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    1、最新英语初中四个时态的练习+易错题资料2016年11月16日英语初中四个时态的练习 易错题一选择题(共57小题)1Whats his father?He is a teacherHe _ at a mountain village school()Ateaches Bhas taught Cwill teach Dtaught2My father _ his bike to work every day instead of driving()Aride Brode Crides Dwill ride3Is Jim in the office?No,he _ to the dining hal

    2、l()Agoes Bwould go Chas gone Dhad gone4Jim will take up drawing as his hobby when he _ the age of five()Areached Breaches Cwill reach Dhas reached5Amy will send us an email as soon as she _ in London()Ais arriving Bwill arrive Carrives Darrived6Andy,youd better not eat meat onlyYou should know milk

    3、and fruit _ good for you()Ais Bare Cwas Dwere7He said that light _much faster than sound()Ahas travelled BwentCtravels Dtravelled8Trees _ every year to make our city greener()Aplant Bare plantedCwere planted Dwill be planted9Noboby knows if he If he here,Ill call you at once()Awill come;will arrive

    4、Bwill come;arrivesCcomes;will arrive Dcomes;arrives10Give me a call as soon as you _ in HainanOK,I will()Aarrive Bhave arrived Cwill arrive Darrived11If it _ rain tomorrow,well go hiking()Awont Bdoesnt Cdont Ddidnt12My brother _ exercise every day and he likes sports very much()Adid Bdoes Cwill do D

    5、is doing13If you _ to the party,you will have a great time()Ago Bwill go Cgoes14He will go to the mountains with his parents if it next Sunday()Adoesnt rain Bisnt rain Cwont rain Drains15If my father_ back,please let me know()Acomes Bwill come Ccome16He lost his keyIt made him _ in the cold to wait

    6、for his wifes returnAto stay Bstayed Cstays Dstay17The teacher told us that the eartharound the sun()Awent Bgoes Cwill go Dwould go18I saw some boy students basketball when I passed the playground()Aplayed Bplays Cplaying Dto play19Todays young people cant live without smart phonesThey keep their ha

    7、nds on the phones whenever they go,even while they_meals()Ahad Bwill have Care having Dwere having20Alan,its lateWhy not go to bed?Jenny hasnt come back yetI _ for her()Awaited Bhave waited Cam waiting Dwas waiting21The writer and speaker_ a speech on Chinese culture in the hall now()Aare giving Bis

    8、 giving Cwill give Dhas given22Cinderella started at 8oclock last night and we were in time for the beginningI _ the lunar eclipse(月食)at the top of the mountain at that moment()Awas watching Bhave watched Cwill watch Dam watching23Do the boys love to run?Of courseLook!The boys _on the playground()Ai

    9、s running Bare running Crun24Here comes the bus!Where is our principal?She cant go to the museum with usShe _ some visitors around our school()Ais showing Bshows Chas showed Dwas showing25Look!Sam TV happily on the sofa()Ais watching Bwatches Cwatched26Tomorrow is Dragon Boat DayMy mother and my gra

    10、ndmaa big meal for our family now()Aare preparing Bbe preparingCprepare Dprepared27Dont you see the signNo Parking!on the right?Sorry,I _But now I know parking here is not right()Adont Bdidnt Chadnt Ddoesnt28His family _ the latest 3D TV the other day.()Abuy Bhave bought Cwill buy Dbought29When I wa

    11、s a boy,I often _ to play in that park()Awent Bhave gone Cgo Dwill go30MrBlack is going to marry a girl he _ in Japan last year()Ameets Bmet Chas met Dwould meet31The story of Tom Sawyer _ in Missouri,America,in the 19th century()Ahad happened Bwas happeningChas happened Dhappened32The radio says th

    12、ere will be a heavy storm in Mount Emei tomorrowBad luckI _ to go there with my classmatesAplan Bwill plan Cplanned33He _ a book yesterdayIt _ him 50yuan()Abought; paid Bspent; took Cpaid; spent Dbought; cost34Charles said that he _tennis with John this Friday afternoon ()Aplays Bis playing Cwill pl

    13、ay Dwould play35Thanks to the kind policeman,we the train yesterday()Adont miss Bdidnt missChavent missed Dwont miss36I called you yesterday evening,but you were not inSorry,I _ in the shop with my mother()Aam Bwill be Cwas Dhave been37Dave,its dangerous to swim hereLook at the signOh,I _ itThank yo

    14、u()Adidnt notice Bwont noticeChadnt noticed Ddont notice38Sam opened the door and a lovely dog outside()Afinds Bfound Chas found Dwill find39Have you ever been to Shanghai?YesI _ there a few months ago()Ahave been Bwent Chave gone40Have you seen my English book?YesI it on your desk just now()Asee Bs

    15、aw Cwill see Dhave seen41Have you known Mo Yan for a long time?Yes,since he_ the novel Red Sorghum()Ahas written Bwrote Cwrites42Jackson _ school two years ago and he _ for two years()Aleaves; has gone Bleft; has been awayCleaves; has been away Dleft; has gone43Yang Liwei,a famous astronaut to Fosha

    16、n in March,2012()Acomes Bcame Cwas coming44The number of teachers in our school _ greatly increased last termA number of teachers in this school _from the countryside()Awas;is Bwas;are Cwere;are Dwere;is45I _ to the cinemaWould you like to come with me?()Ago Bam going Chave gone Dwent46Do you have a

    17、ny plans for your summer holiday?YesMy parents and I _ to visit Disneyland in Hong Kong()Awent Bgo Care going Dwere going47We_some robots at home in the future,and there_some in the office,too()Awill have; will have Bhave; will beCwill have; will be Dwill have; are48When _ you _ reading Jane Eyre?()

    18、Its hard to sayIm busy recentlyAdid; finish Bhave; finishedCwill; finish Ddo; finish49Do you know if Cindy_ to Italy this weekend?Cindy?Never!She hates driving()Awill drive Bdrives Cis driving Ddrove50MrWang has left for GuangzhouHe _ a speech there in two days()Agives Bgave Cwill give Dhas given51W

    19、hy are you in such a hurry,John?There _ a basket ball match between Class Three and our class in ten minutes()Ais going to be Bis going to haveCwill have Dwill hold52A number of volunteers _ willing to teach in Chinas rural areasYes,the number is getting_ ()Ais; bigger and bigger Bare; bigger and bi

    20、ggerCis; more and more Dare; more and more53When can I see Tom?He is watching an English filmIt began at 8,and _ on for another 30minutes()Ahas been Bwas Chad been Dwill be54Have you washed the clothes?Not yetBut I _ them in half an hour()Awashed Bhave washed Cwill wash Dwash55Mary isnt here at the

    21、momentShe _ later()Acomes Bcame Chas come Dis coming56Therea heavy rain in Jixi tomorrow()Ais Bwill beCis going to have 57The head teacher with his students _Teanchengshan Park if it _tomorrow()Ais going to; isnt rainyBare going to; isnt rainyCis going to; wont rainDare going to; doesnt rain二填空题(共3小

    22、题)58The teacher told us that the earth(move) around the sun59I(listen) but heard nothing60Id love to join you in the camping,but I (允诺) to go cycling with John yesterday2016年11月16日英语初中四个时态的练习 易错题参考答案与试题解析一选择题(共57小题)1(2014武汉校级模拟)Whats his father?He is a teacherHe _ at a mountain village school()Ateac

    23、hes Bhas taught Cwill teach Dtaught【分析】他的父亲干什么工作?他是一名老师,他在一所山村学校任教【解答】答案:A根据关键词He is a teacher可知,本句是一般现在时态,其构成为:主语+谓语+宾语+其他,主语he是第三人称单数形式,动词teach后面加es,故选A【点评】本题考查动词的时态,解决此类问题的关键是根据标志词和时间状语来确定动词的形式,在不同的语言环境中达到熟练掌握的目的2(2015宝坻区二模)My father _ his bike to work every day instead of driving()Aride Brode Cr

    24、ides Dwill ride【分析】我的父亲每天骑自行车去上班而不是开车【解答】答案:C根据关键词every day可知,本句是一般现在时态,主语my father是第三人称单数形式,动词后面加s,故选C【点评】本题是对动词时态的考查,解决此类问题的关键是根据关键词和时间状语来确定动词的形式,在不同的语言环境中达到熟练掌握的目的3(2013武汉)Is Jim in the office?No,he _ to the dining hall()Agoes Bwould go Chas gone Dhad gone【分析】Jim在办公室吗?不在,他去餐厅了【解答】答案;A根据关键词Is Jim

    25、in the office?可知,本题是一般现在时态,答句中主语是he,第三人称单数形式,所以动词go后面加es,故选A【点评】本题考查一般现在时态,解决此类问题的关键是根据时间状语或关键词来确定动词的时态,在不同的语言环境中达到熟练掌握的目的4(2015青浦区二模)Jim will take up drawing as his hobby when he _ the age of five()Areached Breaches Cwill reach Dhas reached【分析】当Jim长到五岁的时候,他将把绘画作为他的业余爱好【解答】答案:B本题中主句是一般将来时态,从句是when引导

    26、的时间状语从句,用一般现在时态表将来,主语he是第三人称单数形式,动词后面加es,故选B【点评】本题考查动词的时态,解决此类问题的关键是根据关键词确定动词的不同形式,在不同的语言环境中达到熟练掌握的目的5(2015顺义区二模)Amy will send us an email as soon as she _ in London()Ais arriving Bwill arrive Carrives Darrived【分析】艾梅一到达伦敦就会给我们发邮件【解答】答案:C 根据as soon as 意思是一就,引导的是时间状语从句,可知 当主句是一般将来时态时,从句要用一般现在时态来表示将来,又

    27、由于从句的主语是she 是单数第三人称,谓语动词应该用单数第三人称形式,故答案为C【点评】本题主要考as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,时态判断的语法规则:即主句将来,从句一般掌握了这句口诀,就可以快速解决问题6(2014淮安)Andy,youd better not eat meat onlyYou should know milk and fruit _ good for you()Ais Bare Cwas Dwere【分析】安迪,你最好不要只吃肉你应该知道牛奶和水果对你有好处【解答】答案:B 由句中milk and fruit可知此处考查了由and连接的并列主语的be动词用复数形

    28、式的用法,本句为一般现在时,因此be动词用are故选:B【点评】此处考查了一般现在时中be动词的用法7(2011枣庄)He said that light _much faster than sound()Ahas travelled BwentCtravels Dtravelled【分析】他说光比声音传播的要快的多【解答】答案:C 本题考察宾语从句的时态如果从句讲述的客观事实或真理时,从句时态不受主句时态的限制,要用一般现在时根据句意:他说光比声传播的速度快可知是描述的客观事实,故选C【点评】本题考查宾语从句中动词的时态问题,从句的时态要受主句动词的影响当主句是一般现在时的时候,从句中的动词时态要根据从句中的时间来判断当主句是一般过去时的时候,从句中动词的时态要往前推一个时态(一般现在时变为一般过去时)从句是表示客观事实时,用一般现在时


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