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    1、温州市普通高中高考适应性测试2018年8月温州市普通高中高考适应性测试英语试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟选择题部分第1部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第1节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面五5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项、听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.WhosaysLeahcanwatchTVforhalfanhournow?A.Herdoctor. B.Heraunt. C.Herparents.2.Whatisthewomanprobablydoing?A.Doi

    2、ngthedishes. B.Servingcustomers. C.Pickingupsomeplates.3.Whatarethespeakersdiscussing?A.Buyingfish. B.Orderingfood. C.Makingdinner.4.Howlonghastheyoungmanbeenridingthebus?A.Forthreeyears. B.Fornineyears. C.Fortwelveyears.5.Wheredoestheconversationtakeplace?A.Atapublicpool. B.Inaclassroom. C.Inagym.第

    3、2节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或对白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.WhatdoesthemanthinkabouttheCAPPclass?A.Ridiculous.B.Necessary. C.Unfair.7.WhatmaystudentsgetbygoingtotheCAPPclass?A.Somejoboffers. B.Method

    4、sofgettinghighgrades. C.Skillsofwritingaprofessionalrsum.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.Howmanypeopleliveinthewomansstate?A.Nearlythreemillion.B.Lessthan500,000.C.Closetoonemillion.9.Whydoesntthewomansstatehavealargepopulation?A.Therearenogoodjobsthere. B.Theclimateisnotcomfortablethere.C.Therearenonaturalresourc

    5、esthere. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.Whatistheboyshomeworkthisweekend?A.Towriteasummary.B.Toreviewthreechapters.C.Toprepareapresentation.11.Whatdoesthewomanprobablyteach?A.English. B.Science. C.History.12.Whatdoesthewomanwanttolearnfromthehomework?A.Whatherstudentsopinionsare.B.Whetherherstudentsunderstoodt

    6、hereading.C.Ifherstudentscanconnectallthedifferentideas.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Whatsthewomansjob?A.Areceptionist. B.Asaleswoman.C.Ajournalist.14.Whatisthenameoftheman?A.CharlesC.Nelson.B.CharlesT.Nelson.C.CharlesNelson.15.Whatisthedatetoday?A.May19th.B.May18th.C.May17th.16.Howmuchwillthemanpay?A.$250.B


    8、.19.Whatcanweknowaboutthecenter?A.Itonlyhelpscollegestudents.B.Itcanofferafreehot-lineservice.C.Itoffersyoungpeoplesuitablejobs.20.WhatisthenumberofthisJobsInformationServiceCenter?A.4359600888.B.4395600888.C.4396500888.第2部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节 (共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AM

    9、ark Twain, well known for his masterpieces like The Adventure of Tom Sawyer and The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, in which he used his extraordinary writing techniques, plays a vital role in the history of American Literature. He was regarded as a mirror of America not only because of the true and

    10、vivid description and representation in his pieces, but for his rich life experience including various people he had met on the steamboat and the things he had heard during his early life.From the steamboat on the Mississippi to the development of railway later, from the California Gold Rush to the

    11、Civil War, Mark Twains life experience was connected with American society at the same period of time. As a young country, America witnessed several events powerful enough to leave a significant influence on the development of the country. Mark got involved in them and created them in his books.Thro

    12、ugh various occupations, Mark Twain accumulated a rich knowledge of the society, which later lively reappeared on the pages of his works. If it hadnt been for the abundant personal experience, there couldnt have been a perfect Mark Twain. Quite coincidently, Mo Yan, who won the Nobel Prize in litera

    13、ture, also mentioned in his speech after the award ceremony that his childhood experience out of school had played an important role in his works.Besides the colorful experience of Mark Twain, the duel (冲突) characters of him is also worth talking about, since the great master is famous for his humor

    14、 and criticism. People may regard him as the same sort of person, with humor or sometimes with a bit of sarcasm (讥讽). However, we may well understand it if we reflect the overview of his family only three of his brothers and sisters survived tragedies, which would leave an unforgettable impression o

    15、n Mark Twain.21. What do we know about Mark Twain from the text?A. He liked his masterpiece The Adventure of Tom Sawyer. B. He was considered a mirror of America.C. He began writing when he was young. D. He wrote books about his personal life.22. Moyan is mentioned in the text to stress_.A. the valu

    16、e of the Nobel Prize B. his high reputation in literatureC. the significance of early experiences D. his inspiring speech in the ceremony23. What can be learned from the last paragraph?A. Mark Twains works are worth praising. B. Family is a heavy burden for Mark Twain.C. Mark Twains character affect

    17、s his writing. D. Brothers and sisters highly respect Mark Twain.BCopenhageners (哥本哈根市民) love their bikes. Cycling is fast, convenient, healthy, climate- friendly, enjoyable and cheap. Copenhageners honestly love their bikes no matter what their financial income is. Even top politicians ride their b

    18、ikes every day to parliament (国会).Currently, Copenhagen is building even more green routes and bridges through Copenhagen to ensure a safe and green transport route for cyclists. Cycle super highways are already a reality, leading cyclists in and out of the city from as far as 15 kilometres away.Thu

    19、s, Copenhagen is a city that invites you to cycle. It is simply our way of life, and if you want to experience the local way, you have to cycle around. As a first-time visitor in Copenhagen, the number of bicycles on the streets can be overwhelming, but you will soon get the hang of it and start lov

    20、ing it.Many hotels in Copenhagen provide bicycles for their guests. There are plenty of bike rentals and bike tours on offer, or you can rent one of the new electric city bikes for a very low cost per hour. In 1995, Copenhagen was one of the first cities in the world to launch free city bikes for it

    21、s citizens and visitors. The first generation of bikes later retired, and in 2013, a brand-new generation of electric city bikes with GPS and tourist information was introduced. Now, some 1,800 bikes are spread across the streets of the Danish capital.It is no wonder that The International Cycling U

    22、nion, appointed Copenhagen the first official Bike City in the world and it has been ranked the worlds top cycling city for two years in a row. Other cities, such as New York, look to Copenhagen for inspiration. Danish architect and urban planner Jan Gehl is famous for teaching other cities around t

    23、he world how to plan for a bike culture. It even has its own term: “Copenhenization” or to Copenhagenize.24. What is Copenhagen trying to do nowadays?A. Guarantee a safe and green cycling route. B. Appeal to politicians to cycle to parliament.C. Construct more roads and bridges for vehicles. D. Buil

    24、d a 15-kilometer-long cycle super highway.25. Who is most likely to be the author?A. A foreign visitor. B. A city planner. C. A hotel owner. D. A Copenhagener.26. City bikes in Copenhagen are now_.A. out-of-date B. free-of-charge C.brand-new D. well-equipped27. What is the best title for the text?A.

    25、 The Rise of Copenhagen B. Bike Cities around the WorldC. Copenhagens Bike Culture D. Cycle Highways in CopenhagenCPhotographer Carolina Sandretto spent the past four years documenting (记录) 398 of Cubas remaining cinemas. It was an experience that, she says, was a source of near constant surprise. “

    26、As I never had a precise map of where the cinemas were located or even if they were still existing, each one was a discovery and an achievement on its own,” she says. For this project, now a book called Cines de Cuba, Sandretto searched the country for remaining movie houses.Between the 1900s and th

    27、e 1950s, Cuba was a prosperous (繁荣) island living under the influence of the United States. By 1955, there were 600 movie theaters on the island and 147 in Havana alone. Some of these cinemas were funded by American film companies, such as Cine Yara, which was operated by Warner Bros.Cine Yara is on

    28、e of the few Cuban cinemas that remain operational today. “During the years of the Cuban Revolution, the cinemas have been taken away from their owners and remained since in the hands of the government,” says Sandretto. “Unfortunately,the funds have been inadequate and to keep such a huge number of

    29、cinemas open has been impossible for the state. In the last 50 years, almost 80 percent of the cinemas have been closed.”Today, only 19 of these movie theaters are equipped to show digital films. However, since she started her project, Sandretto has seen changes. “In Havana, some cinemas have reopen

    30、ed their doors as cinemas, and artists are now using the cinemas for dance companies. In the rest of the country the population is slowly taking advantage of these huge spaces and reusing the cinemas in various ways,” she says. “Its going to be a slow process but I personally think that the cinemas will have a new life in the next years.”28. What has Sandretto been doing in the past four years?A. Publishing a book called Cines de Cuba. B. Watching movies in C


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