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    1、届九年级英语下册联考测试题20092010学年度上学期吉安市九年级考试英语试卷I听力部分 A)听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一小题。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。(每小题10分) 1When is the boy going home this afternoon?AAt 5:00 BAt 3:00 CAt2:00 2What will the man probably do? ATake an exam BHave a good rest CVisit friends3How much does one ticket cost?A$74 B$

    2、26 C$374Why was the girl late?AThe bus Was late BShe got up later than usual CShe forgot she had class5How did the man feel when he Was called on?AVery relaxed BWorried and nervous CAngry6Whats the mans job?7How will the woman go to the Beijing Hotel?8What does the woman mean?AShe is pleased to lend

    3、 him the carBShe refuses to lend the man the carCShe wants to borrow a car from the man9What does the man suggest the woman do?APut her report on his deskBImprove some parts of her paper.CRead some papers he recommended10What do we learn from the conversation?AThe man likes to visit another place BT

    4、he man has been to Hangzhou beforeCThe man likes Hangzhou very muchB)听下面两段对话和一段独白,听完第一段对话后回答1113小题,听完第二段话后回答14-16小题,听完独自后回答17-20小题。听每段对话或独自前你都有40秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每段对话或独自读两遍。(每小题1分)(10分)Conversation 1 11What will the two speakers do this afternoon? APlant trees BHave a meeting CHave a party 12When will the

    5、y leave for the park? AAt 2:00pm BAt 2:30pm CAt 3:00 pm13How will they go to the park?AOn foot BBy bus CBy bikeConversation214Whats the weather like these days?AVery hot Bvery cool CWarm15How does the mall feel at home?ASatisfied BDisappointed CBored16Whats the womans idea? AWatching TV at home BGoi

    6、ng to Green Park CReading booksMonologue(独白)17How many brothers and sisters did Ford have? A6 B5 C7 18How much could Ford earn every week when he was young?A$25 B$5 C$3519What did Ford do in 1893?AHe invented the first car BHe made a wood horse CHe bought a strong horse20What do you think of Ford? A

    7、Lucky BAble CPoorC)听下面一段短文,然后根据短文内容完成表格。听短文前你有50秒钟的时间阅读表格内容。短文读两遍。(每小题1分)(5分) II、笔试部分一、单项选择(15分) 26which pocket shall we take,Bob? _one you likeIts all the same to meAAny BOther CAnother DThe other27 at do you think of my composition?Nice enough,but the last sentence of it needs_ Ato improve Bimprov

    8、e Cimproved Dimproving28Someone is knocking at the doorIt _ be JimIt _ be himHes gone to Shanghai Amustmustnt Bmay, may not Cmust,may not Dmust, cant29You can take anything from the bookshelf to read,but please-the books when you havefinished APut away BPut down CPut back DPut up30Your telephone num

    9、ber again? I didnt quite _ it一5872398 Anotice Bcatch Cknow Dwrite31I wonder why LiLy didnt come to the partyMaybe she _Adidnt invite Bhasnt invited Cwasnt invited Dwont be invited32To plant trees well,we must dig _Aa three feet deep hole Bthree-foot-deep a hole.Ca hole three feet deep Da three-feet-

    10、deep hole33 Wheres Jack? Hes awayHes gone to Beijing or to Shanghai,Im not sure _Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dthere34why did you buy the book?_ EnglishAImprove BImproving CTo improve DBe improving35Do you prefer grapes _ bananas? 一I prefer grapes _ bananasAtoor Bor, to Cthan,to Dor,than36Shall we go hiking

    11、tomorrow?_, The radio says it will rainASure BThats a goodidea CIm afraid we cant DAll right 37 Please turn off the TV when you leave,SuSanOKI_,DadAdo Bdont Cwill Dwont38Many people went to the concert last night,_ young peopleAhardly Bprobably Cmostly Dwont39Excuse me,may I take a seat here? 一_The

    12、man on the seat has leftAyoud better not BNo,thanks CYes,Please DIm afraid not40Tom, you _ on the PhoneAis wanted Bare wanting Cwant Dare wanted二、完形填空(15分) (A) All over the world people swim for funSwimming is enjoyed by people of _41_ ages,fromthe very young to the very oldThere are many、places for

    13、 people to swim in swimming poolsMany schools,hotels and clubs have swimming poolsSome people have pools of _42_in their yardsSwimming is one of _43_ forms of exerciseIt can _44_ hearts and bodies strongIt can also help blood circulate(循环)Handicapped people can keep their bodies in better condition

    14、by swimming _45_ they cant enjoy sports_46_ is a good idea for parents to see to it(务必做N)that their children learn to swim_47_ an early ageSo their children will _48_ it for the rest of their lives There are many rules for water safetyThese rules can help save not only life _49_the life of a friendF

    15、irst of all,know _50_Many schools _51_swimming lessons to chidrenAdults(成人)can learn to swim at Public pools_52_ rule to remember is never to swim _53_Alwaysswim with a friend and know _54_ in the water at all timesIt is best to swim _55_ in safe places if you are beginnersIf every one learned to sw

    16、im and obeyed the rules for water safety, most drawing(溺水)could be avoided41Aan Bany Csome Dboth42Athemselves Btheir own Ctheirs own Dtheir owns43Agood Bbetter Cbest Dthe best44Ahelp B1et Cmake Dshow45Athough Bas Cso Duntil46AThat BThere CThis DIt47Aover Bduring Cat Don48Alearn Benjoy Cstop Dknow49A

    17、and aim Bstill Cand yet Dbut also50Ahow to swim Bwhy swimming Chow swimming Dwhy to swim51Ahave Btake Cgive Dmake52AThe other one BOther CAn other DAnother53Aalone Byourself Clonely Dtogether54Awho what person is Bwhere that person isCwho is that person Dwhere is that person55Anearly Bhardly Calmost

    18、 Donly(B)从下面方框中选择适当的选项填入短文中,使短文通顺、完整、选项中有两个选项是多余选项。(10分) On a snowy evening,a rich lady was standing by the roadShe was very worriedHer _56_had broken downJust then a poor man named Robert cameHe was on his way back homefrom work as usualThe lady wondered, Is the mall going to help me? He looks very

    19、 cold and hungryBut to her _57_ he stopped and said with a smile,”Whats wrong, madam?”The lady told him whatwas happening After forty minutes,the car was at last fixed by RobertThe 1adY wanted to Pay him “No,thats _58_,madam, he said,“I was just helping someone in needIf you really want to pay me ba

    20、ck,I hope _59_you see someone in trouble,please give him a handA fewminutes later, the lady saw a shabby(破旧的)house by the roadShe _60_ Roberts words,So she stoppedThe hostess(女主人)warmly asked her inThe lady could see that Was a _61_ family and they needed helpWhen the hostess Was making tea in the k

    21、itchen, the lady _62_ 500 dollars On the table and went away quietlyRobert came home later than before,thinkinghow hard their life wasTheir _63_ was to be born the next month but there wasnt _64_ moneyHis wife went up to him,gave him a kiss and said softly”Dont worry, dear! Everythings going to be a

    22、ll fightA stranger has helped us out” Lets always be ready to help others because helping others is helping _65_三、阅读理解。(40分)(A)Heres the content(目录)of a book66If youre interested in music,can read”_”ANational sports Bsad movies CThe planets DWeather service67You can learn something about weather in

    23、_AUnit 1 BUnit2 CUnit 3 DUnit468Words about _ are in Unit 5Amusic stars Bweather conditions Csports tools Dspace news69In all the units,you can learn the skill of _Apredicting by title Bunderstanding attitudeCunderstanding main ideas Dguessing meaning of new words(B) Have you seen the movie Changjia

    24、ng 7(CJ7)?The story is about a boy called DickeyHe lives a poor life with his fatherHis father doesnt have any money to buy toys for himOne day his father finds him a strange toy from a junkyard(垃圾堆)Dickey names it Changjiang 7(CJ7)It is an alien dogIt can do many things that humans can not doDickey

    25、 takes it to school to help him in many ways CJ7 is a popular movie of2008Xu Jiao,born on August 5,1997 in Ningbo,Zhejiang,playsDickey, On April 21,the girl won Beat New Performer(演员)at the Hong Kong Film Awards for her play in CJ 7Now Xu Jiao becomes a new film starShe is wellknown especially among

    26、 young kidsMany of them want to own such a helpful toy as CJ 7 Xu once said it was difficulty to play a boyTo get an idea of what a boy is likeshesaid, I watched boys and I also studied and played with them a lot”70Xu Jiaos birthday is _AApril 5 BAugust 5 CApril 21 DAugust 2171_ finds a toy from the

    27、 junkyardADickey BXu Jiao CDickeys father DXu Jiaos father72CJ7 is the name of _Aa toy Ba cat Ca place Dan award73To play Dickey, Xu Jiao did all the following things EXCEPT _ boysAbeating Bwatching Cplaying with Dstudying with74What can we know about Xu Jiao from the passage?AShe lives a poor life

    28、BShe plays a boy in the movieCShe was born in Hong Kong DShe said it was easy to act in CJ7(C) The post office has plenty of work to doIt handles(处理)thousands of letters every dayLets follow a letter all the way across America Julie lives in New Y0rkShe wrote a letter to DaveDave lives in OregonJuli

    29、e put the letter in the mailbox(邮箱)on Monday nightOn Tuesday morning a truck stopped at the mailboxThe mail carrier(投递员)put the letters into a large bag and took the bag to a post office in New York On Tusday afternoon the letters were sortedZip codes were used to sort the mailA machine picked up a letter and held itA worker read the zip codeThen the worker pushed five buttons on another machineThe worker had only one second to do thisAfter the


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