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    1、仁爱英语中考语法专题复习题集锦)6. Mrs. Brow n isnA. look atD. looked; findD. was weari ng)25.动词)1. - How long may I your book?-For a week. But you must n t it to others.A. borrow; lend B. keep; lend C. le nd; borrow D. keep; borrow)2. It won t them much time to fly to Beijing from Shanghai.A. spend B. use C. take

    2、D. pay)3. Mr. Wang be in Nanjing now, he went to Beiji ng only this morning.A. mustn t be )4. -Do you like thebeautiful A. feels)5. Lily fini shed A.readher baby at home.B.look for C. look like D. look after)7. I have to go now. please remember to the lights whe n you leave.A. turn off B. turn dow n

    3、 C. turn up D. turn on)8. Susa ns pare nts have bought a large house with a swim ming pool. It bevery expe nsive A. must B. can C. must nt D. cant)9. -ts too hot. Would you mi nd the door? - . Please do it now.A. to ope n; OK B. ope ning; Certa inly notC.ope ning; Of course D. to ope n; Good idea)10

    4、. I want to this book for a mon th.A. borrow B. keep C. le nd_ your phones here with you tomorrow.B.bring C. carryyour less ons. We lhelp you.B. worried about C. be worried about D. be afraid)19. He could n either French nor Germa n. So I with him in En glish.A. speak; talked B. talk; told C. say; s

    5、poke D. tell; talked)20. The ticket is on the floor. Would you please for me?A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick up them D. pick them up)21. If you don tk now a word, you must the word in a dict ion ary.A. look up B. look dow n C. look over D. look out)22. It time for class. Wed better .A. stop to t

    6、alk B. to stop to talk C. stop talki ng D. to stop talki ng)23. There was a stra nge sound outside. Mary went out and around, but she no thi ng.A. looked; saw B. saw; saw C. watched; looked)24. The woma n the child quickly and took him to hospital.A. put on B. dressed C. had on-Oh, you pain ted the

    7、walls yourself?-Yes. It was not hard. The whole work did n t much.C. spend- all your thin gs, Tom! I hate them here and there.A. Put up B. Put on C. Put down)27. Yuki loves weari ng stra nge hats because she wants people to _A. believe B. con trol C. no tice)28. ! Its the music of Mozart. Be quiet.A

    8、. Hear B. Sou nd C. Sing D. Liste nwe clea n it? - Of course.C. Do D. Shall)30. We must do someth ing to stop people from A.to throw litter about B. to throw litter intoC.throwi ng litter about D. throw ing litter into)1. Don make so much no ise. WeA. liste ned B. liste nto the music.C. must look af

    9、terD. must be looked afterC. are liste ning it for two weeks.D. have liste nedfor me?)2. I must retur n the camera to Li Lei. IA. keep B. borrowed C. have kept)3. -Whe n will you tell him the good n ews?-I will tell him about it as soon as heD. have lentback.A. comesB. cameC. will come)4. -Dad, plea

    10、se ope n the door, it A. locks B. locked)5. -Did you go to Jim s birthday party?A. am not in vited B. was n i nvited-OK, dear. IC. is locked-No, I C. have nti nvited)6. A talk on Chi nese historyA. be give n B. has bee n give n C. will be give n)7. You may go fish ing if your work .A. is done B. wil

    11、l be done C. has done)8. -What do you think of the football match yesterday?-Well. Its surpris ing. The stron gest team of our school _ A. was beate n B. won C. scored)9. -Would your youn ger brother go for a pic nic this Sun day? -If I don t go, A. so does heB. so he willD. is comi ng rm coming.D.

    12、was lockedD. didn invitein the school hall next week.C. n either will hethree times a week.)10. The trees mustA. water B. is wateri ng)11. -Did you see Tom at the party?A. left B. was leavi ngC. be watered)12. -Why not go to see the dolph in show with me?A. saw B. will see C. seeD. will giveD. have

    13、doneD. was failedD. n either does heD. waters-No, he by the time I got there.C. had left D. has left-Because I it.D. have see n)13. -Do you like watch ing cook ing programs on TV?-No, I don , but my twin brother . He very fond of cooking.A. does B. do C. is D. are)14. Catherin A. has writte nthe let

    14、ter before her mother came into her bedroom.B. was writte nC. had writte nD. is writ ing)15. The old man is quite weak after the accide nt, so he .A. must take care of B. must be take care of)16. The ticket is on the floor. Would you pleaseA. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick up them)17. He living in

    15、 the country to the city.A. likes B. prefers C. enjoys)18. How long have you the book?A. bought B. le ntD. pick them upD. lovesC. hadD. borrowed)19. -Do you know him well ? -Sure. We friend si nee ten years ago.A. were B. have bee n C. have become D. have made)20. me carefully, boys and girls. Can y

    16、ouA. Liste n to; hear B. Hear; liste n to C. Hear; hear D. Liste n to; hear from -Really? When there?me?)21. -These farmers have been to the United States.A. will they go B. did they go)22. I m sorry I havent got any money. IA. have missed B. have left)23. -Where is Miss Gao, Lily?A. has bee n B. ha

    17、s gone)24. When her father came back home, Joa nA. talked B. talksC. do they go D. have they gone my han dbag at home.C. have put D. have forgotte n-She to the teachers.D. would go with her friend.C. is talk ingC. wentD. was talk ing)25. -Whats that thing with three legs?-It sa cup. It for drinking

    18、in the old days.A.uses B.used)26. His un cleA. returnsin three days.B. has retur ned)27.-Hi, Lin Tao. I did n t see you at the party.-Oh, I ready for the math exam.A. am gett ing B. was gett ingC. is usedC. retur nedC. gotD. was usedD. will returnD. have got-Excuse me. What did you say you would lik

    19、e to do, Miss White?-I said I d better go back to the office. I someth ing this after noon.A. would meet B. meet C. am going to meet D. was meet ing)29. What the forest in our country in the last ten years.A. has happened do B. is happened to C. has happened at D. is happening)30. -What did Mr. Jone

    20、s do before he moved here?-He a city bus for over twen ty-five years.)28.A. is drivi ng B. drove C. has drive n D. drives( )31. -Whe n you your homework?-I had fini shed it before he back.A. have; fini shed; came B. have; fini shed; was comingC. did; fini sh; came D. did; fini sh; was coming)32. Loo

    21、k! The boys happily in the river.A. swim B. swam C. will swim)33. Every spri ng, many trees along the river.A. were pla nted B. is pla nted C. will be pla nted)34. The letter in French. I can tread it.A. is writ ing B. is writte n C. wrote)35. If Mary n ext Sun day, we will go boati ng together.A. w

    22、ill come B. comes C. shall come( )36. We expected that the En glish teacher some advice on how to write anEn glish letter.A. will give B. gave C. is going to give D. would give( )37. Five years ago n obody knew him, although he more tha n 100 son gs.A. already wrote B. have already writte n C. had a

    23、lready writte nD.was already writi ng ( )38. So far I any success. However, I llkeep trying.A. dont have B. did nt have C. have nt had D. wont have( )39. It was the third time that I in at his office.A. have dropped B. had dropped C. dropped D. was dropp ing( )40. I ofte n see Tom homework while I a

    24、m watch ing TV every evening.A. do B. doi ng C. did D. to do( )41. The flowers want . Look, the soil is so dry.A. wateri ng B. being watered C. to water D. waters( )42. -Be careful! You might fall into the water.-Tha nk you. I I so close to the pool.A. didn know; am standing B. dontknow; am standing

    25、C. didn know; was standing D. didn tknow; would stand( )43. -Excuse me. Where is the sick boy sent here a mome nt ago?-He by the doctor.A. has bee n exam ined B. will be exam inedC. is exam ined D. is being exam ined)44. Have you got the airpla ne tickets?-No. whe n I to the office, all the tickets

    26、to Beiji ng out.A. get; have bee n sold B. got; had bee n soldC. got; had sold D. got; were being sold)45. -Your name again? I quite catch it.-Bartholomew Liveli.A. didn B. don C. couldn D. can )46. -Whom are you waiting for?-Gary parents. But neither of them yet.A. arrived B. has arrived C. are arr

    27、ivi ng D. is arrivi ng)47. He in bed all day long because he had a headache.A. lie B. lay C. laid D. lied)48. Would you your voice a little so that every one can hear you?A. rise B. put C. lift D. raise)49. More and more people bega n to that good health means good wealth.A. lear n B. un dersta nd C

    28、. con sider D. realize句子)1. n atural things they are!A. How B. What C. Which)2. It hot here. Why not your coat?A. put on B. dress up C. try on)3. He has n ever visited the Great Hall of the People, A. has nthe B. has he C. does he( )4. In the street I met the scie ntist A. he B. which( )5. -Do you k

    29、now ?A. whe n he came hereC. whe n he will come here( )6. You will be able to get good marksA. un til you follow your teachersC. before you begi n to study hard by yourself( )7. Jim father said to him, hope youA. didn forget; told B. not to forget; have toldC. won forget; have told D. haventforgotte

    30、n; will tell( )8.1 want to know .A. what is his name B. what shi name C. that his name is D. what his name is( )9. Could you tell me ?A.where can I buy this kind of CD playerB.where could I buy this kind of CD playerC.I can buy this kind of CD player whereD.where I can buy this kind of CD player( )1

    31、0. -t S time to do your homework, Jack.-Yes, Mum. I Sturn off the TV as soon as the program .A. en ds B. end C. will be en ded D. will end( )11. If the phone , can you an swer it?A. rings B. is ringing C. will ring D. rang( )12. -Could you tell us how long ? -About three days.A. does the sports meeti ng last B. the sports meet ing lastC. will the sports meeti ng last D. the


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