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    1、新概念英语第三册笔记第48课上课教案新概念英语第三册笔记第48课上课教案Lesson 48 The silent village 沉默的村庄New words and expression 生词和短语Inaccessible nksesbl adj 难以接受的,达不到的Access =entrance,approach entrance 入口 to词根 access (n) 通道,通路程,通向的道路程,进入某地的道路,介词用to(1) vt. 1、进入;使用;获取(资料) We can access the data in the computer. (2) n. 通道;通路;(使用接近的)机

    2、会或权利 (to sth) 定语往往用不定式 the access to sth: 的通道;的机会或权利 have access to sth: 有权接近使用 The only access to the village is to through the forest. The public dont have access to the documents.sth be accessible to sb: 某人可以得到接近使用These important books are only accessible to those who have much experience.accessi

    3、ble (adj) :easy to get to(及、达到)/ easy to understandHeavy snow made the village inaccessible to traffic.大雪使车辆无法进入这个小山村。使某事成为可能 make it impossible to do inaccessible adj难以接受的,达不到的1/ Aninaccessibleplace is very difficult or impossible to reach. 难到达的; 不可及的2/ If something isinaccessible, you are unable t

    4、o see, use, or buy it. 看不到的; 不可使用的; 买不到的3/Sb or sth that isinaccessibleis difficult or impossible to understand 难懂的; 无法理解的表不满approach 接近,方法vt. 靠近,接近;(人和事物,空间和时间) n. 靠近,临近;方法,手段;路径,途径1、the way you deal with it or think about it 方法手段2、sth gradually gets nearer as time passes临近3、get closer to it靠近4、a r

    5、oad, path, or other route that leads to swh(1) vt. & vi. 靠近,接近;对付,处理 The time is approaching when we think about buying a new house. Few writers even begin to approach Shakespeares greatness. 莎士比亚的伟大,鲜有作家能望其项背。 approach the puzzle. (2) n. 靠近 方法;通道,入口 With the approach of sth: 随着的临近 With the approach

    6、 of spring, everything come alive. the approach to sth: 的方法通道 The approach to the town / problem has been abandoned. at the approach of在快到的时候.be approaching 快到了 the time for graduation is approaching.make an approach to向提出建议或要求approachable 能接近unapproachable 不能接近,无可匹敌的,不能与之相比的hospitable hsptbl; hsptb

    7、l adj 好客的1、好客的,殷勤周到的 2、(气候、环境等) 适宜的同=friendly , neighborly ,receptiveHospitable adj好客的,强调热情好客/Friendly adj 友好的Neighborly adj 和睦的/Receptive adj 关于接受的,接纳的,强调一个人比较容易接纳一些想法和见解副词:hospitably名词:hospitality hsptlti n 好客,殷勤;具体可指提供的:食物、饮料和其它优待反= hostile hstalBe hostile to 对有敌意名词:hostility hstlti 敌意;战争行动Hostil

    8、e-hospitable 不友好的,有敌意的同= hostile , unfriendly , Hostile adj不友好的,有敌意的 / Unfriendly-不友好的vicinity vsnti n 周围,近邻 (邻近,附近;近处)非常正式的用语,普通用语为neighbourhoodIn the vicinity 在附近 /In the vicinity of在周围,附近(左右) 另=about,大约(在什么程度左右,上下)eg. There are two antique shops in the vicinity.a price in the vicinity of $25,000

    9、in the neighborhood ofapproximately adv.大约地;大概地eg. The plane will be landing in approximately 20 minutes.adj. approximative prksimtiv 近似的 n. approximation prksmen 数 近似法;接近;数 近似值approximately 最接近的,误差极小about 大致接近,误差可大可小;nearly 口语化一些architectural adj 建筑的 另 结构的architecture ktekt(r) 建筑,结构,架构 the architec

    10、ture of DNAarchitect n.建筑师,设计者fresco fresk n 壁画/ 注意欧美的也有很多,比如教堂,索菲亚大教堂 伊斯坦布尔abruptly adv 实然地,意外地abrupt adj. 生硬的;突然的sudden and unexpected;唐突的(粗鲁的,冒失的);陡峭的steep 指坡度向上逐渐增加的斜陡坡,强调险峻,暗示难于攀登。sheer 指自始至终近于垂直的陡峭,不仅仅很难爬上去,甚至于不可能攀登。abrupt 着重指地形突然起伏,形成尖角状。tramp v徒步前进/Tramp vt.徒步走, 徒步旅行 (本意是(尤指长时间地)重步行走,踏,踩)Tra

    11、mp n.步行, 徒步旅行, 徒步旅行者Tramp n.流浪者, 乞丐, 妓女stroll strl n.溜达, 散步(= slow walking for pleasure in street or in garden)指不慌不忙地溜达go for a stroll = go for a walk, take a stroll = take a walkstroll v.闲逛, 漫步 - He is strolling along the road.Stroller n.散步者, 流浪者Ramble rmbl v.海岸、林中的漫步 - The couple are rambling in t

    12、he forest. 英漫步,尤指为消遣而在乡间闲逛Roam rm v.不安定的漂泊 (徜徉;闲逛;漫步to walk or travel around an area without any definite aim or direction)常指长时间没有目的或方向地游荡。Wander wnd vi.漫步, 徘徊, 流浪, 彷徨, 无目的地移动moor m(r); m(r) v 用(绳,链,锚)系船上/1、荒野 英国英语或moorland 高沼地;荒野(沼泽,荒野;高沼地的草原) 2、v. 系住;使停泊苏格兰国菜 Haggis 英国国菜Fish and chips 北爱尔兰 potato

    13、eater勇敢的心,ass price Kilt 苏格兰裙 bagpipe n.风笛vi.奏风笛 Ireland Irish 爱尔兰人Scotland 苏格兰 England 英格兰 wales 威尔士(西南)Scotch n. (一杯)苏格兰威士忌;苏格兰人;苏格兰英语adj. 苏格兰(人)的;苏格兰语的Scottish adj. 苏格兰(人)的,苏格兰语的n. 苏格兰人,苏格兰语美国荒野 wilderness wldns the wildsferry v 用渡船运 n. 渡船liner 班船,游轮;内衬Vessel vesl n.轮船, 大木船(非常正式的表达方式, 用于文学体中, 可以代

    14、替ship、boat)2、(人或动物的)血管,脉管;(植物的)导管 Ship n.大船;舰艇 Boat n.小船, 艇(比ship小, 在非正式的场合可以替换) Lifeboat raft dinghy canoe warship submarine aircraft carrier destroyer驱逐舰 Battleship战列舰 cruiser巡洋舰 kru:z r frigate frt (小型)护卫舰cruise kru:z乘船游览;以平稳的速度行驶; 巡行straggle strl v蔓延,散乱分布1) to grow, or spread in an irregular and

    15、 untidy manner 蔓延,蜿蜒,蔓生,散漫straggling hair 零乱的头发 straggling branches 蔓生的树枝straggling houses 零落分布的房屋 straggling roads 蜿蜒的道路2) drop behind while on the march; stray from the main road 落后掉队runners straggling in 2 hours after the leader落后与领先者达2小时的落后赛跑选手dilapidated dlpdetd adj 破旧的,倒塌的(a building , vehicle

    16、 etc. is old and in very bad condition)rickety rkti adj.要散架的,晃动的 (家具,建筑)晃动的要散架了 (摇晃的,不稳固的)a rickety boat loaded with goods a rickety wooden chairrickets 软骨病/佝偻病dilapiadated a 陈旧的,倒塌的This is a dilapiadated old house.Dilapidate dlpdet v 使倒塌,使破损;浪费、荒废Dilapidation (n)倒塌/Broken-down This is broke-down la

    17、wn mowersardine n 沙丁鱼,沙丁鱼罐头/rag n 破旧衣服/ (n. 破布;碎屑vt. 戏弄;责骂vi. 变破碎;穿着讲究)an old beggar dressed in ragsgo from rags to riches 白手起家,从布衣到富翁 (to become very rich after starting your life very poor)red rag 斗牛用的红布;激怒人的东西read the rag 读编得很差劲的报纸feel like a wet rag 觉得非常累(very tired)motionless adj 不动的 not moving

    18、 at alleg. She stood motionless and silent with tears dimmed in her eyes.eg. The cat remained motionless, waiting for the mouse to come out of its hole.movement 通常抽象地指有规则的动作或定向运动,特指政治性的运动。motion 指不处于静止状态而在移动的过程中,强调运动本身,而不涉及其动因procession prsen n 行列,成队的人群 / (人,车)行列,成群的人群(a line of people or vehicles m

    19、oving slowly as part of a ceremony)the funeral procession a carnival procession knvl n. 狂欢节,嘉年华会 the wedding procession a train of travelers (a long line of moving people) a camel trainprocess n.过程,步骤,方法the chemical process the digestive processshawl l n围巾,披巾(n. (女用)披巾,披肩;襁褓,(裹)婴儿用的包巾v. 用披巾包裹)muffle

    20、r n.(Br)(厚,取暖)围巾scarf n.(长)围巾handkerchief 方巾,方帕peer v 凝视,盯着/(指眯着眼睛仔细地或略为吃力地看。)squint v.眯着(眼)看, 瞄squint ones eyes眯着眼睛 - He squinted his eyes and looked at the letter.peer at 眯着眼睛看gaze 凝视,注视 (常指长时间无意识地或因好奇、惊讶等而盯着看。)gape 目瞪口呆地凝视 (指因惊讶或震惊而张着嘴、瞪大眼睛呆看。)glare 怒目而视 (指长时间用愤怒的目光凝视着某人或某物。)stare 凝视,瞪视 (指因生气、惊讶、

    21、思考等而瞪大眼睛长时间地注视某人或某物。)peep 窥视,偷看 (尤指通过孔眼、缝隙等迅速地偷窥。)glance 瞟,瞥 (指粗略地匆匆一瞥。)(动作)She glanced about the room before she leftglimpse瞥见 (指一瞥之下看见某人或某物,但未看清全貌。)(结果)He glimpsed a figure at the windowquicken v 加快Enclosure n.围场,圈地 nkl(r) (四周有篱笆或围墙的场地)1、C 圈占地;圈用地;围场2、C (信中)附件 postscript n.(信末签名后的)附言,又及;(正文后的)补充说明

    22、Enclose vt. 圈住,围起;封入,附寄Closure n.结束;(永久的)停业,关闭;电闭合; vt.使结束,使终止;使停止辩论一、前缀en-的构词功能1加在某些名词前面构成动词, “置于之中”、“登上”例如:encage(把关于笼中),encase(把装入箱中),encave(把藏入洞中),entomb(埋葬),enroll(把记入名册中),enthrone(使登上王位)2加在某些形容词或名词前面构成动词, “使成某种状态”例如:enlarge(使扩大,放大),enable(使能够), enrich(丰富),ensure(确保),enslave(使成为奴隶),endanger(使遭危

    23、险),encourage(使有勇气,鼓励),二、后缀-en的构词功能1接在某些形容词后面构成动词,“使变成”例如:shorten(使缩短), darken(使黑,变黑),deepen(加深,使深),broaden(加宽),sharpen(削尖),richen(丰富),thicken(使变厚),quicken(加快),soften(使软化),harden(变硬、硬化),weaken(变弱),fasten(使固定),widen(变宽)2接在某些名词后构成动词例如:frighten(恐吓),hasten(加快),heighten(提高),lengthen(延长),strengthen(加强)3接在某

    24、些名词后构成形容词,“由制成的”、“似的”例如:wooden(木质的),woolen(羊毛制的),waxen(蜡制的,似蜡的),golden(金质的,似金的),silken(丝的,如丝的),earthen(泥质的,泥制的)Text 课文Inthis much-travelled world, these are still thousands of places which are inaccessible to tourists.in this much-travelled world (to travel a lot) 在这个旅行频繁的世界上the much-admired leader

    25、倍受赞誉的领导most-talked 谈论最多的 most-used用得最多的eg. There are still thousands of students who are inaccessible to computers-the most-used modern tool. Be accessible /inaccessible to do容易(难以)接近的We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and hospitable.Remote adj. 遥远的;偏僻的;疏远的(时间、空间、人际关系疏远的、可

    26、能性微乎其微) n. 远程remote sensing 遥感;远距离读出 remote control n. 遥控;遥控装置 remote monitoring 远距离遥控 remote sensing data 遥感资料,遥感数据 remote access 计远程访问;远程存取But people who are cut off not only from foreign tourists ,but even from their own countrymen can be hostile to travellers.Not only formbut form 强调介词,重复解释,同时要保

    27、持一致not onlybut also = Not onlybutas well1、就近原则 2、倒装 3、it isthat强调结构 it is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable. accountable负有责任4、注意省略 a、not onlybut b、not onlyalso c、but.as well d、只有not onlynot only did I hear the car, I actually saw it crash5、not onlybut also

    28、 连接主语时一般只用于肯定句,否定句时要用as well as,就远原则he as well as I doesnt want to see the play.cut off from 把同隔开/切断(本意是)Cut off from : separate from /isolate from 从分离,与相隔绝,老死不相往来(引申义)断绝往来eg. After the death of his wife, he cut himself off completely from the rest of the world.He is cut off from all his friends aft

    29、er he went abroad.cut off the electricity断电 cut off the aid eg. I got just cut off!(打电话)断线了!cut sb off 打断某人(的话)eg. The village is so cut off from civilization that it receives no visitors. people who are cut off not only from foreign tourists ,but even from their own countrymen定语从句修饰peple不与本国同胞相往来的人

    30、,也不与外国同胞相接解的人(Such people who are hostile to travelers are ones who are cut off from the society.)Visits to really remote villages are seldom enjoyableas my wife and I discovered during a tour through the Balkans.到真正遥远的山村参观很少给你带来乐趣的,As引导非限定性定语从句用破折号隔开。33课提及。不定式做定语,表示:将来,或者特指注意这里的seldom,我们的直接印象是频率概率类的副词,但也可修饰程度,只是仍有频率概率的语感Balkansb:lknz 巴尔干半岛第一自然很重要,最好全文背下来。比如Inthis much-travelled world;We alwaysassume that;who are cut off not only frombut even from。通过这一段我们了解到为什么偏僻山村的人对人怀有敌意。是因为他们本身已经脱离了这个社会。We had spent several days in a small town and visited a n


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