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    1、生活大爆炸第一季第七集全台词中英文对照生活大爆炸 第一季7集: The Dumpling Paradox-Howard:Watch this, its really cool.看这个,真的很酷。Call Leonard Hofstadter.呼叫Leonard Hofstadter。-Machine:Did you say: Call Helen Boxleitner您说的是呼叫Helen Boxleitner吗?-Howard:No. Call Leonard Hofstadter.不,呼叫Leonard Hofstadter。-Machine:Did you say: Call Templ

    2、e Beth Seder您说的是呼叫Temple Beth Seder吗?-Howard:No.不。-Leonard:Here, let me try it.来让我试试。Call McFlono McFlooniloo.呼叫McFlono McFlooniloo。-Machine:Calling Rajesh Koothrappali.正在呼叫Rajesh Koothrappali。-Raj:Oh, its very impressive.真的很强悍。And a little racist.还带点儿种族主义。-Sheldon:If were all through playing mock t

    3、he flawed technology,如果你们玩够了嘲笑残次科技,can we get on with Halo night我们能开始光晕之夜了吗 (XBOX经典第一人称射击游戏)?We were supposed to start at 8:00.我们本该8点开始。It is now 8:06.现在都8:06了。-Leonard:So well start now.那我们现在就开始。-Sheldon:Yes, first we have to decide if those lost six minutes will be coming out of game time, bathroo

    4、m time or the pizza break.是啊,首先我们得决定失去的6分钟该从哪里扣除,是游戏时间,上厕所时间,还是披萨饼休息时间-Raj:We could split it two, two and two.我们可以把它分成三个两分钟。-Howard:If were having anchovies on the pizza, we cant take it out of bathroom time.如果吃凤尾鱼披萨饼,上厕所时间就不能被扣掉了。-Sheldon:Oh, what the hell is this又搞什么鬼啊?-Leonard:Oh, hey, Penny. Com

    5、e on in.嘿,Penny 进来吧。-Penny:Hey, guys.嘿,大家好。-Howard:See a Penny, pick her up,看到一便士把她拣起来 (Penny也有便士的意思),and all the day youll have good luck.一整天你都会交好运。-Penny:No, you wont.不,你不会的。Uh, can I hide out here for a while我能在这里藏一会儿吗?-Leonard:Sure. Whats going on当然可以,出什么事了?-Penny:Well, theres this girl I know f

    6、rom back in Nebraska, Christy.我认识一个在布拉斯加的女孩,她叫Christy。Anyway, she called me up,她给我打and shes like, Hey, hows California问我嘿,加利福尼亚怎么样And Im like, Awesome, cause, you know, its not Nebraska.我就说棒极了 你也知道,最起码它不是布拉斯加。And the next thing I know然后不知怎么搞的,shes invited herself out here to stay with me.她就不请自来要和我住一

    7、起。-Sheldon:8:08.8:08分了。-Penny:Anyway, she got here today and shes just been in my apartment就这样,她今天来了。一直在我的公寓里喋喋不休的讲,yakking and yakking about every guy she slept with in Omaha,在奥马哈和她上床的每一个男人,which is basically every guy in Omaha,基本上也就是奥马哈的所有男人了,and washing the sluttiest collection of underwear you h

    8、ave ever seen in my bathroom sink.她还洗她的那些情趣衣,都是你在我浴室里见到过最淫荡的。-Howard:Is she doing it one thong at a time,她是一次洗一条丁字裤,or does she throw it all in.还是把它们都扔进去.like some sort of erotic bouillabaisse就像某种情欲海鲜浓汤-Penny:He really needs to dial it down.他真得控制一下了。I know.我知道。-Leonard:So if you dont like this Chris

    9、ty,那如果你不喜欢这个Christy,why are you letting her stay为什么还让她留下来?-Penny:Well, she was engaged to my cousin她曾经和我堂兄订过婚,while she was sleeping with my brother,那时她还在和我哥哥上床,so shes kind of family.所以也算自家人了。-Sheldon:I apologize for my earlier outburst.我要为我之前的感情用事道歉。Who needs Halo, when we can be regaled with the

    10、delightfully folksy tale of the Whore of Omaha既然有幸耳闻奥马哈之妓的精彩民间传说,咱们谁还用的着玩光晕呢-Leonard:Oh, I dont think shes a whore.我不认为她是个妓女。-Penny:No, yeah, shes definitely a whore.不,她绝对是个妓女。I mean, she has absolutely no standards.我是说她完全没有道德标准。This one time she was at.那一次她正在.Wheres HowardHoward去哪儿了?-Howard:Bonjour

    11、, mademoiselle. I understand youre new in town.小姐你好,听说你刚来这里。-Sheldon:Oh, good grief.我的天啊。-Penny:Aw, I cannot believe Christy let Howard into my apartment.真不敢相信Christy让Howard进了我的公寓。-Sheldon:And I cannot believe people pay for horoscopes,我也不信会有人花钱去算命。but on a more serious note,再严肃提醒你们一下,its 8:13 and w

    12、ere still not playing Halo.现在8:13了,我们并没有在玩光晕。-Leonard:Okay, fine.好吧。Well just play one-on-one until he gets back.我们先单打独斗等他回来。-Sheldon:One-on-one单打独斗We dont play one-on-one. We play teams,我们从不单打独斗,都是组队行动。not one-on-one. One-on-one.不是单打独斗,居然单打独斗. -Leonard:Well, the only way we can play teams at this p

    13、oint is if we cut Raj in half.那现在我们能组队的唯一方法就是把Raj切成两半。-Raj:Oh sure, cut the foreigner in half.当然了,把这个外国人切两半没什么,Theres a billion more where he came from.他的祖国还有十几亿人呢。-Penny:Hey, if you guys need a fourth, Ill play.嘿,如果你们三缺一的话我可以来。-Leonard:Great idea.好主意。-Sheldon:No. The wheel was a great idea, relativ

    14、ity was a great idea.不行。轮子的发明才是好主意,相对论才是好主意,This is a notion, and a rather suck one at that.这只是个想法,还是个很烂的想法。-Penny:Why为什么?-Sheldon:Why为什么?-Penny:Oh, what, what, what怎么,怎么,怎么-Sheldon:This is a complex battle simulation with a steep learning curve.这是一个复杂的模拟对战游戏,需要学习的东西很多。There are myriad weapons, vehi

    15、cles and strategies to master要灵活运用无数种武器、交通工具和攻略,not to mention an extremely intricate back-story.更不用说错综复杂的背景故事了。-Penny:Oh cool. Whose head did I just blow off酷,我刚爆了谁的头?-Sheldon:Mine.我的。-Penny:Okay, I got this.好了,我懂了。Lock and load, boys.放马过来吧小子们。-Leonard:Its the only way we can play teams.只有这样我们才能组队打

    16、。-Sheldon:Yes, but whoevers her partner will be hamstrung by her lack of experience, and not to mention the fact.但她缺乏经验,和她一队的人会被她拖后腿,更不用说.-Penny:There goes your head again.哈,又爆了你的头。-Sheldon:Okay, its not good sportsmanship to shoot somebody whos just re-spawned.在别人再生的时候进行攻击,是非常违反游戏道德的。You need to gi

    17、ve them a chance to.你得给他们个机会.Now, come on!别这样!Raj, Raj! Shes got me cornered. Cover me!Raj,Raj,她把我逼到墙角了,掩护我。-Penny:Cover this, suckers!放着我来,傻瓜们。-Leonard:Penny, you are on fire!Penny 你火力真猛。-Penny:Yes, and so is Sheldon.是啊,所以Sheldon着火了。-Sheldon:Okay, thats it.好了,够了。I dont know how, but she is cheating

    18、.我不知道怎么回事,但她作弊了。No one can be that attractive不可能有人既长得漂亮,and this skilled at a video game.又擅长玩电子游戏。-Penny:Wait, wait, Sheldon, come back. You forgot something.等等,Sheldon 回来,你忘了件东西。-Sheldon:What什么?-Penny:This plasma grenade.这个等离子手雷。Look, its raining you.看啊,满天都是你。-Sheldon:You laugh now- you just wait u

    19、ntil you need tech support.你现在就笑吧,等你需要技术支持的时候再收拾你。-Penny:Gosh, hes kind of a sore loser, isnt he天啊,他真是个输不起的人,不是吗?-Leonard:Well, to be fair, hes also a rather unpleasant winner.公平点儿说,他赢的时候也很讨厌。-Penny:Well, its been fun.好了,这很有趣。-Leonard:You know, Penny, we make such a good team.Penny 咱们配合的很默契。Maybe we

    20、 could enter a couple of Halo tournaments sometime.说不定有空能一起参加光晕锦标赛。-Penny:Or we could just have a life.我们还不如过更充实的生活。-Leonard:I guess for you thats an option.你倒是可以选择那样做。-Penny:Good night, Leonard. .晚安 Leonard 。-Leonard:Good night晚安。-Penny:As usual, nice talking to you,.还是那句话,很高兴和你聊天Raj。-Raj:What do y

    21、ou suppose she meant by that你觉得她说那话是什么意思-Leonard:Shes an enigma, Raj.她是个谜Raj。-Sheldon:And another thing-theres a certain ethic to the game, Penny, a well- established.还有一件事,这个游戏是要遵循一定准则的Penny,一个健全的.-Leonard:Shes gone, Sheldon.她走了Sheldon。-Sheldon:Oh. Well, she could have said good-bye.好吧,她应该说再见的。-Pen

    22、ny:Okay, I have a problem.我遇到麻烦了。-Sheldon:Its called carpal tunnel syndrome, and quite frankly you deserve it.那叫做腕管综合症,老实说你活该。-Leonard:Whats wrong怎-么了?-Penny:Well, um, Howard and Christy are. kind of hooking up in my bedroom.Howard和Christy正在.我的卧室里乱搞。-Leonard:Are you sure你确定吗?-Penny:Look, I grew up o

    23、n a farm, okay听着,我在农场里长大,From what I heard, theyre either having sex or Howards caught in a milking machine.我听到的声音要么是他们在做爱,要么就是Howard被挤奶机夹住了。Do you mind if I stay here tonight你介意我今晚住在这里吗?-Leonard:No, take the couch, or my bed.当然不,你睡沙发或者我的床。I just got new pillows. Hypo-allergenic.我刚买了新枕头,防过敏的。-Penny:

    24、The couch is good.沙发就行。-Sheldon:Hold that thought. Leonard, a moment.先别轻举妄动,Leonard过来一下。-Leonard:Let me guess. You have a problem with this.让我猜猜看,你对此有意见。-Sheldon:Where do I begin我从哪儿说起呢?Its up to you. Crazy persons choice.你自己作主,疯子的选择。Well, first, we dont have houseguests.首先我们不留宿客人,Frankly, if I coul

    25、d afford the rent, Id ask you to leave.说实话,如果我付得起房租会把你也赶走的。-Leonard:Your friendship means a lot to me as well.你的友谊对我来说也很重要。What else还有什么?-Sheldon:Well. our earthquake supplies.好吧。我们的地震补给,We have a two-man, two-day kit.我们是两个人、两天的装备包。-Leonard:So那又怎样-Sheldon:So if theres an earthquake and the three of

    26、us are trapped here,如果发生了地震,我们三个人被困在这里,we could be out of food by tomorrow afternoon.到明天下午我们就会断粮了。-Leonard:Im sorry, are you suggesting that if we let Penny stay we might succumb to cannibalism不好意思,你是说如果让Penny留下,我们就会为了吃人肉自相残杀吗-Sheldon:No one ever thinks itll happen until it does.事情没发生的时候谁都不会信。-Leona

    27、rd:Penny, if you promise not to chew the flesh off our bones while we sleep, you can stay.Penny如果你保证不在我们睡着时从我们骨头上剔肉吃,你就可以留下。-Penny:What什么-Sheldon:Hes engaging in reductio ad absurdum.他使用了归谬法。Its the logical fallacy of extending someones argument to ridiculous proportions and then criticizing the res

    28、ult.把论点扩展成荒谬的逻辑谬论然后对其结论进行批判。And I do not appreciate it.我并不赞同这样。-Leonard:Ill get you a blanket and a pillow.我去给你拿毯子和枕头。-Sheldon:Okay, well, since Im obviously being ignored here,好吧,既然我明显被无视,lets go over the morning schedule.咱们来回顾一下早晨的时间安排。I use the bathroom from 7:00 to 7:20.我7点到7:20之间要用卫生间。Plan your

    29、 ablutions and bodily functions accordingly.请相应安排你的洗漱和生理需要。-Penny:How am I supposed to plan my bodily functions我怎么能安排自己的生理需要-Sheldon:I suggest no liquids after 11:00 p.m.我建议你11点以后别喝水。-Leonard:Here you go.给你。-Penny:Thanks, Leonard.你Leonard。-Sheldon:Wrong.错了。-Penny:Im listening.我在听。-Sheldon:Your head

    30、goes on the other end.你应该头朝那边睡。-Penny:Why为什么?-Sheldon:Its culturally universal.这是普遍的文化现象。A bed, even a temporary bed,一床,就算是临时的床,is always oriented with the headboard away from the door.床头板总是放置在远离门的方向。It serves the ancient imperative of protecting oneself against marauders.在古代这对于保护人们不受野兽袭击十分重要。-Penny:Ill risk it.我甘愿冒这个险。Anything else should I know还有什么我要知道的吗?-Sheldon:Yes, if you use my toothbrush,有,如果你用了我的牙刷,Ill jump out that window.我就从那扇窗户跳出去。Please dont come


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