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    1、Whats this?Its my English book.Dont run.Is this your book?Unit 3 is this your pencil?This isnt my pencil.Is this your pencil?No, it isnt.Oh, thats my pencil.Yes, it is. Its a pencil.a school a pena pencila crayona rulera rubbera pencil caseFun time Guess and sayIs this your ruler?Yes, it is.Is this

    2、my lunch box?Wheres your lunch box?Its over there.Ha! Ha!What is it?Cakes!This is for you, Bobby. Thank you.A rulerHello, Mr Fuller.Its on the floor,Just beside the door.Unit 4 Wheres the bird?Look! A bird!How beautiful!Wheres the bird?Its under your desk.Now its behind the door!Its not here. Where

    3、is it?Su Hai! Its on your chair!Its in my desk.Its in the tree now.a birda desk a chairin onunderbehindFun timeWheres my pencil? Guess.Is it in your pencil case?No, it isntIs it in your schoolbag?One, two, three.Wheres Bobby?Where is he?Ah, hes behind the door.Oh, its not Bobby.Wow! A cake! Here you

    4、 are, Bobby.Project 1 My puppyCIs this your puppy? Yes, it is.Hello. Im peter. This is my puppy, Joe.Run, Joe.Open the door, Joe.Dont eat the hot dog.Woof! Woof!Unit 5 How old are you ? How lovely!How old are you ?Im nine.This is for you.Thank you.How old are you?Im eight.Im two.Here you are.One two

    5、 three four five six seven eight nine tenPlay and sayThreeTwoFourYoure right.Seven.Eight.Mary, youre out.Cartoon time Happy Birthday, Sam! What a nice cake!How old are you, Sam?Make a wish, Sam.I want a robot.I want a toy car. I want.Sam! Its time for the cake!Dont be late againOne, two, three, four

    6、,Come in, please, and close the door.Five, six, seven, eight,Time for class, but youre late.Nine, ten, nine, ten,Dont be late for class again.Unit 6 What time is it?Stoury timeWake up, Taotao.What time is it, Mum?s seven oclock. Its time for breakfast.Good morning, Miss Li.Good morning, Liu Tao. Hur

    7、ry up! Its time for class.s six os time for dinner.What time is it,Mum?s nine os time for bed.OK, Mum.breakfastlunchdinnereleventwelveMake and sayWhat time is it, please?Its ten oclock.What time is it?Its eight oclock!Bobby! Thats my bag!Wheres my book? Wheres my pencil?What are these? Heres your ba

    8、g!Wake up, Eddie.t be late.Breakfast is ready,Milk and cake.Unit 7 On the formGrandpa, this is Mike.Nice to meet you, Mike. Welcome to mg farm.Nice to meet you.Theyre pigs.What are those?re cows.Are these apples?Yes. Theyre apples.Are those apples too?No. Theyre pears.a cowa piga chickena ducka pear

    9、an applean orangeSam, look at my pictures.Bobby,whats this ? Is it a duck?No. Its a chicken.Theyre pencils!Whos this? Is this you?NO! Thats my sister, Tina.Unit 8 Were twins!Mike, who is he?Hes my uncle.Who is she?Shes my aunt.Whos that girl, Su Hai?s Su Hai. Im Su Yang.Su Hai, who is she?s Su Yang.

    10、 Shes my sister.Were twins!uncleaunta mana womana boya girla babyThis is my grandpa, John.Is this your father?Yes. Hes my father, John.This is my cousin, John.Look, Bobby. This is.John!No. This is me! My name is Sam.s that little bog?His names Robbie Roy.Robbie Roy isnt very tall.His cat and mouse a

    11、re also small.Project 2A magic clockA Cut out the pictures on page 69. Make a magic clock.Draw twelve pictures.Cut out the doors.Stick the doors on.Cut out the hand.Pin on the hand.Pin on a rubber.B Play a game with your friend.Its twelve oclock.Open the door, please.Theyre oranges.单词unit 1 in class

    12、在上课起立Mr先生Sit down坐下please请开;打开the这个;这些;那个;那些door门sorry对不起come in进来关上;合上window窗,窗户blackboard黑板book书rubber橡皮dont=donotlisten to 听parrot鹦鹉unit 2in在里library图书馆shh嘘shout喊;叫run跑;跑步eat吃here这里,在这里talk说话;谈话sleep睡觉drink喝milk牛奶English英语your你的;你们的unit 3pencil铅笔isn=is notthats=that isschoolbag书包pen钢笔crayon蜡笔rule

    13、r尺pencil case铅笔盒;铅笔袋lunch box午餐盒where在哪里where=where isover there在那里unit 4bird鸟beautiful漂亮的;美丽的在下面desk课桌;书桌在后面在上面chair椅子tree树guess猜;猜测one一two二three三oh哦,啊wow哇,呀unit 5你多大?lovely可爱的nine九eight八four四five五six六seven七ten十right对的;正确的out出局What a nice cake!多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!Make a wish.许个愿吧。want想要;想s time for.是的时候了。unit

    14、 6what time is it?几点了?wake up醒;醒来mum妈妈oclock点钟早餐;早饭Hurry up快点class课;上课晚餐;晚饭bed床OK好;行午餐;午饭十一十二bag包;these这些here=here isunit 7form农场Welcome to.欢迎来到they他们;她们;它们theyre=they arepig猪thosecow奶牛apple苹果pear梨chicken鸡duck鸭子orange橙子picture图画;照片who谁who=who isunit 8we 我们we=we aretwin双胞胎之一姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母girl女孩man男人;人woman妇女;女人boy男孩baby婴儿;宝宝cousin堂兄(弟);堂姐(妹);表兄(弟);表姐(妹)name名字


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