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    1、父亲节英文贺卡祝福语父亲节英文贺卡祝福语【 祝福语】 青丝变白发,那是岁月沧桑洒下的鲜花;直背弯如弓,那是时间老人积蓄的能量;嫩手变槁木,那是神农赐予不断收获的硕果;父亲节,祝愿父亲健康幸福!欢迎来到,本文是为您特别搜集的父亲节英文贺卡祝福语,欢迎鉴赏! 【篇一】父亲节英文贺卡祝福语 1、父亲节来了,向老爸道一声:辛苦了,祝您节日快乐! Fathers Day is coming. Say to Dad: Hard work, I wish you a happy holiday! 2、父亲节,一声祝福送给为家默默奉献的您,我亲爱的爸爸!节日快乐! Fathers Day, a blessin

    2、g to you silently dedicated to your home, my dear father! Happy holidays! 3、祝老爸永远没烦恼,天天都美好,父亲节快乐! Wish dad never worry, every day is beautiful, happy Fathers Day! 4、父亲,你就是我生命花园里最辛勤的园丁,给我暖暖的爱。 Father, you are the hardest gardener in my life garden, give me warm love. 5、亲爱的父亲,愿您永远健康,幸福永远! Dear father,

    3、 may you always be healthy and happy forever! 6、父亲节里,愿父亲健康开心,万事随心。 On Fathers Day, I wish my father health and happiness, everything is at his disposal. 7、祝福像轻风追寻你,把美丽心情带给你,父亲节祝一家快乐! Blessings like the breeze to pursue you, bring you a beautiful mood, Fathers Day wishes a happy family! 8、父亲节到了,我向你的父

    4、亲致敬!希望他健康长寿! Fathers Day is coming. I salute your father! I hope he will live a long and healthy life! 9、父亲节到了,我愿做父亲生命里的桥,歌和天空,给他无尽的爱。 Fathers Day is coming. I would like to be the bridge, song and sky in my fathers life, and give him endless love. _、人间万种情感,父爱最真最纯,父爱最最伟大! There are all kinds of emot

    5、ions in the world. Fathers love is the most true and pure, and fathers love is the greatest! _、父亲是一首温馨的歌谣,让生活总是快乐。父亲节到了,愿父亲节日快乐。 Father is a warm ballad, so that life is always happy. Fathers Day is here. Happy Fathers Day. _、您付出、祈盼,只为我们的成长。谢谢您爸爸,感谢为我做的一切。 You pay, hope, only for our growth. Thank y

    6、ou, Dad. Thank you for everything youve done for me. _、父亲节,真挚祝福父亲安康! On Fathers Day, I sincerely wish my father well-being! _、老爸,父亲节到了,我也好爱您,愿您节日快乐! Dad, Fathers Day is coming. I love you too. Wish you a happy holiday! _、爸爸,您总是关怀着我,鼓励着我,引导着我! Dad, you always care about me, encourage me, guide me! _、

    7、父亲节,祝您乐享天年,幸福走过夕阳年华。 On Fathers Day, I wish you a happy New Year and a happy sunset. _、父爱一直陪伴着我,无论我走到何方,父亲节到了,祝爸爸父亲节快乐! Fathers love has been accompanying me. No matter where I go, Fathers Day is coming. Happy Fathers Day to Dad! _、父亲,是你让我的成长变得格外美丽,今天是你的节日,愿你笑口常开。 Father, its you who made my growth

    8、more beautiful. Today is your festival. Wish you laugh a lot. _、父亲节,祝你的父亲和你健康长寿、快乐幸福! On Fathers Day, I wish your father and you health, longevity, happiness and happiness! _、父亲是那肥沃的土,滋养着我们永久的幸福。真诚祝您父亲节快乐。 Father is the fertile soil, nourishing our permanent happiness. I sincerely wish you a happy F

    9、athers Day. 【篇二】父亲节英文贺卡祝福语 1、父亲的爱一直给我一种山一般的依靠,给我一种时时刻刻的心安。 Fathers love has always given me a kind of mountain relied on, giving me a kind of constant peace of mind. 2、父亲的爱是我心底做事做人的源泉,世界上再也没有比亲人的爱更宝贵了。 Fathers love is the source of my heart to do things, and there is no more precious love in the wor

    10、ld than my loved ones. 3、父亲,您是被中棉,感谢您在寒冬时刻,给了我们温暖的怀抱。 Father, you are in China cotton, thank you for giving us warm embrace in the cold winter. 4、父爱是一把大伞,总在有雨的天里撑着。 Fathers love is a big umbrella. It always stays there in rainy days. 5、父亲的爱如伞,为你遮风挡雨;父亲的爱如雨,为你濯洗心灵;父亲的爱如路,伴你走完人生。 Fathers love is like

    11、an umbrella to shelter you from the wind and rain; Fathers love is like rain to wash your heart; Fathers love is like a road to accompany you through life. 6、操劳的您歇歇吧,让儿女们尽尽孝心,为您捶捶背,让您享享福! Work hard to take a rest, let the children do their best to beat you back and enjoy your life. 7、父爱是我人生旅途中的一盏明灯,

    12、在我迷路时,照亮我的行程。 Fathers love is a beacon in my life journey, illuminating my journey when I am lost. 8、您的付出、您的祈盼,只为我们的成长。谢谢您,爸爸。 Your effort and your hope are only for our growth. Thank you, Dad. 9、父爱是太阳,即使在乌云密布的日子里,我也能感受到他的光芒。 Fathers love is the sun. Even in cloudy days, I can feel his light. _、父爱是一

    13、片大海,让你的灵魂即使遇到电闪雷鸣依然仁厚宽容。 Fathers love is a sea, so that your soul will be generous and tolerant even if you encounter thunder and lightning. _、把无数的思念化做心中无限的祝福,默默地为你祈祷,祝你健康快乐! The countless thoughts of the infinite blessing, silently pray for you, I wish you health and happiness! _、父亲,感谢您在我们长大了,依然成为我

    14、们依靠的大山,永不倒塌。 Father, thank you for being a big mountain for us when we grow up, and never falling down. _、父亲,您是万重山,感谢你为我们撑起一片天,给了我们一个安身之所。 Father, you are mount Wan, thank you for supporting us for a day and giving us a place to live in. _、岁月的流逝能使皮肤逐日布满道道皱纹,我心目中的您,是永远年轻的父亲。 The passage of time can m

    15、ake the skin wrinkled day by day, in my mind you are forever young father. _、父亲的爱不会让人朝思暮想,寝食难安,但是他却深入骨髓,无处不在。 Fathers love does not make people yearn for sleep and sleep hard, but he is deep in bone marrow and everywhere. _、父爱撑起一片天,遮风挡雨挡风寒,孩儿有心来回报,无奈不能伴身边。 Paternal love supports a sky, blocks the wi

    16、nd and blocks the rain and blocks the wind and cold. The child has the heart to repay, but cannot accompany the side. _、父亲是自私的,他斤斤计较,父亲又是无私的,他把一切都给了儿女。 Father is selfish, he is calculating, his father is selfless, he gives everything to his children. _、父亲节,祝爸爸健康长寿,开心永远! Fathers day, I wish my father

    17、 health and longevity, happy forever! _、父亲,您是辽阔的大海,感谢您在我们年轻冲动犯错时,容纳我们所犯得得过错。 Father, you are a vast ocean. Thank you for accommodating our mistakes when we are young and impulsive. _、父亲,您是巍峨的高山,感谢您在我们肆无忌惮的时候,教给我们稳重踏实。 Father, you are a lofty mountain. Thank you for teaching us to be steady and stead

    18、y when we are unscrupulous. _、父亲,您是海中塔,感谢您指引我回家,给我一个温馨的家。 Father, you are tower in the sea. Thank you for directing me to go home and give me a warm home. _、父爱是一座山峰,让你的身心即使承受风霜雨雪也沉着坚定。 Fathers love is a mountain peak, so that your body and mind will be calm even if you suffer from wind, frost, rain

    19、and snow. 23、父亲,您是苍劲的青松,感谢您在风吹雨大时,为我们遮风挡雨,而苦了自己。 Father, you are a vigorous pine. Thank you for sheltering us from the wind and the rain when the wind blows and the rain blows. 24、愿我亲爱的父亲,在特别的日子里特别快乐! May my dear father be very happy on special days! 25、老爸,我很想你,虽然我不能陪您过父亲节,但我会为您祈福的,希望您健康平安。 Dad, I m

    20、iss you very much, although I can not accompany you on Fathers Day, but I will pray for you, I hope you are healthy and safe. 26、时光的砂轮,无情的打磨着您的脸颊,爸爸,希望您永保一颗年轻的心。 Time grinding wheel, ruthlessly grinding your cheeks, Dad, I hope you will always protect a young heart. 27、山,那样高大、稳重、深沉;而我,拥有一份属于我自己的父爱,如

    21、山一样的父爱。 Mountain, so big, steady, deep; and I have a father of my own, like a mountain of fathers love. 28、爸爸的教诲像一盏灯,为我照亮前程;爸爸的关怀像一把伞,为我遮蔽风雨。 My fathers teachings are like a lamp to light my future; my fathers care is like an umbrella to shelter me from the storm. 29、爸爸,您辛苦了,今儿个是父亲节,你好好歇歇吧,女儿在远方为您祝福

    22、。 Dad, you have worked hard. Today is fathers day. Hello, lets take a rest. Your daughter will bless you in the distance. 30、父爱是一道光辉,让你的心灵即使濒临与黑暗也能看见光明大道。 Fathers love is a brilliance, so that your heart can see the bright road even if it is on the verge of darkness. 31、有个地方,是永远可以安然甜睡的港湾,那就是父母的怀抱。 T

    23、here is a place where we can always sleep peacefully, that is the embrace of our parents. 32、虽然您不轻易表露,但我知道您一直都在关心着我。谢谢您,爸爸! Although you are not easy to show, I know you have always been concerned about me. Thank you, Dad! 33、父亲的爱像一轮太阳,照亮我的心田,让我永远阳光灿烂。 My fathers love, like a sun, brightens my heart

    24、 and makes me shine forever. 34、爸爸,是您让我拥有了更广阔的天空,是您让我看得更高、更远。 Dad, you let me have a wider sky, you let me see higher and farther. 35、老爸,你在我心中永远是最有型,最棒的父亲,祝您父亲节快乐! Dad, you are always the best and best father in my heart. I wish you a happy fathers Day! 【篇三】父亲节英文贺卡祝福语 1、父爱在弯弯脊梁里,一道一道坚韧不屈。 Fathers lo

    25、ve in the curved ridge, together with a tough and indomitable. 2、父爱至上,伟大光荣。 Fathers love is supreme, great glory. 3、父亲是座山,坚韧起脊梁,挺拔大地的芬芳。 Father is a mountain, tough ridge, upright fragrance of the earth. 4、父爱如同天广,愿父亲幸福安享。 Fathers love is as broad as the sky. May father enjoy happiness. 5、爸爸,是您让我拥有了更

    26、广阔的天空,是您让我看得更高、更远。节日快乐! Dad, its you who make me have a broader sky, and its you who make me see higher and farther. Happy holidays! 6、爸爸,你在我心中永远是的。节日快乐! Dad, you are always the best in my heart. Happy holidays! 7、爸爸,这是我们最珍贵的默契和回忆! Dad, this is our most precious tacit understanding and memory! 8、父爱是

    27、光,照亮前进道路。 Fathers love is light, illuminating the way forward. 9、爸爸,您是我心中的骄傲,我愿意生生世世做您的女儿,祝您父亲节快乐! Dad, you are the pride of my heart. I would like to be your daughter all my life. Happy Fathers Day to you! _、您为了家庭和儿女付出太多,无论如何我也难以报答您的深恩。 You have paid so much for your family and children that I cant

    28、 repay you for your kindness in any case. _、父爱如月,在夜里为我们点亮前进的道路。 Fathers love is like the moon, lighting the way forward for us at night. _、我最亲爱的爸爸,我爱你,父亲节快乐! My dearest father, I love you, Happy Fathers Day! _、父爱像夏日小雨,丝丝给予你我凉爽。 Fathers love is like summer rain, silk gives you and me cool. _、赏赏最美的霞光,

    29、愿父亲健健康康。 Enjoy the most beautiful sunshine. May father be healthy and healthy. _、不觉心酸珠泪淋,父爱伟大难报答。 Fathers love is great and hard to repay. _、父亲节了,说声爱您,像您爱着我! Fathers Day, say love you, like you love me! _、骨肉相连,血浓于水!老爸,我爱你! Bones and flesh are joined, blood is thicker than water! Dad, I love you! _、是

    30、您,给我一个家,让我不惧风雨来袭。 Its you, give me a home, let me not fear the storm. _、父兮生我,母兮鞠我,抚我,畜我,长我,育我,顾我,复我。 Father begets me, mother bows me, caresses me, livestock me, grows me, raises me, cares for me, restores me. _、爸爸,谢谢你,辛苦地将我培育。 Thank you, Dad, for your hard work in nurturing me. _、愿今天你是快乐的,今年你是顺利的,今生你是幸福的,祝父亲节好运! May today you be happy, this year you are smooth, this life


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