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    1、上海新世纪版届九年级上学期英语期末测试C卷上海新世纪版2020届九年级上学期英语期末测试C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 语法选择。 (共2题;共20分)1. (10分)完形填空 Improve your English through watching television programmes! If you have studied English for some time, you 1know which study method works best. You may work hard and be sure to get it. You have taken 2to lea

    2、rn English as a second language and you most likely 3English at home with books and maybe even tapes. Thats good! But the 4is a great way for English language learners, too. If you do it correctly, I think programmes can help you improve your English.The 5thing about TV programmes is that there are

    3、different kinds of shows and they are 6. This means you can get close to live English in many 7subjects. One day you can watch a TV programme about natural science, and the next day you may 8a show about the life of a teenager in New York. To be good at English, you need to be able to 9the language

    4、used in many situations. Set aside(保留)an hour a day to watch TV programmes in English. Choose a different type of 10each day. One day you watch and enjoy a comedy and the next day watch a show about doctors to study the expressions used in hospital. If you plan on using English in a certain field in

    5、 the future, watch shows that use that special language. (1)A . hardly B . probably C . slowly D . quickly (2)A . classes B . duty C . money D . energy (3)A . save B . create C . achieve D . practise (4)A . television B . habit C . tape D . class (5)A . fair B . terrible C . necessary D . ideal (6)A

    6、 . scary B . hard C . boring D . valuable (7)A . practical B . different C . personal D . common (8)A . offer B . realize C . see D . recommend (9)A . miss B . prove C . understand D . remind (10)A . programme B . cause C . skill D . conclusion 2. (10分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Its reported that

    7、 more and more students have problems with their minds now. Some students become worried because they have to study very 1. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates. A student of Grade 8 could not understand his teacher and was always doing 2in his lessons. H

    8、e became so worried about it that he 3to cut his finger with a knife.Another student was afraid of 4. She got very nervous 5she looked at the exam paper, and she could write nothing. A report says that 18% of Shanghai students have mental (心理的) problems. Their troubles include being worried and 6, h

    9、aving problems in learning and getting on with people. Many students who have problems wont ask for 7. Some think they will look stupid if they go to see a doctor. Others dont want to talk 8their secrets.A famous expert on students has the following 9:Talk to your parents and teachers often.Take par

    10、t in group activities and play sports.Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy 10unwell(不好).(1)A . hardly B . hard C . easily D . easy (2)A . badly B . worse C . well D . better (3)A . refused B . stopped C . forgot D . started (4)A . friends B . exams C . doctors D . books (5)A . why B . what C . whe

    11、re D . as soon as (6)A . unhappy B . lucky C . happy D . unlucky (7)A . success B . chance C . help D . dream (8)A . to B . with C . about D . in (9)A . suggestion B . advise C . advices D . suggestions (10)A . as B . or C . but D . so 二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)3. (8分)Soon computers and other machines will

    12、 be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The programme works because everyones eyes are different. So in the future you wont have to remember a number when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. Youll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.T

    13、he eye-recognition(识别)programme is already being tested in shops and banks in the USA, Britain, Spain, Italy and Turkey. Soon, this technology will take the place of all other ways of finding out who people are.However, scientists are working on other systems. Machines will soon be able to know you

    14、from the shape of your face or hand or even your smell! We already have machines that can tell who you are from your voice or the mark made by your finger.Eye-recognition is better than other kinds because your eyes dont change as you get older, or get dirty like hands or fingers. And even twins hav

    15、e different eyes, so the programme can be up to 94 correct, depending on how good the technology is. Some programmes may only be right 51 of the time. In Britain, it was found that 91 of people who had tried it said that they liked the idea of eye-recognition. In the future your computer will be loo

    16、king at you in the eye. So smile!(1)How does the eye-recognition programme work?A . You write your number.B . You show your ID card.C . You look at the machine.D . You say your name.(2)Why can the programme be up to 94 correct?A . Because eyes never change.B . Because hands or fingers can get dirty.

    17、C . Because people like the idea of the programme.D . Because the programme is widely used around the world.(3)Which of the following is true?A . The programme is being tested in Japan.B . Machines with other systems can also tell who you are.C . 91 of people like the idea of the programme.D . Compu

    18、ters can remember you by looking at your clothes.(4)What does this passage mainly talk about?A . Introduction to some kinds of programmesB . Introduction to the eye-recognition programme.C . The way how the eye-recognition programme works.D . The places where the eye-recognition programme is tested.

    19、4. (10分)阅读以下节选自学校国际文化周活动中的海报, 根据其内容回答下列各个小题。A(1)What time do western people usually have dinner?A . About midday.B . At 5: 00 in the afternoon.C . Around 7 p. m. or even later.D . Before 7: 00 in the afternoon.(2)Most food in the West is eaten with _. A . spoonsB . chopsticksC . fingersD . knives an

    20、d forks(3)What will a host probably say to a guest at the start of a meal? A . Can I help you?B . Eat slowly!C . Help yourself!D . Could you serve me?(4)When might people want to say, Im sorry, I cant eat this.? A . If theyve been given something they dont like.B . If they are full.C . If the hosts

    21、keep offering a lot of food to them.D . If they are not hungry.(5)Which of the following is helpful when youre in the West according to the poster? A . You can leave as soon as youve finished eating.B . If you dont know what to do, just watch the others and do as they do.C . You cant eat chicken leg

    22、s with your fingers.D . The fork is held in your right hand and the knife in your left.5. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。DI have been very lucky to make many trips to China. Though I have had some trouble with the language, I have never had a problem I couldnt solve. As a native English speaker(土生土长的说英语的人), I c

    23、an go almost everywhere in the world and find someone to communicate with. I never thought that someone who speaks only Chinese would have a lot of trouble in my country.Recently, the Li family that I had met in China moved to Canada. I met them at the airport. My wife and I made meals for them and

    24、showed them around where we live. Everything seemed to go smoothly for the first two days as we looked for a car for them, showed them the way to different stores and the nearest city, Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. Li had a two-year-old son and soon we became Nainai (grandmother) and Yeye (grandfather). We

    25、 had a good time but we didnt realize Mr. Li cant speak English.Luckily, Mrs. Li can speak very good English. Many people with Chinese background live near us. In fact, none of them speak Chinese. Mr. Li cant even buy a mobile phone without his wifes help. He cant talk to me, of course. By the third

    26、 day, he felt lonely and worried. And on the fourth day, we decided to take them to a large Chinese community.Now, we often visit them and they visit us too. Sometimes Mrs. Li would still like to live near us but Mr. Li cannot. I feel bad because he seems very nice and smart but I cant talk with him

    27、. It seems that neither of us will learn the others language because of our ages, maybe we will never have a friendly conversation. But we will think of each other as friends.(1)The writer doesnt have any trouble in traveling around the world possibly because _.A . hes very luckyB . he speaks very g

    28、ood EnglishC . hes good at speaking ChineseD . he is good at communicating with others(2)How did the two families feel on the first two days?A . Sad.B . Happy.C . Worried.D . Lonely.(3)Who cant speak English in the passage?A . Mr. Li.B . Mrs. Li.C . The writer.D . The writers wife.(4)Which of the fo

    29、llowing is NOT mentioned in the passage?A . How the Li family came to Canada.B . How old Mr. and Mrs. Lis son was.C . Why the Li family moved to Canada.D . Why the writer feels bad when he is with Mr. Li.(5)What can we inter(推断)from the passage?A . Mr. Li is not clever at all.B . The writer has never been to China before.C . Both the writer and Mr. King are quite young.D . The two families live a little far away from each other now.6. (8分) A survey by showed there were 16 million bloggers (写网络日志的人). Xu Jinglei was one of the first famous people that the website si


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