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    1、中考英语语法叁语法叁一、1. After the earthquake, thousands of people were left _.A. no homeB. homelesslyC. homelessD. without home2. The big fire was so _ that it burned down the whole city.A. destroyingB. destroyedC. destroiedD. destructive3. Glad youve come back from Japan. Please tell us how long you _ there

    2、.A. have stayedB. had stayedC. stayedD. had been stayed4. The _ were carefully looked after in the field hospital.A. missingB. hurtedC. woundedD. wound5. The houses of the rich are generally larger than _ of the poor.A. thoseB. theseC. onesD. that6. I bought three toy cars yesterday, but my son does

    3、nt like _ of them.A. neitherB. anyC. eitherD. some7. I _ that there would be an English discussion on Saturday.A. toldB. saidC. was toldD. had told8. Bikes _ in 1880s and they _ traveling around.A. were invented used forB. were invented are used forC. was invented was used forD. invented are used fo

    4、r9. - Where is Mary? - She _ in the cinema an hour ago.A. sawB. was seenC. is seenD. sees10. The first broke _ after they had gone home.A. inB. outC. offD. down11. The old _ in our country.A. are taken good care ofB. are taken good care C. is taken good careD. is take good care of12. _ morning exerc

    5、ises _ good for us.A. Doing areB. Do areC. Doing is D. To do are13. Youd better post the letter now before _.A. you will forget itB. you forgetting itC. you forget itD. forgetting14. In the early 19th century, there were no _ in medical schools.A. women studentB. woman students C. woman studentD. wo

    6、man students15. What _ pity that you couldnt be there to receive _ prize!A. a aB. the aC. a theD. the the16. We havent got much _ for our picnic. Will you go and get some?A. apple B. tomatoC. breadD. biscuit17. Jack, Sue and I will _ go to Sams birthday party.A. both B. neitherC. allD. either18. - E

    7、xcuse me, sir. _ is it to the nearest hotel?- About 15 minutes walk along the road.A. How muchB. How soonC. How farD. How long19. Your mother likes formal dresses. They must be nice _ her.A. onB. inC. atD. for20. Jack left the classroom _ 5 p.m. Which of the following is wrong?A. atB. beforeC. until

    8、D. after二、1. The dog is still _ though it has been lying in the snow for several days.A. alive B. liveC. livingD. lively2. Boys and girls, _careful when you _ the busy street.A. be crossB. should be will crossC. must be are crossingD. be walk across3. We didnt go home _ the rain stopped, instead we

    9、stayed in the school, watching TV.A. after B. unlessC. whileD. until4. _ we are having these days! I hope something will be done to improve it.A. What heavy trafficB. How heavy the trafficC. What heavy trafficsD. How a heavy traffic5. When the clock _ twelve, we all went out of the classroom.A. hit

    10、B. beatC. knockedD. struck6. In 1850, One third of the USA _ covered by forests.A. wereB. has beenC. wasD. /7. When _ the PRC _?_ October 1, 1949.A. did found, OnB. was found, InC. was founded, OnD. is founded, In8. Everybody _ by the terrible news yesterday.A. shocked B. was shockedC. shocksD. had

    11、shocked9. My parents _ in Hong Kong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.A. liveB. livedC. were livingD. will live10. - Were you at home at 7 oclock last night?- Yes, I _ a shower at that time.A. took B. was takingC. am takingD. take11. I dont care _. I just care how you behave.A

    12、. what you sayB. what you speakC. what you talkD. what you tell12. He didnt tell me _.A. what had happened to Mr. BrownB. what had Mr. Brown happenedC. what Mr. Brown had happenedD. what Mr. Brown has happened13. Bob gave Jim something before leaving but I couldnt see what _.A. were theyB. they were

    13、C. was itD. it was14. The story _ in the ancient China.A. was taken placeB. was happenedC. took placeD. has been taken place15. No one but those two engineers _ everything about the plan.A. knowB. knowsC. dont knowD. have learnt16. You _ go and ask Meimei. She _ know the answer.A. must canB. must sa

    14、yC. need canD. can may17. For the time being, we still have a lot to do to prepare for the important exam. Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined part?A. in this wayB. Now and thenC. At presentD. In return18. Its a shame that you cant come to the party. “shame” means _.A. mistakeB. pityC.

    15、 surpriseD. wish19. - You dont look well, Jim. Youd better stay in bed.- _.A. With pleasureB. Thats very kind of youC. Not at allD. Im sorry to hear that20. - Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide- Of course. _, sir.A. Make yourself at homeB. Enjoy yourselfC. Help yourselfD.

    16、Take your time三、1. My English teacher has many books. I want to borrow _.A. that B. oneC. thisD. it2. _ of the students _ a different answer.A. Each givesB. Every givesC. Everyone givesD. Both gives3. _ worker was there and _ did his work.A. Each everyB. Each bothC. Every eachD. Every every4. I spen

    17、d _ more time on English than on Chinese. Which is wrong?A. muchB. manyC. a lotD. a little5. _ is true that we beat them in the game.A. This B. ThatC. ThereD. It6. - Did you do anything special over the weekend?- _.A. With pleasureB. ExactlyC. Not reallyD. Nothing7. _ my friend Jim, I have worked ou

    18、t this problem.A. BecauseB. SinceC. Thanks toD. Thanks for8. The greedy inn-keeper once made the poor heron _ twice a day.A. danceB. dancesC. dancedD. to dance9. Does anybody know _ tomorrow?A. how the weather will be likeB. how will the weather be likeC. what the weather will be likeD. what will th

    19、e weather be like10. A new book _ by that company next year.A. will publishB. will be publishedC. will be publishingD. will have been publish11. The house _ my parents.A. is belong toB. belong toC. belongs to D. is belonged to12. If there _ no water in the world, everything will be withered.A. will

    20、B. will beC. is D. are13. A mercury thermometer _ a glass tube with a bulb at one end.A. consists ofB. is consisted ofC. has consisted ofD. will be consisted of14. The mountain _ with snow and ice for the most of the year.A. is coveredB. coversC. coveringD. being covered15. - Have you been _ pen? I

    21、left it here this morning.- Is it _ black one? I think I saw it somewhere?A. a theB. the theC. the aD. a a16. A: Which person do you mean?B: _ with glasses on.A. EveryoneB. Each oneC. OneD. The one17. The children _ been given an apple _.A. have eachB. has eachC. have everyD. has every18. Ive read s

    22、everal books, but _ of them is funny.A. neitherB. eitherC. noneD. all19. They say you must let children learn and find the answers _ themselves.A. of B. inC. atD. for20. - How did you find your visit to the museum?- I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was _ than I expected.A. far more interestingB. even muc

    23、h interestingC. so more interestingD. a lot much interesting四、1. Its raining much _ now.A. heavyB. heavilierC. too heavyD. more heavily2. Its about _ by coach from Shanghai to Hangzhou.A. a three-hours journeyB. a three hour journeyC. three hours journeyD. a three- hours journey3. The turkey tastes

    24、_ the chicken.A. As better asB. the best toC. as well asD. much better than4. _ cartoon character Mickey Mouse is!A. What lovelyB. How lovelyC. What a lovelyD. How a lovely5. - Can you go swimming with us this afternoon?- Sorry, I cant. I _ take care of my little sister at home because my mother is

    25、ill.A. canB. mayC. wouldD. have to6. _the delay of the light, we had to wait at the airport for two hours.A. BecauseB. Due toC. Thanks to D. With the help of7. This magazine is very _ with young people, who like its content and style.A. familiarB. popularC. similarD. particular8. It is difficult for

    26、 us to learn a lesson in life _ weve actually had that lesson.A. until B. afterC. sinceD. when9. The supermarket near my home _ till 8:00 p.m.A. is open B. doesnt openC. opensD. is opened10. Its true that the living standard of the people _ in the last five years.A. has raisedB. is risingC. has been

    27、 raisedD. has been risen11. A woman with two children _ coming up to us. She is Marys sister.mary, along with her parents, _ gone to Paris.A. is has B. is haveC. are haveD. are has12. We can see steam rising from wet clothes if they are _ up near a fire.A. hangB. hungC. hangedD. hunged13. When I saw

    28、 David last day, he _ to music with earphones.A. listenedB. has listenedC. was listeningD. had listened14. The news that the manned-spaceship Shenzhou Six landed safely came as no surprise tome, for I _ it earlier.A. hear B. heardC. have heardD. had heard15. A notice was _ in order to remind the stu

    29、dents of the changed lecture time.A. sent up B. given upC. set upD. put up16. Although scientists have not found the _ virus in the birds, few people will dare to risk their lives to feed the birds this year.A. deadlyB. deadC. deathD. dying17. Please try this nice dish! It is created by my mother. Which


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