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    1、教学设计首页2教学设计首页课题Module3 Unit1Colours around us课型新授课时1授课时间年 月 日项目内容个性化设计教学目标1.通过图片图像手势等的帮助,能准确听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词around,yours,his,hers,theirs,grandma,grandpa和颜色类单词。2、通过感知、理解 A Lost Bird 对话内容,能听懂、会读和会演对话。3、通过交流、讨论和合作,体验、实践、探究名词性物主代词和名词所有格的用法,学会使用mine,yours,his ,hers, ours, theirs 名词性物主代词和名词所有格回答特殊疑问句 Whose?教

    2、学重难点1.能准确听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词around,yours,his,hers,theirs,grandma,grandpa2.能使用mine,yours,his ,hers, ours, theirs 名词性物主代词和名词所有格回答特殊疑问句 Whose?3. 能正确使用名词性物住代词和名词所有格。教学方法与手段1. 加大信息的输入和输出量.在备课时通过读教材,以每个Module为单位,结合学生现有的语言能力,对教材进行有机整合.2. 注重教学趣味性.通过游戏,歌曲等形式,变枯燥的机械操练为有趣的游戏活动.3. 培养学生的交际能力.在教学中处理好教师和学生的双边活动以及学生与学生之间

    3、的交际活动,形成一个”网”状交际活动.使用教材的构想Listen and say 这部分是学习用Whose is this ?提问,用名词性物主代词来回答. 学会使用mine,yours,his ,hers, ours, theirs 名词性物主代词和名词所有格回答特殊疑问句 Whose?板书设计教学设计续页教学流程个性化设计调控Pre-task preparation1 1 Greeting.2 Ask and answer.T: Our life is colourful. There are many colours in our life . Can you say out any c

    4、olours?S: Red,green,pinkT: You are clever. Now talk about your favourite colour in pairs .S1: What colour do you like best ?S2: I like best. Because While task procedure1. Listen and say a rhyme on Page 371Look at the picture and describe it .Eg. I can see the sun . It is yellow. It is shining . 2Li

    5、sten to the tape and point the rhyme. 3Listen again and read after the tape.Learn the new wordsalwaysand except 4Say the rhyme together . 5Say the rhyme in pairs. Eg. S1: What is blue ? S2: The sky is blue.6Look at the classroom and make a new rhyme.S1: What is black ?S2:The blackboard is black. Wha

    6、t is ?2. Play a game Whose pencil is this ?Take out your pencil case and put it on your desk . Close the eyes Ask and answer T: Whose pencil case is this ?Is this yours ? S1: No, it isnt mine. Mine is pink . 3. Listen and say 培养学生热爱生活的情感,激发他们用英语积极参与讨论的欲望.将学生们谈到的颜色写在黑板上,为新授作好准备。通过听的活动,感受儿歌的节奏与韵律。通过多种

    7、方式朗诵儿歌,学生乐于参与其中。通过编儿歌的活动,孩子们变被动为主动,积极性很高,效果很好。通过游戏的形式活跃课堂气氛,同时激发学生的兴趣,自然引出新的内容。教学设计续页教学流程个性化设计调控1Listen and answer the questionWhose bird is this ?2Look at the picture and answer the question: How many cages can you see ?What colour are they ?3 Listen and match4 Act it out Post-task activity1Act out

    8、 a dialogue A Lost Bird2Make a new dialogue: If you find a pen on the ground, but you dont know whose pen it is, you can make a dialogue with your good friends学生带着问题听磁带,捕获主要信息,学生听的能力得到提高。学会合作,培养合作精神。当堂达标设计选择合适的词填空: ( mine your hers his ours theirs )1. Is this your pen ? Yes, its _.2. This is Mr Lis

    9、ruler. Yes, its _.3. Is this Tom and Sams bird ? No, it isnt _.4. Is this my book ? Yes, its _作业设计练习Exercises of workbook1. Listen and read2. Write down the words and sentences预习 Preview the text of Page 35教学反思现象与归因分析改进措施教学设计首页课题Module3 Unit1Colours around us课型新授课时2授课时间年 月 日项目内容个性化设计教学目标1 复习用 Where

    10、is ? 询问地点,用介词短语应答。2. 复习be动词的过去式.3. 学会灵活使用be动词 is和 was。4. 在听懂、感知、理解对话内容的基础上,能小组表演出对话.教学重难点学会灵活使用be动词 is和 wasin the tree 和 on the tree的区别教学方法与手段1.加大信息的输入和输出量.在备课时通过读教材,以每个Module为单位,结合学生现有的语言能力,对教材进行有机整合.2.注重教学趣味性.通过游戏,歌曲等形式,变枯燥的机械操练为有趣的游戏活动.3.培养学生的交际能力.在教学中处理好教师和学生的双边活动以及学生与学生之间的交际活动,形成一个”网”状交际活动.使用教材

    11、的构想本课时主要学习be动词的过去式 was. Listen and act 这部分询问地点,复习用介词短语表示方位,复习 be动词 is和 was的转换。板书设计教学设计续页教学流程个性化设计调控Pre-task preparation1.Greeting.2.Read the dialogue in groups 3.Say some sentences like this: The blue bird is Grandpas cais .4.Review: in, under and on, using the students objects. While task procedure

    12、1. Say and act1 Look at the picture and describe it .2 T: There is a yellow bird . Whose bird ?S: Its Mrs Chens .3 Listen to the tape and answer the questionT:Where was her bird ?Where is her bird ?S:It was /is in the cage in the tree under the bench on the branch in the cage 4 Ask and answer in pai

    13、rs. S1:Where was her bird ?Where is her bird ?S2:It was in the cage It is in the tree 区别in the tree /on the tree 5Make a story.Mrs Chens bird This is Mrs Chens bird. It is yellow. It was in the cage . It flew and flew, then it was 6Listen to the tape, and then repeat7 Act it out in groups.复习常用介词,为新授

    14、做准备.。学生带着问题听磁带,捕获主要信息,学生听的能力得到提高。复习in, under and on等介词.通过对比,学会使用is 和 was。通过画图的方式区别,效果会好。学生的语言表达能力得到提高。学会合作,培养合作精神。教学设计续页教学流程个性化设计调控Post-task activity1Move small classroom objects from one place to another. Invite students to say where the objects were and where they are now.2A game: Look and remembe

    15、rPut some pictures on the board, ask the children to look at them quickly, and turn back the pictures. Ask: Where is the butterfly? 游戏激发学生兴趣,巩固,拓展内所学知识,会受到好的效果。当堂达标设计选择合适的词填空( was / is /am )1. He _ in the park at ten. Now he _ at home.2. I _ short. Now I _tall.3. Sam _ hungry. Now he _full.4. Where

    16、was my bird? It_ in the tree.5. Where _ my bird? It is on the brunch.作业设计练习1.Listen to the tape2.Make a new dialogue.预习 Preview the text of Page 36. 教学反思现象与归因分析改进措施教学设计首页课题Module3 Unit1Colours around us课型新授课时3授课时间年 月 日项目内容个性化设计教学目标1. 通过图片图像手势等的帮助,能准确听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词change ,leaf / leaves 和颜色类单词。2.学会用 is

    17、 /was 和 are /were来说明颜色的变化。The sun was yellow. Now it is red .The leaves were green . Now they are yellow .3.学习辅音/ l / , / r / 和复习辅音 / / , / / 。4.学会合作、增强互助精神。教学重难点学会用 is /was 和 are /were来说明颜色的变化。leaf 的复数是leaves,掌握这一变化规则。教学方法与手段1.加大信息的输入和输出量.在备课时通过读教材,以每个Module为单位,结合学生现有的语言能力,对教材进行有机整合.2.注重教学趣味性.通过游戏,

    18、歌曲等形式,变枯燥的机械操练为有趣的游戏活动.3.培养学生的交际能力.在教学中处理好教师和学生的双边活动以及学生与学生之间的交际活动,形成一个”网”状交际活动.使用教材的构想Look and read 这部分通过两组图用 is /was 和 are /were来说明颜色的变化。Read and say是让学生看图,根据提示完成句子,然后说一说。Listen and read 是学习辅音/ l / , / r / 和复习辅音 / / , / /板书设计教学设计续页教学流程个性化设计调控Pre-task preparation1.Greeting.2.Revision1Say the rhyme:

    19、 Colours2Talk about the butterflyIt is a butterfly.It was a butterfly, now it is an egg .It was an egg, now it is a caterpillars. While task procedure1 Draw two pictures to them. Green leaf yellow leaf The leave was green . Now it is yellow. Draw more leaves Leaf -leaves The leaves _ green .Now they

    20、 are yellow. T:In our life ,there are many changes2Look and read Colour changes Read the sentences . Ask and answer in pairs. S1: what colour was the sky ? S2: It was black.3Read and say Look at the pictures below . Practise in pairs . S1: The was/were S2: Now its /theyre Look at the pictures, then

    21、write sentences.Eg.The sun was yellow. Now it is orange.The apples were green. Now they are red. 4 Listen and read .5Listen and circle.新旧知识糅合起来使用,既复习了旧知识,又巩固了新知识。学生的语言表达能力得到提高。通过简笔画的形式,体现单复数的变化,学会使用is /was 和 are /were。学会合作,培养合作精神。教学设计续页教学流程个性化设计调控Post-task activityPractice: It was Now it is1.Mix the

    22、 paints.Take out a bottle of water, and put the red paint in it. Ask: “What colour is it?” Elicit: “It is red.” Then put the yellow paint in it, too. Ask “What colour is it? ” Elicit “It was red. Now it is orange.” Pair work2.Do an experienceEncourage students to choose one colour, then put another

    23、colour in it, mix them, try to say: It was . Now it is.3.Colour the pictures, and pracitse in pairs通过做实验的形式,增强颜色变化的趣味性,激发学生说的欲望,主动运用所学语言进行交流。当堂达标设计选择合适的词填空( was/were / is /am /are )1. The grapes _ green . Now they_ purple .2. The crocolide _ in the water .Now it _ on the land .3. The children _ in t

    24、he park .Now they _ at home .4. I _ thin . Now I _ fat .5. The socks _dirty . Now they _ clean . 作业设计练习1.Listen to the tape2.Write some sentences about colour changes.预习 Preview the words of Unit 2教学反思现象与归因分析改进措施教学设计首页课题Module3 Unit2Different noises课型新授课时1授课时间年 月 日项目内容个性化设计教学目标1、通过图片图像手势等的帮助,能准确听懂、会

    25、说、会读和拼写单词different ,noise,music2、通过感知、理解 Ben likes loud music 对话内容,能听懂、会读和会演对话。3、学会使用did引导的一般疑问句询问过去是否做某件事,并学会回答。Did you like ? Yes, I did . No, I didnt .4学会阅读故事,了解行为动词过去式有规则和不规则变化。5.学会合作、增强互助精神。教学重难点1.学会使用did引导的一般疑问句询问过去是否做某件事,并学会回答。2.了解行为动词过去式有规则和不规则变化。3.学会使用did引导的一般疑问句询问过去是否做某件事,并学会回答。教学方法与手段4. 加

    26、大信息的输入和输出量.在备课时通过读教材,以每个Module为单位,结合学生现有的语言能力,对教材进行有机整合.5. 注重教学趣味性.通过游戏,歌曲等形式,变枯燥的机械操练为有趣的游戏活动.6. 培养学生的交际能力.在教学中处理好教师和学生的双边活动以及学生与学生之间的交际活动,形成一个”网”状交际活动.使用教材的构想Listen and say 这部分学习由do的过去式did引起的一般疑问句及其回答。Do 引起的一般疑问句前面学过,但did是第一次出现,在询问过去是否做某件事。Read a story 这部分是用一个用过去时态叙述的故事,其中涉及的过去式,行为动词的规则和不规则变化。板书设计

    27、教学设计续页教学流程个性化设计调控Pre-task preparation1. Greeting2. Sing a song: I am a musical man3. Free talk:Ask and answer:What can you hear? I can hearDo you like the music? Yes, I do. While task procedureA:Listen and say1. T: Yesterday, I went to the park in the afternoon. There was a pop group. The music was

    28、very loud. It was super. I liked the loud music. Did you like the loud music?S1: Yes, I did . S2: No, I didnt .T: You didnt like the loud music. Did you like the quiet music?S: Yes, I did ./ I didnt .( Practise “Did you like? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt .)2. Introduce some words:light music(轻音乐)classic

    29、al music (古典音乐) popular music (流行音乐)3. Ask and answer in pairs.S1: Which music do you like ?S2: I like 4. Introduce the texta. Listen ,read and answer the questionsPicture 1 Where were Ben and kitty? Did kitty like the loud music? What did she like?Picture 2 Did Ben like the loud music? Was the loud music super?Picture 3 Where were Ben and kitty?Picture 4 What did kitty do?歌曲激发学生学习


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