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    1、学年度枣庄市滕州第一学期初三期末考试初中英语20192020学年度枣庄市滕州第一学期初三期末考试初中英语英语试卷第1卷选择题,三部分,共80分第一部分:听力听力选择题,共5节,l25小题,每题l分,总分值25分;听力填表题共一节。6670小题,总分值5分。第一节 听下面5个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出所听句子中含有的那个选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。1 Aface Bfish Cfix2 Aheard Bhard Chand3 Asolve Bsour Cshower4 Apark Bpack Cpicnic5 Arise Brealize Crefuse第二

    2、节 听下面5个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与你所听到的句子表达的意思相同或相近的选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。6 AThey arent Germans BBoth of them are Germans CTheyre all from Germany7 AIs it interesting to go to Hawaii ? BWould you like to go to Hawaii ? CHave you ever been to Hawaii?8 ACollege students invents the flying disk BCollege

    3、students invented the flying disk CThe flying disk was discovered by college students9 AHow do you visit Hong Kong for the next vacation? BWhy do they consider visiting Hong Kong for the next vacation? CHow about thinking about visiting Hong Kong for the next vacation?10AHe thought up some good idea

    4、s about their Volunteer Day in the end BHe thought of some good ideas about their Volunteer Day in the end CHe thought about some good ideas about their Volunteer Day in the end第三节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。11ATo visit a hospital BTo help clean the hospital CTo take care

    5、of old people12AMaking many foreign friends BGoing to a foreign country CWatching foreign language films13AHe would give it to a medical research. BHe would give it to the poor children CHe would buy a big house for his family14AWhere to spend the vacation one day BWhat to eat for the vacation CHow

    6、to spend the weekend15ABecause there was a heavy traffic BBecause his bike was broken and he had to walk to school CBecause he got up late and couldnt catch up with the school bus第四节 听下面一段对话,回答第l6至第20五个小题。现在你有20秒钟的时刻阅读这五个小题。16Where does this conversation probably happen? AAt home BIn a CD shop CAt s

    7、chool17what does Miks mother ask him to do? ATo sing the pop music BTo turn down the music CTo tum up the music18What does Mikes mum think of Mikes music? AIt is beautiful BIt is fantastic CIt is terrible19What kind of music does mikes mum like ? ALoud music BEnergetic music CSoft music20What does M

    8、ike think of his mothers music?AGreat BToo soft and slowCNervous第五节 听下面一段短文,回答第21至第25五个小题。现在你有20秒钟的时刻阅读这五个小题。21The man bought a gold ring for his_ Awife Bmother Cdaughter22He lost his ring _ Ain the store Bin the house Cin the street23_ the man was looking for the ring, his friend came up AAfter BWh

    9、en C Because24Why did the man begin to look for the ring in the street? Because_ Ahe lost it in the street Bhe wanted someone to help him Cit was much brighter in the street25The friend thought that the man was _ Aclever Bfoolish Cinteresting 请同学们翻到第二卷第四部分第一节,连续做听力填表题。第二部分:英语知识应用共两节,总分值25分第一节单项填空共10

    10、小题;每题l分,总分值l0分从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。26Do you like music that you can _? Yes, I do Asing along with Bsing along with it Cdance to it Ddance with27Lin Juns name is on the dictionary It _ his Awas Bhas been Cmust be Dwill be28If I _you, I _the blue jeansAwas;will wear Bam; will wear

    11、 Cwas;would wear Dwere;would wear29What do you think of the girl_sang at the New Years party? Shes a gentle girl with sweet voice Awhat Bwho Cwhich Dwhose30My life _a lot in the last few years Achanges Bhas changed Cchanged Dwas changing31By the time I got to school, I realized I _my backpack at hom

    12、e Aleft Bhad left Chas left Dhad forgotten32Have all the students known that well have an English exam this Saturday? Yes Every student _about it Atells Btold Chas told Dwas told33Can you provide us _some information _the computer? Afor, about Bwith, about Cabout, with Dwith, with34How dirty your be

    13、droom is! Ill _at onceCould you please help me? Aclean it up Bcheer it up Cfix it up Dput it up35.Would you love to hang out with us, Helen? SorryI prefer to _at home than _out with you Ato stay;hang Bstay;hanging Cstay;hang Dto stay;to hang第二节 完形填空共15小题;每题l分,总分值l5分 阅读下面短文,把握其大意,然后从3650各题所给的四个选项A、B、

    14、C和D中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Jessie was driving home happily when a truck went past her carThe driver was moving much too fast When Jessie neared her exit出口, she 36 something and stopped her car to the right of the highway高速公路An accident 37 on the left side The truck had 38 a car,but the driver was gone

    15、 Jessie thought that the people inside must be badly 39 and she should help them as 40 as she couldNot thinking of the 41 ,Jessie hurried to the other side of the road,though few people dared 敢 cross 42 a busy road Looking into the car,she saw five people two women and three childrenJessie was 43 to

    16、 see all of them movingJessie pulled one of the car doorsIt wouldnt openShe went to the next door 44 ,she couldnt move itShe almost thought that all was 45 before she got one of the doors to open a littlePlease get the children out,one of the women calledJessie 46 a little boy from the car and moved

    17、 him to a 47 placeThen she went to bring the other children to safetyAfter the last child was out of the car,Jessie thought of the box in 48 carShe had something in it that could help get that door openSo she got the box quicklyAs Jessie was 49 on the door,the driver said, Not many, people would do

    18、what youre doing You just take it easy, and Ill have you 50 soon said Jessie She was as good as her word As soon as she helped the women out of the car, it caught fire36Adid Bsaw Cmade Dforgot37Ahappened Bhas happened Chad happened Dwas happening38Ahit Bmet Cpassed Dfollowed39Abeaten Btreated Cneede

    19、d Dhurt40Amany Bmore Cmuch Dmost41Amatter Btrouble Cdanger Daccident42Aso Bsuch Ctoo Dvery.43Aproud Bhappy Cnervous Dworried44AAgain BClearly CPerhaps DExactly45Aexpected Bmissed Clost Dfound46Apicked Bdropped Ccollected Dpulled47Aquiet Bcool Csafe Dclean48Atheir Bher Canother Dthis49Aworking Bturni

    20、ng Cknocking Dsetting50Aback Bpast Cover Dout第三部分:阅读明白得15小题,每题2分,总分值30分 阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A An old woman walked into a clothes shopShe asked the salesgirl to let her have a look at a new dress on display,but the girl stood still behind the counter,taking no notice of the

    21、 request The old woman spoke to the girl again,raising her voice a bit,but still received no answer The old woman looked closely at the girl and nodded to her, I am too old to see well I cant even tell a plastic model from a real girl On hearing this,the salesgirl shouted at the old woman,What? Did

    22、you call me a plasticmodel? The old woman was greatly surprised Oh, dear me,she saidThe model can speakThen it must be a robot of a new type51The old woman wanted_in the clothes shop Ato buy something Bto play a joke on someone Cto try things on Dto make trouble52The assistant was a_ Awoman Bmodel C

    23、robot Dyoung man53 The assistant took no notice of the old woman because_ Ashe was a plastic model Bshe was too old to see well Cshe was not a good assistant Dshe was too old to hear54The assistant began to speak because_ Ashe got to know her mistake Bshe wanted to show that she was not a model Cshe

    24、 wanted to show that she could speak Dshe thought the old woman had insulted her55When the assistant shouted at her, the old woman was greatly surprised because_ Ashe had thought the assistant would speak Bshe didnt expect the assistant would speak Cshe had thought the assistant was a robot Dshe had

    25、 thought the assistant fooled herB Very often, new-born babies are not beautifulThey are wrinkled 多皱的 or hairless,or they have an angry look on their facesThey seem to say,Get away!I hate everybodyBut to a parent,that hairless, wrinkled,angry -faced baby is the most beautiful and perfect child in th

    26、e worldWhen a proud father or mother asks you,Well, What do you think,isnt she beautiful?What are you going to say? Is this the time for the truth? Of course not! You look that proud father in the eyes and say, Yes,she is! Shes really a beautyShes one in a millionShes going to be a movie star! I can

    27、 tell! Shes as beautiful as a picture In English, This is a white lieWhite lies dont hurt people They are not cruel 残酷的 or angry wordsPeople use them to make a difficult thing a little easierWhen people dont want to meet someone, or eat something new that they really dont like at a friends house, th

    28、ey tell a white lieThey are trying to be kindThey dont want to hurt anyoneIts important to be honest, but many people feel that being kind is sometimes more important56 Parents are usually _when their babies are born. Aangry Bproud Csad Dsurprise57When a parent asks what you think of their new baby, they want you to_ Atell the truth Bsay what you like Ctell lies Dsay something positive58The underlined word whitein this passage means_ in Chinese A善意的 B恶意的 C白色的 D惨白的59From the passage we know that_ Aa new -born baby hates everyone around her Ba new -born baby is the most beautiful one Cpe


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