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    1、中考英语语法精讲系列之不可数名词困难普通用卷中考英语语法精讲系列之不可数名词(困难)副标题题号I总分得分一、单选题(本大题共100小题,共100.0分)1. It was lovely weather we decided to spend the day on the beach.A. such a ; that B. such ; that C. such ; as D. so ; that2. He used to travel far and _,so he got _ of geography.A. wide , a number of knowledgesB. wide , ple

    2、nty of knowledgeC. widely , a number of knowledgesD. widely , plenty of knowledge3. His pets _ made him feel unhappy.A. dead B. die C. death4. -Please give Gina some _ . - OK. ! I suggest she _ earlier.A. advice; sleeps B. advice; sleepC. advices; to sleep D. advices; sleeps5. I think it takes a lot

    3、 of to play to violin well. Thats true. makes perfect.A. practice, Practice B. practices, PractiseC. practice, Practising D. Practice, Practise6. Why not give Roy some_? He has failed in Chinese several times.A. suggestion B. warning C. notice D. advice7. - _ it is today! - Yes.Shall we go hiking? A

    4、. How fine weather B. What fine weatherC. What a fine weather D. How fine the weather8. _ nervous weather it is! Lets stay at home to watch TV.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a9. So what could you do if youfind your robot _? I could only return it to the factory.A. was too much trouble B. is much to

    5、o troubleC. too much trouble D. much too trouble10. What it is go to surfing in weather.A. a great fun, so fine B. great fun, so fine aC. a great fun, such a fine D. great fun, such fine11. It was _ that she couldnt finish it by herself.A. so difficult a work B. such a difficult workC. so difficult

    6、work D. such difficult work12. When the player finished running, he was out of _.A. breathe B. breathing C. breath D. the breath13. At last, the poor old man was _. But people didnt know the reason of this _.A. died,death B. dead,death C. death,die D. dead,death14. -Do you want some _?-Yes,thanks a

    7、lot.Can I find it in the fridge?A. eggs B. orange C. vegetables D. noodles15. We will graduate from our school.At the class meeting, our teachers _ us _ in the future.A. hope; success B. wish; successC. hope; to succeed D. wish; successful16. How big is your classroom? Well, the _ of the classroom i

    8、s 45 square meters.A. place B. area C. space D. field17. There are millions of websites on the Internet and there _ a lot of useful _ on the websites.A. are; informations. B. are; informationC. is; information D. is; informations18. Its _ valuable advice that everyone wants to have a try.A. so B. su

    9、ch C. so a D. such a19. He is a teacher with _.A. much experiences B. lots of experiencesC. much experience D. many experience20. She has lost all _ of direction in her life. She is now so puzzled(困惑的).A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense21. Tom is the_of his parents. He never gives up_A. pride

    10、,study B. proud,studyingC. pride,studyin D. pride,to study22. _ weather it is! Lets go climbingA. What a fine B. What fine C. How a fine D. How fine23. If you want to keep strong, you should often have_. Its good for your health.A. milk B. apple C. vegetables D. cakes24. - People traveling by car ca

    11、n use the express ways for free on National Day. - That sounds good but Im afraid there will be muchon the road.A. traffic B. cars C. people D. trucks25. There is no enough _ in the corner to put the round table.A. floor B. ground C. place D. room26. I think that you have made rapid _ in math.A. a p

    12、rogress B. progress C. progresses D. progressed27. When the player finished running, he was out of _.A. breathe B. breathing C. breath D. the breath28. When the player finished running, he was out of _.A. breathe B. breathing C. breath D. the breath29. Jennifer takes a lot of exercise every day and

    13、she is always full of _.A. knowledge B. energy C. change D. courage30. Mum, Im thirsty. Can I have some _?OK. Here you are.A. hamburger B. orange C. vegetables D. tomatoes31. -Do you know well have seven days off during this National Day? -_ exciting news!A. How an B. How C. What an D. What32. What

    14、_ Fu Yuanhui was in the 31st Olympics!We learn _ in that way.A. a fun ;a lot of B. funny; a lotC. funny; lots of D. fun; a lot33. When the player finished running, he was out of _.A. breathe B. breathing C. breath D. the breath34. When the player finished running, he was out of _.A. breathe B. breat

    15、hing C. breath D. the breath35. - _ bad weather it was yesterday! - Yes, I agree. It was too cold, isnt it?A. What a B. How a C. What D. How36. What _ it is to go hiking in _ weather!A. a great fun, such fine B. great fun, such a fineC. great fun, such fine D. a great fun, such a fine37. _ it is to

    16、fish by the lake in _ weather!A. How great fun; such a fine B. What great fun; such fineC. What a great fun; such fine D. How a great fun; so fine a38. -Is there any_for two chairs in the office? -Yes,I think soA. ground B. floor C. space D. area39. -_ it is climbing the hill! -Yes. I enjoy it so mu

    17、ch!A. What fun B. How fun C. How a fun D. What a fun40. Dear friends, please read every sentence carefully. Details decide _ or not .If you take it seriously you ll achieve your goals .A. success B. successful C. succeed D. successfully41. - _ good advice you have given to me ! Ill take it .A. How B

    18、. How a C. What D. What a42. -_good advice it is! Thank you so much . -Youre welcome.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a43. _! It makes my eyes feel uncomfortable.A. How strong light B. How a strong lightC. What a strong light D. What strong light44. Lei Fengs _ of devotion to others will be remembere

    19、d not only in China, but also in some other parts of the world.A. achievement B. service C. thought D. spirit45. Thanks for offering us such useful information. Its pleasure.A. a; the B. /; a C. an; a D. the; a46. What _ great difficulty my grandparents had _ a living in old days!A. /; made B. /; ma

    20、king C. a; to make D. a; making47. A:Our class will have a picnic next week B:Really?exciting news.A. What an B. How C. what48. What&; goodnews!OurschoolbandwillplayatHarbinSummerconcertinAugust.A. a B. the C. / D. some49. _he has provided for us!A. What a useful advice B. What useful suggestionsC.

    21、How useful advice D. How an useful suggestion50. Kitty will stay here for _ to help us.A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times51. Sam is a little weak in English and he has _ what the teacher says in class.A. difficult to understand B. difficult understandingC. difficulty to understand D

    22、. difficulty understanding52. What _ it is to climb Jingting Mountain in _ weather!A. a great fun, such fine B. great fun , such a fineC. great fun, such fine D. a great fun, such a fine53. You should exercise extreme _ when driving in fog.A. warn B. alert C. caution D. careful54. Fei Junlong and Ni

    23、e Haisheng are the _ of our nation.A. proud B. pride C. proudly55. A subway will be built in our hometown before 2017. _ ! Will it pass my house?A. What an excited news B. What exciting newsC. How exciting news D. How an excited news56. What useful _ they are! Yes. There is so much important _ in to

    24、days newspaper.A. news; information B. messages; informationC. messages; message D. information; message57. - People traveling by car can use the express ways for free on National Day. - That sounds good but Im afraid there will be muchon the road.A. traffic B. cars C. people D. trucks58. -There are

    25、 _on the table. Would you like to drink some? -No, thanks.A. many eggs B. two bottles of milkC. two bowls of rice 59. There plenty of information about the 2016 Olympic Games on the Intrnet. You can find some by yourself.A. was B. were C. is D. are60. -Would you like _,sir? - No,thanks. I have had m

    26、uch.A. some more oranges B. any more orangesC. some more orange D. any more orange61. It is reported that China has sent up Shenzhou XI into space successfully this year. _ exciting news! I think all the Chinese take pride in it.A. What an B. How C. What D. How an62. -How far is it from your home to

    27、 your school? -Its about five _. So I always go to school on foot.A. minutes B. minutesC. minutes walk D. minutes walk63. Annhad_andvegetablesfordinner()A. somerice B. afewriceC. alittlerices D. arice64. Mom added _but still wasnt_.A. salty, salt enough B. salty, enough saltC. salt, enough salty D.

    28、salt, salty enough65. The explorer insisted _ his advice was of _.A. on, value B. that, valueC. on, valuable D. that, valuable66. We are very happy with our _ in our studies.A. great progresses B. great progressC. many progress D. lot of progress67. Sun Yang_in the end, and his_made us excited.A. su

    29、cceeded; success B. success; successfulC. success; success D. successful; succeed68. _ it is to go cycling on such a fine day 1A. What a fun B. What fun C. How fun D. What funny69. speakin.A. Germen;German;Germany B. Germans;Germany;GermanC. Germans;German;Germany D. Germans;German;German70. I used to get much from my relatives and friends, but now I like to surf the internet.A. information B.


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