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    1、天津理工大学软件工程总结红字是考点分析解析填空10个, 选择10个,名词解释5个,简答题2个,画图题2个第一章一、 FAQs about software engineering软件工程中常见的问题1、 software: Computer programs and associated documentation 软件是计算机程序和所有使程序正确运行所需要的相关文档和配置信息Software products软件产品分为:Generic通用、Bespoke (custom)定制2、Software engineering is an engineering discipline that i

    2、s concerned with all aspects of software production.软件工程是一门工程学科,涉及软件生产的各个方面Software engineers should adopt a systematic and organised approach 软件工程人员运用的是系统的、有组织的工作方法。3、difference between software engineering and computer science:系统工程和计算机科学的区别:Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is

    3、 concerned with all aspects of software production.计算机科学侧重于理论和基础,而软件工程侧重于软件开发和交付的实际活动。4、 the difference between software engineering and system engineering:软件工程和系统工程的区别:System engineering is concerned with all aspects of computer-based systems development including hardware, software and process eng

    4、ineering. Software engineering is part of this process系统工程侧重基于计算机系统开发的所有方面,包括硬件、软件和处理工程。软件工程只是它的一部分。5、 software process :A set of activities whose goal is the development or evolution of software. 软件工程是以软件开发和进化为目的的一系列活动Generic activities in all software processes:软件过程的基本活动a) Specification 软件描述b) Dev

    5、elopment 软件开发c) Validation软件有效性验证d) Evolution 软件进化6、software process model:软件过程模型A simplified representation of a software process, presented from a specific perspective.从特定角度提出的软件过程的简化表示形式Examples of process perspectives are Workflow perspective 工作流模型 Data-flow perspective 数据流或活动模型 Role/action pers

    6、pective角色/动作模型Generic process models 通用过程模型 Waterfall瀑布型开发方法 Iterative development迭代式开发方法 Component-based software engineering(CBSE)基于组件的软件工程7、the costs of software engineering软件工程的成本Roughly 60% of costs are development costs, 40% are testing costs. For custom software, evolution costs often exceed

    7、development costs. 软件开发成本约占60%,测试成本占40%。对于定制软件而言,进化成本常常高于开发成本。8、software engineering methods软件工程方法:Structured approaches to software development which include system models, notations, rules, design advice and process guidance.软件开发的结构化研究方法,包括:系统模型、标记法、规划、设计忠告和过程指南9、CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engi

    8、neering)计算机辅助软件工程:are intended to provide automated support for software process activities. CASE systems are often used for method support. 旨在使软件过程活动自动化的软件系统。CASE常用作方法支持10、the attributes of good software优良软件的特点:The software should deliver the required functionality and performance to the user and s

    9、hould be maintainable, dependable and acceptable.软件应具有用户所需的功能与性能,而且应该可维护、可靠、可用11、key challenges facing software engineering软件工程面临的主要挑战:Legacy遗留 Heterogeneity多样性挑战 delivery交付上的挑战 trust信任的挑战第二章一、system engineering process系统工程过程(填空)二、 System modelling系统建模在系统需求和设计活动中,系统被建模成一系列组件和组件间的关系。通常是以图的形式描述在系统结构模中

    10、,以便给读者一个系统组织的总体概念。Usually presented as a block diagram以方块图来描述,展现一些主要的子系统以及子系统之间的关联。三、System evolution系统进化Large systems have a long lifetime. They must evolve to meet changing requirements.大型和复杂的系统都会有一个非常长的生存期。在整个生存期内,必须改进原有的系统需求中的错误进而满足出现的新需求。四、 system procurement process系统采购过程:(考填空)以最佳方式获得系统做出决策并决定

    11、系统的最佳供应商。第四章一、软件工程模型software process model:is an abstract representation of a process. It presents a description of a process from some particular perspective.二、(1)waterfall model瀑布模型:Separate and distinct phases of specification and development. One phase has to be complete before moving onto the n

    12、ext phase.直到上一阶段完成,下一阶段才能启动劣势:The main drawback of the waterfall model is the difficulty of accommodating change after the process is underway. Inflexible partitioning of the project into distinct stages makes it difficult to respond to changing customer requirements(2)Evolutionary development进化式开发:

    13、Specification, development and validation are interleaved.优势:描述可以不断补充完善劣势:a) Lack of process visibility;过程不可见b) Systems are often poorly structured;系统结构通常较差Applicability适用于:a) For small or medium-size interactive systems;b) For parts of large systems (e.g. the user interface);c) For short-lifetime s

    14、ystems.进化式开发的两种基本类型:Exploratory development 探索式开发、Throw-away prototyping抛弃式原型(3)Component-based software engineering基于组件的软件工程(Reuse-oriented development面向复用的软件开发方法)其过程模型如下图:三、Spiral development螺旋式开发1、Process is represented as a spiral rather than as a sequence of activities with backtracking. Each l

    15、oop in the spiral represents a phase in the process.它不是将软件过程用一系列活动和活动间的回溯来表示,而是将过程用螺旋线表示。每个回路表示软件过程的一个阶段。No fixed phases such as specification or design - loops in the spiral are chosen depending on what is required.Risks are explicitly assessed and resolved throughout the process.2、四部分:Objective se

    16、tting目标设置、Risk assessment and reduction风险评估和规避、Development and validation开发和有效性验证、Planning规划.四、Software validation软件有效性验证:is intended to show that a system conforms to its specification and meets the requirements of the system customer.是要看系统是否符合它的描述以及系统是否符合客观的预测目标。Involves checking and review proces

    17、ses and system testing.System testing involves executing the system with test cases that are derived from the specification of the real data to be processed by the system6、 测试过程的阶段:Component or unit testing组件测试、System testing系统、Acceptance testing接收测试五、Activities in CASE (Computer-aided software engi

    18、neering) Graphical editors for system model development; Data dictionary to manage design entities; Graphical UI builder for user interface construction; Debuggers to support program fault finding; Automated translators to generate new versions of a program.六、CASE classification分类:Functional perspec

    19、tive从功能角度看; Process perspective从过程角度看;Integration perspective从集成角度看Fuggetta提出的分类:Tools,工具, workbenches工作平台, environments环境第五章 一、 Management activities管理活动(6)Proposal writing.提出书面建议Project planning and scheduling.项目规划和调度Project costing.项目成本Project monitoring and reviews.项目监督和审评Personnel selection and

    20、 evaluation.人员选择和评价Report writing and presentations.写作并称述工作报告二、 Types of planning计划的类型Quality plan质量计划、validation plan有效性验证计划、configuration management plan配置管理计划、maintenance plan维护计划、staff development人员开发计划三、 Milestones in the requirements process需求过程里程碑:Milestones are the end-point of a process act

    21、ivity.四、 Project scheduling process项目调度五、 three main project management:Project risks 项目风险Product risks产品风险Business risks 业务风险六、 types of risk in project management:Technology risks.技术风险、People risks人员风险、Organisational risks机构风险、Requirements risks需求、Estimation risks估算.七、 Risk factors in risk monitor

    22、ing 【p68表5-7】第六章一、functional requirements and examples 功能需求和例子l Functional requirements:Statements of services the system should provide, how the system should react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particular situations.2 例子:图书馆系统p73二、Non-functional requirements and examples

    23、非功能需求:constraints on the services or functions offered by the system such 。例子:图书馆系统实例:1、Product requirement产品需求:The user interface for LIBSYS shall be implemented as simple HTML without frames or Java applets.2、Organisational requirement机构需求;The system development process and deliverable documents s

    24、hall conform to the process and deliverables defined in XYZCo-SP-STAN-95.3 External requirement外部需求:The system shall not disclose any personal information about customers apart from their name and reference number to the operators of the system. 三、types of Non-functional requirement四、metrics in Non-

    25、functional requirement Requirements measures非功能需求度量【p76】性质度量方法速度每秒处理的事务用户/事件响应时间屏幕刷新时间规模K字节RAM芯片数易用性培训时间帮助画面数可靠性失败平均时间无效的概率失败发生率有效性鲁棒性失败之后的重启次数事件引起失败的百分比失败中数据崩溃的可能性可移植性依赖于目标的语句百分比目标系统数五、The requirements document需求文档: is the official statement of what is required of the system developers. Should incl

    26、ude both a definition of user requirements and a specification of the system requirements.第七章一、The requirements engineering process需求工程过程二、the main content of feasibility studies可行性研究主要内容:A feasibility study decides whether or not the proposed system is worthwhile.A short focused study that checksIf

    27、 the system contributes to organisational objectives;If the system can be engineered using current technology and within budget;If the system can be integrated with other systems that are used.三、Process activities in requirements Elicitation and analysis需求导出和分析的过程活动 Requirements discoveryRequirement

    28、s classification and organisationPrioritisation and negotiationRequirements documentation四、Requirements validation techniques需求有效性验证的技术(考填空):Requirements reviews需求评审 、Prototyping原型建立、Test-case generation测试用例生成五、Requirements Change management需求变更管理第八章一、principle system models二、example of system model

    29、s系统模型实例:Data processing model .数据流模型、Composition model 组成模型、Architectural model 体系结构模型Classification model 分类模型、Stimulus/response model 激励-响应模型 三、definition of data-flow model数据流模型的定义:show how data is processed as it moves through the system;用来描述系统中的数据处理过程。第十一章一、content of Architectural models体系结构模型

    30、的内容Static structural model静态结构模型、Dynamic process model 动态结构模型、Interface model 接口模型、Relationships model 关系模型、Distribution model 分布模型 二、Major component of Client-server model客户机/服务器模型的主要组成部分:1、Set of stand-alone servers which provide specific services 一组给其他子系统提供服务的单机服务器;2、Set of clients which call on

    31、these services.一组向服务器请求服务的客户机;3、Network which allows clients to access servers.一个连接客户机和服务器的网站第十七章一、 describe incremental development and prototyping by figure用图形描述增量式开发和原型构造【p242 图17-2】二、 tools included in a rapid application development快速应用开发的工具:数据库编程语言、界面生成器、与办公应用的连接、报告生成器第二十三章一、 model if the soft

    32、ware testing process软件测试过程的模型【p331图23-2】(考填空)二、structural testing结构化测试:是根据软件的结构知识和实现知识导出测试的测试用例设计方法,又称“白盒测试”。【p342图23-11】课件重点知识点一、软件需求分析1、需求分析的任务就是借助于当前系统的逻辑模型导出目标系统的逻辑模型,解决目标系统的 “做什么” 的问题。2、结构化分析方法(填空) 面向数据流进行需求分析的方法 结构化分析方法适合于数据处理类型软件的需求分析 具体来说,结构化分析方法就是用抽象模型的概念,按照软件内部数据传递、变换的关系,自顶向下逐层分解,直到找到满足功能要求的所有可实现的软件为止3数据流图(考画图)


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