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    1、英语口译基础教程15P1China will earn billion dollars in foreign exchange revenue with the annual average growth of nearly 8% and it is expected to be ranked third worldwide. billion tourists will travel in china, representing an average 8% increase annually; the revenue from the domestic tourism will reach 8

    2、81 billion yuan with an increase of 11% on the average every year; the tourism earnings will total trillion yuan ,up 10%, representing 7% of GDP ; tourism will create million direct and 49 million indirect job opportunities.中国旅游创汇将达426亿元,年均增长8%左右,有望居世界第三位;国内旅游人数亿人次,年均增长8%;国内旅游收入8810亿元,年均增长11%左右,旅游业总

    3、收入12260亿元,年均增长10%左右,相当于全国国内生产总值的7%;旅游带动直接就业980万人,间接就业4900万人。P2The eleventh five-year plan is a crucial strategic period for upgrading chinas tourism which will be faced with new opportunities and challenges. The tourism industry is continuously raising its status in the national economy. Currently,

    4、24 provincial-cities have promoted tourism as their pillar, pioneering or crucial industry with the further optimization of the macro-environment of tourism. Accompanied by the progress of the development of the well-of society, the per capita GDP in china will jump from 1000 dollars to 3000 dollars

    5、, thus leading to a dramatically increased demand for tourism consumption. This constitutes the paramount driving force behind the sustainable bloom in chinas tourism.“十一五”是中国旅游业发展的重要战略提升期,面临着心得发展机遇和挑战。目前旅游业在国民经济中的地位不断提升,目前全国有24个省区市把旅游业定位为支柱产业、先导产业或重要产业,旅游业发展的宏观环境将进一步得到优化。随着全面建设小康社会的推进,中国人均生产总值将由100

    6、0美元向3000美元跨越,旅游消费需求将大幅度提升。这是中国旅游业持续兴旺的重要动力。P3随着旅游业综合功能的进一步加强,在扩大内需、拉动投资、带动脱贫,促进区域经济发展和城镇化建设等方面也将发挥更为积极的作用。“十一五”期间,中国将促进旅游产业体系建设,全面提升旅游产业素质,综合发挥旅游产业功能,把旅游业培养成为国民经济的重要产业。为建设世界旅游强国夯实基础,为全面建设小康社会,构建和谐社会作出积极贡献。While seeing its strengthened comprehensive functions, tourism industry has a further active ro

    7、le to play in expanding domestic demand, attracting investment, helping shake off the poverty and giving impetus to regional economic development and urbanization development, etc. In the run of the eleventh Five-year Plan, China will push forward the development of the tourism industry system, impr

    8、ove the comprehensive tourism quality and give full play to tourism industrial function. In this way, tourism can become an important industry in the national economy, which lays a solid foundation for developing a world tourism power and contributes a great deal to creating a well-off and harmoniou

    9、s society. P4徐霞客使中国明代伟大的地理学家,探险旅行家和游记文学家。他探人所未知,达人所未达,写下了不朽的徐霞客游记,被誉为东方的“马可波罗”,其传奇生涯对中国旅游产生了巨大影响。由中国人民共和国国家旅游局和江苏省人民政府主办“中国徐霞客国际旅游节”于2006年5月19日至5月26日在徐霞客故里中国无锡举行。Xuxiake, the great geographer, explorer and writer in the Ming Dynasty of China, spent his life in travelling and discovering the vast lan

    10、d of china with the spirit of “traveling without boundaries” and finally accomplished the immortal masterpiece, the Xuxiake travelogue. Acknowledged as the “Marco Polo” in the east, his legendary life have left great influence on chinas tourism. “The China Xuxiake international tourism festival “was

    11、 held in Wuxi, the hometown of Xuxiake, from may 19 to may 26,2006. This festival was co-hosted by the national tourism administration of Peoples Republic of china and Jiangsu peoples government. Unit 2P1There are a large number of different service companies involved in the convention and exhibitio

    12、n industry including stand constructors, insurance companies, freight forwarders, travel agents, and hotels. However, the central role played by event organizers in bring together all these services makes them the most important industry service providers. In general the larger international organiz

    13、ations have a wide variety of shows whereas the smaller organizers tend to specialize in organizing similar shows in different locations. This enables them to leverage more business from exhibitors and establish themselves as experts in the field.会展业务中有很多不同的服务公司,如展位搭建商、保险公司、货代、旅行社以及酒店等。但是由于展会组织者扮演着将

    14、各种服务提供商聚集在一起的角色,因而展会组织者是展会业务中最重要的服务提供商。总的来说,大的组展商会组织一系列不同主题的展会,而小的展会组织者则趋向于在不同的地方组织类似的展会。这样使得他们能从参展商中获得更多的业务,并建立其特定的行业专家地位。P2The growth of the internet as a learning and information resource completely changes everything the exhibition industry has had before. Customers no longer rely upon exhibitio

    15、ns to determine what their options may be. They can gather information independently from us, often information of quality and depth that is better than anything we could ever hope to deliver. This means that we must create unique and valuable information resources about the industry that our events

    16、 serve. We must truly understand what is important to our customers. We must assist our customers by pointing them in many different directions to gather the information that they want and need.因特网作为学习和信息资源的发展彻底改变了展会业以前的面貌。客户不再依赖展会来决定他们的选择。他们可以独立的从我们这儿得到信息,并且所获得信息的质量和深度比我们想象的还要好得多。这意味着我们必须能够提供展会所服务行

    17、业的独特并富有价值的信息。我们必须了解对客户来说哪些是真正重要的东西。我们必须向我们的顾客指出获取有用信息的不同的方式。P3香港是亚太地区重要的会展中心城市,一直以来也在发挥着内地与海外经贸联系的桥梁作用,每年举办的专业展览会80多项,吸引参展企业2万家,举办大型会议420多个,吸引来自世界各地的与会代表多达万人和世界各地超过330万观众到港。会展业已成为香港的重要支柱产业之一。随着去年年底亚洲博览馆的投入使用,香港的会展业竞争力又有了一个新的提升。Hong Kong is an important exhibition and conference center in Asia Pacifi

    18、c Region, and always plays as the bridge for economic and trade exchanges between the Mainland and overseas areas. There are more than 80 exhibitions and 420 conventions held every year, attracting more than 20000 exhibitors, 37000 delegates and visitors from all over the world. Convention and exhib

    19、ition industry is one of Hong Kongs pile industries. Along with the opening of Asia World-Expo in the east of last year, the competitiveness of the conference and exhibition industry of Hong Kong has been upgraded.P4展览业的国际化是展览业走向成熟的标志,展览会是推动国际贸易和经济技术合作的重要平台,展览业的国际化是展览业发展的必然趋势。国际贸易和经济技术合作的发展需要展览业的国际化

    20、,展览业的国际化又助推国际贸易和经济技术合作的发展,两者相互依存,又互相促进。The internationalization is the symbol of the maturation of the exhibition sector, exhibitions are very important platforms of promoting the international business, and cooperation of economy and technology, the internationalization is the necessary trend of th

    21、e development of the exhibitions. The development of the international business and the cooperation of economy and technology urges the internationalization of the exhibition sector, in the meanwhile the internationalization of the exhibition sector also promotes the development of the international

    22、 business and the cooperation of the economy and technology, the two depend on each other and promote each other.Unit3P1 Many years ago the world may have worried about the rise of China. Now it welcomes this as truly an opportunity for us all. Chinas engagement in the world economy is strengthening

    23、, as well as the partnership between our two nations. British trade with china has doubled over the last year alone. This growth is faster than that of any other G8 countries. British is also the largest European investor in China.许多年前世界担心中国的腾飞,现在事实上,中国的经济发展对我们所有人来说都是一个机遇。中国再进一步参与全球经济,而我们两国的伙伴关系也进一步

    24、加深。中英贸易在过去5年中翻了一番,这一增长在八国集团国家中是增长最快的。英国在中国的投资也居欧洲国家之首。P2 The cooperation is a natural step for both companies as they both share the same science-based culture as well as a common vision concerning the future of the industry. The benefits are many. For example, it will be able to deliver the full po

    25、tential of the existing and future products through the joint strength and worldwide presence of the global sales and marketing operation of two companies.本次合作对两家公司而言都是自然的发展步骤,因为双方享有同样的以科技为本的文化,并对本行业发展有着相同的理念。这一举措带来的收益是很大的。例如,通过联合双方在全球范围内的销售和市场营销运作的强势,可以充分挖掘现有和未来产品的潜力。P3澳大利亚有着丰富的资源、发达的经济和先进的技术,中国有着众

    26、多的人口、巨大的市场和发展潜力,经济互补性很强。建立中澳长期稳定的经贸合作关系,符合两国和两国人民的根本利益。今天,我同霍华德总理进行富有成果的会谈,就发展中澳21世纪互利共赢的经贸合作关系达成广泛共识。我们一致同意扩大在贸易、投资、能源、矿产资源等领域的合作加快中澳自由贸易区的谈判进程,实现互利共赢。Australia enjoys rich resources, a developed economy and advanced technology, whereas china has a larger population, a huge market and tremendous po

    27、tential for development. Our economies are highly complementary. A long-term and stable business cooperation between China and Australia serves the fundamental interests of both countries and peoples. Prime minister john Howard and I had fruitful discussions today and we reached broad agreement on d

    28、eveloping China-Australia business cooperation for mutual benefit and win-win outcome in the 21st century. We both agreed to expand our cooperation in trade, investment, energy, mining resources and other fields to accelerate the China-Australia FTA negotiations for mutual benefit and common progres

    29、s.P4中美经贸合作发展迅速,中国已成为美国第三大贸易伙伴和增长最快的出口市场,美国则是中国第二大贸易合作伙伴和最大外资来源地。中美经贸合作不仅给两国人民带来了巨大的实惠,也促进了世界经济增长。中国大量价廉物美的产品出口到美国,缓解了美国的通胀压力,每年为美国消费者节省近200亿美元。美国的资金、技术和管理经验为中国经济注入了活力。中国很多年轻人打的是摩托罗拉手机,用的是戴尔、康柏笔记本电脑,与朋友相聚在星巴克、麦当劳或肯德基。With the rapidly growing . economy cooperation, China has become the third largest t

    30、rading partner and the fastest-growing export market of the United States, while the . is now Chinas second largest trading partner and top source of FDI. Such cooperation has not only delivered enormous tangible benefits to the two peoples but also boosted economic growth across the world. The impo

    31、rt by the . of larger amounts of Chinese products of good quality and low prices has alleviated the inflation pressure and saved American consumers nearly .$20 billion every year. American capital, technology and managerial expertise, in turn, have instilled vitality into the Chinese economy. Many y

    32、oung Chinese are making calls with Motorola cell phones, working with Dell or Compaq laptops, and hanging out with friends in Starbucks , McDonalds or KFC.Unit4P1The current global environment is, taken as a whole, as promising as it has been for the last few years. Last years growth performance was impressive by any standard. And low inflation globally has provided a significantly improved environment for economic policymaking. But there are clouds on the horizon: continuing geopolitical uncertainly; the global payments imbalances; uncomfortably high energy prices. The


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