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    1、雅思第一季度口语part2汇总2事件EventA Busy TimeDescribe a time when you are very busy.You should say: when this time is what you do at this time how you arrange your timeand explain how you feel after this busy time is over.Part31. Do you think its necessary for everyone to spend some time in a relaxed, quiet pl

    2、ace?2. Do you think its good to be busy?3. How do people relax themselves in your country?4. Why do you think some people are much busier than others?A Friend You Havent SeenDescribe a friend you havent been in contact with for a long time.You should say: how long you have not been in contact when y

    3、ou would like to meet him or her what you would like to do togetherand explain why you havent been in contact for a long time.Part31. What are the differences between new friends and old friends?2. Why do people make new friends?3. What are some of the reasons why people lose contact with old friend

    4、s?4. What are some reasons why some friendships end?A Positive ChangeDescribe a positive change in your life.You should say: when it happened where it happened what the change wasand explain how you have benefited from this change.Part31. Do you like change(s)?2. Do you think change is good?3. Do ol

    5、d people like change?4. What do you think are the benefits and disadvantages (or, pros and cons) of change?A Time You Were HelpedDescribe a time when someone who you didnt know helped you.You should say: who helped you where this happened how he or she helped youand explain how you felt after they h

    6、elped you.Part31. How can communities be improved?2. Have you ever been helped by a neighbour?3. How can neighbours help each other?4. How can people help old people in their communities?A Time You Forgot SomethingDescribe something you once forgot to do.You should say: what you forgot to do when th

    7、is happened where it happenedand explain why you forgot to do this.Part31. Do you think memory is important?2. What are some reasons why people forget things?3. What sorts of things are easiest to remember?4. Can you suggest any methods or skills people could use to improve their memory?A Move to a

    8、New School or HomeDescribe a time when you moved to a new school or home.You should say: when you moved where you moved from and to why you movedand explain how you felt about this move.Part31. What are some of the various reasons why people move to a new home?2. What are the benefits and and downsi

    9、des of moving house?3. What effects does moving have on people?4. Who do you think can better adapt after a move, children or adults?5. Do you think elderly people can easily adapt to a new environment?A Picnic or Outdoor MealDescribe a picnic or meal that you ate outdoors.You should say: where you

    10、had this meal who was with you what you ate and drankand explain why you ate outdoors.Part31. What do you think are the good points and the not-so-good points about eating a picnic lunch?2. Do you like eating outdoors?3. What are some differences between eating in an open-air environment and eating

    11、indoors?4. On what occasions do people in China eat outdoors?5. Do Chinese people often have picnics? (Why?/Why not?)6. If you were going to have a picnic, what sort of place would you choose to go to?7. When people are going to have a picnic, what preparations do they usually do?8. Which do think i

    12、s better, eating in a restaurant or eating outdoors?A Sport Event You Enjoyed WatchingDescribe a sporting event you enjoyed watching.You should say: what event it was what happened at this event who you watched it withand explain why you enjoyed watching this event.Part31. Is sport very popular in y

    13、our country?2. In your country, what are the most popular sports that people like to play?3. Is there much difference between men and women when it comes to playing sport?4. Who (what kinds of people) are most interested in sport? (Why?)5. Do people in your country prefer to play team sports or indi

    14、vidual sports?6. Do people prefer to attend sports events or to watch them on TV?7. Do people in your country like to watch sporting event on TV?8. Are there lots of sporting event played on TV?9. Do you think theres too much sport on TV?A CompetitionDescribea competition you want to take part in.Yo

    15、u should say: what itis when it happens who you would like to go withand explain why you would like to take part in this competition.Part 31. Besides your example (in your Part 2), what are some other examples of contests and competitions?2. Is competitive sport very popular in your country?3. In yo

    16、ur opinion, how beneficial (or, how important) to society is competitive sport?4. What benefits do people derive from taking part in competitive sport?5. Is there much competition among students in your country? (Why?)6. What do you think a company (or work unit) could do to motivate the employees t

    17、o work better?人物PeopleAn Intelligent PersonDescribe an intelligent person you know.You should say: who this person is what kind of person he or she is what he doesand explain why you think he or she is intelligent.Part31. Do you think intelligent people tend to be happier than average people?2. Who

    18、do you think has the greater impact on a childs education, the teachers or the parents?3. In connection with a childs education, what do you think are the roles of teachers and of the parents?4. What qualities do you think a good teacher should have?A Comic ActorDescribe a comic actor in your countr

    19、y.You should say: who this person is how you know about this person what the actor do in the comicand explain why this actor is famous in your country.Part31. Why do some comedians become famous?2. Do comedians earn a lot of money?3. Do you think these people deserve to earn so much money?4. What ki

    20、nd of entertainment do children like?5. Do you think men and women have different tastes in entertainment?A Person Ud Like to Spend Time WithDescribe a person who you like to spend time with.You should say: how often you are together what personal characteristics he or she has that you like what you

    21、 usually do togetherand explain why you like to spend time with this person.Part31. What are the different relationships that people have with others throughout their lives?2. What can we learn from others?3. What factors determine how a person behaves towards other people?4. Do you agree that peopl

    22、e are the same all over the world?5. Do you think people behave in different ways when they interact with rich people compared to when they interact with poor people?6. Do you think we should (always) respect old people?7. How can a person co-exist with others?A Famous PersonDescribe a famous person

    23、 from your country.You should say: who this person is (or was) how you know about this person what type of work they do (or did)and explain how they made an impression on your society.Part31. How do people become famous?2. Why do you think some people want to be famous?3. Do you want to be famous?4.

    24、 What impact can being famous have on a person?5. What influence do (or can) famous people have on society (or, other people)?6. What are the benefits (and disadvantages) of being famous?7. Do you think the family of a famous person can experience any problems as a result of the fame of one of their

    25、 family members?An Old Person You Enjoy Talking ToDescribe an old person you enjoy talking with.You should say: how often you speak with this person when you usually talk with him/her what topics you usually speak aboutand explain why you enjoy speaking to him or her.Part3Retirement1. Why do compani

    26、es usually not hire old people for work?2. In your country, at what age do people usually retire from work?3. Is this retirement age a law or is it just the custom in your country?4. Do you think this is a suitable age to retire?5. Do you think many old people would like to continue working after th

    27、ey retire?6. What problems do you imagine some old people have as a result of retiring from work?7. Why do some employers think that hiring old people has advantages?8. What do you think is the role of old people in the family today? Has this role changed, compared to the past?9. Do you think that o

    28、ld people should live with their children (and grandchildren)?10. What are the benefits of this?地点PlaceA Historic BuildingDescribe a historic building that you visited.You should say: what building it was when you went there why you went thereand explain how you felt about this building.Part31. Do y

    29、ou like history?2. How important would you say the study of history is?3. What do school students in your country learn in history classes at school?4. Who are some of the important people in the history of your country?5. What do you think is the value of (benefits of) learning history?A Tourist At

    30、tractionDescribe a tourist site in your country that you enjoyed visiting.You should say where you went what it looked like who you went withand explain why you enjoyed it.Part31. What is the current state of the tourism industry in China?2. Do you think there are different types of tourists (or, of

    31、 tourism)?3. In China, what are the different kinds (types) of places that tourists can visit?4. What makes a tourist location popular?5. What kinds of places do Chinese people prefer to visit? (Why? Give examples.)6. Do people in China prefer to visit old places or modern tourist attractions?7. Do you think historic sites are important as places for tourist to visi


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