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    1、上海市初三英语自招词汇拓展精讲精练3初三优质学员提升易错题60. Lots of rubbish _ every day. A. is thrown away B. are thrown awayC. has thrown away D. throws away答案:A解析:本题考查名词单复数和主谓一致。Rubbish是不可数名词,且此处要用被动语态,every day提示为一般现在时。61. The majority of doctors _ smoking is harmful _ health.A. believe; to B. believes; for C. believes; to

    2、 D. believe for答案:A解析:考察主谓一致和固定搭配。The majority of修饰可数名词复数,所以谓语用复数,be harmful to为固定搭配,“对.有害”62. Thirty-five hundred dollars _ spent in a single night, which _ unthinkable.A. are; is B. was; was C. were; were D. have been; has been答案:B解析:这题考察名词和主谓一致。这里的3,500美元看成一个整体数值,所以前后谓语动词都用单数形式。63. He had a clear

    3、 _ of the examination result when he saw his daughters face.A. report b. thought C. idea D. News答案:C解析:参照have no idea 意思为“不知道”,所以have an idea 为,“知道,了解”64. Whose _ is it to answer the question?A. possible B. time C. turn D. Lesson答案:C解析:turn翻译为“轮次”,轮到某人了65. The scientist and professor _ our meeting.A

    4、. is to attend B. are to attend C. were to attend D. is attend答案:A解析:这里只有一个冠词,说明指的是同一人,身兼两职,所以为单数。66. The police _ everybody at the gate.A. is searching B. has been searching C. searches D. are searching答案:D解析:police为集体名词,谓语用复数67. Three fourths of the surface of the lake _ covered with ice the next

    5、morning.A. is B. was C. were D. has been答案:B解析:分数修饰名词的时候,谓语动词的单复数取决于该被修饰名词是否可数,这里的surface of the lake为不可数,所以用单数,且后面的the next morning为过去将来时的时间状语,所以句子时态为过去。68. The Germans kept those _ in a secret place.A. prisoners-of-war B. prisoner-of-warsC. prisoners-of-wars D. prisoner-of-war答案:A解析:这种合成的名词,只在中心词变

    6、复数即可。如:sisters-in-law69. _ knowledge of space developed rapidly.A. Mens B. Mens C. Mans D. Persons答案:C解析:这里的man用单数泛指人类70. Such _ not the only uses of, bamboo.A. should be B. is C. are D. Has答案:C解析:such做主语,谓语动词看后面的指代的名词是单数还是复数还是不可数,这里指代uses用途,所以用复数。71. The _ of this ship is 1,200 feet.A. shape B. wei

    7、ght C. length D. Size答案:C解析:feet是英尺,为长度单位。72. Of the new students, sixty _ girls.A. per cents are B. per cent is C. percent is D. percent are答案:D解析:参照hundred用法,前面有基数词修饰,不可加s,百分数修饰名词大额时候,谓语动词取决于该名词的性质,可数复数谓语用复数,不可数用单数。73. The magnificent _ temple was built by the Indians.A. ten-centuries-old B. old-t

    8、en-centuriesC. ten-centurys-old D. ten-century-old答案:D解析:连字符连接的名词必须用单数形式,且整个短语做定语。74. After the meeting, the speakers were given _.A. glasses of beer B. glass of beers C. glass of beer D. glasses of beers答案:A解析:指很多杯酒,酒味不可数名词,不可数名词用量词来衡量的时候,只需要把量词变复数即可。同时glass作为可数指眼镜或者杯数,作为不可数指玻璃。75. Their hearts wer

    9、e _ with _ and courage.A. full; proud B. filled; pride C. filled; proud D. fulled; pride答案:B解析:be filled with 和be full of固定搭配,后面and并列,前后两个词需保持词性一致,所以应该为名词,pride。76.Jims uncle found _ in a cell-phone factory.A. a work B. jobC. a job D. Work答案:C解析:找到一份工作,具体的工作用job,work表示工作不可数77. _ thirty-five minutes

    10、enough for you to get there?A. Has B. Have C. Are D. Is答案:D解析:一般表示时间,距离的复数名词短语看成整体,因为不强调具体的,只强调这段时间或距离。78. The _ took many _ in the Summer Palace.A. Germen; photos B. Germans; photosC. Germen; photos D. Germens; photoes答案:B解析: German的复数是Germans,不可以把a变成e;photo为无生命,所以复数加s。79. All that can be done _.A.

    11、 has been done B. have been doneC. have done D. has done答案:A解析:不定代词做主语,谓语动词用单数形式。80. A number of soldiers _ at the camp gate.A. have gathered B. has gatheredC. is D. Was答案:A解析:a number of 修饰时,谓语动词用复数81. Anyway, it is you who _ the right to decide.A. have B. is C. has D. Are答案:A解析:强调句型,去掉it is 和who 再

    12、看,主语为you,谓语用复数;have the right to do意为有权利做某事。82. Kellian is the only one of the few girls that _ Chinese well.A. speaks B. spoken C. speaked D. Speak答案:A解析:one of 前面有the only等修饰词的时候,看one即指代的主语的单复数。83. The war broke out _ years ago.A. score of B. score C. three scores D. scores of答案:D解析:用法参照thousands

    13、of 和基数词+thousand的用法。Scores of 相当于大量的即lots of的形式。84. I think he has _ in that sort of work.A. much experiences B. little experiences C. few experience D. some experience答案:D解析:experience不可数表示经验;可数表示经历。Some既可修饰可数也可以修饰不可数名词。Few修饰可数,little和much修饰不可数。85. The Whites are thinking of moving to _ of the Unit

    14、ed States.A. south B. southern C. the south D. the southern答案:C解析:方位词前面要用定冠词the;southern用作定语的,后面不需要of结构;south可做名词表示南方。86. The blind here _ very well _.A. are cared for B. are; cared C. is; cared for D. is; cared答案:A解析:the +adj.表示一类人,为复数含义;care for为照顾,照看,用作被动语态的时候,结构依然要完整。87. The first pair of slippe

    15、rs didnt fit properly, so he asked for _.A. another slippers B. the other ones C. other slippers D. another pair答案:D解析:这里用pair指代前面出现的,另一双。88. Foreign students, _ the most _ from Asia, are in large numbers at that international school.A. of whom; are B. whom; are C. of whom; is D. whom; is答案:A解析: of

    16、whom这里可以把of还原到most后面,即the most of whom,whom指代foreign students,同样谓语用复数。89. He is one of the persons who _ the _ to this question.A. knows; reply B. know; answer C. knowing; secret D. has known; key答案:B 解析:这里的who指代persons,the answer to the question表示问题的答案。90. The football team _ having their baths and

    17、 then coming back here for tea.A. is B. are C. is being D. are being答案:B解析:后面有their 说明强调每个成员。91. Nobody but Jack and Dick _ in the lab last night.A. were B. was C. are D. had been答案:B解析:首先but出现是就远原则,其次主语为nobody,不定代词做主语,谓语动词用单数。92. The fine paper for books _ made from bamboo.A. are B. is C. have D. H

    18、as答案:B解析:这里的主语是paper纸张,为不可数名词,所以动词用单数;be made from. “由.制成”93. Listening to jazz songs _ one of his _.A. is; hobbies B. is; hobby C. are; hobbies D. are; hobby答案:A解析:前面的动名词短语做主语一般看成单数,后面one of 后接的名词必须用复数形式。94. To his _, his wallet was gone.A. astonish B. astonished C. astonishment D. Astonishing答案:C解

    19、析:to ones + 名词,出于.,参考to ones surprise.95. It was _ ride from the school to the town hall.A. half a hours B. half an hours C. half an hour D. an half hours答案:B解析:名词所有格的使用,这里做定语修饰后面的ride骑行。半小时表达half an hour.96. The audience _ their seats in the music hall now.A. is going to take B. is taking C. are ta

    20、king D. has taken答案:C解析:audience 为集体名词,“观众”,now提示进行时。97. Ill be back _.A. in two week time B. in two weeks timeC. in two weekss time D. in two weeks time答案:B解析:名词所有格用法,复数名词若以s结尾,只需在后面加上即可。98. One third of the students in our school _ from Asia.A. are B. is C. was D. has been 答案:A解析:有分数修饰的词,句子的谓语取决于被

    21、修饰的名词。Students为可数复数,用are。99. “Can you finish writing a _ composition today?” The teacher asked anxiously.A. two-thousand-words B. two thousands wordsC. two-thousand-word D. two thousand word答案:C解析:用连字符号连接的名词短语做定语时,必须用单数形式。100. For months they travelled through _ of Gobi.A. the sand B. the sands C. s

    22、and D. Sands答案:B解析:sand表示沙子,而sands表示沙滩;后面特指Gobi的沙滩,所以用定冠词the。101. I found that her best friends _. A. were both womens B. were both women driversC. both were women drivers D. both were women-driver答案:B解析:women本就为复数形式,无需再加s;有man和woman修饰的名词短语变复数的时候,man 和woman必须同时变为复数,即women drivers。 Both的用法是放在系动词之后,行为

    23、动词之前。比如We both like playing games。102. What _ Mr. Peterson gave us!A. a good advice B. good advice C. good advices D. Advices答案:B解析:advice为不可数名词,不可以单独用an修饰,也不可以直接在后面加s。103. Look! Those _ are eating green _ under the tree.A. sheep; leaves B. sheep; leafs C. sheeps; leafes D. sheeps; leafs答案:A解析:sheep

    24、为单复数同一形式的词,表示复数无需加s;leaf复数是leaves。104. I like watching _ on TV.A. football games B. footballs C. a football D. football game答案:A解析:首先football game的中心词是game,这里作为比赛的意思可数,所以要么以单数形式出现要么以复数形式出现。这种表示种类的名词短语里面前面的名词作定语修饰后面的名词的情况有很多,但前面的名词一般都为单数,比如apple tree/apple trees。105. Every book except these two _.A.

    25、have sold B. have been sold C. has been sold D. has sold答案:C解析:except为就远原则,主语看every book,又因为主语背不定代词修饰,所以谓语用单数。且含有被动的含义,书应该是被卖出。106. At first I had _ in speaking English with the native speakers.A. some difficulty B. some difficulties C. any difficulty D. a difficulty答案:A解析:固定搭配。Have difficulty in do

    26、ing sth. 表示在做某事上有困难。107. Mr. Smith, together with his children and wife, _ photos on the Great Wall.A. was seen take B. was seen takeC. was seen taking D. were seen taking答案:C解析:together with 为就远原则,主语看Mr. Smith。句意含被动,应该是被看见正在做某事,所以用doing。主动结构:see sb. Doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事。108. My friend Henk de Frich

    27、 comes from _.A. Sweden B. Swede C. Swiss D. German答案:A 解析:Sweden指瑞典,Swede或者Swedish指瑞典人。109. The _ were all invited to the school Art Festival.A. boys parents D. boys parents C. boys parents D. boys parents答案:D解析:这里boy为可数且为复数,所以加s,后所有格只需加,然后谓语用were复数,所以主语为复数,parents也为复数。110. They as well as I _ in fishing.A. are interesting B. am interested C. is interested D. are interested答案:D解析:as well as为就远原则,be interested in.固定搭配,表示“对.有兴趣”。


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