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    1、第二单元第一部分第一单元:俩老中年女人聊天另加一狗A: Susie, what do you want for dinner tonight? B: Oh, I dont know. What have you got in the refrigerator? A: Ive got a lot of leftover stuff. Ive got some vegetables, um we could have. B: Stir-fry? A: Great. B: OK. A: Weve got some celery and some green pepper and some lefto

    2、ver turkey and some onions I could add to it and some mushrooms. B: Sounds great. A: OK. Should we have a salad with that? B: Always, you always. A: OK. So . B: You have to have a salad. A: Thousands island dressing, blue cheese dressing, Italian dressing. I think thats what Ive got. B: Maybe just s

    3、et them on the table and we can. A: Great. B: Choose what we want. A: OK. And for dessert Ill have angel food cake with strawberries. Sounds good? OK. B: Im ready. A: Thats it. B: OK.第二单元:两女人聊天看见年轻的F1: OK. Susie, we have to go back to New York. Dont you think that was the best trip we ever had? F2:

    4、Oh, I . And I, I saw ten shows. F1: I know ten shows. I only saw six shows but I wanted to go to see the Empire State building and I wanted to go see . F2: And eat? F1: And eat? Of course. F2: I didnt have time to eat. F1: Of course. And shop? F2: And shop. F1: Lots of shopping which was really, rea

    5、lly fun. I spent way too much money. F2: Did you? But you got that cute red jacket. F1: Yes. F2: I love that jacket. F1: Yes, I know. Thanks. But we have to go back. F2: Where did you get that jacket? At the GAP? F1: I got that, no, yeah, I did get that at GAP. Youre right. Youre right. F2: I was th

    6、inking you did. F1: But you know what, we took a Taxi ride on the way in? I dont know if I ever told you this. And we almost crashed the taxi. It was snowing so hard, that the taxi just skidded into the guard rail. And he didnt act like it was any big deal. F2: Probably wasnt. F1: It was really scar

    7、y. F2: Well, when we came cause you know we were there like, I dont know, eight hours earlier than you? And we had to run for the plane to get there.F1: To get there? F2: And I, of course, had to go to the bathroom when I ask the lady, the ticket place, I said, do I have, I need to go. She said, you

    8、 dont have time! They were ready to close the door, we barely made it. F1: They have bathroom on airplanes. F2: I know, but you know, thats sort of. F1: But so weve got to back, OK? F2: We do. F1: Absolutely! F2: Im ready, and youve got place for us to stay. F1: Yes I do. F1: That would be great. Th

    9、atll be great. And shows to see . F1: OK. Lets go.第三单元:两男人聊天A: So, I just got this and I dont know where to begin. Could you give me a few pointers? B: Id be happy to. Why dont you hold it and just do as I say and I think thatll . Youll be able to figure it out pretty quickly. A: OK. B: First of all

    10、, that little button on the top right, is the power switch. You press it and it comes up. A: Look at that. B: All right? The next thing you want to look at is that bottom part on the screen where all the icons are. A: I see. B: All right? And you see theres a house icon? A: Uh huh. B: That takes you

    11、 home. A: OK. B: And so if you tap it with stylus, there you get to see all the programs that are on there. A: I see. B: And then you can see one that has the numerical symbols .or the arithmetic symbols, excuse me . Tap that, you get a calculator. A: OK, great. B: And then the screen just looks lik

    12、e a calculator, and you can use it as you would any other calculator. A: OK. I see. B: Got the idea? A: I understand. B: Now, youll notice at the very bottom the case there are a bunch of switches that you can press. A: Uh huh. B: And those take you to the applications that you will use most frequen

    13、tly.A: OK, great. B: So the left most one has a sort of picture of calendar - that takes you to your calendar. A: I see. B: OK. And then the one with a picture of a phone takes you to your telephone list. A: OK, great. B: Your address list. And then there is one with . That looks like little check b

    14、oxes? That takes you to your To-Do-List. A: OK, I see. B: And then right most button is where you take notes. A: Oh, great. Well, that really gets me started that Ill be . Have to start putting my phone numbers and to-do-list in here and get it filled up. B: OK. I think youll enjoy it once you learn

    15、 how to use it. A: Thanks for the tips. B: Youre welcome.第四单元:一女人打电话说感冒的事A: Hi, Dr. Banghart. B: Yes. A: Im really not feeling well at all, and the medicine you gave me isnt doing any good at all. B: Oh, Im really sorry to hear that. Remind me again of what your, your first symptoms were? A: Well, I

    16、 have . My chest hurts, and my throat is sore. And I kind of have a stuffy nose, and a little bit of an earache. B: I see, I see. Is it hard to breathe? A: Its not really hard to breathe, but it . Whenever I breathe, I cough. B: You cough. Is there any pain associated with your breathing? A: Only in

    17、 my chest, it hurts a little bit, yes. B: It does, it does. All right, well, I want you to continue to take the medication that I gave you. A: OK. Well, Ive taken it for three days and it doesnt seem to be doing any good at all. B: Well, I understand. The literature suggests that four to seven days

    18、it may take to really do this if its what we think it is. A: OK, OK, I see. B: So be sure to keep taking that medication. Uh, Im thinking that you could also . Do you have a humidifier in your house? A: Yes, I do. B: OK, because we want to make sure that the air isnt too dry in your house. A: OK, no

    19、w its a warm air humidifier. Is that all right? B: That would be the best. Thats actually very good. Thats very good. And that might give you some comfort until the medication really starts working. OK? A: OK, great. Thank you so much. B: And if it, if it still is bad in another day or two, better,

    20、better make an appointment and come in, and we will take some closer look. A: Great, I will do that. B: OK. A: Thank you very much. B: Im sorry you are not feeling better but Im sure you will soon. A: Thank you. OK. Bye. B: Bye.第五单元:两女人聊天正面是老的A: Well, its really great to see you!B: I was just going

    21、to say it is so great to be here! I cant believe I finally got here!A: How do you like it? Do you like the area?B: Its wonderful. I love your house. (A: Thank you!) Its just. I cant believe how long it took me to actually get here.A: I know.B: But, Im here now. And what I was thinking. I know youve

    22、got to go run some errands. I wanted to just drive around a little bit, see what your neighborhoods like, (A: Great! Great!) Maybe I can cook the dinner tonight, cause. thats all.A: Thats so maze. You want me to tell where some shopping is?B: Great, yeah!A: OK, there is a real close store, if you ju

    23、st go out of the neighborhood here, and then make a left, on Elmwood.B: As I wind around, thats the road I turned off to get here, OK?A: Yes, yes. You take all the way in and you will run into a big grocery store, and a mall, so you can go clothes shopping, too.B: Well.A: And if you really want some

    24、 like specialty things, like some good breads, from the mall, youll make a right, (B: OK) and thats Saginaw. You go down Saginaw, and on your left, will be a bakery.B: Oh, perfect.A: Has lots of good bread and cakes and all sorts of delicious things.B: I was thinking maybe salmon, you know, a big sa

    25、lad and some good bread, and there (A: That sounds wonderful) you go. Maybe pick up a little . Something sweet for dessert.A: Yes, yeah, thank you. That would be really nice. So I have to run, OK?B: OK.A: So thank you so much.B: I will see you, I dont know what, an hour?A: Probably an hour and a half. OK?B: OK!


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