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    1、学年江西省赣州市寻乌中学高二上学期第二次段考英语试题Word版江西省赣州市寻乌中学2019-2020学年高二上学期第二次段考英语试卷(本卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man want to do?A. Fly a kite B. Go to the park C. Play on the Internet2

    2、. What will the girl buy this evening?A. Sunglasses B. A scarf C. Gloves3. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Take a taxi B. Walk to the hotel C. Ask someone else for help4. Who is probably the woman?A. A hotel clerk B. A police officer C. The mans wife5. What are the speakers mainly talking

    3、about?A. A birthday party B. New Years gifts C. The mans parents第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What is the party for? A. A birthday B. A graduation ceremony C. A wedding7.

    4、Where does the mans cousin 1ive now?A. In Dallas B. In Houston C. In New York听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Where does the running group meet?A. At the river side B. At the university C. At the park9. How far does the woman normally run?A. One mile B. Two miles C. Three miles听第8段材料,回答第l 0至12题。10. How does the ma

    5、n want his hair cut?A. All off the back B. All off the sides C. A little off the top11. What did the man complain about?A. The woman got shampoo in his eyesB. The woman cut his ear accidentlyC. The towel was too dirty12. Why cant the man complain directly to the manager?A. He is on vacation B. He is

    6、 out to lunch C. He is dealing with another customer听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Who is the woman?A. The boys aunt B. The boys mother C. The boys grandmother14. What did the woman enjoy doing when she was young?A. Playing with a cat B. Doing art projects C. Taking photographs15. What is the boy like?A. He i

    7、s shy B. He likes to paint C. He doesnt have many friends16. What does the woman imply about her husband?A. The boy looks just like him B. He held the boy before she did C. He would be pleased with the boy听第l0段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where will visitors go on the first day of the tour?A. Arches National Pa

    8、rk B. Temple Square C. Goblin Valley18. What do we know about Little Wild Horse Canyon?A. Its very narrow B. Its in northern Utah C. It was formed from all earthquake19. What is included in the tour?A. Entrance fees B. Three meals a day C. Transportation in Utah20. When can you make a reservation fo

    9、r the tour?ATwo weeks in advance B. One week in advance C. Four days in advance第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A, B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AYour creativity and ideas can help other teachers. Submit your art lesson plan or activity today. Dont forget to include additional resource doc

    10、uments or a photo.Wet Chalk Painting Grades: K -4thLesson Plan Objectives: Development of fine motor skills(协调性)and creatively expressing the childs ideas and thoughts by a new medium.Materials Needed : Colored chalk, water, drawing paper, sponge, and newspapers.Lesson Procedure: Dip the colored cha

    11、lk into water and draw on the paper. Another way is to put the drawing paper on newspapers, dampen it with a wet sponge, and then draw.Submitted by: JackSidewalk Drawing Grades: K -5thLesson Plan Objectives : Development of the creative process by doing artistic drawings in a new way and development

    12、 of fine and gross motor skills(全身协调性).Materials Needed : Sidewalk or outdoor chalk and lots of sidewalk.Lesson Procedure : Give the children the chalk and let them draw whatever they choose on the sidewalk. You may also consider using this in teaching some other lessons(i. e. science).Submitted by:

    13、 PeterRose 一Colored Lorgnette Grades: AnyMaterials Needed: Half an egg carton(包装盒),scissors, glue, colored paper, scotch tape(通明胶带),and a seven inch stick.Lesson Plan Objectives: Child will construct an object that allows them to view the world in a variety of colors and will learn why certain objec

    14、ts in their colored environment look the way they do when certain colors are mixed.Lesson Plan Procedure : Cut windows in the bumps of half an egg carton. Glue circles of colored cellophane over the windows with rubber cement. Tape on a stick for a holder.Submitted by: Jennifer21. Which art lesson p

    15、lan is presented by Jennifer?A. Wet Chalk Painting. B. Sidewalk Drawing.C. Rose - Colored Lorgnette. D. Rainbow Fan.22. What common material does Wet Chalk Painting and Sidewalk Drawing require?A. Scissors. B. Chalk. C. Stick. D. Sponge.23. Rose - Colored Lorgnette is aimed at .A. encouraging the ch

    16、ild to paint at will B. developing the childs motor skillsC. expressing the childs ideas and thoughts D. bettering the childs understanding of colorsBWith three million residents(居民), the Ajegunle district in Lagos, Nigeria is one of the countrys most densely populated slums(贫民区). Its residents stru

    17、ggle to obtain clean water and sanitation(卫生设备),resulting in rubbish that litters the streets. Access to education is also an issue for many families, and they are unable to afford the fees to send their children to school. But with the help of a new grassroots project, these problems are being sett

    18、led all at once. Known as the Recycle Pay project, plastic waste acts as money to allow parents to pay a portion of their kids school fees.The organizations, African Clean Up Initiative and WeCyclers, created the Recycle Pay project and partnered with the Morit International School in Ajegunle to ma

    19、ke it happen. Theyve made it easy for parents to take advantage of this project. They simply need to bring a bag of plastic waste to a fixed spot and have it weighed. The weight is then translated into a value of money and deducted (扣除) from the fees owed to the school. Its a positive outcome for ev

    20、eryonethe environment is a little bit cleaner and theres less financial hardship on the family.Parents are thrilled with the arrangement as it ensures that their children can continue their education. “I struggle to pay for school fees, sometimes I pay half the price and later pay the remaining bala

    21、nce,” explains parent Sherifat Okunowo to the BBC. “But with the introduction of this project, the plastic has made it easy for me to pay school fees.” The schools principal(校长) says, “It has really reduced the burden on parents,” he says. “We now collect fees fasterthe school wins, the children win

    22、, the parents win, everybody wins.”24.The living situation in this area is bad except_. A. it is hard to collect plastic rubbish B. it is hard to get a healthy environment C. it is difficult to have clean water D. it is difficult to have complete education25.What should parents do now to send their

    23、children to school? A. Sell the plastic rubbish to get money. B. Take a bag of plastic rubbish to a fixed place. C. Pay all the school fees by selling plastic waste. D. Ask their children to take a bag of waste to school.26.What advantage does the project give to the area? A. The locals can get clea

    24、n water. B. The environment can become tidy. C. People can earn some extra money. D. The school can get enough plastic.27.What can we infer from the principals words? A. The project is worth supporting. B. The students can hand in their fees on time. C. The school needs money to go on running. D. Th

    25、e school will win more matches in the future.C From an extremely rare “pale tiger” to all-white orca whales spotted in the Pacific Ocean, more and more albino(白化的) animals are being discovered around the world. In Wolong National Reserve in southwest China, a motion-activated(可活动的) camera recently s

    26、napped the first photo of an extraordinarily rare, all-white albino panda.The photo, taken in April 2019, shows the unusual bear wandering through the 680-acre bamboo forest at an altitude of 6,500 feet(2,000 meters). With its distinctive white fur, the giant panda looks like a polar bear who has go

    27、t lostbut its perfectly at home in the humid environment. As well as white fur and claws, the photo reveals it also has red eyes, indicating that it is an animal with albinisma rare genetic mutation(变异) that results in a loss of pigmentation(色素) of the skin, eyes, and hair. As the image is blurred,

    28、scientists could not determine the pandas sex, but they guess that its somewhere between one and two years old.A lack of protective pigment in people and animals with albinism can make them more sensitive to sunlight, resulting in potential eye damage and skin defects. However, since this particular

    29、 panda is sheltered by the bamboo forest , its condition is unlikely to affect its quality of life. Li Sheng, a specialist in bears says, “The panda looked strong and its steps were steady, a sign that the genetic mutation may not have quite affected its life.”Giant pandas are currently listed as en

    30、dangered, with less than 1,000 adults existing in the wild. This shows just how rare this white panda really is, and it could very well be the only one in the world. However, albinism is genetic condition, so we might see some more of these white forest bears in the future.28. Why does the author me

    31、ntion the pale tiger and white whales? A. To draw readers attention to the rare animals. B. To make readers interested in the mystery. C. To lead to the topicthe white panda. D. To get the conclusion in advance.29. The statements about the white panda are correct except_. A. it has red eyes B. it is a young panda C. it was lost in the forest D. it felt very easy in the forest30. What makes the white panda have normal quality of life? A. Less sunshine. B. Sudden genetic change. C. Wonderful eyesight and skin. D. Protection fro


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