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    1、浙江省温州市瑞安市初中毕业升学考试适应性测试一模英语试题【最新】浙江省温州市瑞安市初中毕业升学考试适应性测试(一模)英语试题学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、单选题1. Do you know nian in the interview?Yes, he is Doctor Zhang Wenliong. the leader of Shanghai COVID-19 tieatment expert group.A. a B. an C. tlie D. /2 I read fbr at least two hours eveiy day.Wdw! Thafs a great. Readmg mak

    2、es a full man.A. deal B. liabit C. plan D. dieam3. When talknig to Western people, we should tlie topics like age, weight, or money they make.A, avoid B. choose C. discuss D. prefer4. Tom never tells lies or cheats people. What a(n)boy!A, brave B. creative C. friendly D. honest5. _I have a ticket, p

    3、lease?Sorry. All the tickets were sold out half an hour ago.A. May B. Need C. Must D. Should6. Asa football lover, Jolm plays football these days because he is busy prepaiing fbr the school leavers1 paity.A. always B. often C. sometimes D. seldomJ7.the report ofBBC News, millions of animals died in

    4、the Australian wildfires.A, Thanks to B. Because of C. According to D. Instead of8. 一Ben. what about your niagic show tliis afternoon9I a lot and Pm suie eveiything will be fine.A, practise B. am practising C. have practised D. will practise9. Jane, could you tell me ?The visit to the Stonehenge, a

    5、fantastic natural wonder.A.what you like best about your tiip to EnglandB.when you began your vacation in EnglandC where I can enjoy English modern buildmgsD. why English people like talking about weatlier10. Would you like to try some cookies?一 I have a sweet tooth.A, Aie you kidding? B. No, thanks

    6、. C. Here you are. D. Yes, please.二、完型填空When my daughter was in grade school, one day she brought home 11 tiny twigs. They were trees given to the students by tlie school to plant. 12 of them lookedstrong enough, but with a hope for the fiiture I got a tool and 13 them in our back yard. Over tlie ye

    7、ars, an accident with the lawnmower and poor soil brought a(n) 14 to three of them. All that was left was a single tree.It grew 15 , It never got veiy tall or veiy straight. Then, I noticed that it wasstarting to die. The leaves on the 16 branches* had fallen off. Those on the branches a little fiii

    8、tlier up had turned brown. Only the top part of the tiee was 17 green. Last suimner I did my best to save it by feeding it a lot of fertilizer* 18 failed.Tliis moniiiig I went to tlie 19 and looked at it again. I was wondering if it would be better to just 20 , It sure would no longer have to watch

    9、it slowly decay*. As I walkedover to take a closer look at it, however, I noticed 21 moving witluii the leaves in the topmost branches. It was a biid patiently buildmg a nest to live m. I 22 when I looked at it and decided that maybe tlus old tiee had some life and usefiilness left in it yet. It may

    10、 not be healthy or pretty, but it was still giving a biid a 23 and oxygen* to tliis world.Tliis tree reminded me of something too. All of our lives have 24 , It doesnt matte1if we are young and strong or old and weak. 25 our last moment we always have things to do, love for us to give, and joy fbr u

    11、s to share.11. A. tlueeB. fourC. fiveD. six12. A. OneB SomeC. AllD. None13. A. decoratedB. plantedC. selectedD. tliiew14. A. endB. lifeC. changeD. fiituie15. A. slowlyB quietlyC. fieelvJD. wildly16. A. higherB lowerC. weakerD stronger17. A. evenB. onceC. stillD. also18. A. butB. andC. orD. so19.A. p

    12、arkB. farmC. fieldD. yard20.A. dress it upB. cheer it upC. cut it downD. put it away21.A. eveiythiiigB. somethingC. notluiigD. anything22.A. criedB shoutedC. smiledD. puzzled23.A. stageB. foodC. memoryD. home24.A. valueB. hopeC. luckD. ftituie25.A. WithB. AfterC. UntilD. Since三、阅读单选As COVID-19 sprea

    13、ds in the world, many countries are changing thek social habits ui order to protect themselves.FianceFiance is famous for its romantic greetings. They touch each others faces and make a kissing sound. But now, this habit may have to stop. A French manner expert said that sunply lookuig into a peison

    14、s eyes can be enough as a greeting.BrazilIn Brazil, cliiinarrao is a special diink that is conunonly shai ed among a group of close friends. The tea is passed around in a cup. and everyone takes turns to drink it. But at present, people are encouraged not to shaie it,AustraliaAustralians are quite f

    15、lee when it comes to greetings. Gday, mate,a handshake, and sniile will be enough. But now the Australian govenunent is asking Australians to take a pat on the back instead of a handshake.IianTraditionally, people in Iran shake hands to greet with one another. But today, COVID-19 has made nfbotshake

    16、H a new way of greetmg.A video has been popular in Iran, showing thiee friends meeting - hands in their pockets - tappmg their feet against each other as a greeting.26.Tliis passage mainly introduces four new.A foreign countries B. social liabits C. special diuiks D. local languages27.If you meet yo

    17、ur friend Jenny in Fiance this year, youd better as a greeting.A. look into her eyes B. share a drink C. pat her back D. touch her face28.From the passage, we learn that Mfootshaken has been a new way of greeting in. A, Fiance B. Brazil C. Australia D. kanDuimg the day; we work haid like bees. But d

    18、o you know our bodies are busy too while sleepmg at night?11:00 pm Better Lock the DoorsTo find the most comfoitable position, some people sleep on their backs or stomachs. Most people curl up and lie on the side like a baby. Otlieis take more unusual positions, such as on elbows* and knees or compl

    19、etely covered in the sheets.During the fii st few hours of the night, some behaviors can be caused by the disagreement between your brain and body. For example, the brains of sleepwalkers want to stay awake, while then bodies are in a deep sleep. So most sleepwalkers walk aiound and return to bed wi

    20、thout waking up.4:00 am Dare to DreamYoui sweetest - or scaliest - dreams usually happen in the last hours of sleep. If you awaken in the middle of a dieani. you might find it difficult to move for a moment. Ceitain parts of your bram have shut down, stoppmg messages gomg to the muscles* and disabli

    21、ng the body for a time.JDreams may seem foolish, but some cultures believe they aie real events happening to a prisons soul duimg sleep. Others use their dreams to solve tlie problems of daily life.7:00 am Time to wake up. but wait, your arm cant feel anything. As you begin to move, an unconifbnable

    22、 feelmg floods* down from youi shoulder. When pressure on your arm stops sendmg messages to the biain, your arm loses all feelings. As the pressure is reduced and messages sendmg restarts, uncomfoitable feelmgs appear. So dont wony if you wake up and your ann is still “asleep”. If 11 be wide awake i

    23、n a moment.29.Which of the following is tlie sleepmg position for most people?30.The underlined they in Paiagraph 5 refers to.A, cultures B. dreams C. problems D. messages31.People often find it haid to move when they just wake up because.A. their brains are still in deep sleep B . tliey dieam in th

    24、e last hours of sleepC their brains fail to get messages D. walking in tlie sleep makes them tiled32.Which of the following can be put in the blank in the passage?A, Get Comfortable B. Pm Falling. AsleepC. Wake Up Immediately D. But My Aim Is Still AsleepOn a street in New Orleans is an old building

    25、. It used to be a groceiy store. But now it is empty. On the boards covering the windows are stickers. Each sticker says nI wish this was.Someone has written full of fbodH on one of the stickers.When we think of public art, we often thuik of sculptures oi othei laige woiks of art in city centers. Ca

    26、ndy Changs public art, however, is somewhere else. Chang makes her art in a cit/s older or poorer neighborhoods. She uses tlie outside walls of empty buildings as her pamtiiig cloth. She paints, writes messages, or puts stickers on them. Chang wants to reach out to people with her art. She sees it a

    27、s the start of a conversation - a conversation with local people.In 2010, Chang stalled the MI Wish This WasM project mNew Orleans. Chang asked people to look at the abandoned buildings in thek community. She wanted them to tluiik about what else could be there. She prmted hundreds of small stickers

    28、 and stuck them on these buildmgs. The stickers said MI wish tliis was” m laige letters and included a space for people to write.Anyone could write anytlihig. Chang was amazed at the reaction. Hundreds of people wrote on the stickers. Someone wrote, HI wish this was a grocery store. Another person w

    29、rote, HI wish this was Heaven”.There are many abandoned buildmgs in neighborhoods around the world. Its hard for people to create a close neigliborhood if the streets are full of empty buildings. By makuig art that gives people a voice, Chang hopes to build stronger coimnunities. Changs ait projects

    30、 get people thuiking and talkuig about problems in their conmiumty. This initiative may help city plaimers to create better cities - ones that truly meet the needs of people.33.In Paiagraph 2, sculptures or other large works of artn are mentioned to show. A, public ait is vanous and colourfiil B. Ca

    31、ndy Chaiig has popular worksC. Candy Changs public art is special D. public art is seen as part of culture34.Candy Chaiig stuck small stickers on the empty buildmgs to.A, encourage people to conunuiiicate B. tell the differences of buildmgsC. teach the knowledge of public art D. create laige beautiful paintings35.The underlined word initiative m Paragraph 4 probably means.A.original and positive actionB.neighborhood relationshipC.The Future of Public ArtD.A New Art in the C onmiumty四、多任务混合问题One fine evening, a no less fine govenunent clerk called was sitting in a theater, enjoying an ope


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