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    1、生活常见八大习语分享2020生活常见八大习语分享 趣味习语 太奇葩!生活常见八大习语 Youre talking to your native English-speaking friend about your recentbreakup and how depressed you are when suddenly he turns toward you and says“Dont worry about it man, girls like that are a dime a dozen!” You then stareat your friend in confusion. You s

    2、imply dont understand why your good friend paring the girl that was once the love of your life to $1.20. 某天,你跟一个老外朋友说起自己刚跟女友分手,现在很难过。就在此时,对方突然拍了拍你的肩膀对你说:“Dont worry about it man,girls like that are a dime a dozen!”你不解的盯着对方。你很难理解老外怎么会把你曾经深爱的女友说成只值一块二毛钱! Actually “a dime a dozen” doesnt mean anything

    3、even remotely close to whatthe individual words in the phrase implies. For native speakers of English, adime a dozen simply means that something is mon and easy to obtain. Becausewe cannot figure out the meaning by examining the phrase alone, “dime a dozen”is what we call an idiom. As a non-native s

    4、peaker of English, the best way tounderstand idioms is to memorize their meanings from the standpoint of a nativespeaker. Weve listed the 10 most mon idioms in English and their actualmeanings. 其实,“a dime adozen”跟“一块二毛钱”没有半点关系。对于母语为英文的人来说,它指的是某事物多的很不值钱,想要得到它也不是很难(天涯何处无芳草)。由于单看字面意思我们很难明白其中的真正含义,”adim

    5、e a dozen”其实就是一句习语(和中文的成语一样),作为非英语母语人士,想要记住习语最好的办法就是站在nativespeaker的角度来理解记忆习语。下面我们就一起来看看英文中最常用、最有趣的几个习语: 1. A Piece of cake 小菜一碟 No, when someone says that the assignment they just finished was a piece ofcake, it does not mean that their professor gave them a red velvet cupcake fortheir midterm pape

    6、r, what a piece of cake actually means is that something isvery easy to plete. 不,当某人说他们刚刚完成的任务就像一块蛋糕,那么它并不是说教授因为他们的期中考试成绩奖励他们一份红丝绒蛋糕,“a piece ofcake”实际是指某事很简单很容易完成。 2. Costs an arm and a leg 花了我一大笔钱 It would be a strange world we lived in if buying that fancy shiny purseliterally required us to chop

    7、 off our body parts to give as tribute to the LouisVuitton gods. When something costs an arm and a leg it actually means thatsomething is very expensive. 如果为了买我们心爱的闪亮的包包,比如LV,却要让我们砍掉手脚以示敬意,那这个世界未免太奇葩了吧。当某物花掉你的胳膊和腿时,它实际是指这个东西超级贵。 3. Break a leg 祝你好运 Oh, look, another idiom about legs. Youre about to

    8、take your dreadedcalculus final and before you head into your classroom your roommate texts you,“Break a Leg!” Why, you think in your head, would he ever wish that upon me? Ithought we were cool with each other. Well, your roommate surely doesnt wantyour bones to break while walking to your seat in

    9、the exam room thats for sure.Break a leg actually means good luck! 哦,快看,又一个与腿有关的习语。你马上要参加你最害怕的微积分期末考试了,在你进入考场教室前你的室友给你发来了一条短信:”Break a Leg!”什么,你在脑中暗暗的想,难道他希望我断胳膊断腿?我一直以为我们关系很好呢。那么,事实上你的室友并不是希望你在走入考场位置时摔断骨头,这是肯定的。Break aleg实际上就是“祝你好运”的意思! 4. Hit the books 用功读书 If youre a student in an English speakin

    10、g environment youre probably goingto be hearing this phrase a lot. Before you imagine students running into theircampus library and punching, kicking and wrestling apart the plete works ofShakespeare, we would just like to say that hit the books actually means tostudy. There there, you can still pun

    11、ch books in your spare time if you want, wewont judge you. 如果你是一个生活在英语环境下的学生,你肯定会经常听到这句话。当你脑子里在歪歪各种学生冲进校园图书馆拳打脚踢撕扯莎士比亚著作的画面时,我要告诉你hitthe books实际上指的是去学习(用功)。当然当然,如果你想,你还是可以在闲暇时间猛捶你的书,我们不做评论。 5. Hit the nail on the head 恰到好处,一针见血 This idiom has to do with doing or saying something that is precisely ri

    12、ght.If you dont understand this, just think about that sweet feeling you get whenyou swing a hammer at a nail and hit it perfectly. 这个习语表示做某事或说某事恰到好处。如果你还是不懂,那么就想象一下当你挥舞着铁锤恰到好处地正中要害,一锤定音,那种感觉有多美妙。 6. You cant judge a book by its cover 不要以貌取人 How many awesome books do you think youve never read in yo

    13、ur life justbecause the cover did not catch your eye? This idiom does not only apply tobooks however, but can be used for everything in general. Essentially it meansthat you should not decide upon something based just on outward appearances. 你能想象下仅仅由于封面不够吸引眼球,你错失了多少本好书吗?这个习语不仅仅适用于书,还可以广泛的应用于很多场合。总体而

    14、言,它是指不要光从事物的表面现象来做决定。 7. Bite off more than you can chew 贪多嚼不烂,自不量力 Imagine your waiter brings you the biggest juiciest hamburger from yourfavorite American restaurant. In your hunger, you grab it quickly and take agiant bite out of it. Unfortunately, the bite youve taken is too big, and youend up l

    15、ooking like an idiot trying to shove this bite down your throat whiledrinking water and trying not to choke. That is the most literal sense of themeaning, but in general it just means to attempt to take on a task that is toomuch for you to handle. 想象一下在你最喜欢的美国餐厅,服务员为你带来最大最美味的汉堡包。饥肠辘辘的你,抓起汉堡狠狠地咬了一大口。

    16、很不幸,你咬的这一口太大了,以至于你最终的结局是一边想要艰难努力的咽下这一大口食物,一边又喝水以防呛到自己,场面是不是像个白痴一样很傻很可笑。 8. Scratch someones back 投之以桃,报之以李 We all know how difficult it is to scratch that itch on your back that yourhand just arent flexible enough to reach, so why would you want to scratch somerandom persons smelly back? Because if

    17、you do, they may eventually be willingto scratch your own smelly back when you need it! What this idiom means is tohelp someone out with the assumption that they will return the favor in thefuture! 我们都知道想要给后背挠痒是件很麻烦的事,因为手臂没有那么灵活,那么你为什么还要偶尔给别人的后背挠痒呢?答案是,如果今天你帮了别人,那么某一天也会有人愿意帮你的后背挠痒!这句习语的意思就是预支自己对他人的帮

    18、忙,以防日后自己不时之需时可以有人情债可收。 关于time的17个习语 1.ahead of ones time Definition: be more talented than others recognize 比其他人更有才华 Hes ahead of his time. No one knows how important his discoveries are. 他的才华远超其他人。没人知道他的发现有多么重要。 Shes always felt that she was ahead of her time, so she isntdisappointed. 她总觉得自己比其他人更有才

    19、华,所以她并不气馁。 2.ahead of time Definition: before the agreed upon time 比约定的时间提前 I think well get there ahead of time. 我想我们会提前到达那里。 Wow, were ahead of time today. Lets keep it up! 哇喔,今天我们提前到了。坚持下去吧! 3.all in good time Definition: within a reasonable amount of time 在适当的时候 Ill get to you all in good time.

    20、Please be patient. 我会在适当的时候去见你。请耐心点。 Her professor kept on saying that shed be successful, but that it would beall in good time. 她的教授一直坚持说她会成功的,但这应该是在一个适当的时候。 4.at a set time Definition: at an agreed upon time 在规定的时间 Well meet at the set time. 我们就按照规定的时间见面。 Lets make sure that we meet at a set time.

    21、 让我们确保在规定的时间见面吧。 5.at all times Definition: always 一直 Make sure to keep your seat belts on at all times. 你要确保一直系好安全带。 Students need to pay attention at all times. 学生们需要一直注意。 6.at the appointed time Definition: at an agreed upon time 在规定的时间 Well meet at the appointed time and place. 我们就按约定的时间和地点见面。 D

    22、id you get into the doctors office at the appointed time? 你是在约定的时间去见医生的吗? 7.behind the times Definition: not fashionable, not up on current fashions 过时,不符合现在潮流的 My Dad is so behind the times! 我爸真是太老土了! She dresses like it was the 70s shes behind the times! 她一副70年代的打扮,太过时了! 8.to bide ones time Defini

    23、tion: to wait 等待 Im biding my time until he arrives. 我一直等到他来。 She decided to bide her time in a shop. 她决定在商店里等着。 9.from time to time Definition: occasionally 偶尔 I like playing golf from time to time. 我偶尔会打打高尔夫。 Petra speaks with Tom from time to time. 佩特拉不时地跟汤姆说话。 10.have the time of ones life Defin

    24、ition: have a fantastic experience 度过愉快的经历 My daughter had the time of her life in Disneyland. 我女儿在迪士尼乐园玩得很开心。 Believe me. Youre going to have the time of your life. 相信我。你会有一段愉快的经历的。 11.keep time Definition: keep the beat in music 打拍子 Can you keep time while we practice this piece? 你能在我们联系这一段时给我们打拍子

    25、吗? He kept time with his foot. 他用脚打着拍子。 12.live on borrowed time Definition: live dangerously 朝不保夕地活着 Hes living on borrowed time if he keeps that up! 如果他一直这样下去,就会朝不保夕。 She felt she was living on borrowed time because she smoked. 因为抽烟,她觉得自己的命是朝不保夕了。 13.make time for something or someone Definition:

    26、create a period of time especially for a thing or person 腾出时间,尤其是为了某事或某人 I need to make some extra time for reading. 我需要腾出一些时间来阅读。 Ill make time for you on Saturday. 周六我会专门为你腾出一些时间。 14.out of time Definition: not have any more time available 时间快用完了 Im afraid were out of time for today. 恐怕今天我们没有时间了。

    27、Youre out of time for that petition. 这场比赛,你已经没有时间了。 15.pressed for time Definition: not have a lot of time to do something 时间紧迫 Im pressed for time today. Hurry up! 今天我时间很紧迫。动作快点! She couldnt see me because she was pressed for time. 由于时间紧迫,她无法见我了。 16.Time is money Definition: Expression meaning that

    28、 someones time is important 表示某人的时间很重要的表达 Remember that time is money, lets hurry up. 记住,时间就是金钱,快点。 Time is money Tim. If you want to talk, its going to cost you. 蒂姆,时间就是金钱。如果你想发言,就得付出成本。 17.when the time is ripe Definition: when it is the proper time 当时机合适时 Well get there when the time is ripe! 时机成

    29、熟时我们就去那! Dont worry youll be successful when the time is ripe. 别担心,等到时机成熟了,你就会成功的。 40个美国人最常用的地道俚语,都给你总结好啦! Learning English isnt all its cracked up to be (learning English isdifficult). First, grammar muddies the waters (makes things unclear), andidiomatic expressions only add fuel to the fire (make

    30、 things worse). 学习英语并不是人们所说的一切(学习英语很困难)。首先,语法使一切都变得模糊不清(使事情变得模糊不清),惯用的表达方式只会火上浇油(使事情变得更糟)。 If youre taking the TOEFL or the TOEIC, or just want to know more monidioms, read this list of 40 mon idiomatic expressions before you take thetest. They may just help your English language acquisition soar (g

    31、et muchbetter). 如果你正在参加托福或托业考试,或者只是想了解更多的常用习语,那么在考试前,请阅读这40个常用习语表达的列表。他们可能只是帮助你的英语学习飙升(变得更好)。 Common English Idioms 常见的英文习语 24/7: Twenty-four hours a day; seven days a week; all the time; constantly.My little sister irritates me 24/7! 24/7:一天二十四小时;一周七天;时时刻刻;时时刻刻。我妹妹24小时不停地惹我生气! A short fuse: A quick

    32、 temper. Jamie is known for his short fuse; just a fewdays ago he screamed at his coach for not letting him play. 导火索:急躁的脾气。杰米以他的短发闻名;就在几天前,他因为教练不让他上场而大喊大叫。 A taste of your own medicine: Bad treatment deservedly received for treatingother people badly. After constantly being prank-called, Julian decided to giveJuan a ta


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