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    1、Agatha Christie,murderer as narratorunreliable narrator,The Great Gatsby,In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that Ive been turning over in my mind ever since.Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,he told me,just remember that all the people in this world havent

    2、 had the advantages that youve had.,innocent eye,The narrator is nave,telling what he/she sees and feels;the contrast between what he perceives and what the reader understands produces an ironic effect(dramatic irony).In such novel,the reader understands more than the teller himself does.Oh,hes slee

    3、ping!,大时代的小故事,它透过主角英子童稚的双眼,向世人展现了大人世界的悲欢离合,有一种不出来的天真,却道尽人世复杂的情感。,城南旧事,林海音 太阳从大玻璃窗透进来,照到大白纸糊的墙上,照到三屉桌上,照到我的小床上来了。我醒了,还躺在床上,看那道太阳光里飞舞着的许多小小的,小小的尘埃。宋妈过来掸窗台,掸桌子,随着鸡毛掸子的舞动,那道阳光里的尘埃加多了,飞舞得更热闹了,我赶忙拉起被来蒙住脸,是怕尘埃把我呛得咳嗽。宋妈的鸡毛掸子轮到来掸我的小床了,小床上的棱棱角角她都掸到了,掸子把儿碰在床栏上,格格地响,我想骂她,但她倒先说话了:“还没睡够哪!”,Non-participant(third-p

    4、erson):narrator doesnt participate in the action of the story as a character-only an outside observer,(1)Ominiscent(all-knowing):the narrator have free access to the minds of all the characters and he/she is free to make any comments on characters and events(2)Selective ominiscent:can enter the mind

    5、 of only one character or several characters(3)objective(camera/dramatic):cant enter a single mind;like a camera,it only records what is seen and heard;the narrator makes no comment on characters and events,“Hill likes White Elephants”,The girl looked at the bead curtain.“Theyve painted something on

    6、 it,”she said.“what does it say?”“Anis del Toro.Its a drink.”“Could we try it?”The man called“Listen”through the curtain.The woman came out from the bar.“Four reales.”“We want two Anis del Toro.”“With water?”“Do you want it with water?”“I dont know,”the girl said.”Is it good with water?”“Its all rig

    7、ht.”“You want them with water?”asked the woman.“Yes,with water.”,Tales of 108 Outlaws in the Marsh,话说大宋仁宗天子在位,嘉佑三年三月三日五更三点,天子驾坐紫宸殿,受百官朝贺。但见:祥云迷凤阁,瑞气罩龙楼。隐隐净鞭三下响,层层文武两班齐。当有殿头官喝道:“有事出班早奏,无事卷帘退朝。”只见班部丛中,宰相赵哲,参政文彦博出班奏曰:“目今京师瘟疫盛行,伤损军民甚多。伏望陛下释罪宽恩,省刑薄税,祈禳天灾,救济万民。”,Figure of speech/rhetorical language,simile

    8、My love is like a red,red rose.The mist hung like a veil over the whole valley.Her dancing is as graceful as a swan.His explanation is as clear as crystal.,2.Metaphor Hes really an old fox!,3.PersonificationThe flowers nodded and smiled as if welcoming her to this new land.,Other figures of speech:,

    9、4.Metonymy A thing is called,not by its true name,but by something closely associated with it.The kettle is boiling.,5.Antithesis Contrast of opposite ideas.The spirit is willing,but the flesh is weak.Give me liberty,or give me death.,6.Oxymoron The combination of ideas in a seemingly absurd manner.

    10、Sound of silenceCruel kindness,7.Paradox A statement which seems to be contradictory in itself,but which is often true in fact/saying sth.Opposite to common sense,but may contain a truth.More hast,less speed.His all fault is that he has no fault.,8.Pun A play of words for the purpose of producing a

    11、humorous effect.A judge can end a sentence with a sentence.Is life worth living?It depends on the liver.,9.IronySaying the opposite of what one means.It was a peaceful place.The traffic continued throughout the night without a stop!That was a bright remark!,10.Hyperbole/exaggeration A way of describ

    12、ing sth.,saying it is much bigger,smaller,etc.than it actually is.She swept buckets of tears at the disappointment.,11.Euphemism The use of a less offensive or less direct way of saying sth.Unpleasant.He passed away last month.Mental hospitalMemorial park,12.Innuendo Hinting of sth.Without actually

    13、referring to it.“-I love this picture!Do you like it,too?”“-Ah,.,well,the frame is very beautiful.”,13.Transferred epithet An epithet is transferred from the word to which it would normally belong to another word closely connected with it.Sleepless nightShe shook her doubtful head.,14,Epigram A shor

    14、t saying that expresses its meaning in an amusing or pointed way.Misfortune never comes alone.Today must borrow nothing of tomorrow.,15.parallel A Tale of Two Cities,Charles DickensCHAPTER I:The PeriodIt was the best of times,it was the worst of times,it was the age of wisdom,it was the age of fooli

    15、shness,it was the epoch of belief,it was the epoch of incredulity,it was the season of Light,it was the season of Darkness,it was the spring of hope,it was the winter of despair,we had everything before us,we had nothing before us,we were all going direct to Heaven,we were all going direct the other

    16、 way雙城記狄更斯第一章:時代那是最美好的時代,那是最糟糕的時代;那是智慧的年代,那是愚昧的年代;那是信仰的時期,那是懷疑的時期;那是光明的季節,那是黑暗的季節;那是充滿希望的春天,那是令人絕望的冬天;我們擁有一切,我們什麼都沒有;我們全都在直奔天堂,我們全都在直奔相反的方向,Identify the following figures of speech:,1.Beauty is as summer fruits,which are easy to corrupt and cannot last.2.The road snaked down the side of the mountain

    17、.3.The cross on the chest,and the devil in the heart.4.True lies5.Why is river so rich?Because it has two banks6.She married herself to a meat technologist.7.“Edelweiss,edelweiss,every morning you greet me.Small and white,clean and bright,you look happy to meet me”8.Nomanisanisland,entireofitself;ev

    18、erymanisa pieceofthecontinent,apartofthemain.(fromFORWHOMTHEBELLTOLLS),6 Periods in America Literature,1.Colonial period(1607-1765)2.Enlightenment and Revolution of Independence(1765-end of 18th century)3.Romanticism(1800-1865)4.Realism(1865-1918)5.Modernism(1918-1945)6.Contemporary literature(1945-

    19、),General features of America literature:,1.The eternal theme of“American Dream”,“美国是梦想的土地,每个人都会有更好,更富有和更充实的生活,并且那些有能力或成就的人总是充满机会。这是一个让欧洲上层阶级无法完全理解的梦想,甚至我们国家中的大部分人对它感到厌倦和不信任。这不仅仅是关于汽车和高薪水的梦想,而是一个社会秩序,能使男人和妇女都可以获得 最充分的地位,并且被他人所认可,无论出生的情况或地点。”-美国史诗,詹姆斯洛亚当斯,The first reference of“American Dream”:,What

    20、is American Dream?,“California is full of foreign immigrants who came to the US to share the American dream,a popular belief that hard work will bring forth Americas bounty in the form of material well-being.“,The Great Gatsby:disillusion of American dream Gatsby,Daisy,TomDeath of A Salesman,P1,Gene

    21、ral features of America literature,2.Profound influence of Puritanism(1)God-centered:omnipresent,omniscient,omnipotent(2)Original Sin:Human beings were born to be evil,and this original sin can be passed down from generation to generation.(3)Predestination:God decided everything before things occurr

    22、ed.(4)Limited atonement:Only the“elect”can be saved.The Scarlet Letter,General features of America literature,3.Diversity,influenced by many culturesBlack:Tony Morrison,The Bluest EyeRalph Ellison The Invisible Man,JewsJ.D.Salinger,Catcher in the Rye,Chinese:谭恩美,The Joy Luck Club,course book:Content

    23、s,.Colonial period(1607-1765),1.Subject matter:religion introduction to the new world(scenery and daily life)2.types of writing:sermonsdiaries,histories,letters,travel books,3.Puritan influence,origin of the word“Puritan”:P3,Puritan thought:(1)Direct communication with God and authority of Bible(2)S

    24、implicity of church service(3)Zealous in defense of their own beliefs,but intolerant of the beliefs of others(4)stresses hard work,thrifty,piety,sobriety,and innovative,confidence,courage(5)disciplined and hard life,strict standard of morality,regarding joy and laughter as symptoms of sin(6)practica

    25、l,approval of worldly life,accumulation of wealth,business and industry,Puritan style:P4-5Plain style:simple and direct,4.Oral tradition,P1-2“Song of War”The Sioux womenpass to and fro wailing.As they gather up their wounded menthe voice of their weeping comes back to me.,William Bradford,P5,61.Lead

    26、er of the separatist settlers of the Plymouth Colony,and was elected Governor of Colony for 15 two-year terms.2.writing chronicle3.plain style:simplicity,Literary Focus-Identify the sources of these allusions:This place is thought as the Garden of Eden by young people.In our classroom,Mary is the on

    27、e wearing a coat of many colors before our teachers.They seek office,not to be useful to the state,but for the loaves and fishThey are flying flags of dove and olive leaf instead of war.The shortage of fortitude is his heel of Achilles.It is unfair that historians always attribute the fall of kingdo

    28、ms to Helen of Troy.She didnt think of the beautiful umbrella bought the day before should become a Helen of Troy in her family.Because of this she and her husband quarreled for a long time.,All the tickets have been sold for the singers performance in London this week-the public clearly believes th

    29、at this will be her swan song.Mind the reputation of your school as you care for the apple of your eye.You all are the salt of the earth.Our hope is placed on you.Have faith in me,please.I can separate the sheep from the goats.Everybody made suggestion,but no one actually offered to bell the cat.The

    30、 people next door are continually quarreling,but it is usually a storm in a teacup.One who teaches morality and practises immorality is a wolf in lambs skin/a wolf in sheeps clothing.,Beware of false prophets,which come to you in sheeps clothing,but inwardly they are ravening wolves.“And before him

    31、shall be gathered all nations:and he shall separate them one from another,as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.”,End,.Literature of Reason and Revolution,1.Subject matter:politics:struggle for independence(P16,17)enlightenment(P17,18)2.Form:essay,3.Revolution of Independencepolitics:“No ta

    32、xation without representation”,economy:“The Stamp Act”“The Boston Tea Party”,Literature“Common Sense”,Benjamin Franklin,1.LifeVersatile:“Everything seems to meet in this one man Jack of all trades,master of each”.Printer-activist-scientist-politician-diplomat“the new Prometheus who had stolen fire f

    33、rom heaven”.,2.Works,Autobiography:(1)starts the tradition of biography in America.(2)American Dream greatly influences the later generations,Autobiography,“美国第一部成功的传记作品。其作者是土生土长的美国人,出身寒微,没有受过良好的正规教育,没有权贵的提携,完全借助自己不懈的努力而获得成功。这有别于欧洲文学中传统的传记作品,不像它们以君王,重臣或英雄为主人公,描写远离普通人见识的经历,字里行间充满着宫廷争斗,颠覆夺权,战争杀戮,神秘莫测的命运及政治事件。在Franklin笔下,一个原本普通的美国平民逐步从幼年走向青年和成年,从幼稚变得成熟,从致力于工商业过渡到投身科学研究,再到从政,从个人奋斗转而为国家独立发挥重要作用,而他经历的所有


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