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    1、第5课美国贸易策略及政策外刊经贸知识选读每课重要知识点第5课美国贸易策略及政策U.S.Is Prepared to See Trade Relations Worsen美国已做好准备任凭其贸易关系恶化 By Peter BehrWashington Post Service 1.WASHINGTONThe Clinton administration is drawing the first lines of a tougher U.S.policy on trade, signaling to Europe and Japan that it will demand fairer treat

    2、ment for American exports and is prepared to see relationships with U.S.trading partners get worse before they get better.克林顿政府正计划推行强硬的贸易政策路线,由此向欧洲和日本发出信号要求其更为公正的对待美国的出口,同时也表示美国政府已做好准备对待贸易关系恶化而非改善的状况。2.The strongest signal came last week, when Mickey Kantor, the U.S.trade representative, moved quick

    3、ly to cite the 12-nation European Community for “intolerable” discrimination against U.S.companies seeking government contracts within the Community.The administration will begin retaliating in six weeks if EC policies remain unchanged, Mr.Kantor said.美国贸易代表Mickey Kantor在上周发出了最为强烈的信号,他对欧共体12国限制美国公司参

    4、与欧洲政府采购计划迅速做出反应,认为这种做法是“不可忍受”的,并且警告说如果欧洲在六周之内不改变其现有做法那么美国将会采取报复性措施。3.The opening themes of the new administrations trade policies emerged this week in interviews with officials and congressional sources fam iliar with the administrations thinking.Among the highlights:从本周熟悉新政府运作的政府官员和国会议员向媒体透露的信息看,新任

    5、政府在贸易政策方面的考虑将主要包括如下要点:An insistence that Europe and Japan create a “level playing field” for trade by agreeing to give U.S.exports the same access to their markets as foreign companies receive in the United States.This push to expand U.S.manufacturing exports is considered essential politically to f

    6、ulfill President Bill Clintons campaign promise of more “high-wage, high-skill” jobs for American.坚持要求欧洲和日本实行“公平贸易”,即美国出口企业应能以外国企业进入美国市场的同等条件进入欧日市场。这项旨在扩大美国制造品出口的措施是履行克林顿履行其在竞选中所做的为美国人创造更多“高工资高技能”岗位的政治承诺的不可或缺部分。Serious misgivings about some main parts of the preliminary agreements in Geneva to expan

    7、d the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.Although the administration will ask Congress to renew its negotiating authority, which expires in June, it has moved slowly on this front, leaving the future of the negotiations much in doubt.对关贸总协定日内瓦初步协定中的部分主要条款表示严重担忧。由于美国国会赋予美国政府的贸易谈判权将在6月期满,届时政府将向国会重

    8、新申请谈判权限,但白宫已开始逐渐行动而让多边贸易谈判前景蒙上阴影。A possible negotiation with Japan seeking a step-by-step reduction in its nearly $50 billion trade surplus with the United States.To the administration.Tokyo appears more “results-oriented” than the Community, prompting hopes that bargains can be reached with Japan t

    9、o ease frictions on a range of issues.可能与日本谈判达成协议以逐步减少美日之间高达500亿美元的贸易顺差。在白宫看来,日本似乎相比欧洲更为“务实”,因此美日之间达成协定以减少系列贸易问题上的摩擦希望陡增。A pledge to Mexico and Canada to seek rapid congressional approval of the North American Free-Trade Agreement as the highest trade priority.向墨西哥和加拿大承诺:争取国会快速通过北美自由贸易区协定将是贸易工作的重中之重

    10、。4.Some of the Clinton administrations tough talk appears tactical, intended to pressure trading partners into offering concession and to unblock stalled negotiations on several fronts.But it appears that officials are prepared to turn up the temperature on tradeand live with the consequences.克林顿的某些

    11、强硬表态显得很有策略性,其目的在于通过给贸易伙伴施加压力以推动一系列限于停顿的贸易谈判,但同时也显示美国白宫官员似乎愿意让贸易争端升温并准备承担相应后果。In some ways, Mr.Clinton and his advisers are following the same well-trod path as the Bush administration, which threatened sanctions against the Community last year and walked away from GATT negotiations rather than sign

    12、an agreement that would provide only small gains for U.S.companies.The same political pressures from trade hawks in Congress that the Bush officials felt are now bearing down on the Clinton team.从某些方面看,克林顿和其顾问是承袭了上届布什政府的既定政策,去年布什政府也威胁要对欧洲采取贸易制裁措施并从决定暂停关贸总协定谈判而不是签署一份对美国企业裨益无多的贸易协定。来自国会中贸易鹰派的压力现在也落到了信

    13、任克林顿政府的身上。Mr.Kantor acted immediately on the EC procurement case Monday to demonstrate that the new administrations patience would be shorter than its predecessors.Kantor周一对欧洲政府采购案迅速做出回应,这显示了信任政府的耐心可能会小于前任政府。“I think it clearly indicates a resolve to stick by our guns,” a government official said.“我

    14、认为这充分显示了快刀斩乱麻的姿态,”某政府官员表示。A broad review of trade policy issues is just beginning within the administration, but officials said the underpinnings of Mr.Kantors decision were plainly found in Mr.Clintons trade speeches during the campaign, particularly the demand for open markets abroad.克林顿政府对于贸易政策的系

    15、统评估才刚刚开始,但政府官员指出Kantor的论调和克林顿在竞选期间所作的有关贸易问题的演说相契合,尤其是要求贸易伙伴开放市场的部分。9.The reactions to these first signals from the Clinton team has been sharply divergent.克林顿政府对于贸易政策的系统评估才刚刚开始,但政府官员指出Kantor的论调和克林顿在竞选期间所作的有关贸易问题的演说相契合,尤其是要求贸易伙伴开放市场的部分。10.EC officials were peeved by Mr.Kantors action and accused the

    16、admin istration of bullying and instigating trouble at a time when careful negotiations are vital.欧洲官员认为对Kantor的言论颇为恼怒并责备信任美国政府是在最需要冷静谈判的关键时刻采取威胁姿态而制造麻烦。11.“It is time now to tell the Americans they are on the wrong track,” Foreign Minister Niels Helveg Petersen of Denmark said.“现在是告诉美国人他们在走错误路线的时候了

    17、,”丹麦外交部长Niels Helveg Petersen说道。12.Balanced against that criticism is the positive reaction in Latin America to Mr.Clintons embrace of the free-trade agreement.Enrique V.Iglesias, president of the Inter American D evelopment Bank said in an interview that Mr.Clintons meeting with President Carlos Sa

    18、linas de Gortari of Mexico a month ago and the promise of fast action on the trade agreement was “a very important statement”.与欧洲批评声音不同的是,拉美国家对于克林顿力推自由贸易协定的做法表示肯定。美洲开发银行行长Enrique V.Iglesias在采访中提到,一个月前克林顿在与墨西哥总统Carlos Salinas de Gortari会晤期间所做出的关于加快自由贸易协定进程的承诺是“具有重大意义的声明”13.Some representatives of U.S

    19、.business, seething over what they view as protectionist EC policies, praised Mr.Kantors action.“每当美国开始效仿其他国家行使其贸易权利之时,人们就会变得不可理喻,”美国商会副会长William Archey说道,“这实在是太荒唐了”。14.“Whenever the United States starts to act like all the other countries in exercising its trade rights, everybody gets mad,” said Wi

    20、lliam Archey, a senior vice president of the U.S.Chamber of Commerce.“Thats absurd.”“每当美国开始效仿其他国家行使其贸易权利之时,人们就会变得不可理喻,”美国商会副会长William Archey说道,“这实在是太荒唐了”。15.But some economists stressed the risks that a more aggressive U.S.policy poses.C.Fred Bergsten, director of the Institute for International Eco

    21、nomists and a prominent member of the free-trade establishment to listen to protectionist appeals” from the automobile, semiconductor steel and energy industries, among others, and a desire to mollify these industries powerful congressional protectors.“每当美国开始效仿其他国家行使其贸易权利之时,人们就会变得不可理喻,”美国商会副会长Willia

    22、m Archey说道,“这实在是太荒唐了”。16.Mr.Bergsten warned that if the dispute with the European Community over government procurement is soon followed by clashes with Europe over steel, with Canada over lumber and with Japan over minivans and semiconductors, then the Clinton policy will end up being defined by a

    23、flurry of battles.Bergsten提醒说,如果美欧之间关于政府采购的争端又引发美欧钢铁贸易纠纷、美加木材贸易争端以及美日小型货车和半导体贸易问题,那么克林顿的贸易政策最终将会陷入无休止的贸易争端中17.“Unless they have something else in mind, they will be cut to death by these casesand the policy will be and will appear to be very protectionist,” Mr.Bergsten said.The “something else” shou

    24、ld be a plan to revive broad negotiations to liberalize trade, he said.“除非他们又另外的计划,否则他们就会被这些纠纷弄得焦头烂额而其贸易政策也会被认为是属于贸易保护主义之列,” Bergsten说道,他补充说“另外的计划”应该是开启广泛贸易谈判以推动贸易自由化的方案。18.Gordon Ritchie, a trade consultant who was Canadas trade ambassador during negotiations of the U.S.-Canada free-trade agreement

    25、, said, “some of the administrations leading lights are persuaded that confrontation can succeed.An yone who thinks Europe and Japan will be bullied into meeting American deadlines and priorities isnt awake to the changes that have occurred.”曾在美加自由贸易谈判中担任加拿大贸易大使的资深顾问Gordon Ritchie称,“某些美国政府中的人士认为对抗策略

    26、可以取得成效。任何认为欧日会因美国的威胁而按照美国给定的期限和重点来行事的人显然都没有看清形势的发展。”19.Although some administration officials hope that Japan is amenable to market-opening agreements, the Clinton team is getting off to a ragged start there, as will, said Hiroshi Hirabayashi, a veteran trade official who now is deputy chief of the

    27、Japanese Embassy in Washington.尽管某些白宫官员认为日本可能会同意市场开放协定,但日本资深贸易官员、现任日本驻美使馆首席贸易代表Hiroshi Hirabayash指出,克林顿政府在对日贸易关系上也是举步维艰。20.The world needs to hear from new president what his trade signals mean and where they are leading, Mr.Hirabayashi said.Hirabayash称,全世界都需要听到信任美国总统对其所给信号的解释及其未来政策的走向21.“Mr.Clinton

    28、 should speak out on the trade issue,” he said.“Without his explicit intervention, the speculation will be going on and most of it is going in a negative direction.”“克林顿先生应该陈述其在贸易问题上的想法,”他说道,“如果他不能给出清晰的解释,那么各种猜测还是会继续且大部分的猜测都向着不利的方向。”22.A more combative U.S.trade policy may not be dangerous, perhaps,

    29、 unless it goes too far, said Helmut Maucher, the chairman of Nestle SA.雀巢公司的董事长Helmut Maucher认为,更具攻击性的美国贸易政策如果不是走得太远应该不会造成很大的危险。23.“Everybody understands that you defend your interest,” he said.“人人都会理解,美国其实在保卫自身利益,”他说。-From International Herald Tribune Feb.8,1993摘自1993年2月8日远东经济评论 news service 通信社ci

    30、te v.提出,举出intolerable a.无法容忍的;过分的push n.推销运动campaign n.运动;战役drawn-out a.冗长乏味的;使人厌烦的escalate v.逐步上升,逐步增强full-fledged a.羽毛丰满的;充分展开的(文中指全面贸易战friction n.不和;抵触;争执;摩擦tough a.强硬的;固执的tough policy 强硬的政策a tough negotiator 不妥协的谈判者unblock v.扫除.障碍stall v.使.拖延consequence n.结果;后果trod v.(原形tread践踏;踩sanction(s n.国际制

    31、裁(常用复数trade sanctions 贸易制裁impose against 对.实施制裁(trade hawks n.主张强硬路线的鹰派人物,本文指在贸易中主张实施制裁的人predecessor n.前任resolve n.决心underpinning(s n.基础;根据(常用复数divergent a.有分歧的;不同的peeve v.惹恼,使愤怒bully v.威吓instigate v.煽动;跳动embrace n.(欣然接受seethe v.(内心中发怒;激动absurd a.荒谬的;荒唐的pose v.摆姿式;在形成appeal n.呼吁;恳求;申诉mollify v.使平静;抚

    32、慰define v.为.特色flurry n.一阵;混乱confrontation n.对抗;冲突amenable a.顺从的;易从启导的;易作出反应的ragged a.不协调的explicit a.明确的combative a.好斗的;好事的 1.retaliating: taking revenge3.misgivings: doubt2.sanctions: punishments4.expires: becomes due5.mollify: relieve8.peeved: irritated6.underpinnings: evidence9.amenable: responsive7.seething: troubled10.divergent: different 1.trade sanctions: 贸易制裁 2.trade barrier: 贸易壁垒 3.General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: 关税及贸易总协


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