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    1、六年级英语名词辨析句型专题练习及答案六年级英语名词辨析句型专题练习(及答案)一、选择题1After years of hard work,Mr.Green finally got a high _ in his company.Exactly. Where there is a will,there is a way.Aposition Beducation Ccollection Dattention2Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes,Tony?Sure,Mom will be mad if she sees this _,I

    2、thinkAmatter BmessCtrouble Ddifficulty3Do you know why David went to London last month?He went there with the _ of finding a better job as an engineer.Aexperience Bcondition Cknowledge Dpurpose4Whats on the table?Cant you see? There are some _ of milk.Apackets Bglasses Cbottles Dcartons5The _ on the

    3、 desk is for you. It says Mr. Lee is coming to visit you tomorrow.Aadvice Blesson Cpaper Dmessage6Because of the growing needs of market, the _ of blind boxes will quickly rise.Apollution Bproduction Cpronunciation Dpopulation7Look! The children are having so much _ playing hide and seek in the flow

    4、er sea.Ajoke Bfun Cknowledge Dskill8Dad, what is the loudspeaker saying?It is to the _.The fight to Shanghai is checking tickets now.Acustomers Bpassengers Cmembers Dtourists9The computer sells for 5,000 yuan, and it is much more than its real _.Acost Bpay Cvalue Dprice10Timmy, I cant afford to let

    5、the situation get worse. I must take _ to put it right.I cant agree more. Its what you do right now that makes a difference.Adecisions Bdirections Csides Dsteps11Wow, you play the violin so well!Thank you, but thats the only musical _ I can play.Ainstruction Binstrument Cintroduction Dinvention12Do

    6、you think Mary has made a wrong _?No, I dont think so. Its good for her to live alone.Aexperience Bexperiment Cdifference Ddecision13Im sure Cindy will make it to the hotel. She has a good _ of directions.Aidea Bfeeling Cexperience Dsense14When autumn comes, the _ will turn yellow, and fall from the

    7、 tree.Amountains Bleaves Cbirds Dplants15The air is very fresh in our city. There is less _ than before.Yes. The government has taken action to protect the environment.Awood Bpollution Cnoise Dwater16If you are interested in something, its easier for you to pay _ to it for a long time.Aattention Bin

    8、terest Cprogress Dinformation17For the time being we can collect much _ either from books or on the Internet.Aidea Bmethod Cinformation Dsuggestion18I didnt have the to go out alone at night when I was a little child.So did I. But now Im brave enough.Acourage Bpower Cability Dchance19The _of antibio

    9、tics(抗生素) in the 20th century has made a great difference to us.Ainvention Binstruction Cmethod Ddiscovery20Learning English in a classroom is important, but using English in the real _ will improve your English skills greatly.Acondition Bsituation Cevent Dposition21The filmmakers should pay more at

    10、tention to improving the _ of a film than making more money.Aquality Bposition Ccharity Dpersonality22Cindy is always full of _ because she takes a lot of exercise everyday.Acourage Bknowledge Cenergy Dexperience23I really admire these scientists in different fields in our country.I agree. They have

    11、 made a great _ to our country, even to the world.Acelebration Bconversation Ccontribution Dintroduction24Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your _, you must keep moving.Apromise Bposition Cbalance Dability25I was attracted by the ladys warm smile. It was really like a hidden _ .Apleasure Btreas

    12、ure Cattention Dinvention26My sister has no sense of _. She always gets lost in the city streets.Ashame Bduty Cdirection Dhumour27 Do you stay up at night and get up late in the morning just like me? Never. I think youd better break that_.Ahabit Bproject Cability Dadvice28The number of the people wh

    13、o use Huawei _ is getting larger and larger.Aproducts Bcustomers Ccultures Dhistories29On March 20th the Sanxingdui Ruins in Guanghan, Sichuan drew the worlds _.Aattention Bcondition Cinstruction Dproduction30We should follow our teachers_ about how to achieve a balance between our study and hobbies

    14、.Adecision Battention Csuggestion Dintroduction31Why are you so crazy about travelling, Wu Dong?Travelling can offer us real_of languages, customs and cultures.Aattraction Bbackground Cdifference Dexperience32Our country is developing so quickly.I think so. School should care about the full _ of stu

    15、dents talents.Asituation Bcondition Cdevelopment Dstandard33Have you heard of a new technology about TV?Yes. Its “8K TV”. I believe that it will make a great _ to peoples life.Asurprise Bprogress Cdifference Dchoice34 Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes, Tony? Sure! Mom will be angry if

    16、 she sees this _, I think.Amatter Bmess Ctrouble Ddifficulty35With the _ of the computer, museums today are different from what they used to be.Ainvitation Bintroduction Ccommunication Dpronunciation36 What is the _ of your excellent works? Just practice again and again.Avalue Bduty Csecret Dresult3

    17、7The father put his sons toy together by following the _.Ainstructions Binventions Ccollections Dinvitations38The shopkeeper gave some _ to use my new iPhone 12 for the first time.Adirections Battractions Cinstructions Dconditions39A city is the _ of the human hand and mind, showing mans wisdom and

    18、creativity.Aproduct Bprocess Cpride Dpossibility40I think some famous stars should pay more attention to their behavior because what they do can have a great _on teenagers.Achange Bimpression Cprogress Dinfluence【参考答案】一、选择题1A解析:A【详解】句意:经过多年的辛勤工作,格林先生终于在他的公司里得到了很高的职位。确实如此。有志者事竟成。考查名词辨析。position位置;edu

    19、cation教育;collection收集;attention注意。根据“After years of hard work”及“Mr. Green finally got a highin his company”可知,多年的辛勤工作可以获得更高的职位,故选A。2B解析:B【详解】句意:托尼,你能倒垃圾,刷碗吗?当然可以。我认为如果妈妈看见这么狼藉,她会疯了的。matter问题;mess狼藉,杂乱;trouble麻烦;difficulty困难。根据Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes,可知屋里有垃圾,碗和盘子没有刷,因此屋里一片狼藉,

    20、故选B。3D解析:D【详解】句意:你知道大卫上个月为什么去伦敦吗?他去那儿的目的是找一份更好的工程师工作。考查名词辨析,experience经验,经历;condition条件;knowledge知识;purpose目的。根据“finding a better job as an engineer”,可知应该是目的,the purpose of“的目的”,故选D。4C解析:C【详解】句意:桌子上是什么?难道你看不见吗?有几瓶牛奶。考查名词。packets包;glasses杯子;bottles瓶子;cartons纸箱。根据“of milk”可知,牛奶是瓶装的,因此用名词bottles。故选C。5D

    21、解析:D【详解】句意:桌上的留言是给你的。上面说李先生明天要来看你。考查名词辨析。advice建议;lesson课程;paper纸;message信息,留言。留言的作用是提醒某人某事,而根据“It says Mr. Lee is coming to visit you tomorrow.”可知“李先生明天来访”是提醒人的事情,所以桌上放的应是留言。故选D。6B解析:B【详解】句意:由于市场需求的不断增长,盲盒的产量将迅速上升。考查名词辨析。pollution污染;production产品;pronunciation发音;population人口。根据“theof blind boxes wil

    22、l quickly rise”可知,是指盲盒这种产品的需求量会上升,故选B。7B解析:B【详解】句意:你看!孩子们在花海里捉迷藏玩得很开心。考查名词辨析。joke玩笑;fun乐趣;knowledge知识;skill技能。根据“The children are having so much.playing hide and seek in the flower sea.”可知,have fun doing sth.做某事很有趣。故选B。8B解析:B【详解】句意:爸爸,广播在说什么?是说给乘客的。飞往上海的航班正在登机。考查名词辨析。customers顾客;passengers乘客;members

    23、成员;tourists游客。根据“The fight to Shanghai is checking tickets now.”可知,飞往上海的航班正在登机,由此可推测出广播是在说给要飞往上海的“乘客”听的。故选B。9C解析:C【详解】句意:这台电脑售价5000元,远远超过了它的实际价值。考查名词辨析。 cost 价钱;pay工资;value 价值;price价格。根据前面的 5,000 yuan可知,应是售价和电脑的实际价值作比较。故选C。10D解析:D【详解】句意:Timmy,我无法承担让情况变得更糟。我必须采取措施纠正它。我完全同意。你现在所做的是改变现状的关键。考查名词辨析。decis

    24、ions决定;directions方向;sides边;steps步骤。根据“I cant afford to let the situation get worse”可知,要采取措施来改变现状,take steps表示“采取措施”,故选D。11B解析:B【详解】句意:哇,你小提琴拉得太好了!谢谢,但那是我唯一能演奏的乐器。考查名词辨析。instruction指令;instrument器具,乐器;introduction引进;invention发明。小提琴是一种乐器; musical instrument“乐器”。故选B。12D解析:D【详解】句意:你认为玛丽做了一个错误的决定吗?不,我不这么认

    25、为。她一个人住挺好的。考查名词辨析。experience经历,经验;experiment实验;difference区别;decision决定。根据“Its good for her to live alone.”可知,此处指“做决定”,make a decision,故选D。13D解析:D【详解】句意:我相信辛蒂会赶到酒店的。她有一个好的方向感。考查名词辨析。idea主意;feeling感觉;experience经历;sense识别力。根据题干“she has a pretty goodof direction”,结合上文语境“Cindy will make it to the hotel”,

    26、可知要用sense of direction表示“方向感”。故选D。14B解析:B【详解】句意:当秋天来临时,树叶会变黄,从树上掉下来。考查名词辨析。mountains山脉;leaves树叶;birds鸟;plants植物;根据“fall from the tree”及常识可知,树叶秋天会变黄,从树上落下,故选B。15B解析:B【详解】句意:我们城市的空气很新鲜。污染比以前少了。是的。政府已采取行动保护环境。考查名词辨析。wood树木;pollution污染;noise噪音;water水;根据“The government has taken action to protect the env

    27、ironment.”可知,这里说的是污染变少了,故选B。16A解析:A【详解】句意:如果你对某事感兴趣,你会更容易长时间关注它。考查名词辨析。attention关心;interest兴趣;progress进步;information消息;结合“you are interested in something”可知是感兴趣,可推测出是关心,“pay attention to”表示“关注”,是固定词组,故选A。17C解析:C【详解】句意:就目前而言,我们可以从书上或互联网上收集许多信息。考查名词辨析。idea想法,主意;method方法;information信息;suggestion建议。根据空格

    28、前形容词“much”可知填不可数名词,idea、method和suggestion是可数名词,而information是不可数名词。故选C。18A解析:A【详解】句意:当我还是个小孩子的时候,我没有勇气在晚上独自出去。我也是。但现在我足够勇敢了。考查名词辨析。A. 勇气;B. 力量;C. 能力;D. 机会。根据go out alone at night结合对方的回答So did I. But now Im brave enough.可知没有勇气在晚上独自出去,故选A。19D解析:D【详解】句意:20世纪抗生素的发现给我们带来了巨大的变化。考查名词辨析。invention发明,发明创造没有的东西

    29、 ;instruction说明;method方法;discovery发现,是去发现本来就存在的东西;从文字的表层意思推断空格指抗生素的发现;故选D。20B解析:B【详解】句意:在教室学习英语很重要,但是在真正的情景中去使用会大大提高你的英语技能。考查名词词义辨析。condition条件;situation情况;event大事件;position位置。根据“but”可知后文是与“Learning English in a classroom”相对的情况,即在真正的情景中学习英语,故选B。21A解析:A【详解】句意:电影制作人应该把更多的注意力放在提高电影的质量上,而不是赚更多的钱。考查名词辨析。quality质量;position位置;charity慈善;personality人格。根据题干“The filmmakers should pay more attention to improving theof a film than making more money”,可知质量比钱重要,故选A。22C解析:C【详解】句意:Cindy总是精力充沛,因为她每天都做大量的运动。考查名词辨析。courage勇气;knowledge知识;energy精力;experience经历,经验。根据“because she takes a lot of


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