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    1、英语商务简报与会议技巧英語商務簡報與會議技巧一、會議上各狀況常用句型的介紹1、宣布開會 Lets call the meeting to order. Shell we(begin) get started? Lets get down to business.2、主席開場白 Its my pleasure to welcome On behalf of the company, Id like to 3、介紹成員 Allow me to introduce We have here with us4、會議主旨 The purpose (goal) of the meeting is We a

    2、re here to discuss5、請專人發言 Id like call on _ to talk about I have the pleasure of inviting _to address May I ask_ to share your thought with us?6、表達我方立場 Regarding the,we believe As I see it, first of all;second, Id like to point out that My arguments are as follows: We feel its important (essential)

    3、to7、徵詢對方意見 What do you think (about this)? What are your views on? What would you suggest? Is there anything you want to add?8、提出看法 I(am inclined to,tend to) think In my opinion(Personally),I As I understand it, It is my belief that9、提到要點 My point is I wish to make a point by saying The crux of the

    4、matter is What Im trying to say is What Im getting at is10、補充要點 What is more, Furthermore, Moreover, In addition to this,11、發問前之客套話 You have made an interesting point, and I What you just said is very important, but I am impressed by your presentation , and I If I understand you correctly, youre say

    5、ingI know what youre trying to say. Let me 12、發問 What do you think about? How do you think this will affect? I wonder if you could tell me. What do you mean by? Could you be more specific about the? Could you elaborate bit? Do you mind telling us more about13、回答前之客套話 Thank you for your question (com

    6、ment). Thats a good question. Thats very interesting point you made. I am glad that you ask this question. I appreciate your interest in this matter.14、回答 Let me answer your question briefly. To (the best of) my knowledge, Im afraid I have no idea of. Im sorry I cannot answer your question. I wish I

    7、 could answer the question.15、反問 I beg your pardon? Are you saying that? Could you rephrase your question? What are you trying to say? What are you getting at?16、引導討論回歸主題 As I was saying, Going back to my main point, Like I said,17、徵詢建議 What do you think we should do? What are the options (alternati

    8、ves)? Whats your suggestion (recommendation)?18、提出建議 It seems to me that the only solution is If I may, I would suggest that It might be a good idea to If I were you, I would Perhaps we should. I(strongly) recommend(advise,suggest)19、舉例或說明 Let me give you an example. Lets look at some statistics. Al

    9、low me to elaborate a bit.20、比較方案 A would means, but B is more A is OK,but I like B better.21、表示贊同或支持 I think youre right. I quite agree. I couldnt agree with you more. I am with you. You have my full support.22、表示保留或反對 I see your point, but I dont want to be discouraging, but With hue respect, Id l

    10、ike to point out that Im sorry. but I have reservation about that. Im afraid I cant accept that. I disagree totally.23、會議時間不足 I regret were out of time. Im afraid were running behind the schedule. Due to time constraint, I am afraid In the interest of time, perhaps we should I hate to call time, but

    11、 I am afraid24、結語 To sum up(conclude), In closing, To review briefly, Let me end by saying that Finally, Id like to wrap up the meeting by25、散會前之客套話 I thank you for your time and attention. I appreciate the opportunity to speak to you. Its my pleasure to attend this meeting. Thanks you. Its been a u

    12、seful meeting.26、問答 Are there any questions? I am pleased to take your questions. I am sure some of you may have questions. If you have any question, please feel free to ask. Im afraid I can only entertain 3 questions.27、表決 Lets (Shall we) put this matter to a vote.(?) Those who are in favor of (aga

    13、inst) the Proposal, please raise your hand.28、臨時補充 Before I forget, let me remind you that That reminds me.29、宣布散會 Shall we end the meeting here? I wish to draw(bring) the meeting to a close. The meeting is adjourned (closed, over).30、常用之轉折語 Regarding (With respect to .As to) As a matter of fact (Ac

    14、tually), Generally (Frankly) speaking, To be honest with you, However (Nevertheless), Anyway (Anyhow), In the meantime (Meanwhile), At this point in time, As things now stand, For this purpose(To that end, In order to), On the one (other) hand, In addition (Besides) As a result (Therefore, Consequen

    15、tly).二、會議進行,應注意事項1會前準備:穿著、場地佈置、賓主座次。2發言或聽取對方意見時,目光應直視對方,上身微前傾,面帶微笑。3勿以手撥動衣物、頭髮、眼鏡,勿抖腿、雙手盤於胸前。4發言前,應在心中或紙上打好綱要。5每一句話盡量講完整,並避免重複。6盡量少使用YeahUhUmYou know等字眼。7無須藉抱歉以示謙虛。(以下為雙邊會議人應注意事項)8宜指派主談人,避免七嘴八舌。9我方發言前,對方發言後,均應 Acknowledge 對方。10對方有人發言時,應耐心聽完,切不可打斷。11如未聽懂對方發言,應即要求對方再講一次。12對方提出之要求或對案,如無法立即回答,可要求會議暫時中止。

    16、13對方所言不如我意時,勿搖頭或作出不耐煩之動作。14對方所述如有錯誤或難以接受,切勿立即以簡短否定句回敬之。15如須以中文私下討論,應先徵得對方之諒解。16我方內部意見如有不合,切不可在會議桌上顯現。17有人發言時,切勿在台下竊竊私語。三、如何製作一個商務簡報Types of Presentation1Ceremonial2Informative3PersuasiveBasic Structure of a Presentation 1 Introduction1) Getting the attention and interest of the audience2) Reveal the

    17、 topic (Central idea)2 Body (Main Points and Supporting Data) Main Point 1: Supporting data a, b, c Main Point 2: Supporting data x, y, z 3 Conclusion1) Signal the end of the presentation2) Summarize and reinforce the focal points4 Questions and Answers5 The importance of smooth transitionThe Use of

    18、 Transparencies and Slides KISS (Keep It Simply Simple!)The Use of Figures Numbers Percentages DecimalsThe Use of Charts or Diagrams Line Chart Bar Chart Pie ChartDelivery1 Take a deep breath before speaking up.2 Use note cards and props.3 Control your voice and pace.4 Gestures and eye contact.5 Do

    19、not ramble or apologies.6 Brevity and simplicity.7 Pronunciation, intonation and stress.8 Avoid saying Uh, Um, Well, You know, I think etc.Tips1 Tell them what you want to tell them.2 Tell them.3 Tell them what you have just said by summarizingthe points in slightly different words.How to Overcome S

    20、tage Fright1 Stage fright is universal and it can be overcome.2 Pretend that you are the only person who knows the subject.3 Keep telling yourself that you can do a good job.4 Practice, practice and practiceQ & A1 Make sure that you understand the question.2 Rephrase the question if necessary.3 Answer the question.4 Counter question.5 All types of questions: Stupid questions, Difficult questionsadmit you dont know, Hostile questionsdont fight back, Inaudible questionshave him repeat, Unintelligible questionshave him rephrase, talk later.


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