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    1、希望英语第二版综合教程课后翻译考试复习扬州职业大学期末考试英语翻译复习Made by: Magic BEN2把9我5删3除5来2联8(细)0我9扣3 Q希望英语第二版综合教程2课后翻译(考试复习)Unit 1 Music 1. 战斗结束后,双方均宣称获胜。After the battle, both sides claimed victory.2. 他开始学的是法语,但最后却成为一名英语翻译。He started out to study French, but ended up as an English translator.3. 我必须强调他们只不过是孩子这一事实 I must put

    2、emphasis on the fact that they are only children.4. 她公开表明观点,反对在这块肥沃的农田上建造新机场。She went on record as being against building a new airport on this rich farmland. 5. 那首充满节奏感的流行音乐源于他的灵感,深受全世界年轻人的喜爱。 That pop song alive with rhythms is born of his inspiration, and is very popular with the young worldwide.

    3、 Unit 2 Information6. 在大多数情况下,交通事故都是由于司机的疏忽大意造成的。In most cases, traffic accidents arise from the drivers carelessness.7. 从某种意义上说,现在的学生对传统教学方法的反应不佳。 In a sense, students today respond badly to traditional methods of teaching.8. 在有些山区,猎人们打猎时总是先将野兽围拢在一起。In some mountain areas, hunters always begin thei

    4、r hunting with rounding up beasts. 9. 如果在购货后七天内对我们的货物不满意,我们保证全额退还货款。 We guarantee to fully return your payment for our goods if you are not satisfied with them within seven days of purchase.10. 这家工厂的工人平均每天工作八小时。据估计,如果技术上有重大改进的话,他们就不必工作那么长时间。On average the workers of this factory work eight hours a d

    5、ay. It is estimated that they neednt work that long if there are some significant technical improvements. Unit 3 Career Women11自从俱乐部新经理上任以来,已有三名成员退出了。 Three members have already dropped out since the clubs new manager arrival. 12我们等那么久还是值得的,因为我们买到了想要的票。 It was worthwhile for us to wait so long becau

    6、se we bought the tickets we had wanted.13他是教师而不是作家。 He is a teacher rather than a writer.14. 他喜欢什么就买什么,结果负债累累。 She bought whatever she liked and ended up in heavy debt.15. 如果他们不遵守诺言,我们将停止与他们合作。 Unless they stick to their promise ,we will stop working together with them. Unit 4 Feelings 16这个问题很重要,我们必

    7、须从国际视角来看待。 This is an important issue which we have to look at from an international perspective.17这块地的开发对周边的乡镇造成一些影响 。 The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside.18你有顾客对这一款新洗衣机的意见反馈吗? Have you had any feedback from customers about this new model of washing-ma

    8、chine.19玛丽从来没有干过这种活,不知她和别人是否合得来。 Mary has never done this type of work before,Im not sure whether shell fit in with other people. 20参会的许多女工对工作是否稳定表达了担忧。 Many women workers at the meeting gave voice to their fears about job security Unit 5 Biology21建筑师们按照市政大厅的样子来设计新的办公楼。 The architects took their cue

    9、 for the design of the new office building from the city hall.22他在会议上提出意见,应当利用信息技术来降低工作难度。 At the meeting he put forword a proposal that we take advantage of information technologies to make job easier.23自从去年以来,在不利经济环境下不断上升的事业情况造成了严重的社会问题。 Rising unemployment in the hostile economic environment has

    10、posed serious social problems since last year.24得到那份工作极大地增加了他对自己拥有美好未来的信心。 Getting that job did a lot of boost his confidence in a promising future.25中央空调设备最近已稍加改动以提高效率。 The central air-conditioning system has recently been modified to make it more efficientUnit 6 Love26最重要的是你要学会信任别人,只有这样你才会被别人信任。 I

    11、t is essential that you should learn to trust others and only so can you be trusted by others.27除童年时代外,在他的一生中,还没有经历过什么艰难困苦。 He hasnt experienced any hardship in his lifetime other than his childhood.28如果你对某个人一见钟情,很可能那还不是真正的爱情,只是一种暂时的吸引而已。 If you fall in love with somebody at first sight, most likely

    12、 than not, thats not true love but instant attraction.29她声称她理解永恒友谊的真谛,但她却不知道信任是友谊的基础。 She makes it out that she knows what everlasting friendship really means, but she doesnt know that trust for each other is the foundation of friendship.30真爱是一种难以用语言描绘的情感-不是每天都能遇到-能经得起时间的考验。 True love is an indescri

    13、bable feeling which is stumbled upon not every day.and can withstand the test of time希望英语_第二版_综合教程3_单元翻译(标准答案)Unit 11、汤姆不想因学费增加父母的负担。Tom didnt want his parents to be burdened with his tuition.2、政府正采取各种措施以消除通货膨胀的可能性。The government is taking measures to eliminate the possibility of inflation.3、地震后红十字会

    14、拨出了大量资金救助灾民。After the earthquake the Red Cross allocated a large sum of money to help the victims.4、该公司在这场金融危机中蒙受了巨大损失。The company incurred a heavy loss during the finacial crisis.5、考虑到公司的财务状况,经理认为每个人的费用不应超过100美元。Taking the financial situation of the company into consideration, the manager thought t

    15、he cost for each person should not exceed $100.Unit 21、新鲜空气有益于人们的健康。Fresh air is beneficial to peoples health.2、如今人们越来越关注社会的可持续发展。Today,people are more and more concerned about the sustainable development of the society.3、教室里一共有30位学生。There are thirty students in the classroom.4、他昨天的演讲令人印象深刻。He made

    16、an impressive speech yesterday.5、关于这部新戏,人们看法不一。Varied opinions were expressed on the new play.Unit31、他对目前的工作感到心满意足。He is content with his present job.2、现代科技已将人们从繁重的家务中解放出来。Modern technologies have freed people from heavy housework.3、安妮尽一切可能使婚姻不致破裂。Annie did all she could to keep the marriage from fa

    17、lling apart.4、他再也忍受不住牙痛,于是就去看医生。He could no longer put up with his toothache, so he went to see a doctor.5、在管理中,评价员工的工作是很难的。In management, its most difficult to assess an employees work.Unit41、这篇文章里有一些我们难以理解的句子。This text contains some sentences which are difficult for us to understand.2、学生们逐渐认识到,需要多

    18、年的时间才能掌握一门外语。The students have come to realize that it takes many year to master a foreign language.3、就人口而言,华盛顿还不能算是一个大城市。In terms of population, Washington cannot be regarded as a big city.4、我们现在最需要的不是许诺,而是行动。What we need most now is not promises but actions.5、让玛丽高兴的是,她的体重已由去年的65公斤降到目前的55公斤。To Mary

    19、s joy, her weight has decreased from 65kg last year to 55kg at present.Unit51、你应该立即申请哪个职位,要么亲自去,要么写信。You should apply for that post immediately, in person or by letter.2、由于我们俩互不让步,最后未能达成交易。As neither of us would give in, the deal fell through.3、他后悔浪费了那么多世间。He regretted idling away so much time.4、请将报

    20、告再检查一遍,以免漏掉重要内容。Please check your repot again in case something important is missed out.5、你们应及时总结经验,作出必要调整。You should sum up your experience in time, and make necessary adjustments.Unit61、孩子们聚会后,我几乎花了一个小时来清理房间。I spent nearly an hour clearing up the room after the childrens party.2、毫无疑问,如果不额外付酬,许多人都不

    21、愿意上夜班。No doubt a number of people are reluctant to go to work at night without extra pay.3、随着圣诞节的来临,这家超市的店员们一直在不停地接待顾客。With the coming of Christmas, assistants of this supermarket wait on customers continuously. 4、据报道,去年该地区生产总值增长了9.6%,不过却是以环境污染作为代价的。It was reported that the overall production of thi

    22、s area went up by 9.6pecent last year at the expense of the environment.5、即使现在,由于对女性的歧视,女性还不能享有与男性完全相同的晋升机会。 Event now, women cant enjoy fully equal promotional prospects with men as a result of the prejudice against them.Part Two : GrammerUnit 11.我昨天不该喝那么多啤酒的。 I shouldnt have drunk so much beer yes

    23、terday.2. 你本不必来那么早。会议9点才开始You neednt have been here so early. The meeting begins at nine oclock.3.过去一遇到问题,她就会去找她姐姐帮忙。She would turn to her sister for help whenever there was a problem.4.地面是湿的。刚才一定是下过雨了。The ground is wet. It must have just rained.5.难道她不该涨工资吗?Shouldnt she have a pay-raise? Uint 21. 瞧!

    24、你要找的人来了。Look! Here comes the man youre looking for. 2. 直到天色已晚我们才回家。Not until it was dark did we return home. 3. 刚发生地震又闹水灾。There was an earthquake and then came the flood.4. 那个学生一见外国人扭头就走。Away went the student at the sight of foreigners. 5. 只有到毕业后我们才认识到学英语的重要性。Only after graduation did we realize the

    25、 importance of learning English.Unit 31.如果你昨天参加了晚会,我肯定会看到你的。Had you been at the party last night, I should have seen you.2.如果你再做那样的事,就会受到惩罚。Should you do that again, you would be punished.3.好学生是不会旷课的。A good student would not be absent from classes.4.要是我们早点起床,昨天我们就到北京了。Had we got up earlier, we would

    26、 have been in Beijing yesterday.5.要是她跟我一起在这里多好啊!If only she were here with me!Unit41. 我宁愿你这个月不要离开本市。I would rather you did not leave this city this month.2. 没有水人类就无法生存。Man could not survive without water. 3. 当时我很忙,要不然我会参加你的生日晚会的。I was busy then, or I would have attended your birthday party. 4. 她把钱藏在

    27、床底下以防被人发现。She hid the money under the bed lest it should be discovered. 5. 她谈起美国就像她去过那里似的。She talked about America as if she had been there.Unit 51. 你有必要亲自来开会。It is necessary that you (should) come and attend the meeting in person.2. 她的英文老师建议她每天朗读课文。Her English teacher suggested she (should) read al

    28、oud the text everyday.3. 她提议我们五一出去爬山。She proposed that we go out and climb mountains on May Day.4. 你去向她道歉是明智之举。It is advisable that you should apologize to her.5. 你必须先做完作业,然后才能去踢足球。It is essential that you should finish your assignment before playing football.Unit 61. 据说他上星期已经被开除了。He was said to hav

    29、e been dismissed last week.2. 我没料到我的班上会有那么多学生。I didnt expect there to be so many students in my class.3. 你只身一人进入森林真是太勇敢了。It was so courageous of you to enter the forest alone.4. 何时出发由你来定。It is for you to decide when to leave.5. 要说好英语,就必须大量练习。For one to speak English well, a great deal of practice is necessary.本文字由学生于 2015.12.5 重新编辑 引用请注明,


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