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    1、级工商管理专业本科培养方案模板2020级工商管理专业本科培养方案一、专业基本信息英文名称Business Administration专业代码*K学科门类管理学学 制四年授予学位管理学学士二、培养目标及特色本专业依托首都建设和学校建筑土木类学科优势,培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,掌握工商管理专业基础理论、基本知识和基本技能,接受科学思维和经济管理实践训练,凸显建筑与房地产行业特色,具有较强组织管理能力、创新创业能力、继续学习能力和社会责任能力的复合创新型管理人才。培养人才在胜任企业管理、会计和财务管理、人力资源管理、市场调查与数据分析、市场运营等工商管理相关工作的同时,还可胜任资产评估、房地



    4、41-16周17-18周19-20周51-16周17周18-20周61-16周17周18-20周71-8周-9-20周81-16毕业设计/实习 17周答辩九、毕业生应具备的知识及实现途径毕业生应具备的知识相关知识领域实现途径(课程支撑)社会道德知识马克思主义、哲学、逻辑、国学、历史等人文社会科学基本理论与知识。思想道德修养与法律基础、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义体系理论概论、大学生职业生涯和发展规划等工商管理基础知识经济、管理、法律、统计、财会等专业基本理论与基础知识。经济学、管理学、统计学、技术经济学、经济法、会计学、财政与税收工商管理核心知识企业的战略管理、财务管理、运营管理、人力资源管理


    6、推广、房地产经纪、物业管理等领域的知识,并具备房地产项目策划、资产运营管理等方面的实操技能。 房地产项目开发与策划、项目投资与融资分析、物业管理、品牌策划与推广、房地产经纪等十、指导性教学计划(见附表)十一、主要课程逻辑关系结构图2020Undergraduate Program for Specialty inBusiness Administration I. Specialty Name and CodeEnglish NameBusiness AdministrationCode*KDisciplinesManagementLength of SchoolingfourDegreeBa

    7、chelor Degree of ManagementII. Educational Objectives and FeatureRelying on the advantages in construction and civil engineering disciplines, Business Management cultivates students with comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physics,aesthetics and labor, mastering the basic knowledge

    8、and skills of business management, training scientific thinking and economic management practice, highlighting the characteristics of the construction and real estate industry, with innovation and entrepreneurship ability, continuous learning ability and social responsibility. We aims to training th

    9、e students competent in business administration, accounting and financial management, human resource, market investigation and data analysis, especially in the field of construction and real estate.III.Major Disciplines Business Administration IV. Major Courses1. Basic course Economics, Management,

    10、Accounting, Applied Statistics, Managerial Operations Research, Management Information System, Technical Economics, Higher Mathematics, College English2. Major courses in SpecialtyMarketing, Organizational Behavior, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Operations Management, Strategy Man

    11、agement, Project Investment and Financing, Real Estate Project and Planning, Asset Appraisal, Real Estate Appraisal, Real Estate Asset Management.V. Major Practical TrainingPerceptual Knowledge on Major, Accounting major assignments, Real estate development business sand table, Financial management

    12、assignments, Real estate project planning practice, Data analysis techniques and application practice, Virtual enterprise social environment cross major comprehensive practice, The enterprise management practice, Graduation practice and Graduation thesis.VI.Graduation RequirementsWith reference to t

    13、he BUCEA undergraduate students academic study management regulation and the detailed rules for the bachelors degree awarding, complete this major minimum plan credits should reach 167 credits, including 137.5 credit theory courses, and practice teaching 29.5 credits.VII.Proportion of Course Course

    14、Category Course TypeCredits Class Hour ProportionGeneral Education Compulsory41.567224.85%Optional2321.20%BigAcademicSubjects Compulsory5182430.54%Optional6963.59%ProfessionalCoreCompulsory1828810.78%ProfessionalDirectionCompulsory142248.38%Optional5802.99%PracticeCompulsory29.560617.66%Total1672822

    15、100%VIII. Table of Teaching Program SemesterTeachingExamPracticeSemesterTeachingExamPractice13-1819-2021-1617-1819-2031-1617-1819-2041-1617-1819-2051-161718-2061-161718-2071-8-9-2081-16:Graduation practice and Graduation thesis(design) 17:Thesis defenseIX. Table of Teaching ArrangementX. Knowledge,

    16、ability and the achievementGraduate AbilitiesRelated KnowledgeCourse SupportsManagement thinking abilityMarxism, philosophy, logic, classics, history, humanities and social science, such as basic theory and knowledge.Thought morals tutelage and legal foundation, an introduction to MAO zedong thought

    17、 and the theory of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the college students career and development planningBasic knowledge of professional skillsEconomy, management, law, statistics, accounting and other professional basic theory and basic knowledge.Economics, management, economic

    18、law, accounting, statistics, technical economics, applied statistics, finance and taxcore competencies in Industrial and commercial management The application of management knowledge and methods in strategic management, financial management, operation management, human resource management, marketing

    19、 and organizational behavior. Marketing, organizational behavior, operation management, human resource management, strategic management, financial management, innovation and entrepreneurship management, accounting major work, financial management major work, enterprise resource planning (ERP) practi

    20、ce, cross-professional comprehensive practice of virtual enterprise social environment, etcData analysis capability Under the premise of mastering professional basic knowledge and professional core knowledge, have the ability of data mining and data analysisDatabase technology and application, appli

    21、ed statistics, market survey and data analysis, data analysis skills and application practice, etc Real estate and assets evaluation abilityIn line with the vocational qualification examination, master the theoretical knowledge and practical application of asset evaluation and real estate evaluation

    22、.Assets appraisal, assets appraisal practice (I), assets appraisal practice (II), Policy and Regulation of real estate, Cases study in real estate appraisal , etcProject planning and asset operation capabilityBased on the professional knowledge of industrial and commercial management, be familiar wi

    23、th brand planning and promotion, real estate brokerage, property management and other fields, and have practical skills in real estate project planning, real estate operation management and other aspects.Real estate project development and planning, Project investment and financing analysis, Propert

    24、y management, Brand planning and promotion, Real estate brokerage, Real estate operation management.表1 工商管理专业指导性教学计划(1)课程类别课程属性课程名称学分总学时讲课学时实验学时上机学时课外学时延续学时开课学期教学单位通识教育课必修思想道德修养与法律基础 Thought Morals Accomplishment and Basic Law348481马克思主义学院中国近现代史纲要 The Outline of the Modern Chinese History34832162马克思

    25、主义学院马克思主义基本原理概论 The Generality of Basic Principle of Marxism348483马克思主义学院毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义体系理论概论 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thoughts and Theoretical System of the Chinese characteristic socialism58064164马克思主义学院形势与政策(1-4) Situation and Policy(1-4)23216161-4马克思主义学院大学生职业生涯与发展规划 College Student Occupation

    26、Career and Development Planning116162学工部大学生心理健康The Mental health of College Students116161学工部大学英语(1-2) English(1-2)612896321-2文法学院大学英语拓展系列课程(1-4)College English training(1-4)232323文法学院大学英语拓展系列课程(5-8)College English training(5-8)232324文法学院体育(1-4) Physical Education(1-4)41201201-4体育部计算思维导论introduction

    27、 to computational thinking1.55624321电信学院小 计33.56565448032核心建筑艺术与城市设计2321-8各院部哲学视野与人文素养2321-8各院部创新创业与社会发展2321-8各院部生态文明与智慧科技2321-8各院部修读4类合计8学分,每类至少修读2学分工程实践类1-8学期任选各院部复合培养类1-8学期任选各院部跨类任选至少2学分通识教育课合计至少修读43.5学分 ,其中通识教育必修33.5学分,通识教育核心8学分,通识教育任选2学分课程类别课程属性课程名称学分总学时讲课学时实验学时上机学时课外学时延续教学开课学期教学单位大类基础课必修工商管理专业

    28、导论Introduction of Business Administration 116161工商管理系高等数学B(1)Advanced Mathematics B(1)4646041理学院线性代数Linear Algebra2403281理学院高等数学B(2) Advanced Mathematics B(2)4646042理学院概率论 Theory of Probability)232323理学院数据库技术与应用(Python+SQL server)Database Technology and Application23216163电信学院微观经济学Microeconomics232322工商管理系管理学Management348482工商管理系宏观经济学Macroeconomics232 323工商管理系会计学Accounting348483公共管理系


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