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    1、中考专题连词中考专题:连词考点扫描连词分并列连词和从属连词两大类。并列连词用来连接并列关系的词或句;从属连词用来连接主从关系的句子,如宾语从句、状语从句。近几年中考英语试题在选择题和句型转换部分基本上各有12题考查并列连词或从属连词的用法。考点剖析一、并列连词1and“和”,“那么”常用结构:祈使句逗号and一般将来时Think it over,and you ll work it out可以改写成 If you think it over,you ll work it out.2or “或者”,“否则”常用结构:祈使句+逗号+or +一般将来时Hurry up, or you ll be l

    2、ate. 可以改写成 If you dont hurry up,youll be late.3but “但是”, 不能和though同时出现。4so “所以”,不能和because同时出现。5“不仅而且”有以下三种表达方式:(1) both A and B,作主语时后跟动词复数。(2) not only A but also B,作主语时动词单复数取决于B。(3) A as well as B,作主语时动词单复数取决于A。Both Tom and I are students.Not only Tom but also I am a studentTom as well as I is a s

    3、tudent6. neither A nor B “既不也不.”作主语时动词单复数取决于BNeither the teacher nor the students have been to Japan.7either A or B “要么要么”You may either stay at home or go to the cinema.(作主语时动词单复数用法同6)二、从属连词1that连接宾语从句,在从句中不作任何成分,无意义,可省略。I know (that) English is very important.2ifwhether “是否”, 连接宾语从句。He asked if /

    4、whether I could swim.3though although “虽然”,表示转折关系,连接让步状语从句,不能与but同时出现。He was still working though it was late.4Because “因为”,表示因果关系,连接原因状语从句。I stayed at home because it was raining.5if “如果”,unless “除非”, 表示假设,连接条件状语从句。I will go to the park if it doesnt rain也可以说 it doesnt rain,I will go to the park.You

    5、 wont make progress in English unless you work hard.也可以说 you dont work hard,you wont make progress in English.6when,while,as “当”, 连接时间状语从句。When I grow up, I want to be a teacher.My father was reading newspaper while my mother was cooking.When /As I was walking in the street, I met my English teacher

    6、.7before “之前”,after “之后”,连接时间状语从句。The film had already begun before they got to the cinema.I turned on TV after I got home.8as soon as “一就”,连接时间状语从句。I will write to you as soon as I get there.He went to bed as soon as he finished his homework.9until “直到”,连接时间状语从句。He worked until 12 o clock.I didnt l

    7、eave until he came.常考的句型转换:Tom knew the truth after Mary told him.= Tom didnt know the truth until Mary told him.10so形容词副词原级that,“如此以至于”,表示结果,连接结果状语从句。The situation was so funny that everybody laughed.常考的句型转换:so.that肯定句.enough to动词原形so.that否定句too.to动词原形He is so tall that he can reach the shelf. = He

    8、 is tall enough to reach the shelf.He is so young that he cant go to school. =He is too young to go to school.特别提示1改写成.enough to或too.to时要注意形容词副词的位置。2. so.that主从向主语不一致时,要在.enough totoo.to结构中加上for sb。The room is so big that we can live in it. = The room is big enough for us to live in.The boxes were s

    9、o heavy that he couldnt carry them. = The boxes were too heavy for him to carry.11so that.“为的是”,表示目的,连接目的状语从句。特别提示1. so that.从句中需包含情态动词。2. 主从句时态要一致。He got up early so that he could catch the bus.常考的句型转换:so that句子 in order toso as to动词原形He studies hard. He wants to get a good job.= He studies hard so

    10、 that he can get a good job.= He studies hard in order to/ so as to get a good job.12than “比”,连接比较状语从句。as.as “和样”(用于肯定句、一般疑问句)not as/ so.as “不如”(用于否定句)常考的句型转换:Tom sings better than Nick. = Nick doesnt sing as/so well as Tom.13. since(1)“自从”,连接时间状语从句。I have learned a lot since 1990/ two years ago/ 1

    11、left here.(2)“由于”as,连接原因状语从句。Since you know how important English is, you should learn it well.特别提示易混淆:I wonder if he will come. 此句中的if意为“是否”,引导宾语从句。Ill tell him about it if he comes. 此句中的if意为“如果”,引导条件状语从句。Do you know when he will leave for America?此句中的when意为“何时”,引导宾语从句。Ill see him of when he leaves

    12、 for America此句中的when意为“当”,引导时间状语从句。连词选择题练习( )1. _Tom was doing his homework, Jim was sleeping.A)While B)For C) Because D)Since答案:A解析:根据句意“当汤姆正在做作业的时候,吉姆正在睡觉。”( )2. That was a long_ difficult journey. A) so B) and C) so that D) or 答案:B解析:根据句意“那是一段又长又困难的旅途。”( )3. _ the parents_ their children wanted t

    13、o move to the country.A)Both, as well as B)Neither, nor now C)Either, and D)Both, also 答案:B解析:根据句意“父母和孩子都想要移居去这个国家。”( )4._he_ his brother likes fruits. They have unhealthy dietsA)Either, or B) Neither, nor C)But, also D)Both, and答案:B解析:根据句意“他和他的兄弟都不喜欢水果。他们有不健康的饮食。”( ) 5. Charlie took the job,_ he di

    14、d it very well.A) but B)yet C) and D)so that答案:C解析:根据句意“克莱尔接受了这个工作, 然后他也做的很好。”( )6. My grandmother is in her eighties, _ she is still in good health.A)or B)but C)so D)for答案:B解析:根据句意“我的八十多岁了,但她身体依然很好。”( )7. -whats wrong with me?-Its nothing serious. Just stay in bed for one or two days_ take it easy.

    15、 Youll soon get better.A)still B)and C)but also D)but答案:B解析:根据句意“放轻松, 只要卧床一两天,你就会很快好了”( )8. Work hard_ you will pass the exam.A)or B)so C)and D)that答案:C解析:根据句意“努力学习,你就会通过考试。”( )9. Jack is good at Chinese-he can_ speak Chinese _read and write it. A) not only, but also B)neither, nor C) not only, and

    16、still D) either, or答案:A解析:根据句意“杰克擅长中文, 他不仅会说还会读写。”( )10. I would like to go to the Science Museum,_ he wont.A) and B)for C)nor D)but答案:D解析:根据句意“我想去科技馆,但是他不想去。”( )11. Ive only got two tickets for the film._ Tim _ Jim can go with me.A)Both, and B)Either, or C) Not only, but also D)Neither, nor 答案:B解析:

    17、根据句意“我只得到了两张电影票, 要提姆要么吉姆跟我一起去。”( ) 12. Dont take off your coat, _ you will catch a cold.A) and B)since C)for D) or答案:D解析:根据句意“不要脱下你的外套,否则你会感冒的。”( )13. We must set out earlier than yesterday,_ we wont get there in time.A)or B) and C)though D)or答案:A解析:根据句意“我们必须比昨天早点出发, 否则我们无法按时到达。”( )14. _ you follow

    18、the rules, you can finish the exercises easily.A)While B)Until C) If D)Whether答案:C解析:根据句意“如果你守规则, 你就会完成练习简单点。”( )15. I had to walk home,_ the last bus had left.A)because B)and C)so D)but答案:A解析:根据句意“因为最后一班车走了,我不得不走回家。”( )16 The road was slippery(滑的), _ he drove as carefully_ he could.A)so, as B)as, a

    19、s C) and, when D)but, that答案:A解析:根据句意“这路是滑的,所以他尽可能地开车仔细点。”( )17. _ we fail again, we will have to give up the plan. A) Since B) Whether C)If D) Till答案:C解析:根据句意“如果我们再一次失败了,我们就不得不放弃这个计划。”( )18. I wont tell him about it by phone_ he comes here by himself.A)as soon as B)since C)unless D) though答案:C解析:根据

    20、句意“我不会在电话里告诉他,除非他亲自来。”( )19. I still listened to him_ I didnt agree with him.A)because B)though C)if D) when答案:B解析:根据句意“虽然我听了他的话但是我不认同他。”( )20. The teacher came into the classroom, _ the students stopped talking.A) but B) unless C) so D)or答案:C解析:根据句意“老师来到了教室,所以学生们停止了讲话。”21. We have been good friends

    21、 we met each other nine years agoA) since B) when C) after D) before【参考答案】A【思路解析】根据句意,自从我们九年前见过彼此以后就是好朋友了。22. he was tired, he stayed up late working on his papers.A) Now that B) Although C) But D) So【参考答案】B【思路解析】根据句意,虽然他已经很累了,他还是熬到很晚写他的论文。23. He went on doing his job he was asked to stopA) when B)

    22、since C) till D) after【参考答案】C【思路解析】他继续做着他的工作直到他被人要求帮忙。24. I wonder we can be the volunteers of the World Expo.A) that B) what C) whether D) where【参考答案】C【思路解析】我想知道我们是否能成为世博会的志愿者。25. She will have to do the cooking herself her mother comes back late.A) when B) if C) till D) since【参考答案】B【思路解析】如果她妈妈回来的晚

    23、,她就将不得不自己做晚饭了。26. I cant buy a new computer until next month, Ill still have to use the old one this month.A) so B) while C) since D) but【参考答案】A【思路解析】直到下个月我才能买新电脑,所以这个月我还是不得不用旧电脑。27. you he didnt tell me the truth.A) Whether, or B) Either, or C) If, or D) Both, but【参考答案】B【思路解析】你和他之中的任何一个都没有告诉我真相。28.

    24、 The washing machine is quite old, it works well.A) but B) so C) so that D) for【参考答案】A【思路解析】这个洗衣机已经很老了,但它还是运转得很好。29. You must work harder, you wont reach your goal (目标)。A) before B) or C) and D) so that【参考答案】B【思路解析】你必须更努力地工作,否则你不会实现你的目标。30. he is interested in music, he often goes to a concert.A) Al

    25、though B) Though C) When D) Since【参考答案】D【思路解析】因为他对音乐有兴趣,所以他经常去音乐会。31. I asked him computer was his.A) whose B) which C) whos D) where【参考答案】B【思路解析】我问他哪个电脑是他的。32. we got to the cinema, the film had begun already.A) After B) Since C) Until D) When【参考答案】D【思路解析】当我们到电影院的时候,电影已经开始了。33. Could you tell me yo

    26、u are going to the party this evening?A) that B) what C) which D) if【参考答案】D【思路解析】你能告诉我今晚你是否去聚会?34. The speech was dull we all got bored.A) as, as B) very, that C) so, as D) so, that【参考答案】D【思路解析】演讲太无趣了以至于我们都很无聊。35. Mother asked George he had stayed up so late last night.A) how B) why C) when D) what【

    27、参考答案】B【思路解析】妈妈问乔治为什么昨晚熬夜这么晚。36. Can you guess this black sweater costs?A) how often B) how many C) how much D) how long【参考答案】C【思路解析】你能猜一下这件黑毛衣花了多少钱吗?37. Can you tell me time it is?A) what B) how much C) how long D) which【参考答案】A【思路解析】那你告诉我现在几点了吗?38. Tom says the new cartoon will be shown on TV next w

    28、eek.A) whether B) that C) when D) where【参考答案】B【思路解析】that起连接作用,无实际意义39. Tell me of these coats you prefer.A) what B) that C) which one D) who【参考答案】C【思路解析】告诉我你最喜欢这些衣服中的哪一件。40. -Do you always go to work on foot? -Not always. it rains, I go to work by bus.A) When B) While C) As D) Whether【参考答案】A 【思路解析】下

    29、雨的时候,我乘车去上班。( ) 41. The thief was caught_he was leaving the store.A)as B)after C) before D)until【答案】A【解析】跟据句意是小偷离开的时候被捕,as有当.时的意思。( ) 42. We learned a little Japanese_we were in Japan.A)before B)since C)till D)when 【答案】D【解析】跟据句意应该是我们在日本的时候学习了一些日语,而不是之前或者之后。( ) 43. Dont speak_your mouth is full at di

    30、nner.A)though B)than C)while D)until【答案】C【解析】跟据句意不要在吃饭的时候说话,while表示一段时间的同时。( ) 44. The singer worked hard at his new album_it could sell well.A) so that B)as C) till D) if【答案】A【解析】跟据句意歌手努力工作所以专辑大卖,是因果关系,用so that。( )45. Its not _cold today_it was yesterday.A) such. as B)so as C)very as D)as than【答案】B【解析】跟据句意今天不像昨天那么冷,cold是形容词,要用so来修饰,不能用such。( )46. Mr Pan left school_all the students had gone home.A)until B)after C)while D)so【答


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