不要相信你的朋友,赶快离开危险境地。C. 绝对不要相信将你置于危险中的朋友

    11、。 ( ) 5. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”means(意思是)_.A. 留得青山在不愁没柴烧。 B. 凡是比先难后易 。 C. 患难见真情。 二、根据课文内容,判断正( T )误( F )。( ) 1. Bob climbs up the tree, but Jack is still on the ground.( ) 2. Jack and Bob dont run when they see the bear. ( ) 3. The bear says to Bob “Never trust the friend who leaves

    12、you in danger. ”.( )4. The bear thinks bob is a dead man and goes away. ( ) 5. Jack. is very angry with(生气) Bob 三、根据课文故事发展顺序,给下列句子排序 A. The bear thinks Bob is a dead man and goes away. B. Jack and Bob take a walk in the forest. C. bob lies down and pretends to be dead. D. The dog jumps at his reflec

    13、tion in the river. E. Jack climbs down the tree. He still shivers with fear. F. The dog finds nothing in the river. G. They both run for dear life. H. Jack climbs up a tree, But Bob is stll on the ground. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Unit5 Hey Presto!一、单项选择。( )1.The conjuror(魔术师) borrows a _ from

    14、the boy. A. hat B. watch C. tie ( )2.The conjuror invites the_ to come onto the stage.A. boy B. father C. mother ( )3.The boy want to watch the show. 划线单词在句中是 _A. 手表 B. 看见 C. 观看( )4.Good_,ladies and gentlemen A. morning B. afternoon C. evening( )5. The conjuror covers(覆盖) the bag _ his tall hat A. t

    15、o B. with C. for( )6. The conjuror puts the bag on the _ head A. mothers B. fathers C. boys二、读一读,连一连。. 三、根据故事内容排序。AThe conjuror invites the boy to stand in a big box. BThe conjuror opens the box and now the boy has everything. CThe conjuror borrows an earring from the mother and puts it into the sam

    16、e bag.DThe conjuror waves his stick and shouts,“Hey presto!”EThe conjuror borrows a tie from the father and puts it into a bag.FThe conjuror invites the father to come onto the stage. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Unit6The Great Spaghetti Suit 一、单项选择。( )1.Hes a famous singer. 划线单词在句中是 _。A. 聪明的 B.着名的 C. 有礼

    17、貌的( )2.The dogs like the _ ! A. Spaghetti B. noodles C. rice( )3.The famous singer needs a great _ ! A. shirt B. suit C. hat( )4.The boy is _ ! A. rude(粗鲁的) B. clever(聪明的) C. fierce(凶猛的)( )5.The boy and his mother have Spaghetti for _. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( )6. The sweater is _. A. Bobbys

    18、 B. Mr Dogs C. Mr Tigers二、判断(与原文表达一致的写“T”,不一致的写“F”)。( )1.The famous singer isnt afraid of dogs.( )2.The dogs dont like the Spaghetti.( )3.The boy and his mother can make a great spaghetti suit.( )4.The mother and the father work all night to make the suit. ( )5.The singers concert is a great success

    19、.三、根据故事内容排序。AI need a great suit tomorrow. BSir, heres your great spaghetti suit. CAn important-looking man comes to buy a suit. DThey measure him for a proper suit.EThe spaghetti suit comes apart.FThe singer tries on many suits , but he is not satisfied with any of them. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Uni

    20、t7一、选择( ).1.I go to the pool every day in summer.My sister comes too.中的“pool”意思是_.A.游泳池 B.水池 C.池塘( )2.The lifeguards are so_ A.polite B.clever C.mean ( ) 3.I dive into the pool.The whistle blows and the lifeguard yells at me,_ A.Dont dive in the shallow end ! B.No pushing! C.Lets hide from the lifeg

    21、uards. D.Dont eat here! ( )4.I eat some popcorn by the pool. The whistle blows._ A. Dont dive in the shallow end ! B. No pushing! C. Lets hide from the lifeguards. D. Dont eat here! ( ) 5.I run and jump into the water.The whistle blows._. A.Dont dive in the shallow end ! B.No pushing! C.Lets hide fr

    22、om the lifeguards. D.Dont eat here!二,判断(与原文表达一致的写“T”,不一致的写“F”)。( )1.The lifeguards are so friendly.( ) 2.I run and jump into the water.The whistle blows.”No pushing( ) 3.I dive into the pool.The whistle blows and the lifeguard yells at me. “No running!”( ) 4.I swim to the deep end.My sister follows

    23、me.Lets hide from the lifeguards.( ) 5.The lifeguards dont come and help us.三、根据故事内容排序。( )The lifeguards look after the boy and other people at the pool.( )The boy cant eat popcorn by the pool.( )The boy goes to the pool with sister.( )The boy cant run or push others at the pool.( )The boy cant dive

    24、 in the shallow end. Unit8一、单项选择。( )1.On Sunday,Sara catches _by the pond.A.shells B.a frog C.some strawberries( )2.Jerry takes_for her show-and-tell.A.a frog B.a ring C.shells( )3.Where does Sara find her show-and-tell frog ?A. in the classroom B.at home C.at the beach( )4.Ben takes_for his show-an

    25、d-tell. A.the poste B.shells C.some strawberries( )5.Jenny takes_for her show-and tell.A.a frog B.a nice ring C.shells二,看图连线。三、排序。 ( )1.Sara puts the frog into a box,but it is not there the next morning. ( ) 2.On Sunday,Sara catches a frog by the pond. ( ) 3.At last,Sara finds the frog in the classroom. ( ) 4.Sara does the show-and-tell-frogs. ( ) 5.Sara looks for her frog everywhere.but she just cant find it.


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