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    1、研究生英语考试读写3UNIT1 Vocabulary1landmark(地标,标志性建筑) merge(合并) trigger(发动,引发)transformation(改变,转变)convergence(聚合的场所)manuscript(草稿,手稿) reconstruct(重建) rummage(搜寻,翻找)encode(将编码) amass(积聚,积累) evolutionary(进化的,发展的) feast(尽情享受,参加宴会)1. The Newberry Library in Chicago, one of the most prestigious research librari

    2、es in the nation, contains numerous collections of rare books, maps, and manuscript.2. The sun is a difficult landmark for navigation because of its apparent motion from east to west, but bees are born knowing how to compensate for that.3. To our dialogue the baby paid no attention, he simply feaste

    3、d on the music of the words and seemed to have been greatly delighted to pull uncle Jonahs gray mustache.4. More than 90 percent of Warsaw was destroyed during World War II (1939-1945), but the historic Old Town section was painstakingly reconstructed.5. During the 14th century in Italy, the rise of

    4、 commerce created a new class of wealthy merchants who amassed large collections of sculptures, paintings, and the art of antiquity.6. Modern Canada was formed in an event that Canadians call Confederation, in 1867, when three colonies of Britain merge to create a partially independent state of four

    5、 provinces.7. Discussion continued about the role of gold in the structure of international reserves and about the transformation of the IMF into an international central bank for national central banks.8. Whenever people successfully recall a prior experience, they must have encoded, stored, and re

    6、trieved information about the experience.9. Simple sugars, refined from naturally occurring sugars and added to processed foods, require little digestion and are quickly absorbed by the body, triggering an unhealthy chain of events.10. The concept of cultural convergence suggests that different grou

    7、ps at different times and places might create or use similar materials or tools in similar ways.1. 芝加哥的纽伯里图书馆是美国最负盛名的研究图书馆之一,收藏了大量的珍本书籍、地图和手稿。2. 太阳在航行中是一个困难的地标,因为它看起来是由东向西运动的,但蜜蜂生来就知道如何补偿太阳。3. 孩子对我们的对话毫不在意,他只是尽情地享受着歌词的音乐,似乎非常高兴地拉着约拿叔叔的灰胡子。4. 在第二次世界大战期间(1939-1945年),华沙90%以上的地区被摧毁,但是历史悠久的老城区却经过了艰苦的重建。5

    8、. 在14世纪的意大利,商业的兴起创造了一个新的富有的商人阶层,他们收集了大量的雕塑、绘画和古代艺术品。6. 1867年,英国的三个殖民地合并成一个由四个省组成的部分独立的国家,加拿大人称之为联邦。7. 继续讨论黄金在国际储备结构中的作用,以及将国际货币基金组织转变为各国中央银行的国际中央银行。8. 当人们成功地回忆起以前的经历时,他们必须对有关该经历的信息进行编码、存储和检索。9. 从天然糖中提炼出来的单糖添加到加工过的食品中,几乎不需要消化,就会被身体迅速吸收,引发一系列不健康的连锁反应。10. 文化趋同的概念表明,不同的群体在不同的时间和地点可能会以相似的方式创造或使用相似的材料或工具。

    9、Vocabulary21. A joint project of both British and American sponsors, a(n) (B) Mayflower was constructed, manned, and sent across the Atlantic in much the same manner as her seventeenth-century prototype.由英国和美国赞助的联合项目,一件“五月花”的复制品被建造、载人,并以与她17世纪的原型相似的方式横跨大西洋。A. model B. replica C. original D. facsimil

    10、e2. The cowboy figured most significantly in American history during the period extending roughly from the end of the American Civil War through the 1890s, when transportation facilities were (D) in the western and southwestern U.S.牛仔在美国历史上最重要的地位是在大约从美国内战结束到19世纪90年代的那段时期,当时美国西部和西南部交通设施匮乏。A. negligib

    11、le B. slight C. abundant D. scanty3. In May, the Court ruled, 6-2, that the police can (A) through household trash left at the curbside without obtaining a search warrant.5月20日,法院以6比2通过方案,警方可以在无需搜查令的情况下翻找路边的家庭垃圾。A. rummage B. examine C. search D. investigate4. The resistance of insects to insecticid

    12、es is weakening these once seemingly (C) weapons in the battle against disease.昆虫对杀虫剂的抵抗力正在削弱这些曾经在与疾病的斗争中看似不可战胜的武器。A. vulnerable B. supreme C. invincible D. irrepressible5. Since the 1970s most immigrants have come from Asia, increasing still further the (A) of the population.自20世纪70年代以来,大多数移民来自亚洲,进

    13、一步增加了人口的多样性。A. diversity B. difference C. uniformity D. diversion6. Most cosmologists believe that the universe began as a dense kernel of matter and radiant energy which started to expand about five billion years ago and later (C) into galaxies.大多数宇宙学家认为,宇宙最初是一个由物质和辐射能组成的致密内核,大约在50亿年前开始膨胀,后来合并成星系。A

    14、. separated B. joined C. coalesced D. collapsed7. Housing developments of similar-looking single-family or multiple-family dwellings, built by speculators, (A) on the edges of cities.由投机者建造的外观相似的单户住宅或多户住宅在城市边缘蔓延开来。A. spread B. jumped C. sprang D. poured8. The team of six Americans (C) an ancient tra

    15、de and migration route by ski, dogsled, and traditional walrus-hide boat to call attention to the common cultural heritage of the arctic Eskimos.这支由六名美国人组成的队伍,通过滑雪、狗拉雪橇和传统海象皮船,追溯了一条古老的贸易和移民路线,以唤起人们对北极爱斯基摩人共同文化遗产的关注。A. realized B. returned C. retraced D. reacted9. Thanks to a (D) combination of advan

    16、cing technology and government incentives, renewable energy may finally be coming of age.由于先进技术和政府激励措施的有力结合,可再生能源可能最终将走向成熟。A. persuasive B. popular C. physical D. potent10. The make-up of man is so complicated, the changes of environment so (B), that it is impossible to focus the spotlight of unders

    17、tanding on any one factor as the cause of crime.人的构成是如此复杂,环境的变化是如此复杂,以致于我们不可能把注意力集中在作为犯罪原因的任何一个因素上。A. infinitive B. intricate C. informal D. interactiveClozemisconception(误解) lead ()endure() interpret(解释)evolutionary(进化论的) heredity(遗传) highlight(突出) adapt(适应)fit(适合) provide(提供) retrace(追溯) molecular

    18、(分子)For more than 100 years, scientists have sought and found evidence for evolution. The fossil record demonstrates that life on this planet was vastly different millions of years ago. Fossils, furthermore, (provide) evidence of how species change over time. The study of comparative anatomy has (hi

    19、ghlight)physical similarities in the features of widely different species proof of common ancestry. Bacteria that mutate and develop resistance to antibiotics, along with other observable instances of adaptation, demonstrate (evolutionary) principles at work. And the study of genes, proteins, and ot

    20、her (molecular) evidence has added to the understanding of evolutionary descent and the relationship between all living things. Research in all these areas has (led) to overwhelming support for evolution among scientists.Nevertheless, evolutionary theory is still, in some cases, the cause of (miscon

    21、ception) or misunderstanding. People often misconstrue the phrase “survival of the (fittest).” Some people (interpret) this to mean that survival is the reward for the strongest, the most vigorous, or the most dominant. In the Darwinian sense, however, fitness does not necessarily mean strength so m

    22、uch as the capacity to (adapt) successfully. This might mean developing adaptations for more efficiently obtaining food, or escaping predators, or (enduring) climate change in short, for thriving in a given set of circumstances.100多年来,科学家们一直在寻找并发现了进化的证据。化石记录表明,数百万年前地球上的生命与现在大不相同。此外,化石提供了物种如何随时间变化的证据


    24、言之,为了在给定的环境下茁壮成长。TranslateWith the publication of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, Charles Darwin in 1859 showed conclusively that species evolved and were not immutable over time. This revolutionary idea permitted an explanation of the fossil record that did not need to invok

    25、e the Biblical story of the Flood or the view that all extinct animals and plants had perished as a result of this global catastrophe. It became possible to compare modern and fossil animals and to construct lineages through time that documented the changes that had occurred, and the distribution of

    26、 fossil forms began to take on new significance. It became apparent that assemblages of fossils betray climatic preferences at any given time and climatic change through time. Another 12 years elapsed before Darwin applied his theory of evolution and its mechanism, natural selection acting upon a po

    27、ol of normal biological variation to the case of man; the delay more likely was because of lack of fossil evidence than lack of courage.The so-called Darwinian tautology, “The survival of the fittest is the survival of those best fitted to survive,” gives an insight into the adaptations of living or

    28、ganisms that lead to an increase in their chances of survival and of leaving more offspring than their rivals. The closer the adaptation to the environment, the greater the chances of survival. This pathway leads to specialization: fish need water in which to swim, birds need wings with which to fly

    29、, koalas need eucalyptus leaves to eat nothing else will do.随着物种起源的发表,查尔斯达尔文在1859年就决断性地宣称了物种是在进化的,而且并非经久不变。这种革命性的观念可以用化石记录做出解释,而无须求助于圣经中大洪水的故事,也无须求助于那种认为由于这场全球性的灾难所有动植物都灭绝了的观点。现在已经可以对现代动物和化石动物进行比对以划定年代表,其中记录下曾经发生过的很多变迁,而各类化石的分布也开始具有了新的重要意义。显然,某个化石集中的地方反映出某一特定时段内的气候特征和长时期内的气候变化。12年后,达尔文才把他的进化论应用于人类,其

    30、中包括进化机制、自然选择对众多的正常生物变异所起的作用。之所以拖这么长的时间与其说是因为勇气不足,倒不如说因为缺少化石证据。达尔文所反复强调的“适者生存就是最适应生存的物种才能生存”使人类对有机生命体的适应能力有了深入了解。有机生命体的适应能力增加了其存活的机会,也增加了其比竞争对手繁殖更多后代的机会。越适应环境,生存下去的几率也就越高。这条道路导致了特化作用:鱼需要水才能游,鸟有了翅膀才能飞,树袋熊只吃桉树的叶子其他东西都无法取代。Unite2Vocabulary1 ratchet complexion(面色,脸色) dismal(悲伤的,悲惨的) penalize(处罚某人) backla

    31、sh taint(强烈抵制) infuse(将(某特性)灌输给或注入(某人/某事物) heritage(遗产,继承物) dwindle(逐渐减少) diversify(使某物多样化) leapfrog(跳跃) rally(集合,集会)1. We also need to further reform and reorganize state-owned foreign trade businesses and diversify foreign trade entities and export channels.2. While no organization has claimed res

    32、ponsibility for the attacks, actions against terrorism must remain consistent and the intensity must not dwindle too.3. Remember to remove sun block creams at night. Try a moisturizing and relaxing mask, and we promise you a renewed glowing complexion the next day.4. Some companies may make things worse if they seek to ratchet down their medical expenses by limiting benefits for psychological or psychiatric care.5. We should rally ourselves around our government and ensure that our economy can


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