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    1、adj活着的) The streets are alive with people(adj充满(活的或动的东西)15. alone(熟义:adv单独地,一个人地) The alone was able to answer the question (adv仅仅,只有)16amount(熟义:n量) The cost amounted to$200(v(t0)共计,达到) What you have said amounts to a plain refusal(v相当于)17announce(熟义:宣布) A warm sunshine announces the coming of spri

    2、ng(vt显示,预告)18appreciate(熟义:v欣赏;感激;感谢) I appreciate that I may be wrong(V意识到(realize) 19arrival(熟义:n到达) All stood up to welcome the new arrival(n到达的人或物)20attend(熟义:v出席;参加) The nurse attended to him day and night(v看护;治疗)21arrest、(熟义:Vt逮捕) The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease(vt停止,阻止)22a

    3、bsolute(熟义:adj完全的;绝对的) The police have absolute proof that he was the murderer(a由确切的)23accompany(熟义:vt陪伴;伴奏) Strong winds accompanied the heavy rain(v伴随)24alike(熟义:adjadv相像地;相似的) Teachers should care for athe pupils alike(adv同样地)25allow(熟义:v允许) This diet allows you one glass 0f wine a day(vt使可能) 26.

    4、 all(熟义:全部,所有) He drove some where once and he was all, “I love this car. Its like a rocket.”(口语:某人所说的,所做的)27announce(熟义:v宣布;宣告) Warm sunshine announces the coming 0f the spring(v预示着)28approach(熟义:vt靠近;接近) I approached him about filling the managers job(v接洽;建议;要求)29arrange(熟义:v安排;整理) Ive arranged wi

    5、th the neighbors about feeding the cats(v商量)30arrest(熟义:vt逮捕;拘留) Attempts are being made to arrest the spread of the disease(vt阻止;中止)31aspect(熟义:n方面) a man with an impressive aspect (n样子;外观;外表) 32. ask(熟义:问) When placing an ask, Be sure to specify a price and a time limit.(n. 最低出价)33. available(熟义:a

    6、dj可得到的;可找到的) The worthy professor i8 now available (adj(人)有空的) B34. balance(熟义:n&v平衡)I must check my bank balance(n差额,余款)The school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects(v权衡)35. bar(熟义:n棒,条;吧间) Poor health may be a bar to success in life(n障碍)36become(熟义:v变得,变成)Her new

    7、 hat certainly becomes her(vt适于,适合)37behavior(熟义:n举止;行为)The behavior 0f this computer is moderately good(n性能,特点)38blank(熟义:adj空白的n空白)The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look(adj没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的)I think again where Ive left my umbrella;my minds a complete blank!(n记忆中的空白,遗忘)39blue(熟义:adjn蓝色)Hi

    8、s songs always make me feel blue(adj忧伤的)40. beside(熟义:prep在旁)Beside your earlier work this piece seems rather disappointing(prep与相比)41. build(熟义:建设)The athlete has a solid build(n身材;体形)42. bare(adj熟义:裸露的) He likes to bare his heartsoul with his close friends(vt向某人袒露心声)43bear(熟义:vt忍受;容忍) He was badly

    9、 wounded in the war and still bears the sears(v显示;带有)44bitter(熟义:adj苦的;痛苦的) Why was she so bitter against MrSmith?(adj强烈的) 45blanket(熟义:n毯子) The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow(vt以厚层覆盖)46build up(熟义:增强的体质;建立) The noise is building up until she could not stand it(增高;加强)47burst(熟义:v使爆炸;破裂)

    10、 The storm burst and we all got wet(v突然爆发) 48bond(熟义:v使牢固结合) Mothers who are depressed sometimes fail to bond with their children,(v发展或建立信赖和亲切关系)49burning(熟义:adj炽热的) She is burning to tell you the news(adj感情等强烈的)50bound(熟义:a由一定会) I dont like being deskbound all day(adj受约束的) C51capital(熟义:n首都,首府;资本)

    11、Our capital task at the moment is to persuade her to calm down(adj极严重的,根本的)52 cause(熟义:v致使) We are struggling for revolutionary cause(n事业)53celebrate(熟义:vt庆祝) He celebrated her for her courage(vt称颂,赞扬)54cheek(熟义:vt检查) We should check the spread of the disease(vt阻止,制止) 55choice(熟义:n选择) Some of his re

    12、marks are really choice(adj斟酌得当的)56civil(熟义:adj公民的,国内的) He is a civil person(adj彬彬有礼的,有礼貌的)57. class(熟义:n班级) It is no doubt that the professional classes do a much better job than those who are not (n阶级,阶层;等级)58climate(熟义:n气候) The cultural climate here is somehow a little upsetting(n风气;思潮;倾向)59cloud

    13、y(熟义:adj阴的,多云的) Who did is still remains cloudy(adj不明朗的,不清晰的)6Ocoach(熟义:n教练) She coached me in English(v辅导,指导)61command(熟义:v命令,指挥) His bravery commanded our respect(v博得,赢得)62contain(熟义:v含有,包含;克制) The man was later contained by the police(v制服) He is too excited to contain his laughter(vt抑制)63count(熟义

    14、:v计算,数) (1)There are 10 people in the classroom counting two teachers(vt包括) (2)It is not how much you read but what you read that counts(vt有价值,重要) (3)She was counted among the greatest dancers(vt以为,视为) 64couple(熟义:n一对,一双;一对夫妇或情侣) The dining car was coupled onto the last coach(v联合,连接)65course(熟义:n课程;

    15、过程) The main course was a vegetable stew(n一道菜)66cross(熟义:v跨越,横穿n十字) Dont be cross with himafter all,he meant to help(adj生气的)67cut(熟义:vt割) His rude remarks cut me(vt伤(某人的)感情)68case(熟义:n情况;状况) There are three cases of fever in sch001(n病例;案例)69casual(熟义:adj偶然的;随意的) He was employed as a casual laborer(a

    16、dj临时的)70cater(熟义:v为社交活动提供饮食;承办酒席) TV must cater for many different tastes(v满足需要;迎合)71caution(熟义:n谨慎) The teacher cautioned him against being late(V告诫;提醒)72challenge(熟义:v挑战) I challenged him to a game of chess (v强烈建议某人干某事)73chance(熟义:n机会) She chanced to be in when he called(V碰巧)74charge(熟义:v索价,收费;指控;

    17、控告) Mother charged Alice to take good care of the baby(V。赋予责任或义务)75clean(熟义:adj干净的) I clean forgot about n(adv彻底地;完全地)76company(熟义:n公司) You may know a man by the company he keeps(n陪伴;作伴;伙伴)77conduct(熟义:v组织;实施;指挥;引导) He conducted himself far better than expected(V举止;表现)78congratulate(熟义:v祝贺) I congra

    18、tulated myself on my escape(v:为成功或成就感到高兴,感到自豪)79consume (熟义:vt消耗;消费) The fire Boon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighborhood(Vt烧毁;毁灭) D80damage(熟义:v&n损坏) He chimed $7000 damages from the taxi company(n赔偿金(复数)=compensation)81dawn(熟义:n拂晓v破晓,天亮) The truth began to dawn on him(v开始明白) 82deser

    19、t(熟义:n沙凑) He deserted his wife and children and went abroad(V抛弃,离弃) 83develop(熟义:v发展;开发;研制) Did you have the films developed?(v:冲印) develop a diseasea habit(v逐渐形成) sure enough,most of the plants developed the disease(vt患病;出现问题) 84difficult(熟义:adj困难的) You must get the admission of your difficult gran

    20、dmother before getting married(adj.难以取悦的,不易满足的) 85dismiss(熟义:v解雇,开除) He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic (v拒绝考虑(某观点等) 86down(熟义:adv向下,在下面) I paid $1000 down on the car(adv作为首期付款) 87drive(熟义:v驾驶) Hunger drove her to steal(V迫使某人(做不好或不快的事) 88deliver(熟义:、,t递送;传送;发表演说;接生) Only educ

    21、ation Can deliver people from misery(vt解救;拯救;使摆脱) 89divorce(熟义:v与某人离婚) You cant divorce science from ethical questions(v使分离;使脱离) 90do(熟义:v做;干;办某事) Patience and determination will do wonders(v创造) 91draw(熟义:v画;拖;拉) What moral are we to draw from the story?(v获得,取得,推断出) E 92elect(熟义:v选举,推选) She elected

    22、to become a lawyer(v选择(做) 93. embarrass(熟义:vt使尴尬) What embarrasses your making an early start?(vt阻碍) 94employ(熟义:v雇佣) The police employed force to open the door(v利用,使用) 95engage(熟义:、rt从事) A personal computer engages his interest now(vt吸引) 96entertain(熟义:vt款待) He entertained a belief that his son wou

    23、ld rise in the world(vt怀有,怀抱) 97. even(熟义:adv甚至,更) The road wasnt even(adj平的,平坦的,平滑的) Her teeth were white and even(adj一致的;同样的;齐的) The score is now even(adj对等的;均等的,相等的) The car went with an even motion(adj均匀的;平稳的) She evened the edges by trimming them(vt使平坦;弄平) Our team evened the score in the last

    24、minute(vt使相等) 98excite(熟义:vt使激动) The recent discoveries have excited new interest among doctors(vt激起) 99excuse(熟义:n借口v原谅)He was excused from piano practice(v免除某人的职责) 100express(熟义:v表达) His express wish was that you should come here by air(adj明确的) Is there an express from Nanjing to Shahgllai?(n快车)10

    25、1encourage(熟义:vt鼓励;激励) Good health encourages clear thinking(v促进,助长,刺激)102escape(熟义:v逃跑;逃脱) His name escapes me for the moment(v被忘掉;被忽视)103exit(熟义:v出去;离去;n出口) At the end of the third scene the actress exits(v退场)104explode(熟义:v爆炸爆裂)m about t0 explode! He broke my violin(v勃然大怒;大发雷霆) 105exploit(熟义:V开发;

    26、开采;剥削) You must exploit every opportunity to learn new things(v利用)106extend(熟义:v扩大;使扩展;使伸长) He extended his hand to new employees(V伸展,舒展,展开(手臂或腿) F107fail(熟义:v失败) Our water supply failed(v不足;缺乏) He is failing in healthHis health is failing(v衰退,衰弱) He failed to lend her a hand(v未能) Words failed him(vt使失望;有负于) 108. fashion(熟义:n时尚,时装) He behaves in a peculiar fashion(n方式)109fast(熟义:adj&adv快的地) His tears fell fast(adv接连不断地;快速不断地) Hes fast asleep(He has a heavy sleep)(adv完全地)110. fever(熟义:n发烧,发热) He is in a fever of her arrival(n狂热,高度兴奋) 111


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