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    1、英语公共演讲技巧英语公共演讲技巧篇一:英语公众演讲技巧Public Speaking Skills - How To Persuade PeoplePublic Speaking Skills - How To Persuade People Persuasion is the key to accomplishment, not only for politicians or stockbrokers(股票经纪人), but for everyone of us. In a job interview, you have to persuade your interviewers why t

    2、hey should hire you and not the other candidates. In a classroom presentation, you have to convince your classmates and professor to believe that what you are talking about is worth listening to, and your hard work deserves a good grade. In a workplace, you need to be able to pitch your ideas persua

    3、sively in order to prosper (繁荣,昌盛;成功)in your career. If you look at highly successful people, you will see that they are not only hard workers and creative thinkers, but also great persuaders.In public speaking, it all comes down to this question: how can you win over your audience And the answer is

    4、 one word: CREDIBILITY.Imagine Bill Gates saying the following hypothetical sentences:Within ten years, all laptop computers will also be used as televisions. The televisions we use nowadays will turn into something completely old-fashioned.Now imagine Britney Spears saying the same thing. You would

    5、 probably nod at Gates and shrug(耸肩) at Spears, right You would choose to trust his judgment rather than hers because you know that he is a guru(领袖,专家)of the computer industry and she is not. This is called initial credibility, meaning the credibility that the speaker has even before he/she begins s

    6、peaking.Initial credibility is a blissful(充满喜悦的) advantage for public speakers. If your audience already knows you are an expert in something and already trusts you, you wont have to try so hard to create credibility in your speech. But what if you are not really an expert in anything and your audie

    7、nce doesnt even know who you are The answer is simple: you will have to build your credibility during your speech.How to Build Your Credibility1. Advertise your competence - At the beginning of your presentation, tell your audience about your expertise on the speech topic. If you have done a lot of

    8、research about the topic, tell them so. If you have a certain experience that gives you special knowledge or insight, go ahead and say so. But keep in mind; you dont want to sound boastful(自夸,自负的) to your audience. Do not over-advertise yourself. Keep it short and simple. Say it as a matter of fact,

    9、 not a boast.2. Connect to the audience - Try to identify with(认为等同于,与一致 )your audience early in your speech. Even if you are going to talk about something very controversial or something your listeners may disagree with, you still have to make them feel that you share the same common ground and val

    10、ues.Four years ago, I watched Senator John Kerry give a speech about keeping womans rights to abortion in one of the red states, in a roomfull of conservative voters who were probably strongly against such an idea. At the start of his speech, he made a very smart move by saying that he himself is al

    11、so a true Christian who believes abortion is not the right thing to do. Then he explained further that even though that is what he believes, there are also a lot of people in America who do not consider abortion a sinful(有罪的)thing; there are a number of Americans who are not Christians and do not sh

    12、are his religious principles. And since America is a democratic country, we have to respect those peoples values as well.I think Senator Kerry was impressive that day. By establishing common ground with the audience early, he was able to get off on the right foot. I dont know how many people in the

    13、audience he had successfully convinced, but at least he pulled off that extremely controversial speech with such poise and more importantly, without getting booed.3. Speak eloquently(elkwntli善辩地;富于表现力地)and express your ideas with conviction - Practice your persuasive speech ahead of time so that you

    14、 can perform it well. Moderately(适度地;中庸地;有节制地)fast speakers tend to be considered more intelligent and confident than slow speakers. If you sound hesitant or say uh and um too much, you will appear less competent.4. Use evidence - For amateur public speakers with no initial credibility,it is very he

    15、lpful to use examples, statistics, facts or testimonies to support their ideas. No matter what type of evidence you use in your speech, just remember these two things:First, use specific evidence. For example, if you use statistics, indicate the exact number. Saying Ten million Americans suffer from

    16、 obesity will make your point more effectively than just saying Millions of Americans suffer from obesity. It will make your listeners aware that you have a good firm grip of factual information. Second, always cite evidence from well-known, reliable and non-biased sources.5. Reason clearly and pers

    17、uasively- Even if you use a bunch of strong evidence, you still wont be able to persuade your audience unless they grasp your reasoning. Dont assume that supportive evidence is enough. Throwing a lengthy list of statistics and examples at your listeners without drawing a logical conclusion to your m

    18、ain idea wont do you any good.6. Appeal to emotions - Some people say that serious public speakers should avoid emotional appeal entirely and only stick to reason. I disagree with that. Humans are not like automatons or Mr. Spock in Star Trek. We think and feel at the same time. By adding intensity

    19、of feeling to your logical speech, you can be a much more compelling speaker. A rational persuasive speech that can change some peoples attitudes maynot arouse those same people enough to take action. In order to convince your listeners not only to agree with your ideas but also adopt them in real l

    20、ife, you must evoke their passion. Use words or phrases that tend to reinforce emotional power. It is hard to pinpoint what words can sentimentally influence people more than others. It depends mostly on what topic you are talking about and what kind of emotion you would like to arouse in the audien

    21、ce. However, try not to be too wordy or say something overly melodramatic. Your passionate language must suit your speech, otherwise it may strike the audience as ridiculous. Use vivid personal experience. By telling the audience about your captivating real life story that is relevant to the speech

    22、topic, you automatically let your emotional appeal grow. The video below is a great example of how a public speaker can use ones personal experience to ones own advantage. Unless you are a really competent actor, dont act. Speak with sinceritysinserti and your true emotion. Using emotional language

    23、and vivid experience can be pointless if you dont actually feel the emotion yourself.篇二:英语演讲及演讲技巧1.在有了好的心态后,演讲稿就成为了第二要点。首先你要明白,演讲稿不是普通的英文文章,它是一篇热情洋溢,激情四射的阐述你的观点的文章,它必须能够吸引听众的注意!一篇好的演讲稿应该能够很清楚的一开始就让听众知道你在说什么,做到这一点并不容易,因为有时太过于直接会让大家感到突如其来,应该有一定的缓冲。我看了很多外国名人的演讲后总结出以下几种形式: . 问候天气,然后转入正题。 . 寒暄。如:Good mor

    24、ning!Im very glad stand here and give you a talk. . 开门见山。如:Good morning!Today I stand here to talk about 有了好的开头,在演讲稿中,为了调动大家的激情,可以多运用排比句,在这点上美国的著名演讲家:Martin Luther King,Jr.可以称的上是专家。 2.演讲稿写好后,你应该背过它,这是最起码的要求!因为如果拿着稿子去演讲的话,听众大都会认为你准备不充分,一开始就无法被你的内容所吸引。同 时,这也会给别人一个信号:你的信心不充足。所以,背过它,背的滚瓜烂熟!这才能保证别人会被你吸引住

    25、。 3.背过了演讲稿,是处理它的时候了,什么地方该停顿,什么地方语气该加重,什么地方要快读,什么地方要慢读,都要细细斟酌!可以这么说,语气在很大的程度上决定你演讲的成功! 4.下来,该谈谈动作了。动作在演讲中也是很重要的。对着镜子,仔细想想,自己应该怎么加动作,在什么地方加合适。一般来说,在语气强的时候,手要上扬,不要太夸张,也不能太拘谨。在这方面,千万不敢急,要用心体会,多实践! 5.很多同学都有这样一个疑问,演讲的时候忘词怎么办。这确实是一个问题, 谁也无法保证自己在演讲的过程中很顺利。我认为,如果忘词了,千万不要怕,不要因此而慌张,沉着冷静,不要刻意去想原来的词,按照意思往下说,相信你一

    26、定会顺利继续的! 英文演讲中需要注意的问题: 首先,你是在用英语演讲,要牢记这一点,学会用英文思考! 其次,要注意发音,尤其是单词的发音。很多同学认为这没什么,只要发准就行了,其实不然。单词有一个音节的问题,这是我们常常忽略的,是几个音节就一定要发出几个音节,这很关键!如:beautiful 这个单词有三个音节,而很多同学只发出了两个,千万要注意! 演讲是演讲者面向观众阐述对某事物的观点、看法的过程。他指出publicspeaking和genernal speaking的区别在于内容、选择对象和目的。接着,赵阳讲述了如何准备演讲稿:即要选择范围,整理思路、搜索材料。他要求同学们要拿出演讲稿进行

    27、讨论,永远不要期待完美,永远不要期待观众懂得更多。接下来,他强调了演讲过程中要注意的几点问题:演讲稿的熟练程度、站立姿势、面部表情、发型衣着、声音和情感等。如何英语演讲及演讲技巧 1. 演讲前的准备 1 善用空间的演讲 所谓空间就是指进行演说的场所范围、演讲者所在之处以及与听众间的距离等等。演说者所在之处以位居听众注意力容易汇集的地方最为理想。例如开会的时候、主席多半位居会议桌的上方、因为该处正是最容易汇集出席者注意力的地方。反之,如果主席位居会议桌之正中央,则会议的进行情况会变如何呢?恐怕会使出席者注意力散漫了,且有会议冗长不休的感觉?因此,让自己位居听众注意力容易汇集之处,不但能够提升听众

    28、对于演讲的关注,甚至具有增强演说者信赖度权威感的效果。2 演讲应注意的几个问题21 演讲时的姿势演说时的姿势(posture)也会带给听众某种印象,例如堂堂正正的印象或者畏畏缩缩的印象。虽然个人的性格与平日的习惯对此影响颇巨,不过一般而言仍有方便演讲的姿势,即所谓“轻松的姿势”。要让身体放松,反过来说就是不要过度紧张。过度的紧张不但会表现出笨拙僵硬的姿势,而且对于舌头的动作也会造成不良的影响。诀窍之一是张开双脚与肩同宽,挺稳整个身躯。另一个诀窍是想办法扩散并减轻施加在身体上的紧张情绪。例如将一只手稍微插入口袋中,或者手触桌边、或者手握麦克风等等。22 演讲时的视线在大众面前说话,亦即表示必须忍

    29、受众目睽睽的注视。当然,并非每位听众都会对你报以善意的眼光。尽管如此,你还是不可以漠视听众的眼光,避开听众的视线来说话。尤其当你走到麦克风旁边站立在大众面前的那一瞬间,来自听众的视线有时甚至会让你觉得刺痛。克服这股视线压力的秘诀,就是一面进行演讲;一面从听众当中找寻对于自己投以善意而温柔眼光的人。并且无视于那些冷淡的眼光。此外,把自己的视线投向强烈“点头”以示首肯的人,对巩固信心来进行演说也具有效果。 回答人的补充XX-06-06 19:28 23演讲时的脸部表情演讲时的脸部表情无论好坏都会带给听众极其深刻的印象。紧张、疲劳、喜悦、焦虑、等情绪无不清楚地表露在脸上,这是很难藉由本人的意志来加以

    30、控制的。演讲的内容即使再精彩,如果表情总觉缺乏自信,老是畏畏缩缩,演讲就很容易变得欠缺说服力。控制脸部的方法,首先“不可垂头”。人一旦“垂头”就会予人“丧气”之感,而且若视线不能与听众接触,就难以吸引听众的注意。另一个方法是“缓慢说话”。说话速度一旦缓慢,情绪即可稳定,脸部表情也得以放松,再者,全身上下也能够为之泰然自若起来。24 有关服饰和发型服装也会带给观众各种印象。尤其是东方男性总是喜欢穿着灰色或者蓝色系列的服装,难免给人过于刻板无趣印象。轻松的场合不妨穿着稍微花俏一点的服装来参加。不过如果是正式的场合,一般来说仍以深色西服、男士无尾晚宴服、以及燕尾服为宜。其次,发型也可塑造出各种形象来

    31、。长发和光头各自蕴含其强烈的形象,而鬓角的长短也被认为是个人喜好的表征。站出来演讲之际,你的服装、究竟带给对方何种印象?希望各位好好地思量一番。25 声音和腔调声音和腔调乃是与生俱来的,不可能一朝一夕之间有所改善。不过音质与措词对于整个演说影响颇巨,这倒是事实。根据某项研究报告指出声音低沉的男性比声音高亢的男性,其信赖度较高。因为声音低沉会让人有种威严沉着的感觉。尽管如此,各位还是不可能马上就改变自己的声音。总之,重要的是让自己的声音清楚地传达给听众。即使是音质不好的人,如果能够禀持自己的主张与信念的话,依旧可以吸引听众的热切关注。说话的速度也是演讲的要素。为了营造沉着的气氛,说话稍微慢点是很

    32、重要。标准大致为5分钟三张左右的A4原稿,不过,此地要注意的是,倘若从头至尾一直以相同的速度来进行,听众会睡觉的。回答人的补充XX-06-06 19:283英文演讲和中文演讲的区别我们的社会政治情况与国外不太一样。美国人从小学开始就要竞选这个、竞选那个,比如俱乐部经理、学生会主席,跟政治竞选差不多,所以他们的讲演发达,在讲演培训方面也开展得比较好。在西方国家,特别是英语国家更加重视演讲。中国在这方面滞后了一点儿,但是现在讲演的风气开始兴盛,这很是令人喜悦。随着我们对外经贸、外交关系的拓展,学英语讲英语的形势更加喜人。 那么,英文演讲和中文演讲相比有哪些区别呢?实际上一样,关键在于了解演讲对象,减少冗余信息。中文演讲和英文演讲实际上是一样的,关键是看你演讲的对象。不管是用中文还是用英文演讲,首先你要对自己的听众要有一个很好的了解。在国


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