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    最新初中中考毕业考试英语专题训练 中考真题分类 句子翻译完成句型变换含答案解析.docx

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    最新初中中考毕业考试英语专题训练 中考真题分类 句子翻译完成句型变换含答案解析.docx

    1、最新初中中考毕业考试英语专题训练 中考真题分类 句子翻译完成句型变换含答案解析VI.根据所给提示完成句子每空一词,含缩略词(2021,宜昌)总而言之,只要你留心观察,生活处处充满美好。(all)All in all, life is always full of beauty as long as you watch carefully.(be full of; as long as;all in all)(2021,宜昌)许多青少年钦佩像袁隆平那样的科学家,希望成为像他们一样的人。(look)Many teenagers look up to the scientists like Yuan

    2、 Longping and hope to be like them.(look up to;hope to do)(2021,宜昌)依我之见,多阅读是提高语言能力的秘诀之一。(secret)In my opinion, reading more is one of the secret of/to improving your language ability.(in my opinion)(2021,宜昌)登陆火星比我们想象中要难得多,但我们做到了。(difficult)Landing on Mars was much more difficult than we imagined, bu

    3、t we made it.(make it)(2021,宜昌)孩子们在学校已经多次接受过安全教育了。(get)Children have (already) got/gotten safety education many times at school.(2021,随州)香港的食物真美味!How delicious the food is in Hong Kong!(2021,随州)好的学习者不害怕犯错。Good learners are not afraid of making mistakes. (make mistakes be afraid of)(2021,随州)我长大想成为一名工

    4、程师。I want to be an engineer when I grow up.(grow up)(2021,随州)我认为四月是泰国最热的月份。 I believe that April is the hottest month in Thailand.(2021,随州)当我沮丧或疲惫时, 我更喜欢看能让我振奋起来的电影。When Im down or tired, I prefer movies that can cheer me up. (cheer up)(2021,十堰)为什么不亲自和她谈一谈呢?Why not have a talk with her in person?(in

    5、 person)(2021,十堰)天气太热了!彼得,去理发吧。(get sth done;have sth done)Its burning hot! Go and _get/have your hair cut/get someone to cut your hair, Peter!(2021,十堰)上周五有多少人没有出席会议?How many people were absent from the meeting last Friday?(be absent from)(2021,十堰)老师经常告诉学生遇到紧急情况要保持冷静。The students are often told to k

    6、eep cool/to keep calm/to stay calm/to be calm by teachers when facing emergencies.(tell sb to do sth; keep calm)(2021,十堰)今年七月,我们将庆祝中国共产党建党100周年。We will celebrate/are going to celebrate the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China this July.(2021,荆州)桌上有一支钢笔和一些书。(be)There is a pen and some books

    7、 on the desk.(2021,荆州)我妈妈正在听轻柔的音乐。(listen)My mother is listening to light music now.(listen to;light music)(2021,荆州)我还是个孩子的时候就有这些毛绒玩具了。(since)Ive had these soft toys since I was a kid. (soft toys)(2021,荆州)许多年前,不同的作家把这本书翻译成了不同的语言。(translate)The book was translated into different languages by differen

    8、t writers many years ago.(translate into)(2021,荆州)友好的荆州人不管在何处都应该尽力让游客感到像在家里一样。(make)A friendly person in Jingzhou should do his best to make visitors feel at home, wherever he happens to be.(do ones best; make sb do)(2021,恩施州)我盼望收到你的来信。(forward)Im looking forward to hearing from you.(look forward to

    9、; hear from)(2021,恩施州)你认为主播会给我们提供更廉价的商品吗?(provide)Do you think the livestreaming host can provide us with cheaper goods?(do you think; provide with)(2021,恩施州)电视剧最美逆行者源于抗击新冠肺炎的真实故事。(base)The TV play Heroes in Harms Way is based on a real-life incident that Chinese people defeated COVID-19.(be base on

    10、)(2021,恩施州)春节期间,许多名胜对游客免费开放。(interest)Many places of interest are open to visitors for free during the Spring Festival.(places of interest)(2021,恩施州)人们告诫 “后浪”(年青一代),如果他们不努力,世界就会失去希望。(give)Younger generation is told that if they giving up making efforts, the world will lose hope.(give up)(2021,襄阳)她每天

    11、总是在晚饭后完成她的家庭作业。(finish)She always finishes her homework after dinner every day.(2021,襄阳)我进教室的时候学生们正在讨论物理竞赛。(discuss)The students were discussing the physics competition(s)/contest(s) when I came into the classroom.(2021,襄阳)请告诉学生们别忘了在考试前把电子产品递给老师。(pass)Please tell the students not to forget to pass t

    12、he electronic/digital products to the teachers before the exam. (2021,襄阳)这些德国人在到襄阳前就已经习惯吃牛肉面了。(be)These Germans have (already) been used to eating/having beef noodles before they came to Xiangyang.(be used to doing;get used to doing)(2021,襄阳)我昨天买的这件舒适的衬衣是由中国新疆优质棉花制成的。(make)The comfortable shirt I bo

    13、ught yesterday is made of fine/good/high quality cotton_from Xinjiang, China. (made of)(2021,黄冈)我们的英语老师总是在课堂上编造些有趣的对话。(make)Our English teacher always makes up some interesting dialogues in class.(make up)(2021,黄冈)我应该学会如何礼貌地拒绝他人的邀请。(turn)We should learn how to turn down others invitation politely.(h

    14、ow to do; turn down)(2021,黄冈)当人们谈到阿炳的时候,就会想起二泉映月。(think)When people talk about Abing, theyll think of Erquan Yingyue.(talk about; think of)(2021,黄冈)我爸爸是个球迷,昨天他熬夜观看世界杯。(stay)My father is a football fan, and he stays up to watch FIFA World Cup yesterday.(stay up)(2021,黄冈)晚饭后,当弟弟倒垃圾时,Sarah正在厨房洗碗。(do)Af

    15、ter dinner, when her brother took out the rubbish, Sarah was doing the dishes in the kitchen.(do the dishes)(2021,黄冈)为了孩子们的发展,应该减少他们周末的学习课程。(cut)For childrens development, their courses on weekends should be cut down. (cut down)(2021,黄冈)听轻音乐让我更容易入睡。(fall)Listening to light music makes it easier for

    16、me to fall asleep. (make it+形容词;fall asleep)(2021,黄石)快点,否则我们上课要迟到的。Hurry up , or we will be late for class.(hurry up;be late for)(2021,黄石)你最好不要工作日去看他。You had better not go to visit him on weekdays.(youd better (not)do.)(2021,黄石)孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来越好。The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better

    17、it is for their future.(the+比较级,the+比较级)(2021,黄石)这三年里你们取得了多么大的进步啊!What great progress you have made in the past three years!(make progress;in the past.years )(2021,黄石)你知道他什么时候带我去参观他的工厂吗?Do you know when he will show me around his factory?(show around)将下列句子译成英语, 并将所译句子写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。 (2021,扬州)昨晚七点到八点他

    18、们在看电视。 They were watching TV from seven to eight last night. (from.to.)(2021,扬州)Tom 买不起那把小提琴, 因为太贵了。Tom cant afford the violin because its too expensive. (afford)(2021,扬州)你认为骑自行车是很好的运动方式吗?Do you think cycling is a good way to exercise?(2021,扬州)我们很开心地得知您对我们的服务很满意。 (be satisfied with;be pleased with)W

    19、e are pleased to learn that you are satisfied with our service.(2021,扬州)我梦想有一个长假, 以便能有更多的时间去旅行。 (so that)I dream of having a long vacation so that I can have more time to travel.根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。(2021,连云港) I think it s necessary for us(对我们来说是必要的)to learn a foreign language. (2021,连云港)Many people

    20、were touched by the film Hi Mom. It is (was) worth seeing/watching(值得观看). (be worth doing )(2021,连云港)With the help of(在帮助下)the local firemen, we learned some fire safety skills. (2021,连云港)To my surprise(让我惊讶的是), Nancy did well in the school sports meeting. (to ones surprise;do well in)(2021,连云港)Yuan

    21、 Longping, one of the greatest scientists(最伟大的科学家), made important contributions to the world. (make contributions to )根据所给中文完成句子。(2021 ,常州)在你做出最终的决定之前,请三思。Please think twice before you make the final decision. (make decision)(2021 ,常州)David一到这儿就迫不及待地炫耀起了他的新手表。David couldnt wait to show off his new

    22、watch as soon as he arrived here. (cant/couldnt wait to do;as soon as; show off)(2021 ,常州)昨晚,消防员相互密切合作扑灭了大火。The firemen worked together with each other to put out the big fire last night. (work together; each other; put out)(2021 ,常州)你曾经在公共场合做过演讲吗?Have you ever made a speech in public? (make a speec

    23、h; in public)(2021 ,常州) Jenny总是注意着把一切保持得井然有序。Jenny always pays attention to keeping everything in order. (pay attention to; keep.in order)(2021 ,常州)及时复习功课是一个多么好的习惯啊!What a good habit it is to review your lessons in time! (in time)翻译句子(2021,潍坊)浪费这么好吃的食物真是可惜。(waste,such)Its a pity to waste such delici

    24、ous food. (Its a pity to.; such+adj+n )(2021,潍坊)袁隆平被誉为“杂交水稻(hybrid rice)之父”。(name)Yuan Longping is named as the“father of hybrid rice”.(be named as. 被誉为)(2021,潍坊)昨天经过讨论,我们才知道如何解决这个问题。(not. . .until. . . )We didnt know how to solve the problem until the discussion yesterday.(2021,潍坊)中国的祝融号火星探测器(Zhuro

    25、ng rover)已经成功登陆火星(Mars)。(land on)Chinas Zhurong Mars rover has successfully landed on Mars.根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子, 每个空格填一个单词。(2021,枣庄)(have a good time )We had a good time that day, but the next days trip was pretty bad那天我们玩的很开心, 但第二天的旅行却很不好。(2021,枣庄)(It took sb. some time to do sth. ; reach) It took us abo

    26、ut two hours to reach the top of the mountain. 我们花费了大约两个小时的时间到达山顶。 (2021,枣庄)(because of )And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below. 因为天气糟糕, 山底下的东西我们什么也看不到。(2021,枣庄)(saw sb. doing )But when we went back to the foot of the mountain, we saw pandas running excitedly to the keepers wi

    27、th excitement in the garden. 但是当我们从山顶返回山脚下的时候, 我们在花园里看到熊猫兴奋地跑向饲养员了。(2021,枣庄)(be made up/out of)The top of the house in the garden is made up of/ out of glass and its very Beautiful. 花园里房子的屋顶是由玻璃做成的, 它非常漂亮。完成句子(2021,烟台)(be patient with.; in need of.)吴大夫对需要帮助的人总是很有耐心。Doctor Wu is always patient with p

    28、eople in need of help.(2021,烟台)(how引导的宾语从句;deal with)能告诉我你打算如何处理你的旧衣服吗?Could you tell me how you will deal with your old clothes?(2021,烟台)(stop.from doing)疫苗接种是阻止新冠病毒传播的有效方式。Vaccination is an effective way to stop COVID-19 from spreading.(2021,烟台)(whether.or not;depend on;come true)能否实现梦想取决于你的努力程度。W

    29、hether your dream can come true or not depends on how hard you work.(2021,烟台)(either.or.;stay at home)这个假期我要么待在家里读书,要么出门旅行。Ill either stay at home for reading or go out for travelling this holiday.英汉互译(2021,滨州)We dont know each other at all, but the bright smiles bring us closer. 我们互不相识,但阳光般的笑容让彼此更近

    30、。(each other;not.at all)(2021,滨州)Our hometown has left so many soft and sweet memories in our hearts.家乡在我们的心里留下了太多柔软和甜蜜的回忆。(2021,滨州)人们不该对自己的孩子逼得太紧。(push)People shouldnt push their kids so hard.(2021,滨州)(be surprised at.)许多外国人对中国的快速发展感到惊奇。(be surprised)Many foreigners are surprised at the rapid devel

    31、opment of China.(2021,滨州)(believe in; let sb down)我们信任他,因为他从未让我们失望过。(let. down)We believe in/trust him because he has never let us down.英汉互译(2021,绥化) 你最喜欢的科目是什么?Whats your favourite subject?/ What subject is your favorite? What subject(s) do you like best? (2021,绥化) 那位公交司机立刻停下了车。The / That bus driver stopped the bus at once/right away/right now immediately /in a minute/in no time. (2021,绥化)Parents shouldnt push their kids too hard.父母不应该逼迫孩子太紧。 (2021,绥化) I remember meeting you somewhere before.我记得以前在某个地方/哪里/什么地方见过你。 (2021 ,绥化) Please reply in writing by Saturday.请在周六之前书面回复/请


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